Chapter 113
However, Xiu Niang never imagined that even if she returned to her natal family, she would not be able to avoid disaster.

"They were afraid that I would divulge the secret, so they carefully designed a conspiracy, which made me poisoned by the water mang grass, and made the illusion that I fell into the water and drowned..."

After hearing what happened to Xiu Niang, Ying Ning couldn't help but sympathized and said: "So that's the case, what is that Yu Daxian colluding with Yasha trying to do?"

Xiu Niang sighed: "I didn't know before, but after I became a ghost, I learned some secret things.

That Yasha was ambitious to be the river god on this side, and Yu Daxian was one of his chosen minions.

They used the water mang grass to harm people, so that many souls could not be reincarnated, and they were finally controlled by that Yasha..."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu finally understood that Yasha's routine was exactly the same as that of the tree demon in Montenegro, using special means to control the souls of the dead, and constantly expanding his power.

Xiu Niang continued: "Right now, the best solution is to get rid of Yasha.

As long as the yaksha dies, the water mang grass in this area will also disappear, and the water mang ghost can also escape from the sea of ​​suffering and be reincarnated.

The concubine had heard many legends about Lord Hou before, saying that Lord Hou had great powers and had the ability to subdue demons.

Therefore, this concubine implores Lord Hou to take action and destroy that evil Yasha..."

Having said this, Xiu Niang knelt down in tears.

Kou Da also knelt down and begged, "I beg Lord Hou to save my little girl and save the people who are suffering."

In fact, even if the father and daughter don't ask for it, how can Zhou Yu allow a Yaksha to occupy his territory?
That thing is evil besides evil.

"Okay, you all get up. Since the Marquis already knows about the existence of this yaksha, naturally he won't allow it to do evil again."

Hearing this, the father and daughter expressed their expressions of excitement and thanked them repeatedly.

That night, Ying Ning went out of the town and searched along the river for a while according to Xiu Niang's description, and finally found Yasha's hiding place.

The entrance to this guy's lair is at the bottom of the water, quite hidden.

However, Ying Ning's current cultivation has improved a lot, and her perception of monsters and ghosts is far more acute than that of human monks.

Discovering the trace of Yasha, Ying Ning didn't act in a hurry, but turned back into a little white fox and sneaked into the cave.

After diving for a short distance, he left the water and entered a dark and damp cave.

This time, it was also Zhou Yu who deliberately let Ying Ning go to practice alone.

As the saying goes, Baofeng comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

Of course, Zhou Yu also predicted the outcome. If he was like a big monster, he would definitely not let Ying Ning take the risk alone.

It's just a Yaksha, and Ying Ning's strength should be able to handle it.

If you really can't figure it out, you can only lure the other party out, and then let him clean up in person.


After walking for a while, Ying Ning finally confirmed that Yasha was nearby, so she pretended to be cute and called a few times.

Sure enough, the Yaksha was fooled.

It thought it was a little fox spirit from the mountains who accidentally broke into its territory, and immediately followed the sound to find it.


Ying Ning turned around and ran away pretending to be frightened.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Yasha laughed a few times, and stopped in front of him with a flash.

"Little fox spirit, since you came here on your own initiative, you will stay and be my subordinate from now on."


Ying Ning shook her head feigning panic.

"That's up to you..." Yasha rushed forward, trying to catch the prey.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ying Ning suddenly changed back into a human form, and raised her hand to slap...


Although the yaksha reacted extremely quickly and rolled on the ground in a hurry, it was still a little injured, screamed strangely in pain, and released a scarlet light from its eyes.

That means it's completely pissed off.

"How dare you plot against me, you witch?"

Yasha let out a roar, raised his hand, and a steel fork appeared out of thin air in his hand, rushing towards Yingning like a whirlwind.

Ying Ning is not a novice, he has already accumulated some actual combat experience. Seeing Yasha rushing, he unhurriedly avoided the front, and then raised his hand to cast a spell.


A gust of frost swept away, immediately making the Yaksha's body stiff.

However, this guy is not a vegetarian either, he moved to avoid the frosty wind in an instant, then grasped the steel fork with both hands, and stabbed down in the air...

You come and I fight for a while.

The two sides seemed to be tied, but the Yasha became more and more frightened.Because it discovered that Ying Ning was not an ordinary demon, but could actually use human spells.

If the fight continues, I'm afraid it will suffer a big loss.

This guy is not stupid, he knows how to keep the green hills, and he is not afraid of the reason that there will be no firewood to burn. Thinking about it, he made a false move and quickly fled to the entrance of the cave while Ying Ning avoided it.

"Where to escape!"

Ying Ning shouted angrily and chased after him.

At this time, Zhou Yu stood guard outside.

Seeing that Yasha escaped, he didn't step forward to stop him or chase after him, instead he smiled gratifiedly.

Sure enough, the next moment Yingning chased him out...

"Don't worry sir, the little girl will definitely not let him escape."

Ying Ning yelled while chasing after him.

"Well, come on!"

Zhou Yu gave a word of encouragement, then turned around and left.

Now that Yasha's ending is doomed, it's time to deal with Yu Daxian and his group.

Not long after, Zhou Yu came to the edge of a forest, and a team of arresters came out quickly, stepping forward to salute one after another.

"Alright, Boss Jiang, you can start arresting people."

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

Jiang Butou responded, and then waved his hands and ordered: "Brothers, arrest people!"


All the arresters responded in unison.

Not long after, they came to the place where Yu Daxian lived.


Jiang Butou stepped forward and kicked the courtyard door open.

"Who is so bold, dare to..."

Gao Daqian ran out when he heard the movement, and roared aggressively, but when he saw the battle in front of him clearly, he swallowed back the words behind him.

Jiang Butou shouted loudly: "Arrest people, and those who dare to resist will be killed!"


Two of the detectives rushed towards Gao Daqian with their knives in hand.

Gao Daqian was so scared that his face was ashen, but he didn't dare to resist, he could only shout loudly: "Why are you arresting people? Why are you arresting people?"


At this moment, there was a loud noise, followed by smoke and dust, and broken tiles flying.

In mid-air, a figure rushed away.

It was Yu Daxian.

This guy saw that the situation was not good, so he wanted to run away with oil on the soles of his feet.


Unexpectedly, from nowhere, a small stone flew and hit the waist and eyes, the pain was so great that Daxian's eyes went black, and he fell down dizzy.

Fly high, fall hard.

What's more, when this guy fell, there was an irregular stone the size of a sea bowl just below it.

Falling down, hitting the vest, directly breaking the defense, almost the whole stone was embedded in the body...

As soon as Yu Daxian hanged up, several disciples became meat on the chopping board, each of them looked like ashes, and they obediently surrendered.

Not long after the others took her back to the county government, Ying Ning also returned triumphantly.

As Xiuniang said, when Yasha died, the ghosts and ghosts harmed by it were finally freed, including Xiuniang, who also got the chance to be reincarnated.

For this, Kou Da was very grateful, and paid a high price to ask someone to carefully craft a gold-plated plaque and came to the door to thank him in person.

As soon as the news spread, all the people applauded and rejoiced.

After all, with Zhou Yu sitting in the town of Guobei County, it was like a magic needle that stabilized the sea. Even thousand-year-old monsters like the Black Mountain Old Demon and the Dryad Grandma were wiped out, let alone some little demons and imps?

In a blink of an eye, March is here, and Vientiane is renewed.


The much-anticipated examination has officially begun.

The location of the examination is located in Chengnan Gongyuan. This time, more than 2000 candidates participated in the examination.

This common saying often goes: Jin Juren, silver Jinshi.

Literally, it seems that Juren is better than Jinshi, after all Jin Juren.

In fact, it is not understood in this way.

The rank and status of Juren is lower than that of Jinshi, and Juren belongs to the official reserve personnel of the imperial court. The vast majority of Juren can only be squires, not official officials of the imperial court.

It's different when you become a Jinshi. If there are no special circumstances, you can generally enter the court and become an official, starting with the seventh rank.

Even if you can't be an official in the past, you can basically wait in line for two or three years.

Jin Juren and Silver Jinshi actually refer to the difficulty of getting on the list.

The chance of winning is quite low, that's because there are too many scholars, so the competition is naturally great.Especially in places like Jiangnan where there are many scholars, the competition can be described as fierce.

But after winning the exam, it will be relatively easier to take the Jinshi exam.

After all, Juren is no better than a scholar, and talents are everywhere.

The number of people admitted in each session of the examination is not fixed, and there are two main factors affecting the number of admissions:

One is the current demand for officials in the imperial court, and the other is the number of candidates taking the exam that year, which is admitted according to a certain ratio.

Generally speaking, if there are no special circumstances, the admission ratio is about one-tenth.

Compared with the rural examination, this admission ratio is already very high.

The general examination is the highest standard examination in the imperial examination, and once it is on the list, it is called Gongshi.

The next step is to take the palace examination, but the palace examination is just a ranking, and has nothing to do with whether you are admitted or not.When the results of the palace examination are released, you will officially have the title of Jinshi.

The general examination is generally held in three sessions, each session lasting three days, for a total of nine days.

The content of the examination is the same as that of the township examination, generally it is the content of the Four Books, five-character and eight-rhyme poems, the Five Classics, and policy questions.

Of course, the focus is on policy.

In history, the reason why many great talents failed to win the number one scholar, or even the Jinshi, was because of their policy questions.

Policy questions are the basics of being an official. They test a person's views on the country, the court, major events in the world, people's livelihood, and even the military.

Simply put, it's politics.

This point has little to do with talent and learning.Therefore, people often use the number one scholar to describe a person's talent and learning, which is actually not appropriate.

For example, Li Bai, such as Su Shi, are not champions, but is there any champion in history who can match the limelight?
After the general examination, all candidates' papers must be sealed, leaving only one number, in case candidates bribe the examiner to cheat.

In addition to sealing it, in order to prevent the identity of the candidate from being recognized from the candidate's handwriting, it must be proofread by a special person, transcribed again, and finally handed over to a group of examiners for cross-marking.

In this way, the possibility of cheating can be prevented to the greatest extent.

As soon as the general examination was over, all the candidates began to let themselves go like birds out of the cage.

After all, the nine days of the exam were more uncomfortable than being in prison. At least in the prison, I could sleep stretched out, but the small cell was small and narrow, and I could only sleep curled up on a hard plank no more than five feet long. superior.

Coupled with the nine-day continuous exam, it is physically, mentally and mentally exhausting.

After finally finishing the exam, of course you have to relax. After all, they are all Juren, and the masters in the mouth of the people have a little money anyway, not like a scholar.

This time, a total of six students under Zhou Yu's school participated in the examination, namely: Sun Li, Fu Congzhi, Guo Shengquan, Wei Yishan, Liu Cong, and Chi Zijian.

After resting in the inn for two days, Sun Li invited Fu Congzhi and Wei Yishan, who are usually close friends, to go out for a drink and relax together.

When you come to the capital, of course you have to go to the world-famous Qinhuai River to see it.

Someone jokingly said that the water of Qinhuai River is filled with an intoxicating fragrance of rouge.

If you go to swim the Qinhuai River during the day, I am afraid you will be disappointed, because it is no different from ordinary rivers, it is just an ordinary river.

But at night, it's a different scene.

The lights are bright, cars are coming and going, large and small painting boats are either moored on the shore, or there are no boats in the river.

Here, gathered the most famous brothels and Goulan in the whole capital.

Eight of the top ten famous concubines in the capital are on the banks of the Qinhuai River.

As soon as he went out, Wei Yishan said with great interest: "I heard that the girls in the Jiaofang Division are all talented and beautiful, why don't we go and see them?"

The Jiaofang Division belongs to the imperial court and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites.

"Okay, then go to Jiaofang Division."

So, the three of them hired a carriage and went straight to Jiaofangsi.

The girls of the Jiaofang Division usually don't greet guests at the door, so the people who greet the guests at the door are some turtle slaves or old mothers.

"Three sons, hurry up, please come inside!"

Seeing the three of Sun Li get off the carriage, the old lady immediately came forward with wide-eyed smiles.

She can be regarded as having read a lot of people, and when she saw the clothes of Sun Li and the three of them, she guessed that they were candidates for the exam in Beijing.

According to her experience, most of these juren are generous and relatively easy to serve, unlike those princes and grandchildren in the capital who are more tempered than each other.

"Old lady, the three of us have just finished taking the exam, and we came to Jiaofang to see and see. You don't want to arrange some vulgar fans for us."

"Don't worry, the three gentlemen, the girls in this workshop are all selected from thousands of people. Moreover, most of the girls in the Jiaofang Division come from the families of officials. How can ordinary girls be comparable?"

"Ah That's good."

Not long after, the old lady brought the three of them to an elegant small courtyard, and then called the three girls over.

"Yuniang, Cuiyun, Baihe, come and meet the three young masters."

"Wanfu, son!"

The three girls came forward and saluted in unison.

Wei Yishan smiled with satisfaction: "Hehe, the girl from the Jiaofang Division really lives up to her reputation!"

The old lady was also very happy: "Then don't bother the three young masters. I wish the three young masters a good time. In the future, they will be named on the gold list and return to their hometowns."

Although she said this to every candidate, it still sounds very comfortable.

As soon as the old lady left, the three girls sat beside Sun Li and the other three, and offered a toast to each other.

Next, it is natural to recite poems and compose Fu to help the wine.

Sure enough, the old lady did not lie, the three girls were all quick-witted and able to deal with it freely, which surprised Sun Li and the three of them, and sincerely praised...

(End of this chapter)

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