Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 133 A Bizarre Story

Chapter 133 A Bizarre Story
Back then, Ajuan married a small town through a matchmaker.

Her husband, whose nickname is Shanzi, runs a small tavern with his mother in the small courtyard of their house, and sells breakfast at the gate of the courtyard in the morning.

Although the business is average, there is still no problem in making ends meet.

After A Juan got married, because of her pretty face, many men in the town came to drink when they had nothing to do.

However, the aunt knew that the men in the town had bad intentions, so she repeatedly told her son to take care of his wife and not to be abducted.

Ajuan also saw her mother-in-law's wariness, so she took the initiative to talk to her mother-in-law, saying that she is not the kind of woman who flirts with flowers, and that she will live with her husband in a down-to-earth manner no matter whether she is poor or rich.

After some exchanges between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the estrangement between each other was eliminated. The family was in harmony, and they took care of their own small business from dawn to dusk.

Shanzi also said that when he has collected enough money, he will renovate the yard and build two more shops near the street, which will definitely attract more customers.

After a few years like this, the family lived frugally and saved a sum of money, so they began to discuss the matter of renovating the house.

That night, after the last guest left, Ajuan was about to close the courtyard door.

Suddenly, a man stumbled in.

"Guest officer, I'm sorry, we have to close the door to rest." A Juan said apologetically.


The man just said a word, but suddenly fell to the ground.

A Juan was startled, and hurriedly yelled.

"What's going on?" Shan Zi hurried over.

Ajuan was so frightened that she threw herself into her husband's arms, and said in a trembling voice, "Shanzi, is that man... dead?"

Shanzi was also a little scared, so he comforted his wife a few words, and then bravely stepped forward to look, and saw that the other person was still breathing, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Shanzi pinched the person, and the person finally woke up and kept saying that he was hungry.

Shan Zi had no choice but to get some food.The man was very grateful and said that his name was Wu Er, he was a businessman, he was robbed on the road, and now he has no money and no dry food.

Shanzi was kind-hearted and took Wu Er in for one night, and gave Wu Er some money and food the next day.

Wu Er was very grateful and said that he would repay twice as much if he had the opportunity.

At noon that day, Ajuan's natal elder brother came to pick Ajuan up, saying that her mother was sick and missing her daughter, and asked Ajuan to go back to her natal home to see her.

Naturally, Ajuan couldn't refuse, so she cleaned up immediately and went back to her natal home with her elder brother.

Unexpectedly, this departure was a farewell to her husband forever.

In the middle of the night that day, a raging fire suddenly ignited in Shanzi's house.

The neighbor was woken up by the smoke, and when he came out to see it, he yelled in fright... Not long after, all the neighbors rushed to bring water to put out the fire.

It's a pity that it was discovered too late and the fire was too intense. After all, the fire burned the small courtyard into a pile of ashes.

The next morning, the local Li Zheng came to check the scene in person, and finally found the bodies of Shanzi and his wife in the ruins, which had been burned like charcoal.

"Hmph, that coquettish fox must have murdered her husband!"

"Yes, yes, murder, murderous, poisonous woman..."

"As soon as she left, the house caught fire. How could it be such a coincidence?"

Some women in the town began to chatter.

To put it bluntly, they are also jealous.

Ever since A Juan got married, many men in the town went to the tavern every day, which caused some women to feel dissatisfied, but they couldn't find an excuse.

This is all right, they have finally caught the handle, so why not add fuel to the fire?

So Li Zheng sent people to A Juan's natal home to investigate.

A Juan fainted on the spot when she heard such a tragic change in her family.Li Zheng sent people to investigate and confirmed that Ajuan arrived at her mother's house with her eldest brother, and has been by her mother's side ever since.

Going back to the town to investigate again, although some women said some rumors out of jealousy, most of the neighbors still trusted Ajuan, saying that she had always had a good relationship with Shanzi, and she was very harmonious with her mother-in-law. To do such an outrageous thing.

In the end, nothing happened.

Ajuan buried her husband and mother-in-law, and she didn't want her husband's homestead or the two acres of land beside the town, so as to save some people from gossiping.

Then he returned to his mother's house.

After returning to her natal home, Ajuan was not idle. She embroidered at home and collected the soles of her shoes, and handed them over to her sister-in-law to exchange for some money to supplement her family.

In this way, two years passed without knowing it.

One day, the sister-in-law found Ajuan and said, "Ajuan, a cousin of my natal family lives in the east of the town, and next door to her is a relative named Wu Dahai, who is a little older than you and runs a small business in the city.

Half a year ago, Wu Dahai's wife died of illness, and he always wanted to continue..."

Hearing this, Ajuan understood what sister-in-law meant, and couldn't help sighing: "Sister-in-law, although I live in my mother's house now, I don't eat and drink for nothing, right?"

"Look at what you said, sister-in-law doesn't mean that. She is thinking of you. After all, you are still young and have a long life. You are alone, and sister-in-law is worried for you."

"Sister-in-law, needless to say, I'm not in the mood to start a family now."

Upon hearing this, the sister-in-law was a little unhappy and turned around to leave.

Walking to the door, he murmured, "What are you pretending to be a fierce girl..."

Although the voice was low, Ajuan could still hear it clearly, and her tears couldn't stop streaming down.

This is the home where she grew up.

Now he is an outsider.

After thinking about it, Ajuan finally decided to leave her natal family to save herself from worrying, so she took the initiative to find her sister-in-law and said that if she was willing, she would agree to marry her.

The sister-in-law immediately smiled and ran to find her cousin.

In less than half a month, the marriage was concluded. Everyone was married twice, so they didn't pay much attention to etiquette. A simple wedding was held within a few days, and Ajuan married.

That night, Wu Dahai lifted Ajuan's red hijab with excitement...

The moment she saw Wu Dahai clearly, A Juan couldn't help being stunned, she always felt that she had seen him somewhere before.

However, she was embarrassed to ask.

That night, Wu Dahai was a little crazy, like a guy...

But A Juan couldn't lift her spirits, and always felt blocked in her heart.

However, she didn't think much of it.After all, she was forced to do nothing about this marriage, and she didn't want to see her sister-in-law's face at her natal home.

Soon after, the careful A Juan found something suspicious.

According to her understanding, Wu Dahai grew up eating a variety of meals, and there is no family background at all.

Later, he disappeared for several years, and after returning, he bought a yard and two shops, mainly dealing in some daily small groceries.

In terms of business, it can only be said to be average, but Ajuan found that Wu Dahai spent a lot of money, and he never left him for what he did outside.

In addition, A Juan also had a strange feeling. She always felt that Wu Dahai knew her long ago, so she made a special trip to ask someone to be a matchmaker.

However, although she had doubts in her heart, she didn't show it.

When they first got married, Wu Dahai clings to A Juan all day long, like a young boy.After a long time, the old illness relapsed, and he began to spend time and drink outside again, and even did not return all night.

A Juan didn't say much about this.For her, this is just a shelter for her, unlike when she was with Shanzi before, she felt like home.

That night, Wu Dahai didn't go home again.

Ajuan washed up and got ready to go to bed.

When picking off the earring, the earring accidentally fell to the ground and bounced somewhere.

Ajuan took the lamp and searched around the ground, and then used the chicken feather Zenzi to sweep out repeatedly at the foot of the bed, and finally swept out the earring.

However, Ajuan discovered a small silver hairpin at the same time.

Seeing this hairpin, A Juan couldn't help but widen her eyes, her chest heaved violently, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down...

This hairpin was custom-made, and it was a gift from Shanzi after she got married. There can never be another identical hairpin in the world.

She was too familiar with this hairpin to admit her mistake.

In the fire at the beginning, all her and Shanzi's savings, including her jewelry, were reduced to ashes.

So here comes the question, why did this hairpin appear in Wu Dahai's room?

"It was him!"

After confirming that this hairpin belonged to her, all the doubts that had been hovering in A Juan's heart were finally solved...

No wonder, she always felt that Wu Dahai looked familiar.

It turned out that this guy was Wu Er who hypothesized that he was ransacked that night.

At that time, it was dark and the lights were dim, so Ajuan couldn't see very clearly, and after many years, the impression of people who had only met once had long been blurred.

But now, with this hairpin as a guide, A Juan can be sure that it must be that Wu Er.

However, with this hairpin alone, Ajuan can't be sure of her identity.

Although she was very scared in her heart, in order to find out the truth and avenge her ex-husband and her mother-in-law, she decided to endure it first, and then slowly search for clues.

Next, as long as Wu Dahai was not at home, Ajuan would start searching everywhere...

Hard work paid off, and she finally found a secret room in an unused room.

A lot of scattered silver, copper coins, and jewelry were hidden in the secret compartment.

In this pile of jewellery, Ajuan once again found a piece of evidence: her dowry bracelet, and the word "Juan" was engraved on that bracelet.

At this point, Ajuan finally guessed the truth.

That fire was definitely not an accident.

Wu Dahai was aliased as Wu Er at the time, and if he was robbed, he probably stepped on the spot first, after finding out the situation at home, he came to seek wealth and murder, and finally set fire to make people think it was a fire.

Fortunately, she happened to go back to her mother's house that night and escaped the catastrophe.

But there is one thing that makes A Juan a little puzzled. If Wu Dahai is the murderer, if she knows she is not dead, she must either strike again or avoid it far away.

But why did you go to such lengths to marry her?

Didn't recognize her, or was there some other purpose?
But no matter what the purpose is, Ajuan can't stay in this house for a day. She is afraid that Wu Dahai will find out, and even she will be murdered by then, so won't this guy get away with it?
So, he restored the hidden compartment, took away his bracelet and the hairpin, and ran away from home overnight to stay in a small inn for one night.

Early the next morning, he went to the county government to beat drums and complain.

It was Zhao Dezhu who was in charge of the trial of the case.

At the beginning, Zhao Dezhu was fairly fair, perhaps because he was in a good mood at the time, and he didn't make things difficult for A Juan, so he immediately sent someone to escort Wu Dahai to the court.

In the end, Wu Dahai didn't admit it, but he took a bite back, saying that Ajuan was disobedient, collude with others, and stole his belongings...

Seeing that the opportunity was rare, Zhao Dezhu pretended to withdraw first, saying that he would send someone to investigate.

As a result, he got his wish, Wu Dahai gave a lot of money secretly, Zhao Dezhu took the money, naturally he wanted to favor Wu Dahai, kicked Ajuan out, and threatened her that if he dared to make false accusations, he would put her in prison.

When talking about this, Ajuan broke down in tears...

"Ah!" Mo Jingzhong sighed, and added to Zhou Yu: "About this case, the lower officials do know some inside information.

That day, the official went to Zhao Dezhu to submit an official document. Coincidentally, he was talking about Wu Dahai with his master in the room.

Although Wu Dahai did not confess in court, he confessed in front of the master.

According to the conversation between the two and the analysis of the subordinate officials, the truth of the year was almost clarified.

Back then, when Wu Dahai fled abroad, what he was actually doing was murder and robbery.

That day when Ajuan was shopping for vegetables, he bumped into him. The guy was so moved that he followed Ajuan quietly and found out where she lived.

Later, I quietly inquired about it, and learned that Shanzi's tavern had a good business, and he should have made a lot of money.

So a poisonous plan was born to benefit both people and wealth.

It's just that there are thousands of calculations, but Ajuan suddenly returned to her mother's house.

But he had already made a move, and he couldn't give up halfway. He frantically killed Shanzi's mother and son, searched for property, and finally burned the house and escaped.

Later, this guy returned to the county in order to avoid the limelight, bought a house and shop and became a home.

Later, Wu Dahai met a friend named Wang who lived in Zhaojia Town.

One day, Wu Dahai and his friend surnamed Wang went to Zhaojia Town. While wandering in the street, they met A Juan by accident.

However, A Juan was shopping at the time and did not see Wu Dahai.

But Wu Dahai recognized A Juan, and couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

So, this guy quietly inquired about it, and after learning about Ajuan's current situation, he was so wicked that he wanted to marry her back home..."

After listening to A Juan and Mo Jingzhong's explanation, Zhou Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "Unexpectedly, there will be such a tortuous experience. Then how did Lord Mo think of taking A Juan in?"

"At that time, I heard the conversation between Zhao Dezhu and the master, and I knew that Wu Dahai would not let Ajuan go since he had handed over the truth and spent a lot of money.

He also thought of Ajuan's kindness and righteousness, and really couldn't bear her to be murdered, so he sent a confidant to look for Ajuan, and told her to leave her hometown and not return to the county seat.

Unexpectedly, A Juan had a strong personality, seeing no hope of revenge, she chose to commit suicide in despair.

Fortunately, the confidant sent there in time and rescued Ajuan..."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, A Juan couldn't help covering her face and crying bitterly.

Mo Jingzhong sighed: "Speaking of it, I'm useless as an official. I know the truth of the matter, but I can't help you get justice."

At this time, Zhou Yu waved his hand: "Okay, this matter is not impossible. Just like Mr. Mo said, we might as well start with Zhao Dezhu and use this case to catch them off guard."

Upon hearing this, A Juan was overwhelmed with surprise, and bowed to Zhou Yu again and again to express her gratitude: "Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord!"

Although she didn't know Zhou Yu's identity, but seeing Mo Jingzhong being so respectful, how could his identity be low?
"Don't thank me in a hurry, Ajuan, first of all, you must ensure your own safety, and absolutely no one else can find your whereabouts.

In addition, Mr. Mo, if you spend more time, it is best to collect more evidence.

In addition, they secretly sent people to monitor Wu Dahai to monitor his every move.

This time, we must sing a good show and expose each other's secrets! "


(End of this chapter)

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