Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 135 I, Qin Shi Huang, make money

Chapter 135 I, Qin Shi Huang, make money
It's a pity that the King of Zhennan sent many people to search for Zhou Yu's whereabouts, but found nothing.

As a result, King Zhennan was a little surprised.

He has a lot of sources, confirming that Zhou Yu has not left Yunnan and Guizhou, so where is it?
In fact, Zhou Yu has been under the watchful eyes of Zhennan Wang and his subordinates, but they don't know it.

Both he and Bai Min'er changed their makeup, and pretended to be merchants collecting wild goods.

There are many such merchants in Yunnan and Guizhou, so they are not eye-catching.

The husband and wife traveled to many places and found out several secret strongholds for refining poisonous corpses. At the same time, they also found that Zhennan King's men were secretly hoarding a large amount of food, grass and weapons.

There is a saying in the military strategists, the soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

This fully shows that King Zhennan must make big moves in the near future.

Zhou Yu recorded all these situations one by one, and drew them into a map, marking the location, the amount of food and grass in the opponent's inventory, the number of weapons, and the deployment of soldiers and horses.

Then he copied another copy, secretly found Mo Jingzhong, and asked him to send his confidants to the capital to hand it over to Sun Li.

Currently, among the officials in Yunnan and Guizhou, he only believes in Mo Jingzhong.

It doesn't mean that Mo Jingzhong is very loyal to the imperial court, but at least he can understand the current situation and know which side to lean on.

Besides, Zhou Yu has his own way of knowing people, he believes that he will not misjudge people.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Mo Jingzhong fell on two sides and told Zhennan Wang secretly about this matter, so what?

Is it possible that King Zhennan can still trap him in Yunnan and Guizhou?

A few days later, Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu, Liao Zhen, Caiyi and others rushed to the agreed place one after another.

This time, Zhiqiu and Yan Chixia not only came by themselves, but also recruited several powerful helpers, all of whom are well-known righteous masters in the world.

As soon as we met, one of the swordsmen named Xiahoushan said: "Actually, the refining of poisonous corpses in Yunnan and Guizhou is not a secret in Jianghu.

The most famous of these is Tianyi Sect.

The common people thought that the imperial court had come forward to attack the arrogance of the Tianyi Sect, but in fact, it was the righteous way of the world who really contributed.

Originally, people in Jianghu generally disdain to deal with the imperial court, but there were many disciples of Tianyi Sect back then, and most of them were scattered in various villages.

In this way, it is inevitable that innocent people will be hurt once they fight.

Therefore, after discussing with the righteous people in Jianghu, they finally found the court to join forces, let the people in the court protect the people, and then let the people in the Jianghu take action to destroy the disciples of the Tianyi Sect..."

"So that's the case!" Zhou Yu nodded, "If you say it this way, King Zhennan is even more hateful."

"Exactly!" Caiyi said angrily, "It's fine if he doesn't attack the remnants of the Tianyi Sect, but he even colludes with it to harm the common people."

"No!" Zhou Yu shook his head: "He is not only defrauding the people, but also ambitious and whimsical.

Obviously, this guy wants to form an invulnerable army of poisonous corpses to conquer the world. "

Hearing this, Liao Zhen couldn't help but frowned, and said with a worried expression: "If this is the case, I'm afraid we can't stop it with our strength alone?"

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "Of course not. I have collected a lot of evidence and submitted it secretly to the capital.

In fact, the imperial court has always been wary of King Zhennan, and it is impossible to be unprepared.

Besides, once the emperor receives the evidence I handed over, he will definitely take action.

What we have to do now is not to fight against the army of King Zhennan, but to find a way to destroy those poisonous corpses.

As for the soldiers and horses of King Zhennan, they were naturally left to the soldiers and horses of the imperial court to deal with them. "

"Well, that's very good." Liao Zhen nodded in relief.

After chatting for a while, Yan Chixia said: "I know a little bit about Tianyi's teachings, they are good at deceiving people's hearts and fooling the people.

So, I don't think it's possible for them to be isolated from the world, even if they are hidden.

If we just destroy some secret strongholds, I'm afraid it won't be of much use and won't hurt their foundation.

Either don't move, or find their lair and wipe them out, so as to solve the problem fundamentally. "

Zhiqiu echoed, "Hero Yan is right, but the Tianyi sect is quite mysterious, and it may not be that easy to find their lair."

Yan Chixia smiled, and took out an animal tooth from her bosom: "Perhaps, we can get some useful information based on this."

"This... What's the secret of this animal tooth?" Zhiqiu asked with a puzzled face.

"This animal tooth has no secrets, nor is it a rare item, but it is a token..."

Yan Chixia began to talk about the origin of this animal tooth.

That was 20 years ago.

That day, Yan Chixia was walking in a remote mountain field, when suddenly several men in southern Xinjiang clothes surrounded him and blocked his way.

"Hey, have you ever seen a man and a woman wearing the same clothes as us?"

The other party asked in blunt Central Plains dialect.

Yan Chixia frowned and looked at each other, seeing that these guys didn't look like good people.

However, he shook his head and replied, "I haven't seen it."

"Really haven't seen it?"

The other party lowered his face and asked.

"If you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it. What's true or false?"

Yan Chixia replied impatiently, changed direction and prepared to move on.

Unexpectedly, the other party looked at each other and muttered something, presumably to silence or something.

In short, as soon as they finished muttering, several people suddenly drew their knives and slashed at Yan Chixia in unison.

However, they never expected to encounter a difficult problem.

At that time, Yan Chixia was still relatively young and very angry. When she saw that the other party wanted to kill him indiscriminately, how could she bear it?

First dodge the opponent's attack, then draw the sword backhand, and cut each opponent one by one in just a few strokes.

Then, stride away.

Not far away, I suddenly heard a slight movement in the forest.

So he stopped and said coldly: "What are you doing sneakily? Come out if you have the ability!"

He thought that the other party was still hiding, and wanted to find a chance to kill him.

"Hero, don't do it..."

A man's voice came from the forest.

When she heard that the other party's accent was similar to that of those people just now, Yan Chixia couldn't help but sneered: "What? You want to avenge them?"

"No, no, I... I am not with them, they are chasing me..."

While talking, a man came out slowly.

It seemed that he was seriously injured, his hands were covering his stomach, and his fingertips were still soaking in blood.

After walking a few steps, the man suddenly knelt down: "Hero, you are extremely skilled. I can risk my life, but please save my wife."

"Your wife?"

"Yes, she...she..."

The man's eyes turned red and he choked up.

Yan Chixia has been around the rivers and lakes for a long time, and she has the skills to know people. He can tell that the man in front of him is showing his true feelings, not pretending.

So, he agreed to see the injury first.

The man took Yan Chixia to find a seriously injured and unconscious woman deep in the woods.

After Yan Chixia's injury examination, this woman was stabbed more than a dozen times, and she was also poisoned. Let alone him, I am afraid that even the most famous genius doctor in the Jianghu would be powerless to recover.

However, he still tried his best to let the woman stay up for two days and bid farewell to her husband.

At the same time, he healed the wound of the man named Long Jin.

After burying his wife, Long Jin finally revealed his background. It turned out that he was the leader of the Five Poison Sect in Southern Xinjiang.

In Jianghu, the Five Poisons Sect is a relatively mysterious sect, neither righteous nor evil.

Lang Jin has not been the leader for a long time, less than three years.

He is an ambitious person, and he intends to do great things after becoming the leader.

As a result, his vigorous and resolute demeanor offended many people, and at the same time hurt the interests of many elders.

This led to a catastrophe.

On that day, the sect suddenly mutinied, and all of Long Jin's subordinates either betrayed or were killed.

Fortunately, a loyal subordinate desperately reminded Lang Jin to escape quickly, otherwise, he might not be able to escape.

Long Jin fled with his wife and several henchmen, but was hunted down all the way.

He fled all the way to the Central Plains without escaping his opponent, his subordinates were killed, and the husband and wife were also seriously injured...

"If it wasn't for the hero, I'm afraid they will find me in a short time. Lang Jin will never forget the hero's life-saving grace."

Yan Chixia waved her hand: "It's too serious, I just do it as I please."

"Hero Yan, please accept this animal tooth."

"Beast teeth?"

Yan Chixia was stunned.

"Yes, although it is just an ordinary wolf tooth, it has a very special meaning to me.

It was the first trophy I caught and killed in my life, when I was only ten years old...

The elders of the clan personally polished and carved it for me, and put it on my neck in front of the whole village..."

Hearing these words, Yan Chixia quickly waved her hands: "No, no, for you, this is an irreplaceable and precious thing, how can I accept it?"

"Accept it, Lord Yan. This is also a token of mine. If you need me to do anything in the future, even if you go up the mountain of swords or into the sea of ​​fire, you will die!"

In desperation, Yan Chixia could only accept it.

Originally, he didn't take it seriously. The two of them parted like this. I'm afraid they will never see each other again in this life. What can I ask Lang Ming for help?
Unexpectedly, things in the world are so wonderful.

This time, it might come in handy.

"Hero Yan, after 20 years, this Lang Ming... is still alive?"

"Well, he has changed his face a long time ago, except for me, no one can recognize him as Lang Ming back then.

On the surface, his identity is a small herbal doctor, but secretly, he is looking for an opportunity to kill those who betrayed him back then..."

Hearing these words, Zhou Yu couldn't help but nodded his head: "Since that's the case, I think he knows something about Tianyi Sect, so please ask Hero Yan to find out about him."

"Well, I'll go right now."

Yan Chixia responded, turned around and strode away.

Came back the next afternoon.

Judging by the look on his face, he must have gained something.

Sure enough, as soon as she sat down, Yan Chixia beamed and said, "It's worth making such a trip..."

After what Yan Chixia said, Zhou Yu and the others were a little surprised.

Originally, they thought that the old lair of Tianyi Sect should be very secretive, but they didn't know it was a village named Tengli.

When people who don't know go there, all they see are ordinary villagers. It is impossible to imagine that this is the current headquarter of Tianyi Sect...

Now that there is a goal, there is no need to delay, Zhou Yu and others set off immediately.

The location of Tengli Village is a bit remote, surrounded by mountains, and there is only one road to enter. From the perspective of military strategists, there is a kind of terrain advantage that one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

However, for Zhou Yu and the others, there was no need to take that small path to get in, and just climb over the mountain, so as to avoid alarming the other party.

When approaching the stockade, the party found many secret sentries.

"There is indeed a problem!"

After discovering the secret whistle, Zhiqiu couldn't help muttering.

Generally speaking, some larger villages in southern Xinjiang will send villagers to take turns on duty, and some villages even have to build fortifications.

These measures are mainly used to prevent the invasion of wild animals and robbers.

But the dark whistle here is obviously not an ordinary villager, so there must be a problem.

A group of people walked quietly along the hill, avoiding the secret sentinel, and successfully reached the top of the stockade.

Looking around, the size of the village is quite large. It seems that there are three or four hundred households.

At this time, there were densely packed villagers kneeling on the open space in the middle of the village, probably seven to eight hundred people, old and young.

In front of the villagers was a high platform, on which sat an old man about fifty years old in black robes.

There are four men standing beside him, and four women standing on the other side.

After a while, an old woman dressed as a wizard came onto the stage, writhing like a convulsion, and murmured something.

The people kneeling below kowtowed non-stop as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and at the same time chanted loudly.

"What the hell are they reading?"

Caiyi asked curiously.

A man who followed explained in a low voice: "The general idea is to thank God for eliminating disasters and blessings for them, and protecting them for safety."

"This is too absurd, to actually believe in an evil way of the world that mainly refines corpses." Liao Zhen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The main reason is that these mountain people have never seen the world, so they are easy to fool. I heard from Lang Ming that the Tianyi Sect preached to the outside world, saying that refining corpses is actually a way of longevity, which can keep the corpse from rot and the soul immortal.

However, quite a few people really believed him, he said that some people even took the initiative to ask Tianyi Sect to refine their corpses when they were still alive..."

"Ah? There are such stupid people?" Caiyi had an expression of disbelief.

But these words, Zhou Yuxin.

Not to mention that the present is an ancient background, even if his previous life has entered the era of technology, similar incidents still often occur.

For example, the widely circulated "I, Qin Shihuang, pay money" seems to be a joke, but it is a joke based on real events.

Someone once said that he was the reincarnation of Qin Shihuang, and now he needs to recruit soldiers to open treasures and rebuild the empire.

Such a clumsy lie was actually believed, and a lot of money was cheated.

Some people also said that he was the illegitimate son of XXX, and that he could help people enter the XXX department, and some people believed it.

There is one more absurd thing.

Zhou Yu remembered reading a report saying that someone in a certain mountainous area claimed to be the real dragon emperor.

As a result, the local people really believed it.

This guy put on the dragon robe, sat on the dragon chair, ascended the throne, and was canonized as a "civil and military official".

Of course, his purpose is not limited to this.

After that, the harem began to be widely recruited. It is said that more than 100 concubines were recruited, many of whom were married...

It's ridiculous that those men still feel that their faces are particularly bright when their own daughter-in-law has been selected as a concubine.

If it is said that these villagers are uneducated and ignorant enough, there are also many educated people in the metropolis, and even some professor-level people will be stupid and fall for some clumsy tricks.

To put it bluntly, this is human nature.

Knowing that it is impossible, but always like to take a gamble with a sense of luck, and don't turn back if you don't hit the south wall.

Even if you hit the south wall, you have to hit it again.

If modern people are like this, how can we blame these poor mountain people with poor knowledge in the ancient background?

(End of this chapter)

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