Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 139 Zhang Bold and Adventure

Chapter 139 Zhang Bold and Adventure

The academy was almost busy, and Zhou Yu started to prepare for the compilation of the literature ceremony.

In fact, this matter has been in preparation for a long time, but it was just a plan before, and some preliminary work was done, such as collecting various ancient books and the like.

Now that the academy is on the right track and has accepted hundreds of students, it's time to put it into action.

Therefore, Zhou Yu summoned more than a dozen people including Ning Caichen, Meng Longtan, Ge Dongming, Ying Ning, Yan Rui, Li Qingwan, etc. to discuss this matter.

Ge Dongming has been doing this for a long time, and spent more than half a year in Gusu Mansion, collecting a lot of ancient books scattered among the people.

On the other side of the capital, Zhou Yu also arranged for Sun Li and others to be responsible for the collection.

It is best to have the original, but if the other party is reluctant to part with the original, then try to copy a set.

As for Bai Min'er... Needless to say, how could she stand by and watch what her husband was about to do?

It's just that she doesn't show up publicly, but just assists her husband secretly.For example, helping to collect some scattered Taoist classics or something.

After hearing what Zhou Yu said, Li Qingwan was pleasantly surprised.

If someone else said they were going to do this, she would never believe it could be done. After all, she knew very well that it would take a lot of manpower, material resources, and time to do it.

Ordinary people can't do it at all.

But Zhou Yu was different. He had unique conditions, and the hundreds of students in the academy were ready candidates.

These students can help collect books, help compile, help copy.

Moreover, the students are mobile, one group will come after another, according to the size of the academy, even if it recruits two or three thousand students, it can accommodate them.

After all, Li Qingwan is a famous talented woman, so her vision is naturally higher than most people's.

She knows very well that once this set of documents is compiled, it will be immortalized forever, and it is a great honor for her to participate in it.

Therefore, she was a little excited and thankful that she had made a wise choice and came to Wendao Academy.

"Sir, if you really want to do this, some sisters in my concubine may also be able to help."

Outside, she called Zhou Yu the Marquis, but in the academy, everyone called him Mr.

"Oh? Are they in Gusu Mansion?"

"Yes, they are all rich families, and they can ask the servants to help collect some ancient books in the countryside, and they can also help to find out...

Moreover, their literary talents are not bad, and they can identify which books are really useful. "

Hearing this, Zhou Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Well, that's very good. You write to them. As long as it is a really useful ancient book, you must find a way to buy it. In short, they will not suffer."

"Don't worry, sir, they don't care about money, what they care about is being able to do something meaningful."

This is indeed Li Qingwan's sincere words.

For a talented woman like her, money is a vulgar thing... Of course, she is not short of money.

After her husband passed away, she returned to her natal family. A wealthy businessman in Gusu Mansion wanted to take her as a concubine, and offered to hire her with ten thousand gold.

What is the concept of Wanjin?That's 10 taels of silver, enough to become a rich man.

In the end, Li Qingwan drove the matchmaker out without showing any sympathy.

Naturally, she didn't come to the academy to be a female teacher to earn a little salary. As she said before, she wanted to do something that she thought was meaningful.

Including Yan Rui, too.

She is now a free agent. With her talent and appearance, most of the rich are willing to spend a lot of money for her.

But it is impossible for her to leave, she is not a woman who has forgotten her roots, not to mention, she is living happily now.

In the Zhou Mansion, there is no intrigue or intrigue, just like a piece of pure land in a troubled world.

Zhou Yu has always been very nice to his servants, never beating or scolding.

However, if anyone dares to do things secretly, such as forming a small circle, excluding others, making small reports, gossiping, etc., such people will be swept out of the house.

Therefore, the servants who can stay in the Zhou Mansion are all in harmony, like a family.

Especially the earliest batch of maids such as Qiuxiang and Azhu played an active leading role.

Of course, their treatment is also different, and they have become the management class.

Zhang Bold is also in the early stage, after all, Zhou Yu had just traveled to this world and was lying in a coffin.

Everyone else ran away in fright, only Zhang Bold boldly stepped forward and asked, "Master, is that you?"

Of course, another reason is that he is loyal enough and has never been crooked.

Zhou Yu is not short of money now, nor is he rich and unkind like some businessmen, and he is still very generous to some loyal servants.

Today, Zhang Bold hardly needs to do chores in the house, as long as Zhou Yu has no special orders, he is free.

Of course, he also realized that he didn't rely on Lord Hou's favor to eat, drink and have fun. He knew how to find something to do.

For example, during this period of time, when I saw that everyone was busy looking for some ancient books, I had a thought and decided to go to the countryside to help find books.

Although he can't read a few words, this does not hinder his enthusiasm. He mainly asks around to see which houses have old books, and then finds the scholars in the academy to identify and appraise them.

Not to mention, after wandering around for a few days, I actually found two miscellaneous books.

Although the value is not great, it is more or less a reference value.

As a result, Zhang Bold became even more motivated, and went out early every morning to travel around the village.

At noon that day, Zhang Boldly was a little tired from walking, so he went to a tree to take a rest and drink some water.

Not long after, a strange movement was faintly heard in the forest.

For other people, they generally dare not look at it lightly, what if there are some wild beasts?

But Zhang Bold is different, he has always been bold, why not dare?

So, he tiptoed into the forest.

As a result, after walking not far, they found an indescribable scene.


Not only did Zhang Bold not hide, but he coughed lightly.

According to his thinking, what kind of good men and women could play in such a remote woods?
Sure enough, when he coughed, the man was startled, and quickly got up, not daring to look back, and ran away in a hurry while tying his clothes.

The woman didn't run away, and slowly straightened her clothes and hair in a calm manner.

From the looks of it, he is about 30 years old, with fair skin and a delicate appearance. Zhang Bold looks like his heart is beating wildly.

He knew that this woman was definitely not an ordinary person.

However, he doesn't care about this.He has been single for a long time, and the long night is too difficult.

All of a sudden, the blood surged up, and the mysterious messenger stepped forward and asked, "Why don't you run?"

The woman smiled sweetly: "Why should I run? You are not a robber."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll tell people what happened just now?"

"Do you know me?"

"do not know……"

"Hehe, how can I spread the word if I don't know you? You are so funny."

Seeing the woman smiling like a flower and not showing any signs of anger, Zhang Bold was even more courageous, and simply sat beside her and pretended, "You have dirt on your body, I'll pat it for you..."

It is said to be filming, but it is actually taking advantage of the opportunity.

After a while, the woman couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Bold in embarrassment: "You friend, you can do whatever you want..."

Where did Zhang Boldly hear this sentence?
After a cup of tea...

Zhang Bold put his arms around the woman reluctantly and asked, "What's your name?"

The woman smiled: "The spring breeze once, and each went his own way, why do you need to ask more questions? Do you want me to leave my name and set up a chastity memorial archway?"

"That's not what it means...By the way, are you married? Who was that man before?"

The woman replied: "The man died a long time ago. The previous one was a scholar nearby."

"You two are often together?"

"No, occasionally..."

Zhang boldly said: "Then what's the point of you fooling around like this all the time? Why don't you come back with me, I'll marry you."

The woman was stunned: "Marry me? Are you serious?"

Zhang Bold immediately slapped his chest loudly: "You go to the county to inquire about it, but I, Zhang Bold, am spitting and nailing it. As long as you are willing to marry, I will dare to marry."

Hearing this, the woman seemed a little moved, she snuggled into Zhang Bold's arms and said, "You are a good person, but you don't know who I am at all, if you knew, you wouldn't have said what you just said."

"I don't care who you are..."

"You men just say it nicely."

Zhang boldly said the truth: "Really, actually, I guessed you a long time ago... Cough, it's broad daylight, and you're not iced, so it's unlikely to be a ghost. I think you should be Fox girl?"

Upon hearing this, the woman couldn't help raising her head: "Huh? Are you really not afraid?"

"Didn't I tell you, my name is Zhang Bold, and I'm famous for being bold. Besides, it's not the first time I've seen ghosts and ghosts."

The woman pondered, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a while, he said again: "I am very grateful for your kindness, but I don't want to hurt you, you can go, just pretend you haven't seen me."

Zhang boldly became anxious: "Listen to me, I'm serious. Before, I had a wife who was living a good life, but who knew she was carrying me behind her back...

In short, I have been single for two years, I want to marry you, let's live a good life.

Although I don't have much money, it's no problem to support you. "

"Bold..." The woman couldn't help stretching out her hand to caress Zhang Bold's face: "You are the best man I have ever met, and I will never forget you.

But, I really can't marry you, you've already said, I'm a fox, you're a human being, and if we two get together, it will cause trouble. "

"No, no, listen to me, there is a fox girl named Ying Ning in my Lord Hou's mansion..."

The woman was taken aback: "You mean the Marquis of Jing'an?"

"That's right. I've been working in the Hou's mansion. Master Hou is very nice. As long as you don't harm others, he won't make things difficult for you."

In the end, the woman still shook her head: "Bold, there is only one fate between us. I just calculated that you have a marriage..."

Zhang Boldly was stunned: "Marriage?"

"Yes, if you do what I say, you will definitely be able to marry a beautiful lady."

Seeing the other party's determination, Zhang Bold had no choice but to ask: "Then you can tell me your name, right? At least we have a good time, so I can think about it."

"Just call me Fox Lady..."

In the afternoon of the next day, at the beginning of Shen Shi.

Zhang boldly came to the north of the city and wandered aimlessly.

This is what the fox mother told him, and asked him to go to the north of the city to find his marriage around Shenshi. She can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not, it all depends on God's will.

In fact, Zhang Bold really likes Miss Fox, after all, such beautiful women are rare.

It's a pity that Mother Fox disagreed, and he had no choice but to go to the north of the city with the mentality of giving it a try, to see what kind of marriage he could meet.

Turning around for almost half an hour, but nothing special happened.

At this time, Zhang Daudao couldn't help being a little skeptical, whether Lady Fox was looking for an excuse to send him away.

After turning around for a while, I was a little discouraged, and when I was about to leave, I suddenly found two men walking into the alley carrying a sack.

Seeing the furtive and hurried expressions of the two, Zhang Bold couldn't help feeling suspicious.

So, he quietly followed.

Not long after entering the alley, the two turned into a small courtyard.

Zhang Boldly chased after him, stealthily peeping through the crack of the door...

The two men carried the sack to the yard, gently placed it on the ground, and untied the rope on the sack.

At this time, a young man came out after him.

"What is he?"

Zhang Boldly was taken aback.

This young man's name is Zhou Xilin, and he is the nephew of the original owner before Zhou Yu crossed over, so Zhang Bold naturally recognizes him.

"Master, people brought..."

One of the men stepped forward with a flattering expression and said something.

Another man took the sack down...

This time, Zhang Daudao was taken aback again.

Because in the sack was actually a good-looking woman about seventeen or eighteen years old.


The woman's mouth was stuffed with a cloth, and she could only make an angry moaning sound.

Zhou Xilin walked forward triumphantly, knelt down and said, "Hehe, Xiaoling, why do you think you are doing this?
Master Ben has come to propose marriage over and over again, and your parents have agreed, so why do you want to have trouble with Master Ben? "

The name of the little bell he was talking about was Luo Xiaoling, and his family owned a tailor shop.

One day, my mother and sister went out on business, so she went to the store to help.As a result, by coincidence, Zhou Xilin came to the store, and immediately fell in love with the good-looking Luo Xiaoling.

After further inquiry, Luo Xiaoling was not married yet, so she couldn't help but get excited, so she asked someone to come to her door to propose marriage.

At first, Luo Xiaoling's parents were reluctant. After all, Zhou Xilin not only married a wife, but also a concubine, and her daughter was the third wife.

In addition, Zhou Xilin's reputation is not very good, he spends his time outside all day long...

As a result, Zhou Xilin came to the door in person, and after some lures, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother were immediately moved.

In any case, Zhou Xilin is also Lord Hou's nephew, even if he is a concubine, his family's success in this marriage is considered a high priority.

But Luo Xiaoling firmly opposed it.

First of all, she didn't like Zhou Xilin at all, and she didn't care about Zhou Xilin's family background.

Secondly, she has a crush on someone. The name of the other party is Zheng Yong. He is a clerk in an inn. He is smart and capable, and can read and settle accounts.

The two met by accident and have a good impression of each other.

It's just that Luo Xiaoling didn't dare to tell her family, because her parents always wanted to pick a rich family for her, and they definitely didn't like Zheng Yong.

Just like this, if you can't be high or low, you will come and go, and you will be delayed.

Zhou Xilin ran several times, but Luo Xiaoling's attitude was firm, no matter how intimidating and lure Zhou Xilin would not let go.

This finally angered Zhou Xilin, and went so far as to find someone to tie Luo Xiaoling quietly to an unused small courtyard at home, trying to cook the raw rice...

(End of this chapter)

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