Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 159 Calling Wind and Rain

Chapter 159 Calling Wind and Rain


Hearing what her husband said, Ying Ning couldn't help but take a closer look.

Then he shook his head in confusion: "I can't see what's wrong, husband... son, what's wrong with this temple?"

Zhou Yu smiled and raised his hand to pat Ying Ning's head: "If you can't see it, it proves that your cultivation level is not up to par."

"Hmph! I did it on purpose, but I've already seen it..."

Zhou Yu laughed: "Then tell me what's wrong?"

Ying Ning raised her pale finger and pointed: "This is not right, and that is not right..."


Talking and laughing, the two walked to the foot of the mountain together with the crowd.

It is said to be a mountain, but it is actually a mountain bag, about ten feet high, with a gentle slope, and you can walk up it without steps.

The crowd has been gathered in front of the temple.

When the crowd was almost full, a rich and handsome squire was surrounded by people and walked to the front of the crowd like stars.

First bowed to the temple gate, then turned around and said loudly: "Folks, everyone must be sincere, kneel down and beg the mountain god to give us rain. Now, the ceremony begins."

After finishing speaking, the squire turned around, ordered the table of incense to be placed, sacrifices, and personally lit the incense sticks.

Next, a group of villagers also lit incense in front of the temple, then knelt down one by one, and recited the words of praying for rain under the leadership of the squire.

"Hey, what's the matter with you two? Why don't you kneel down?"

Seeing Zhou Yu standing behind the crowd, some people couldn't help scolding them in a low voice.

"Oh, we are not the people here."

"Either you kneel down and pray for rain together, or leave here and don't affect us."


Zhou Yu turned around and left with Ying Ning.

After staying away from the crowd, he quietly went around to the back of the mountain temple and entered the mountain temple.

After seeing the statue of the mountain god, Ying Ning couldn't help but said, "Huh? What kind of mountain god are these people enshrining? Why does it look like a Yaksha?"

Zhou Yu explained: "Most of the river gods and mountain gods enshrined in various places are not righteous gods, so it's not surprising that they appear. It's just..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yu subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the statue: "There must be something wrong with this mountain god."

"What's the problem?"

"Didn't you say you knew?"

"People know it's one thing, so they like to listen to you."

"Hehe, let's go, let's talk after leaving here."

Zhou Yu took Ying Ning's hand and turned to leave.

At the moment when the two turned around, the head of the mountain god moved, and his eyes glanced coldly at the backs of the two.

After leaving the mountain temple, Zhou Yu began to explain to Ying Ning.

"Before, when I saw the mountain temple from a distance, I felt a faint sense of evil.

When I got to the top of the hill, I looked up at the surrounding terrain, and it turned out to be a rare water dragon sink..."

"Shuilonghui? What kind of hall is this?" Ying Ning asked suspiciously.

Zhou Yu patiently explained: "This is a very ancient geomantic terrain, and many people in Jianghu don't understand it."

Generally speaking, emperors and dignitaries like to choose the so-called geomantic treasures, such as dragon veins.

As everyone knows, this kind of feng shui treasure is very easy to change, such as a mudslide, a heavy rain, or an earthquake, it may turn the feng shui treasure into a place of death..."

Upon hearing this, Ying Ning couldn't help but suddenly said: "Understood, no wonder those dynasties change from time to time, it must be because the feng shui of the imperial mausoleum is damaged, and the luck will come to an end."

Zhou Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, this is one of the important factors. Of course, it is not absolute. The change of dynasty is sometimes affected by some external factors.

Let's not talk about this first, let's talk about Shuilonghui.

The reason why many people don't understand Shuilonghui is because it is not easy to see Shuilonghui, and it involves a wide range, ranging from tens of miles to hundreds of miles.

Ordinary Feng Shui masters simply don't have the ability to see so far.

At that time, I also came to the conclusion based on the direction of the landform and the observation of the sky.

The biggest advantage of Shuilonghui is that it is not easy to be damaged. For example, the natural disasters I mentioned before, such as heavy rain, landslides, and earthquakes, even if the landscape of an area is changed, the overall impact on Shuilonghui will not be great.

Unless there is a catastrophe that is rare in a thousand years, the landform within a hundred miles has undergone tremendous changes, such as mulberry fields turning into seas.

The larger the area involved by the Shuilonghui, the less likely it will be affected, and it may last for ten thousand years or even longer..."

"Okay, I almost understand Shuilonghui, but what does this have to do with the Mountain Temple?"

"Of course it's nothing if it's just a simple mountain temple, it might just be a coincidence that it was built there.

But the problem is not that it is a place where someone has deliberately picked it.

Its position, orientation, layout, and even the shape of the temple, as well as some stone pillars scattered around, and even the inconspicuous stones, are all intentional..."

"So, the other party is also a master of wind and water?"

"Ying Ning, this is not just about Feng Shui, it involves more.

The other party is indeed an expert, but this person obviously belongs to the crooked ways of evil spirits.

Let me explain to you simply, the other party's current arrangement is to absorb the aura, vitality and luck within a radius of tens of miles.

Maybe nothing will be seen in a short period of time, but in less than ten years, disasters will inevitably occur in this area.

Within 50 years, it will become a barren land with no grass growing! "

Ying Ning was taken aback: "So serious?"

"It's that serious!" Zhou Yu nodded, and then said: "Fortunately, it was discovered early, and it may only be two or three years before it can be remedied."

"Then who is the other party?"

"Maybe it's the guy who claims to be the mountain god, or maybe someone in the evil way arranged such a big situation in the name of the mountain god.

To put it bluntly, this is a way of evil cultivation, plundering cultivation, which is the same as those ghosts sucking Yang Qi, but this method is more harmful and has a wider range of absorption. "

"Damn it, then we must find that guy out."

"Well, let's go, first go to the town and find out..."

The two returned to the town together, and sat down at a tea stand.

The stall owner is an old man with gray hair who walks with a limp.

"Boss, two bowls of tea."

"I'm sorry, two guests, no tea..."

"No tea?" Zhou Yu was stunned: "Then why would you sell tea if you set up a stall?"

The old man smiled wryly and shook his head: "The main reason is that there is no water in the drought..."

Ying Ning was speechless: "There is no water, and you still set up a stall?"

"Mainly because I have a thought..."

Zhou Yu didn't come here to drink tea, so he didn't care, and asked: "By the way, old man, I saw many people go to the mountain temple to pray for rain before. Is it really effective?"

Hearing this, the old man immediately said devoutly: "It must be effective. To tell you the truth from the two guest officers, the little old man broke his leg before and couldn't even walk.

Later, my family helped me to ask the God of the Mountain, not to mention, my leg is really healed..."

Zhou Yu was a little surprised: "There is such a thing?"

"Isn't that right? There is also Master Qian in the town who is suffering from a serious illness, and he can't live after seeing it. In the end, his family carried him to the mountain temple to worship the mountain god. After returning, his illness was mostly healed.

There is also a couple of two cows, who have been married for seven or eight years and have no children. After begging the mountain god, they became pregnant..."

Hearing the old man's rambling, Zhou Yu couldn't help but exchanged glances with Ying Ning.

Was it wrong to blame that guy?Is he really helping the people?

Afterwards, the two asked someone to inquire again. When the people in the town mentioned the mountain god, they were all in awe and gratitude, saying that the mountain god was their patron saint.

At this moment, Zhou Yu suddenly realized that the so-called mountain god was really not simple.

He did help some common people, but the harvest was even greater, causing all the common people to pay homage to him, and the incense in the mountain temple was also very strong.

The people's worship is a kind of supreme faith, even a righteous god cannot do without the people's incense.

This is why in Journey to the West, the Heavenly Court and the Western Heaven Buddhist Realm compete for territory.The larger the territory and the larger the population base, the more prosperous the incense will naturally be.

Incense represents a kind of power of faith, and can also be understood as a kind of luck.

No one in the Heavenly Court, the Buddhist world of the Western Heaven, or even the dynasties in the world can do without the word "Qi Luck".

Having figured this out, Zhou Yu made up his mind to expose the true face of this fake mountain god.

Moreover, the movement should be louder, so that the people can be alerted.

In the evening of the same day, a few dark clouds suddenly passed across the sky, and then, it began to rain.

"It's raining!"

"The God of the Mountain has appeared!"

"God finally rained..."

All the people in the town wept with joy and knelt on the ground to thank the mountain god for the gift.

Zhou Yu stood on the street and looked up, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Is this also called rain?"

The rain was so light that it barely wet my hair.

The important thing is that the work stopped after a cup of tea, and the street was slightly wet.

But outside the town, there was no rain falling.

A group of people suddenly became a little disappointed, standing on the street and talking about it.

"It must be that our hearts are not sincere enough."

"Yes, yes, more sacrifices should be made."

"Why don't we all go to Master Qian to discuss it together, and we can collect some money to hold a larger-scale rain praying ceremony..."

At this time, Zhou Yu stood up and said loudly: "Folks, don't worry, I can help you pray for rain."


"Who is this person?"

"Looks like a scholar..."

"Don't worry, everyone, I won't charge you a penny, and I promise to ask you for a heavy rain tonight."

Hearing Zhou Yu's affirmative tone, all the people couldn't help but gathered around.

"Is what you said true or false?"

"That's right, you can't lie to us..."

"You really don't charge money?"

At this moment, Ying Ning stepped forward and cleared his throat: "Don't worry, everyone. My son always keeps his word. If he says he won't take money, he will never take money. If he says it will rain heavily, it will definitely rain heavily."

"Then what are you planning?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

Zhou Yu smiled: "Not planning anything, just passing by here, seeing the drought here, and simply wanting to help everyone."

"Will this person lie to us?"

In the crowd, someone whispered.

"Forget it, they said in front of the big guys that they won't charge money, even if they say big things, it won't affect us."


"Young master, what time will it rain tonight?"

Hearing the question, Zhou Yu looked up at the sky, counted with his fingers, and replied: "Zishi, it will definitely rain, in short, it is enough to solve everyone's drought problem."

"So powerful? Isn't this even more powerful than the Mountain God?"

Someone couldn't help but mutter.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't say anything disrespectful to the mountain god."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

At this time, Zhou Yu did not mention the mountain god, because mentioning the mountain god at this time would only arouse the people's resentment, or even attack.

After all, that is the god in their minds.

As soon as it got dark, Zhou Yu and Ying Ning set up a Dharma altar outside the town.

There are many people watching the excitement around.

Although the vast majority of the people didn't believe that Zhou Yu and the two could really ask for a heavy rain, they didn't want to miss the glimmer of hope.

What if?
Besides, it doesn't cost a penny, just treat it as a show...

(End of this chapter)

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