Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 161 Crescent Moon Spring

Chapter 161 Crescent Moon Spring

Zhou Yu smiled sarcastically: "Hehe, do you think you are proficient in Central Plains culture? It's just that you have mastered some superficial aspects."


"Okay, I'm too lazy to tell you more, now, this Marquis will demolish your temple!"

With a thought, Zhou Yu added an antique sword in his hand.

This sword is a sword that is rewarded by the system after being promoted to a bachelor. It is of semi-immortal quality, and Zhou Yu still named it Qinglian Sword.

As soon as the mighty energy surged, the Qinglian sword was brilliant, and the sword sounded melodiously, and it struck out heavily with the momentum of thunder.

The momentum of the sword is like a rainbow, like the moonlight pouring down...


With a loud bang, the statue of the mountain god collapsed instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the entire hall began to shake violently.

Outside, a few people were frightened and ran down the hillside desperately. After all, the movement was too scary...

Before, they had a tragic face, and they would not run even if they were killed, but now they run faster than each other, including the old lady who seems to have a little inconvenience in her legs and feet.

At the same time, the people in the town heard the movement and ran to the mountain temple to see what happened.


There was another dull bang in the sky.

The mountain temple that stood on the mountain finally collapsed, and smoke and dust filled the sky.

"God, what happened?"

"The God of the Mountain is angry..."

"God of the Mountain forgive me..."

All the people were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and kowtowed.


At this time, a dull and angry howl suddenly sounded in mid-air, which frightened all the people.

Someone bravely raised his head to look up, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Shan... the God of the Mountain..."

Hearing this, many people raised their heads one after another, it was true.

The smoke and dust all over the sky slowly dissipated with the wind, revealing a tall figure, which was the image of the mountain god.

It's just that the mountain god at this moment looks extremely hideous and embarrassed.

At this time, another voice came from the sky, echoing in the air, so that all the people, including the people in the town, could hear it clearly:
"Stupid, it's not a mountain god at all, it's just a demon controlled by people..."


"Is the mountain god a demon?"

"No way?"

"Who is talking here?"

"Look, the scholar who helped us pray for rain..."

The sharp-eyed people finally saw another figure in the sky.

"My God, he can fly..."

"Is he an immortal?"

Just when all the people were in doubt, the evil spirit pretending to be a mountain god had already rushed towards Zhou Yu viciously.

"Bold evildoer!"

Zhou Yu didn't dodge or dodge, and when he raised his hand, his right arm turned into a giant arm, extending several feet, and grabbed the demon's neck.


The tall and ferocious "mountain god" let out a strange scream like a chicken, struggling in vain.

All the people were dumbfounded.

"You can see clearly, this is the so-called mountain god you worship, and this is basically a demon, a puppet controlled by people.

The other party gave you a little benefit, but what they seek is a greater benefit.

Within a few years, this area of ​​tens of miles will surely lose vitality, and monsters will appear everywhere..."

All the common people looked at each other in blank dismay, terrified.

At this time, they have already regarded Zhou Yu as an immortal, how can they not believe it?
"Okay, you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yu had a thought, and that big, illusory hand squeezed hard, and actually crushed the demon directly...

By the time the people came back to their senses and wanted to visit, Zhou Yu had disappeared without a trace.

"Husband, what do you mean to say that the monster pretending to be a mountain god is controlled by someone?"

After leaving the small town, Ying Ning couldn't help asking.

"That's right!" Zhou Yu nodded, "That demon's spiritual intelligence is extremely low, and it's impossible for him to have the ability to arrange water and dragon sinks."

Ying Ning blinked: "That's not right... haven't you talked to it? Doesn't it sound like it has a low intelligence?"

"Ying Ning, the one talking to me is not the demon, it's just a puppet, a carrier, and the one talking to me is the real mastermind behind the scenes.

To put it simply, this demon is equivalent to a clone of the opponent.

There is a method of cultivation in the ancient method, which uses avatars to cultivate. As for avatars, there are many methods, such as avatars of primordial spirits, and even avatars of reincarnation.

Of course, these are relatively clever avatar methods, and those who can cultivate the avatar of the primordial spirit are some powerful people.

However, there are also some crooked swords that go sideways, and use the crooked ways to cultivate avatars.

For example, the previous one turned the monster into an avatar, and even used this avatar to pretend to be a mountain god to gain the power of faith from the people.

This avatar is equivalent to becoming an energy container for the other party, allowing him to absorb energy at that time. "

After hearing these words, Ying Ning finally understood the reason, and couldn't help saying angrily: "Husband, where is that black hand hiding behind the scenes?"

"It's hard to say, after all, I don't know much about the techniques of the Western Regions.

However, although I can't determine the opponent's position, I can guess his general direction..."

While speaking, Zhou Yu pointed.

"Then let's go in this direction, maybe we will find this guy."

Zhou Yu nodded: "Well, it happens that this direction also leads to the desert."

"By the way, husband, do you think that guy has similar arrangements in other places?"

Zhou Yu thought for a while, and replied: "From a common sense point of view, it may be difficult, after all, landforms like Shuilonghui are not so easy to find.

Even if it is found, it will take a lot of time and effort and arrangement. "

"That is not bad……"

The next day, the couple arrived at the edge of the desert.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Ying Ning stood on the top of a sand dune, looking far into the distance, the undulating sand dunes, the yellow sand formed circles of waves under the action of the wind, which is truly spectacular.

Ying Ning grew up in the mountains since she was a child, and has been staying in the south of the Yangtze River since then. Even if she goes out, it is a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

It was the first time I saw the desert scenery of "the desert is solitary, the long river is full of sun", and I naturally felt very majestic and strange.

In Zhou Yu's mind, no matter whether it's the desert or the sea, it's always strange to see it for the first time. If you really have to see it a few times, it will be completely boring.

It is completely incomparable with the green mountains and green waters.

After all, both the desert and the sea belong to the kind of vast and boundless scenery, majestic is majestic, but it is far less elegant and leisurely than the green mountains and green waters.

However, he couldn't dampen Yingning's interest, and he might not have seen the desert for a long time, so he also praised it enthusiastically.

After walking forward for a while, just after crossing the top of a sand dune, Ying Ning suddenly cheered: "Husband, Husband, look at what that is? Does it look like a crescent moon?"

Zhou Yu took a closer look, and there was indeed a crescent-shaped lake in the distance.

Now, he suddenly remembered that this is the famous Crescent Lake on the Silk Road.

So he introduced it to Ying Ning: "This is Crescent Lake, a small oasis on the edge of the desert, and an important supply point on the Silk Road."

"Great, let's go take a look."

"Well, let's go!"

Coming here, Zhou Yu felt a little excited in his heart.

This is because he suddenly had an inexplicable sense of intimacy. In his previous life, he had been to Crescent Lake... After all, it is a famous scenic spot, full of various mysterious legends.


That's it?

That's it?

That's it?

Not only him, almost all tourists were disappointed.

The standard buyer show and seller show, the world-famous Crescent Lake, is just such a small pond.

But what he saw now was a sparkling lake.Moreover, there are many tall cacti unique to the desert, strange-shaped bushes, and high sand dunes around the lake.

Of course, Zhou Yu knew very well in his heart that this world was not the same as his previous life at all.

But it is still unavoidable to recall some things from the previous life, and coming here seems to have traveled through time and space again.

Going on for a few miles, I finally came to the Crescent Lake.

Compared with Zhou Yu's previous life, this Crescent Lake is much bigger, the lake water is crystal clear, and the gravel at the bottom of the lake is shining brightly.

There is a spontaneously formed market next to the lake. Pedestrians, horses, carriages, and camels come and go, and it is very lively.

The crowd was also diverse, including the people of the Central Plains, businessmen from the Western Regions, and people from the rivers and lakes with swords on their backs.

Relatively speaking, there are more merchants who come to the Central Plains to purchase goods. After all, the Central Plains is rich in products.

The most popular are tea, silk and various ceramics.

Tea is originally not suitable for long-distance transportation, as it is prone to mildew, odor and deterioration.

However, the common people are still very wise. After years of exploration, they finally invented a set of tea processing methods suitable for long-distance transportation.

After withering, drying, kneading, fermenting, drying, and pressing, the collected fresh tea leaves are made into round cakes or bricks with high density, which are generally called brick tea.

Brick tea can be stored for a long time, as long as the method is proper, it will be fine for ten or even twenty years.

Moreover, aged tea also has a unique mellow aroma.

There are quite a few brick tea sellers in the market, all of whom are transported by tea merchants from the Central Plains and sold to merchants from the Western Regions.

Of course, there are also some merchants from the Western Regions staying here for a long time, selling some special products of the Western Regions, such as spices, woolen textiles, wine and so on.

Walking into the market, you can obviously feel a kind of exotic style.

After walking around for a while, Ying Ning said with emotion: "I never thought such a remote place would be so lively!"

Zhou Yu said with a smile: "This is because of the unique environment here. There are no villages in the front, no shops in the back, and a vast desert. lively."

Not long after, Zhou Yu walked into a barbarian tavern with Ying Ning.

"What do you two want to eat?"

A clerk approached enthusiastically and asked.

"A leg of lamb freshly roasted, and a small jar of wine."

"Okay, but you have to wait a little longer for the freshly roasted leg of lamb, or I will serve you wine first."

Zhou Yu nodded: "Well, let's cut a plate of mutton."

After a while, mutton and red wine were brought to the table.

Ying Ning poured two glasses, sniffed it, "Huh? It seems to be better than what we drink at home."

"Really? I'll try it."

Zhou Yu took a sip, not to mention, it was really good, with a strong fruity aroma, slightly sweet and delicious.

For ordinary people, the price of wine can be said to be unattainable. After all, it has been transported long distances and the quantity is small, so the price is naturally very expensive.

However, with Zhou Yu's financial resources, there is no problem, Ying Ning has already drank at home.

After a comparison, the taste is indeed different. It seems that most of the previous purchases have been mixed with water. These profiteers.

After waiting for almost a stick of incense, the roasted leg of lamb was finally brought to the table. It was roasted until it was hot and browned, and it was served with the dipping sauce provided by the store. It was really delicious.

"good to eat……"

Like a little greedy cat, Ying Ning directly tore it up with two small hands, mouth full of greasy food.

Anyway, she is pretending to be a book boy now, what image does she care about?
A few more groups of customers came in one after another in the store, and one of them chatted about a strange thing as soon as they sat down at a table.

"I heard that a group of merchants camped near Mingsha Mountain, but the next morning, they all died for no reason."

"They're all dead? Have you met sand bandits?"

"It's definitely not sand bandits. I heard that those people died in terrible conditions, as if they were skinned alive..."

As soon as these words came out, many diners in the store had their scalps numb and their bodies covered in goose bumps.

"Where did you hear that? Is it a rumor?"

"It's not a rumor, I've also heard it mentioned that it was people from the Hu family in Liangzhou, seven of them died in total, and they were transporting furs to the pass..."

"The Hu family? Is that the Hu's firm that specializes in furs?"

"Yes, some people say that this is revenge for the Hu family's heavy murder."

"That's right, how much fur does their family sell in a year? Foxes, bears, tigers... they have everything..."

Hearing this conversation, Ying Ning couldn't help frowning.

After all, she also has the blood of foxes, so she was naturally displeased when she heard the word furrier.

After leaving the tavern, Ying Ning couldn't help but said: "Husband, why don't we go to Mingsha Mountain to inquire and find out what's going on."

"Well, it just so happens that the direction of Liangzhou City is in the same direction as my perception."

Ying Ning's eyes moved, and he asked, "You mean the guy who arranged the faucets?"

"Yes, after entering the desert, I have a faint feeling. As long as this subtle feeling doesn't disappear, I believe that I will be able to find the other party's hiding place."

"Great, let's go."

The two left Crescent Lake and headed towards Mingsha Mountain.

At this time, it was already evening. Under normal circumstances, those who were on the road had to find a place to rest. After all, the desert at night was more dangerous.

For example, wandering wolves, or sand bandits who come out to plunder at night, and you may even encounter some weird things.

Of course, these were nothing to Zhou Yu and Ying Ning.

Mingsha Mountain is about [-] to [-] miles away from Crescent Lake. It is an area of ​​rolling hills, and the surface of these hills is covered with a thick layer of yellow sand.

At night, when the night wind blows, there will be a humming sound from Mingsha Mountain, as if someone is playing a flute, hence the name Mingsha Mountain.

"Huh? There is really a sound."

After entering Mingsha Mountain, Ying Ning heard the whining sound coming from her ears, and couldn't help but look left and right, trying to find the source of the sound.

Zhou Yu sensed the surrounding environment and the strange fluctuations.

"There's no one here, let's look around."


The terrain of Mingsha Mountain is very complicated. If you walk on the ground, it is like a maze and it is easy to get lost.

Once you get lost in it, the consequences will be serious. Either you will die of hunger and thirst, or you will become the belly of wild wolves wandering in the desert.

Of course, no matter how complicated the road shape is, it is not a problem for Zhou Yu and his wife, after all, they can fly in the air...

(End of this chapter)

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