Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 163 The Illusion in the Desert

Chapter 163 The Illusion in the Desert
the next morning.

A group of people came meandering from the direction of Liangzhou.

This is a spontaneously formed team, including merchants and ordinary people on the road, with about 40 to [-] people.

Traveling in the desert is a very dangerous thing, so people often go together to take care of each other.

"Everyone must be careful. I heard that this road is not very peaceful recently. Don't get separated."

"Hey, if you want to talk about this desert, when was it peaceful?"

"That is, if it weren't for the sake of making a living, who would want to live and sleep outside for a long time..."

A group of people walked and chatted.

At noon, suddenly a gust of wind blew up, and the sky was filled with yellow sand.

"It's not good, everyone, go to a place that is sheltered from the wind."

"Beware of sandstorms..."

"The dog's weather was fine just now..."

"Stop complaining, haven't you heard of the sky in the desert, the face of a child..."

At any rate, the group had some experience in walking the desert, so they got together as much as possible and looked for a place with a leeward wind.

After all, no one can tell when the wind and sand will stop. If a sandstorm really breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

In the desert, sandstorms are undoubtedly the strongest killer, even thousands of troops can be swallowed instantly.

The wind and sand finally stopped.

A group of people began to count the number of people.

"It's okay, it's okay, no one got separated."

The leading man couldn't help but look happy.

After resting for a while, the group continued on their way.As a result, I turned around and got lost?

"It's strange, we shouldn't have deviated too far, right? Why can't we find the way before?"

"Don't worry, as long as the general direction is okay..."

In fact, there are no roads in the desert. Even if there is a road, it will be covered by the wind and sand.

It's just that people who often walk in the desert will fix a route, and the deviation will not be too far, all based on experience.

After walking for a while, the group of people had just turned over a sand dune, and they couldn't help but see a small oasis under the sand dune.

"Great, we seem to have found a new route."

The leading man said something with a look of surprise.

The route of the desert has been explored by countless people, and there are oases or water sources along the way, which are convenient for the passing business travelers to resupply.

However, no one has seen this small oasis before, and perhaps found a new route by accident.

"Just add a little water."

"Ha, if you're lucky, you might even be able to hunt wild sheep and hares."

"You're just greedy."

A group of people happily walked down the dunes and entered the oasis.


As soon as they entered the oasis, the group heard a scream.

"what happened?"

"Anyone here?"

"The voice should be a woman."

"Go and see a few people."

So, a few people in the line walked around a clump of tall cacti, and it turned out to be a woman.

There was a pond in front, and a woman in a homespun shirt thought she was going to fetch water from the pond, but somehow she fell to the ground, and the water in the pot was overturned.

"Is there anyone living here?"

Seeing that the woman's dress did not look like a person on the road, someone murmured to himself in doubt.

The other middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he hurried forward.

Because that woman was quite beautiful, although she was wearing a coarse cloth, but she couldn't hide her delicate face and thought-provoking figure.

"Girl, what's the matter with you?"

"Snake, I was bitten by a snake..."

The woman replied with tears in her eyes.

"Huh? Snake? Where is it?"

"Slip over there." The woman raised her finger.

Several people followed the pointer and looked, and sure enough, a snake as thick as a thumb slipped into the bushes.

The middle-aged man hurried forward: "Girl, where did you bite? Let me see your wound..."


While answering, the woman raised the corner of her skirt.

Sure enough, there was a tooth mark on the greasy white calf, which was still oozing blood.

"Girl, it's okay. It doesn't seem to be very poisonous, but the poisonous blood must be sucked out quickly. If the girl doesn't mind, I will help you take the drug."

The woman hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Thank you, brother."


The man squatted down, excitedly held up the woman's calf, and leaned forward to suck the poisonous blood.

"Thank you, brother, thank you very much..."

After the poisonous blood was sucked out, the woman thanked her and said, "By the way, if you don't mind, you might as well come to my house for a sit down."


The man glanced back in embarrassment.

He wants to go, there are too many key people.

"Girl, I'm afraid it's inconvenient. There are more than 30 of us."

"It's okay, you can go to our village to rest, there is an open space in the village, not far ahead."

"Then I'll discuss it."

After going back to discuss it, everyone has no opinion. It is better to have a village. First, it is safe, and second, it can add some food or something.

As soon as they arrived in the village, everyone felt dazzled.

The village is not big, there are only a dozen households, but they all look young, and there are more than a dozen girls among them, all of whom are as beautiful as flowers and jade.

A few of them were even more wild, with only two small pieces of animal skin covering their bodies, and their graceful figures could be seen at a glance, making everyone salivate.

However, some people feel that something is wrong.

Some desert oases do have a small number of aborigines inhabited, but the people here don't look like aboriginals at all.The important thing is, aren't these women too demonic?
Could it be a goblin?
However, such thoughts quickly dissipated.

The girls in the village surrounded him with laughter like silver bells and greeted them warmly.

A wisp of strange fragrance struck, making everyone's heart beat faster, and some indescribable pictures appeared in their minds.

It didn't take long before I started to lose myself...

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the sky: "Bold monster!"

The sound exploded in the ears of the crowd like a thunderbolt, shaking their bodies and waking up one by one.

When I woke up, I couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

How can there be any beauty?Where is there any village?Where is there any oasis?
There was still an undulating dune in front of him, surrounded by a large pack of desert wolves.

However, the woman who was said to be bitten by a snake was still there, but she looked very weird, and there was a wolf head tattoo on her forehead.

This woman is actually a wolf demon.

What the group of people experienced before was actually the illusion performed by the wolf demon, which caused the group of people to fall into an illusion.

Fortunately, Zhou Yu and Ying Ning happened to be searching nearby, and rushed over after sensing the evil spirit.

Otherwise, this group of people will be miserable, and they will end up with no bones left.

"Come on, kill them!"

The wolf demon yelled viciously, then raised his head to glance at Zhou Yu and the two who flew down from the sky, and let out a long howl.


With the sound of howling, a huge wolf shadow appeared out of nowhere in mid-air, probably the size of a horse, and rushed towards Zhou Yu and the two with its teeth and claws.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

Ying Ning snorted coldly with disdain, waved his jade palm, and a palm shadow was shot, breaking the attack of the wolf demon in an instant.

Seeing this, the wolf demon couldn't help being taken aback.

Although this move is not its most powerful move, it was defeated by the opponent's understatement, and there is still a person beside him who has not yet made a move.

This wolf demon is not stupid either, knowing that he is invincible, he opened his mouth to vomit, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and the sky was full of wind and sand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the wolf demon was about to run away in a blink of an eye.

"Where to escape!"

Zhou Yu finally made a move, the Qinglian sword swept down the sky like a shooting star, beheading the wolf monster with one blow.

As soon as the wolf demon died, the desert wolves fled in panic.

Below, a group of people narrowly escaped death, staring blankly into the air.

"Thank you Shangxian!"

"Thank you Shangxian for saving my life..."

Finally someone came back to their senses and kowtowed to Zhou Yu and the others to thank them.

"Okay, you all get up, the wolf demon has been eliminated, this line is safe for the time being.

You immediately rush to the small oasis ahead, there are still many people waiting for news..."

When the team arrived at the small oasis and explained the situation, they were extremely shocked, but also very grateful and excited.

"Unexpectedly, that scholar is a real expert, no wonder he looks extraordinary."

"Maybe Shangxian came to help us..."

At this time, someone had a flash of inspiration and exclaimed: "You think, could he be the Marquis of Jing'an?"

"Huh? Don't say it, it's really possible. I heard that the Marquis of Jing'an likes to go out and travel, and he always dresses up as a scholar..."

"The Marquis of Jing'an was originally a scholar..."

"It's possible. I've heard many legends about the Marquis of Jing'an. He has wiped out many big monsters..."

Now that the crisis is over, the business travelers stranded in the small oasis are starting to leave one after another.


The next day, Zhou Yu and Ying Ning arrived in Liangzhou City together.

Compared with the cities in the hinterland of the Central Plains, Liangzhou City looks more magnificent.

After all, it is located in a frontier fortress, and the city walls must be thicker and higher, which is more conducive to defense.

After entering the city, Ying Ning feels fresh.This is because Liangzhou City has integrated the elements of the Central Plains and the Western Regions, and formed a unique cultural feature, with unique customs and customs.

Zhou Yu took Ying Ning for a walk, and when he came across some local specialty snacks, he took Ying Ning to taste them.

At the same time, I also bought some unique trinkets for Ying Ning to make her happy.

When the turn was about the same, Ying Ning finally remembered the business.

"By the way, my husband, we have already arrived in Liangzhou City. Have you sensed that guy's whereabouts?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "It's just a faint feeling, but the exact location is not clear.

It's okay, don't force it, just treat it as a visit to Liangzhou City to play, and stay for two days before talking. "


Yingning nodded.

On that day, the couple made a big circle in the west of the city, and came to the east of the city the next day.

When I was eating in a tavern at noon, I heard another drinker mention the Hu family who was a fur dealer.

"The Hu family has been quite unlucky recently. A few days ago, a few guys just died. Two days ago, I heard that there was another accident in the old house..."

"What happened?"

"The details are not very clear. It is said that several disciples of the Hu family also died this time, but the Hu family has been suppressing it to prevent rumors."

"How do you know if you don't let rumors go out?"

"Brother, there is no impenetrable wall in the world..."

"This Hu family has been prosperous for several generations, and it seems that it is going to go downhill."

"If you want me to say this is retribution, the Hu family killed too much, and the old house is full of blood when you enter it in broad daylight. It is so gloomy and frightening."

"Yes, yes, there used to be a few families living nearby, but they all moved out later. It is said that ghosts can be heard in the middle of the night..."

"I heard that there is a thousand fox fur in their family's collection, which is worth tens of thousands of gold. I don't know if it is true or not."

"It should be true. After all, their family's ancestors have been doing this business for generations, and they must have accumulated..."

Hearing the conversation of the crowd, Ying Ning felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, she also has half of the blood of the fox clan. When she hears Qianhu fur, it is like hearing human skin drums, and she will inevitably be a little bit repulsed psychologically.

After leaving the tavern, Zhou Yu said to Ying Ning: "It seems that this Hu family is not simple, there must be some secret hidden.

I heard about the Hu family in Crescent Lake last time, and this time I heard about the Hu family again in Liangzhou City. It seems that it is necessary to check it out. "

Ying Ning snorted, "I'm just too lazy to go."

Zhou Yu understood her mood, and patted her on the shoulder lightly: "That's all right, you go shopping by yourself, and go back to the inn to wait for me after shopping."


In the past, Zhou Yu might not feel at ease leaving Ying Ning alone.But now, Ying Ning has made great progress in cultivation, even if she encounters an expert, she still has the power to protect herself.

Moreover, the two are not far away, and he will immediately sense any movement.

Next, Zhou Yu made some inquiries and came to the fur shop run by the Hu family.

Unexpectedly, when they came to the leather goods store, they found that the door was closed, and there was a notice of suspension of business posted on it.

The ink is not yet dry, so it looks like it was posted not too long ago.

At this time, an old woman came over and said to Zhou Yu: "They have just closed, if you want to buy leather goods, you can go to the old house of the Hu family."

"Oh, where is the Hu family's old house?"

"It's not far away. You go out from the south city gate and walk three or four miles to the southeast to see a big house. That's the old house of the Hu family."

"Thank you ma'am."

"You're welcome."

Afterwards, Zhou Yu went out of the south gate first according to the guidance of his aunt, and then walked three or four miles along a road in the southeast direction, and he saw a magnificent mansion.

From a distance, the scale is quite large, covering an area of ​​at least twenty or thirty acres.

After approaching the house, sure enough, there was a bloody smell blowing in the wind, and there was also a strange smell mixed with fur and lime.

It's no wonder that the people nearby want to move out, don't make any strange noises, just this smell is uncomfortable all day long.

When he came to the gate, Zhou Yu found that the courtyard gate was also tightly closed.

"Bang bang bang..."

Zhou Yu stepped forward and knocked on the door knocker.

After a while, an old voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Old man, let me take a look at the leather goods."

"I'm sorry, the master's house has something to do, so I ordered not to receive guests for the time being."

"Old man, please go and inform me that it's a big deal. I'll wait for the delivery and rush back to the customs."

"Okay, wait a minute."

After a while, the door finally opened, and an old man with gray hair looked up at Zhou Yu...

"My lord, are you the one who wants to collect furs?"


"Come with me."

"Thank you, old man."

Zhou Yu followed the old man into the hospital, looking at the surrounding environment as he walked.

The layout of the front yard is quite exquisite, there is no trace of processed fur, and the processing of fur is in the back yard.

Not long after, the old man brought Zhou Yu to a hall in the Xikuan courtyard.

"Third Young Master, Third Madam, the guests are here."

"Well, Uncle Qin, go and watch in the front yard."



(End of this chapter)

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