Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 177 This scholar is not an ordinary person

Chapter 177 This scholar is not an ordinary person
Zhuo thought she could endure it for a while, and she could resume her normal life when Qi Chuan left.

As everyone knows, things changed again.

The maid beside Zhuo was also dragged into the water. In order to appease her, Qi Chuan made a false promise that he would take her as his concubine when he passed the Juren examination.

Of course, in addition to verbal promises, money is also indispensable.

And with the secret help of this maid, it is much more convenient to report the news on weekdays.

On that day, Zhuo was forced to come to Zhihua nunnery again.

As a result, in the evening, another foreign businessman named Ma San came with a buddy.

This guy and Miaojing's master and apprentice are old friends. When they came to the nunnery, they accidentally saw Mrs. Zhuo, and they couldn't help being shocked.

Later, it was discovered that Mrs. Zhuo was staying overnight here, so she couldn't help but think about it.

In fact, this Ma San was not a serious businessman, he used to be an escort, and that guy was his apprentice at that time.

On weekdays he has nothing to do, Ma San likes to gamble, but the luck of gambling is not good and he owes a lot of money to others.

Being urged so anxiously, this guy didn't do anything at all, and kept going. When he was escorting the dart again, he even disposed of the goods privately, and took the money and flew away with his apprentice.

Later, he changed his career and used the money to sell goods and became a peddler.

Ma San asked Miaojing about Zhuo's details, Miaojing told him not to make up his mind, Ma San was entangled and had to break the casserole and ask the end.

In desperation, Miaojing briefly explained the reason why Zhuo Shi came here, and said that Zhuo Shi is not a woman who hooks up casually, so be careful not to cause trouble.

Ma San agreed in his mouth, but he had a plan in his heart.

After dark, Ma San was dealing with Miaojing, but the guy ran to find Qi Chuan, and he flashed his knife: "To die or to live?"

Qi Chuan was frightened, how dare he say no?Cang panic left Zhihua nunnery.

"Later, I heard that there was a homicide in Zhihua Nunnery. I guess it was Ma San and his wife who did it..."

Song Zhi couldn't help asking: "How do you know their names?"

"I saw them when they came, so I asked Ming Kong, who told me.

At that time, I felt that they were not serious businessmen, and it was as expected..."

After listening to Qi Chuan's explanation, Song Zhi felt a little headache, why did two people get involved?
Now it seems that the Ma San and the two are probably the real culprits, but it may not be easy to catch these two.

No matter how difficult it is, you have to find a way to catch it.

Song Zhi went to the government office in person, reported the whole case to his superiors, and at the same time applied to the government office for help, and tried his best to track down the details of Ma San and the two of them and bring them to justice.

The government office also wanted to settle this case as soon as possible, so as to save the common people from spreading rumors all day long.

Three months later, with the assistance of the brother's government office, they finally arrested Ma San who had been hiding in other places and brought them to Qiantang County for interrogation.

After all, this case happened in Qiantang, and it was also handled by Song Zhi.

It is said that severe punishment leads to unjust cases, but some people will not tell the truth if you don't need severe punishment.

For ordinary people, Song Zhi seldom used severe punishments, but Ma San and his wife didn't seem to be good birds at first glance, and the evidence was almost solid, so it was natural that they should be served by severe punishments.

In the end, the two finally confessed obediently.

That night, according to Ma San's intention, he originally wanted to solve Qi Chuan, but the guy didn't want to cause trouble, and just scared Qi Chuan away.

After that, Ma San broke into Zhuo's room with wine and forced Zhuo to drink with him.

How can the Zhuo family follow?Swearing loudly and trying to escape the room.

But how could she be Ma San's opponent?
Ma San threatened Zhuo Shi and humiliated Zhuo Shi, saying that she was just a broken woman, what kind of chaste woman is she?
After that, regardless of Zhuo's fierce resistance, she...

Afterwards, Zhuo's thoughts were all hopeless, all her self-esteem, reservedness, and illusions were shattered, and there was only endless humiliation and hatred.

What did she do wrong?
God wants to treat her like this?

One is not enough, now there is a second one, God knows if there will be a third or a fourth in the future?
This world is no longer worthy of her nostalgia.

Even if her reputation is ruined, she doesn't want to live in such a self-deceiving way anymore.

She didn't do anything wrong, the only mistake was that she cherished the voice of life too much, which gave Qi Chuan a chance, which led to another humiliation today.

So, Zhuo Shi pretended to obey Ma San, took advantage of the guy's unpreparedness, pulled out the hairpin on his head and stabbed at him...

If it is an ordinary person, maybe she can succeed.

But Ma San is not an ordinary person, even in such a situation, he avoided in time, and in a rage, he viciously strangled Zhuo Shi to death.

Afterwards, he went crazy for a while with that guy, and then killed Miaojing, Mingkong, and the servant girl one by one.

Finally, the scene was cleaned up, and all the valuable things in the nunnery were swept away, and they fled.

So far, the Zhihua'an case finally came to light.

Considering that the case attracted too much attention from the common people, and also considering Zhuo's reputation, Song Zhi made a special trip to discuss with Chang Wenshan.

When Chang Wenshan learned the truth, he felt mixed feelings in his heart.

He didn't know whether to blame his wife or forgive her.But in any case, the person is no longer there, and there is no need to pursue the past.

Moreover, he didn't want the people outside to know about his wife.

This is not only about his wife's reputation, but also about his face.

In the end, Song Zhi only recorded the cause of the case in the file, and did not announce the truth to the outside world. He only said that Ma San and his wife killed Zhuo's master and servant as well as Miaojing's master and apprentice because of their lust.

The truth is no longer important, what is important is that the murderer be severely punished.

In the end, Song Zhi sentenced him to a severe sentence, and pushed Ma San and his wife to the entrance of the vegetable market, where they were executed!
The meaning of beheading is to be beheaded after the sentence is over, without waiting for a queen.

Generally speaking, very few officials make decisive judgments, because this is a risk.

If the judgment is wrong and the head has already fallen to the ground, it will be irreversible.

But for this case, Song Zhi believed that there was no room for overturning it, and he had been investigating such a case for so long, and he had too much anger in his heart.

After Ma San and his wife were beheaded, the sensational case slowly subsided.

So, why did this case involve Ah Zhu again?What made him do such a crazy thing?
After A Zhu's explanation, another person was pulled out: Wuyou.

This man is a quack sorcerer, and he and Ma Sannai are sworn brothers.

Ma San seemed to have a premonition before he was arrested, and wrote a secret letter to Wuyou, saying that if something happened to him, he would entrust Wuyou to avenge him.

Of course, the help was not for nothing, he left clues in the secret letter, which most people would not be able to understand.

But Wuyou could understand, and followed the clues to find the gold and silver treasures left by Ma San.

Ma San was beheaded, and Wu You naturally believed that Song Zhi, who was the judge of the case, was the "murderer", but he was a member of the rivers and lakes, and he was unwilling to kill a court official himself.

Finally, he came up with an idea, chose A Zhu as the target, taught him some surgical methods in the name of recruiting disciples, and said that after the success, he would teach him the method of longevity.

Azhu believed it to be true, and in order to truly worship under Wuyou's sect, he did everything according to Wuyou's orders.

"My lord, the little one was also confused for a while, and Wuyou didn't tell the truth to the little man, he just said that he wanted to punish the big man and make him suffer..."

After hearing A Zhu's explanation, Zhou Yu called Song Zhi aside, and said in a low voice, "Master Song, it seems that A Zhu is indeed just a tool to be used by others.

If you want to do it once and for all, you must find out who is behind the scenes. "

"You mean that nothing?"

Zhou Yu nodded: "Yes!"

"But..." Song Zhi frowned: "That guy is a stranger, and it might not be easy to catch him."

Zhou Yu smiled: "Don't worry, as long as you know the whereabouts of that guy, it's not difficult to catch him."

Song Zhi was overjoyed and thanked repeatedly.

After Zhou Yu left, the master couldn't help but said with a puzzled expression: "My lord, I'm afraid this Zhou Xiucai is not an ordinary person."

"Of course, ordinary people can see Wuyou's arrangement at a glance? Isn't it difficult to catch Wuyou lightly?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The master smiled: "Then congratulations to my lord for meeting such an expert to help, would be unimaginable."

"Yes!" Song Zhi sighed with emotion: "When this matter is over, I have to thank him well."

Besides, although Na Wuyou's whereabouts are uncertain, according to A Zhu's description and Zhou Yu's deduction and deduction, he finally found him in a small town east of Qiantang County according to the hexagram.

At this time, this guy is scamming people in town for money.

There is a big family in the town. The owner's surname is Chen and his name is Zijing. They are well-known figures in the town.

It's just that something happened at home recently. His wife, Cheng Shi, seemed to be possessed by a demon, saying that there was a ghost in the house.

At first, Chen Zijing didn't believe it, thinking that his wife might be suspicious, and tried to persuade her, but Cheng's situation became worse and worse, and he was almost in a state of insanity.

It happened that Wuyou appeared in the town to watch Fengshui for people, to ward off evil spirits, so Chen Zijing asked Wuyou to go to his house to have a look.

Wu You went to Chen's house to check, and said that there was something wrong with the Chen family's ancestral hall, and it would take a few days to solve the problem.

Moreover, the lion opened his mouth and asked for 300 taels of silver.

If it was to pay first, Chen Zijing would never agree, after all he didn't understand Wuyou, so why should he pay such a large amount of money?
But Na Wuyou offered to take the initiative, saying that the money would be collected after the problem was solved, so Chen Zijing agreed.

Although 300 taels of silver is a large amount of money, as long as the wife can be cured, it will be fine.

Zhou Yu came across this incident when he came, and Wuyou pretended to be playing Fengshui in the Chen family ancestral hall.

However, Zhou Yu came to the town and after a little investigation, he understood the truth of the matter.

Mrs. Chen was indeed bewitched by an evil spirit, but it was not because of the Chen family's ancestral hall, but because there was a female ghost in the backyard of the Chen family.

This female ghost was originally a maid in the Chen family's mansion, named Cui'er.

One day, when Cheng was dressing up in the morning, she found that her favorite jade ring was missing, and she searched everywhere but couldn't find it.

That jade ring was her natal family's dowry. The quality of jade was very rare and it was worth a lot of silver.

Cheng was so angry that she didn't think about eating and drinking, and suspected that the servants in the mansion had stolen her jade ring.

However, Chen Zijing thought that the servants in the mansion were well-behaved and would not commit any theft, so he asked his wife not to worry and think about whether she had hidden it somewhere and forgotten it.

After searching for a few days, they still couldn't find it. Cheng firmly believed that the mansion's servants must have stolen it.

The first person she suspected was Xiaoyun, the dowry maid, because Xiaoyun often came in and out of her room, and Xiaoyun often helped tidy up her jewelry.

Just when she was about to ask Xiaoyun for questioning, Xiaoyun took the initiative to speak, saying that she suspected that Tweety had stolen his wife's ring.

And the reason is very good: "On the day before the lady's ring disappeared, the servant saw Tweety sneaking into the lady's room with her own eyes.

After a while, she came out again, leaving in a hurry, the servant came up to her and asked her what she was doing in the room, and she murmured that she was arranging clothes..."

After Xiaoyun's words, Cheng immediately dispelled his doubts about Xiaoyun, and immediately called someone to call Tweety for questioning.

There is another reason for Cheng to do this. Her husband has always been very concerned about Tweety, and even secretly gave Tweety things.

Cheng knew very well that her husband liked Tweety, but she always disagreed with her husband taking a concubine, so he could only sneak around.

Coincidentally, I used this incident to drive Tweet away.

As a result, Tweety screamed loudly when she arrived, and swore to God that she never stole the lady's ring.

Cheng couldn't help but insist that Cui'er must have stolen it, saying that Xiaoyun saw it with his own eyes.

In the end, she said that it doesn't matter if Tweety doesn't admit it, the big deal is that she doesn't want the ring, and she asked Tweety to pack up and go back to her hometown immediately.

Tweety got up silently and left.

But no one thought that her personality was so strong that she took the most drastic method and committed suicide by jumping into a well to prove her innocence.

On the second day after Tweety's death, Xiaoyun disappeared.

She left a short message, saying that she was only afraid that Madam would suspect her, so she could only make random identifications.Tweety died, she felt very scared and guilty...

The implication is that she did not steal the ring.

This incident made Chen Zijing very angry, and vowed to find out the truth. He called all the servants to clean the room thoroughly.

In the end, after moving the bed away, Chen Zijing found the jade ring in the corner.

Only now did I realize that Tweety'er is indeed innocent, and Xiaoyun is also innocent, but Xiaoyun's actions were inappropriate, in order to prevent his wife from suspecting her, he finally killed Tweety'er.

After finding Yujie, Cheng began to feel that something was wrong in the house.

When looking in the mirror, sometimes what appeared in the mirror was not her, but Tweety's miserable face.

While washing his face, the water in the washbasin suddenly turned into blood... However, the maid next to him couldn't see anything unusual.

In short, all kinds of weird things accompanied Cheng every day, which made her mentally collapse.

Zhou Yu came to the town and heard about it, so he quietly went to the well in the backyard of the Chen family, and found a ghost of Tweety.

It doesn't count if it's a ghost, but it's just a lingering resentment from Tweety Er.

After knowing the truth, Zhou Yu knew nothing, and must have known that all this was caused by Tweety's resentment.

It's just that that guy didn't tell the truth, and pretended to mention the Chen family's ancestral hall. After all, rich people value their own ancestral hall very much, and they can't tolerate any mistakes.

Wu You took advantage of this and wanted to get more money.

At that time, if you quietly collect a strand of Tweety's ghost, you will get 300 taels of silver, which is really a good idea.

It's a pity that Wuyou had thousands of calculations, but he didn't count that someone had already come to the town to arrest him...

(End of this chapter)

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