Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 179 1 Stone 2 Birds

Chapter 179 Two birds with one stone

Qian Dayou has always been used to domineering, as long as he brings a few servants with him on weekdays, the people are too scared to make a sound.

But the students in the academy didn't buy it, and they were even eager to make a move.

Anyway, there are many of them.

Besides, those who can enter the academy are almost the children of rich families, who is afraid of whom?
In the end, Qian Dayou could only walk away in despair.

But in this way, the resentment in his heart deepened, and he had to win the round and earn back his face.

He did not dare to retaliate against the head teacher of the academy, after all the head teacher is Juren, a well-known squire.

Therefore, he could only take revenge on Qin Song and Hong'er.

He didn't know Qin Song before, but now he has inquired and knows the details of the Qin family.

Although the Qin family is also a big family, Qian Dayou doesn't care because their family is richer.

The three generations of salt merchants in the Qian family not only accumulated huge wealth, but also weaved a huge network of relationships.

Therefore, when Qian Dayou wants to come, it is easy to clean up Qin Song.

Of course, the Qin family has roots after all, and it's impossible to be as blatant as punishing ordinary people, so they have to find a way.

After thinking about it, Qian Dayou suddenly thought of a person: Wu De.

Wu De is also a scholar, and he studies in the same academy as Qin Song.

The conditions of the Wu family are not good, and it is reasonable to say that they are unable to support their son's education.

However, Wu De has shown his talent for reading since he was a child. He often went outside the private school to listen to other children reading, and he recited a lot of poems.

Mr. Private School saw that the child was working hard, so he made an exception and asked him to study with him.

After studying for a few years, Mr. Private School was old and no longer accepted students, so he told Wu De's father that it would be better for Wu De to continue studying if possible, maybe he could get a good reputation in the future.

For this reason, Wu's father was very entangled.

Naturally, he hoped that his son could get a good name in the exam, get ahead, completely change the fate of the Wu family, and make the family shine.

However, life at home is tight, how can I have spare money for my son to study?
After much deliberation, he finally ran to find Qian Dayou's father, Qian Duoduo, with the cheek.

The reason why he went to Qian Duoduo was because the two families were related. Although I don't know how many generations have passed, but for the sake of his son's future, he could only try it.

After going several times in a row, Qian Duoduo finally managed to meet Wu's father.

Father Wu talked about his son's situation, and said that the private school teacher also said that the child has a talent for reading, and he may not be able to get a good reputation in the future.

It's just that the family is in difficulty and cannot afford to support their son's education.

After listening, Qian Duoduo thought about it for a while, and finally agreed to support Wu De to study.

He is not kind, he is a businessman, and it is a business for Wu De to study.

In case Wu De really gets his fame, can't he repay him twice?
For the Qian family, this was nothing more than a trivial matter, so Qian Dayou didn't take it seriously.

But now that he suddenly remembered this matter, he decided to use Wu De to help him.

After all, Wu De and Qin Song are in the same academy, so it is convenient for them to do things.

As soon as the two met, Wu De showed a humble expression, bowed his head and stepped forward to say hello: "Master Qian..."

Seeing Wu De's attitude, Qian Dayou was quite satisfied, and said, "Sit down."

"Thank you, Master Qian."

"Do you know what my young master called you?"

Wu De hesitated for a while, and said: "Could it be... because of that boy Qin Song?"

"Hehe, as expected of a scholar, smart. I just like dealing with smart people."

"Young Master Qian has won the prize, too much."

"Then the young master is straight to the point. The young master can't swallow this breath. He must deal with Qin Song. Tell me, what can you do?"

"This..." Wu De pondered, "I don't know how Young Master Qian wants to deal with it?"

"What do you say?"

Qian Dayou's eyes were cold.

"Hey, as far as I know, the Qin family is quite a family, so... I think this matter has to be discussed in the long run..."

Qian was dissatisfied and said, "What? You want to be a peacemaker?"

"No, no, no..." Wu De hurriedly waved his hands: "I didn't mean that..."

"Okay!" Qian Dayou waved his hand impatiently: "I know your family is poor, so, as long as you can handle this matter to my satisfaction, I will reward you with 100 taels of silver."


Upon hearing the number, Wu De's eyes widened in disbelief, and he swallowed with difficulty.

100 taels, for him, can be regarded as a large sum that is beyond reach.

He was studying in the academy, and most of his classmates were disciples of wealthy families, and they talked about romantic affairs.

And he was almost excluded from the circle.

Because he has hardly participated in gatherings among classmates, and it's not that no one has invited him, the key point is that he himself is too embarrassed to go.

There is no other reason: no money.

As the saying goes, come and don't reciprocate, if someone invites you, you have to invite back, right?
So, just don't participate.

If he had 100 taels of silver, his life would be greatly changed.

Moreover, it can also please the beauties...

The circles are different, rich people play the same way, and those without money play the same way.

Schoolmates often go to Goulan to listen to music and drink flowers and wine together.

Wu De is very envious, but he has no money.Eventually, though, he found a place that suited him.

It was a small courtyard in a rather remote location, very inconspicuous.

The owners of the courtyard are a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law Cheng Shi, aged 36, and the daughter-in-law Sun Shi, aged [-], nicknamed Ah Feng.

The fate of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is unfortunate, and both become widows.

The life of a widow is already difficult, but both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are relatively lazy, making life even more difficult.

In order to change the predicament of life, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came to an absurd idea and started a business in their own yard.

Although Cheng is over 30 years old, he still has a bit of charm anyway, and there will always be people who like it.

Ah Feng, on the other hand, was petite and dainty, and she looked even more juicy after she dressed up.

Based on the principle of small profits but quick turnover, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law managed to do business smoothly.

If some customers are inconvenient, you can still owe them, or bring some rice, flour, cloth and the like.

Wu De learned of this small courtyard by accident, and came here once out of curiosity, but was fascinated by Ah Feng.

The main reason is that he is too lonely on weekdays, has almost no friends, and he himself has low self-esteem.

But here, Ah Feng treats him like a young master, serving him thoughtfully, making Wu De fall into a land of tenderness and unable to extricate himself.

So, as long as I have some spare money, I will come here.

Compared with those places outside, this place is much cheaper. You can stay for a night for a few tens of pennies, which is similar to staying in a hotel.

As time went on, Wu De felt that he was getting deeper and deeper.

Ah Feng also seemed to be genuinely moved by him, and her words revealed that she wanted to be with him.

Cheng saw the signs, and she was naturally reluctant to let Ah Feng go, so she beat Wu De and Ah Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

The implication is to play for fun, but don't play for real, or you will tear your face and everyone will not look good.

Of course Wu De didn't dare to offend Mrs. Cheng, if this woman yelled and Master Qian found out and stopped supporting him in a fit of anger, wouldn't his previous books be read in vain?
Later, Cheng raised another condition, saying that if Wu De was willing to pay 50 taels of silver, she would fulfill him and Ah Feng.

Where did Wu De get the 50 taels of silver?

But now, Qian Dayou promised a reward of 100 taels of silver, which made Wu De's mind active.

This is a great opportunity for him.

Even if he can't marry Ah Feng, he can rent a hut quietly, and learn from others to build a golden house to hide his beauty.

"How? Is there a way?"

Seeing Wu De's greedy look, Qian Dayou couldn't help asking proudly.

Sure enough, money can turn ghosts around.

"Well...I...I'll try my best to think of a solution, but I don't know... I wonder if Young Master Qian...can you give me a few taels of silver first?"

"Hehe, no problem!" Qian Dayou took out a silver ingot generously: "I will give you ten taels, which is considered an extra gift. As long as you do things to my satisfaction, I will give you another 100 taels after the matter is completed." .”

"Thank you, Young Master Qian, thank you..."

Wu De was so excited that he took the ingot of silver with trembling hands.

This is the first time in his life that he has such a large sum of money.

Although I haven't thought of a solution yet, don't be a fool if you have money, take it first and then talk about it, and think about the solution later.

That night, Wu De happily ran to find Ah Feng.

As soon as he entered the room, Wu De took out a jade hairpin from his pocket in a showy way: "Look, what is this?"

"Wow, it's so beautiful, did you give it to me?" Ah Feng was surprised.

"Of course it's for you."

Wu De handed the jade hairpin to Ah Feng.

He bought this jade hairpin for three taels of silver, of course it can't be compared with that of a wealthy family, but it is also a pretty good gift for an ordinary family.

Ah Feng couldn't put it down, and murmured: "It will cost a lot of money, right?"

"It's not too much, five taels of silver..." Wu Dexu added two taels.

"My God, five taels of silver?" Ah Feng hurriedly handed back the jade hairpin: "No, no, I can't accept such an expensive gift."

He said it was unacceptable, but his expression showed a look of reluctance.

"Take it!"

Wu De pushed back again.

"Where did you get so much money?" Ah Feng asked curiously.

"You don't have to worry about this..."

Ah Feng jokingly said again: "Is this a gift from you as a token of love?"

Hearing this, Wu De was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "That's right."

"Oh, what a pity..." Ah Feng sighed faintly.

"What's the pity? Are you not happy?"

"How can I not be happy? But you know my mother-in-law..."

As soon as the Cheng family was mentioned, Wu De couldn't help but angrily said: "Your mother-in-law is just a money fanatic and a snobbish eye."

At this moment, Ah Feng bit her lip and said, "Wu Lang, there is something... I... I don't know if I should tell you."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

" mother-in-law...she might...may take me away..."


Wu De was taken aback.

"That day, I overheard her conversation with a salesman from out of town..."

"what did they say?"

"From my mother-in-law's tone, it seems that she is worried that the matter will be revealed sooner or later, and it will be troublesome if she is held accountable by the government.

That peddler came up with an idea, asked my mother-in-law to take me and leave with him, saying that he had a way out or something..."

Hearing this, Wu De was furious.

Obviously, that peddler was not a good guy, and he actually wanted to take this opportunity to occupy the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and become his tool for making money.

So, regardless of Ah Feng's dissuasion, he ran to find Cheng's theory.

To talk about this matter, Cheng Shi is still hesitant, after all, she also knows in her heart that once she leaves with the other party, she may have to be restrained by the other party in the future.

But after Wu De made such a fuss, he couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment: "Where we go is none of your business? If you have the ability, you can feed us with good food and drink.

At that time, don't talk about Ah Feng, my old lady can serve you..."

These words angered Wu De, and his brain got hot and he even started to fight.

During the fight, Cheng fell on his back, knocked his head on the ground and passed out.

Wu De was frightened, he checked Chengshi's breath and found that he was still breathing, but no matter how he pinched him, no matter how he called Chengshi he would not wake up.

Ah Feng was also frightened, and told Wu De to go to the doctor quickly, so as not to kill anyone.

In the end, Wu De waved his hand, and he suddenly had a bold idea...

For him, there are two things that are most beneficial at present. One is to get rid of Cheng Shi, so that Ah Feng can only obediently follow him.

The second thing is to complete the task that Qian Dayou entrusted to him, and take revenge on Qin Song.

So, is there a way to kill two birds with one stone and do these two things simultaneously?
So he comforted Ah Feng first, saying that he would find a way to solve it, and then ran to find Qian Dayou overnight.

Qian Dayou was originally very upset that Wu Deda disturbed him at night, but after hearing Wu De talk about the process and thoughts of the incident, he also felt that these two incidents could be used, so he helped to use his brain to find a solution.

In the end, the two negotiated a poisonous plan: kill Cheng, and then plant it on Qin Song, making him charged with murder.

After some secret discussions, Wu De hurried back to the small courtyard.

At this time, Cheng Shi had already woken up, but his mind was still a little dizzy.

When he woke up, he found that he was tied up, with a cloth stuffed in his mouth, and he couldn't help struggling desperately in fright.

After Wu De returned to the small courtyard, he didn't pay attention to Mrs. Cheng, but asked Ah Feng, "Ah Feng, do you want to live a normal life?"

Of course Ah Feng thought, so she nodded.

"This time, as long as you cooperate fully and pass through this pass, we can be together forever in the future."

Ah Feng asked tremblingly, "You...what are you going to do?"

"Feng, your mother-in-law is alive, which is the biggest obstacle to us. Therefore, we must get rid of her."

Ah Feng was too scared, but she couldn't stand Wu De's persuasion and sweet words.

Things have come to this point, and she and her mother-in-law have completely come to the opposite side, so they can only be forced to stand in line.

So, after a lot of suffering, she took Wu De's side.

If Wu De were to do this alone, he might not have the courage.

Now that he has money and a lot of support, this kid is going all out, and everything is going according to plan.

After noon the next day, Qin Song, as usual, glanced at the hall of the Wanhua Building opposite from time to time, but he never saw Hong'er appearing.

Of course, this is not surprising, Hong'er may not always be in the lobby, she may be doing other chores, or she may be drinking with guests in other places.

After relaxing in the afternoon, Qin Song just walked out of the academy.

Suddenly, a man who looked like a servant came over and asked in a low voice, "You are Qin Song, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I'm a buddy from Wanhualou, hurry up and save Hong'er sister..."

Qin Song was taken aback: "Ah? What happened to Hong'er?"

"She was kidnapped..."


(End of this chapter)

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