Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 188 Surrounding Wei and Rescue Zhao

Chapter 188 Surrounding Wei and Rescue Zhao
Next, Yin Wenli inquired many times, not only inquiring about the situation at the time of the crime, but also trying to inquire about Ye Gui's situation in various ways.

Later, he went to the county magistrate Qi Yimin to communicate.

After all, Yin Wenli is a Juren, and he is also a well-known talent in the south of the Yangtze River. After meeting, Qi Yimin's attitude was still very enthusiastic.

After a bit of courteous exchange, the two sides talked about Lingjia's case.

"My lord, maybe you have also heard about the relationship between Lingjia and Bucai. She is Zhuojing's natal sister. Back then... well, this matter is not worth mentioning."

Hearing this, Qi Yimin couldn't help but smiled and said: "Actually, this case has already spread, and many people know about the bizarre past of their sister Yi's marriage.

Speaking of which, your aunt was indeed short-sighted back then, which led to the bad results today.

The official has also inquired about the reasons for this in many ways. From a rational point of view, she is indeed worthy and sympathetic.only……"

Speaking of this, Qi Yimin sighed: "Now this case is full of turmoil. The Ye family insists that Lingjia has a man outside, and that Lingjia deliberately murdered her husband."

"The adults can't let them talk."

"Of course, I won't listen to one side or believe it. It's just that the Ye family is deeply rooted in Yudong County and has recruited many squires to help me. This officer is also a little embarrassed."

"My lord, as far as I know, since Ye Gui moved to my father-in-law's house, he has almost cut off contact with the Ye family.

Moreover, I have also inquired before, that the Ye family has long since fallen, and the situation in the family is quite complicated.

The reason why they spared no effort to stand up for Ye Gui this time, I think the adults know it well, they heard that Lingjia had saved a lot of gold and silver property, and they wanted to take this opportunity to blackmail a fortune. "

Qi Yimin smiled wryly and said, "I am aware of this. The Ye family has actually made a request, saying that Ye Gui is a member of the Ye family, and his property should be taken over by the Ye family..."

Hearing this, Yin Wenli couldn't help but mockingly smiled: "How does Ye Gui have any property? All these years, his food, drink, and clothes are all money from my father-in-law's family.

My lord, there is one thing that the Ye family may have overlooked.

Lingjia did marry into Ye's family back then, but she only stayed there for two years.Afterwards, she returned to her mother's house, and never returned to Ye's house.

Ye Gui also followed, theoretically speaking, he was willing to join the Zhang family.

That being the case, he was spending time and drinking outside, and even hid in a golden house, Lingjia has every reason to kick him out, instead of Ye Gui writing a divorce letter..."

Having said that, Qi Yimin's eyes lit up: "That's right, why didn't I think of this?"

According to the rules, when a woman marries into a man's family, the man's family must write a letter of divorce before it can be regarded as officially breaking away from the husband and wife relationship.

On the contrary, the woman takes the initiative and can sweep the man out of the house and leave the house.

"My lord, this is the crux of the case.

Ye Gui and his wife stayed in her natal family for five or six years, and all expenses were spent on her natal family's money.

Therefore, this has formed a de facto encroachment.

At that time, my father-in-law and mother-in-law were also very happy. They treated Ye Gui as their son and handed over the family property to Ye Gui and his wife.

Unexpectedly, Ye Gui didn't know how to be grateful, and when he had money in his hand, he began to spend money lavishly outside, and made many friends.

These things, I believe adults can find out after a little research.

It's fine if it's just a little money, but the key point is that this guy is still messing around outside.

Not only did she often go to Fireworks and Willow Lane, but she also spent a lot of money to redeem the body of a top girl in Cuiyun Building, and bought a yard and a golden house outside.

After this incident came to light, the husband and wife had a big quarrel, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law were also very angry, and in a fit of anger said that they would drive Ye Gui away and let him go back to Ye's house by himself.

Ye Gui knelt down to admit his mistake, coaxed his wife with sweet words, and finally got away with it.

It's okay to restrain himself like this, but after hearing that this kid got involved in gambling again, and got deeper and deeper, he secretly transferred the Zhang family's property to his name and mortgaged it to others, so as to repay the huge gambling debt.

In the end, my father-in-law and mother-in-law were pissed off...

Of course, my aunt's connivance and credulity were also the cause of the tragedy. She was shrewd on the surface, but she was extremely confused in reality, and was played around by Ye Gui without knowing it.

Later, I finally came to my senses and thought about avoiding that guy, but in the end I still didn't dodge..."

After listening to Yin Wenli's words, Qi Yimin pondered for a while, and said: "Actually, Zhou Jieyuan also asked Qiantang County Magistrate Song to write me a letter about this case.

It's just that the Ye family is very noisy now, so I haven't tried it all the time, and I'm afraid that it will be difficult to get rid of it. "

Yin Wenli smiled and said: "Actually, it's very simple to make the Ye family retreat..."

"Oh? I don't know what good strategy Yin Juren has?"

"My lord, the Ye family's success is for face, but the ultimate goal is money.

If they didn't get a penny, but had to repay Ye Gui's debt, would they still be motivated? "

When Yin Wenli said this, he naturally already had his plans.

After his secret inquiries, the reason why Ye Gui was in a hurry to ask Lingjia for money was because this kid owed a large amount of gambling debts.

Old debts are not cleared, and new debts are added.

The creditors kept pressing for debts, and this guy went around collecting money like a mad dog. He sold everything he could sell, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

Because, what can be sold has already been sold, how much can he sell?

After hearing Yin Wenli's plan, Qi Yimin shouted repeatedly, then called his master and explained in a low voice.


Soon, there was a "gossip" news circulating in the city, saying that Ye Gui had hidden a large sum of money, but it was seized by the government.

The Ye family wanted to get back the money, so they were so active and kept urging the county government to settle the case so that they could get back the money.

This news naturally reached the ears of Ye Gui's creditors.

For this news, they are actually skeptical.After all, a gambler owed so many debts, how could he still hide money?

Isn't this unreasonable?

But, thinking about it, who doesn't want to get their debts back?

Ye Gui is dead now, but the debt can't be settled just like that. Since the members of the Ye family are so active in begging Ye Gui for an explanation, it is natural to ask the people of the Ye family for it.

Ever since, a group of creditors rushed to the Ye family to collect their debts.

These creditors are not good people. Besides, although the Ye family is famous, they are not officials. Naturally, these gangsters will not be afraid.

At this moment, the Ye family couldn't help being dumbfounded.

They didn't really want to stand up for Ye Gui. After all, the Ye family had too many disciples, and one more or one less would have no effect on the Ye family.

They filed this lawsuit for nothing more than trying to make a fortune out of it.

As a result, the money has not yet been received, but you have to help pay off the debt first?How can there be such a reason?
At the beginning, the Ye family's attitude was a bit tough, and the disciples and servants of the family ran outside the door to drive them away.

Unexpectedly, more and more people came to collect debts, and the two sides also had fierce conflicts because of this.

Although the Ye family has a lot of people, not many people really dare to do it, and almost all the people who come to collect debts are punks, so the Ye family naturally suffered a big loss.

In a fit of anger, those little bastards resorted to all means, blocking the door, throwing dung, intimidating... In short, they used all means, which almost made the old man of the Ye family feel angry.

In fact, Ye Gui's case in the Ye family's opinion is not unified, some advocate making a fuss, some advocate watching the situation quietly, and some are simply lazy to pay attention.

Now that these creditors are making trouble, the Ye family is in chaos.

In desperation, all members of the Ye family gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

In the end, they unanimously decided to go to the county government to withdraw the complaint and draw a clear line with Ye Gui.

After all, Ye Gui owed too much debt, and it was the kind of interest rate. They were full to pay off the debt for a dead person?
Therefore, the Ye family sent people to find Qi Yimin, saying that they could not bear the entanglement of the creditors, and decided to draw a line with Ye Gui, and crossed Ye Gui's name from the family tree.

At the same time, he also said that Ye Gui was no longer a member of the Ye family, and had left the Ye family a few years ago to follow the father-in-law's family.

Qi Yimin was secretly happy, but he persuaded the Ye family to think clearly, after all, crossing out a clan disciple from the genealogy is not a trivial matter.

Unless it was an unforgivable big mistake made by the disciples of the clan.

The Ye family insisted on their own opinion, saying that Ye Gui was no longer a disciple of the Ye family when he joined his father-in-law's family, and that he was a gambler, humiliating the Ye family's family style and other excuses.

After returning, the Ye family announced in a high-profile manner, saying that Ye Gui had entered the family of the ancestral father, and because he had ruined the reputation of the Ye family, he was expelled from the Ye family and his name was crossed out from the genealogy.

In short, it is to break the relationship with Ye Gui, and warn those who come to collect debts, if they continue to entangle, they will report to the officials.

In this way, Qi Yimin has no more scruples, and the Ye family also took the initiative to say that Ye Gui is married, so it will be much easier.

Within two days, Qi Yimin was formally promoted to hear the case.

In court, Lingjia argued that she left home because she was completely disappointed in Ye Gui and wanted to drive him back to Ye's house, but Ye Gui refused to leave and threatened her.

This is not a lie, she did say that out of anger, but was beaten up by Ye Gui.

At that time, she didn't think about getting married either, she just wanted to get Ye Gui to write a letter of divorce so that she could be relieved as soon as possible.

Now, since the Ye family also said that it was a marriage, she naturally wanted to defend herself based on this point.

"My lord, the women really couldn't bear Ye Gui's beatings and shamelessness, so they took the maid and left, thinking of breaking up with him.

Unexpectedly, he still had the cheek to come to the door, and said that the woman would give him 5000 taels of silver before he would completely sever the relationship.

Afterwards, regardless of the woman’s obstruction and opposition, she forcibly rushed into the house and robbed the woman’s property. The woman pushed him in anger, but he stumbled and fell on the threshold..."

Yin Wenli also stepped forward to help defend: "My lord, I have inquired about the neighbors in the neighborhood, and the testimony of the servant girl Azhu is enough to prove that the actions of the deceased Ye Gui belonged to door-to-door robbery.

Although Ye Gui and the defendant used to be husband and wife, the defendant has repeatedly proposed to make a clean break.

It's just that Ye Gui was still entangled, and the defendant was forced to move away.

Before, the Ye family had accused the defendant of moving away because there were men outside.

However, after more inquiries and the surrounding neighbors can also prove that the defendant and the maid, A Zhuban, lived in seclusion after they arrived at the new house and never had any contact with others.

Ye Gui also found out about the defendant's whereabouts from nowhere, forced his way into the yard, and robbed the gold and silver regardless of the defendant's resistance.

Not to mention that the defendant just missed, even if he took the initiative to beat him to death, that would be a legitimate thing..."

Afterwards, some neighbors came out to testify. Combining their evidence, they can almost restore the content of the quarrel between the two at that time.

Therefore, Qi Yimin pronounced the sentence in court, Ye Gui came to rob the house, he deserved the crime, and Lingjia was released without charge.

After regaining her freedom, Lingjia burst into tears as soon as she returned to the small courtyard.

After crying for a while, she couldn't help raising her tearful eyes to look at Yin Wenli and said, "Why did you save me? Shouldn't you and your sister hate me?"

"No, you're wrong..." Yin Wenli shook his head: "Ganoderma and I hate you, but it's because we hate you for not taking good care of your father-in-law and mother-in-law.

From the bottom of my heart, I am actually very grateful to you. "

"Thank you?" Lingjia looked surprised.

"Yes!" Yin Wenli smiled, his face filled with a kind of sincere happiness: "If you hadn't insisted on refusing to marry back then, I wouldn't have married such a good wife as Ganoderma lucidum..."

As soon as these words came out, Ling Jia blushed with shame.

It was worse than slapping her.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not holding grudges, I'm telling the truth, including Ganoderma lucidum. To a certain extent, you are a great matchmaker for us.

In addition, anyway, you and Ganoderma lucidum are also biological sisters, my aunt.

Over the years, you have suffered enough. Come to think of it, you are now awakened. "

Lingjia shed tears and sobbed for a while, then raised her head and said: "Yes, I admit that I was too ignorant back then, and only wanted to enjoy wealth.

Later... I regretted it, I really regretted it, but there was no way to turn back.

Originally, you...should be my husband-in-law, but now, I want to call you brother-in-law..."

This call of brother-in-law was the first time she voluntarily said it out, and thinking about it, the knot in her heart was finally untied.


Yin Wenli let out a long sigh.

Then he said: "Forget it, it can only be said that the reason is determined by God... What are your plans in the future?"

"I..." Lingjia thought for a while, and said, "I want to go to Qiantang County with you to see my sister. I want to confess my mistake to my sister sincerely, and hope she will forgive my incompetent sister."

"Well, no problem, you pack up, we'll leave tomorrow morning."

The next day, Yin Wenli found a carriage and went to Qiantang County with Ling Jia and the maid A Zhu.

The two sisters hadn't seen each other for several years, and when they met again, their eyes were clouded with tears for a while, and they looked at each other speechlessly.

After a while, Lingjia said tremblingly: "Sister, I'm sorry for you, and I'm even more sorry for my parents..."

"That's all, as long as your sister can realize the mistake, I, as a younger sister, am already very relieved."

"Talk slowly, sisters, I'll go to the study."

On such an occasion, Yin Wenli knew that it was not suitable for him to stay.

After chatting for a long time, Lingzhi couldn't help asking: "Sister, what are your plans for the future?"

Lingjia sighed and said, "I've experienced so much, I'm already tired of life in the world..."

"Sister, don't do stupid things." Ling Zhi hurriedly persuaded.

"Sister, you don't have to worry, sister is just tired of life and not life.

In fact, I have thought about it before, I still have some money in my hand, find someone to build a nunnery by myself, and bring it home..."

Ganoderma lucidum was stunned for a moment, and then persuaded: "Sister, why are you doing this? If you and Azhu stay here, there is room at home anyway."

"Sister, I know you've always been kind. But, I'm really sorry to disturb your life with Wen Li..."

"Sister, let's not talk about this for now. We haven't seen each other for several years. You can stay here for a while before we talk about it."

Seeing her sister try her best to persuade her, Lingjia sighed and nodded, "Okay."

Later, under the persuasion of Ganoderma lucidum, Lingjia gave up her plan to build a nunnery, sold the yard in Yudong County, and bought a small courtyard in Qiantang to live in.

In my spare time, I take Azhu to help my sister with some housework, female celebrities and so on, and my life is finally stable...

(End of this chapter)

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