Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 195 Shangxian spares his life

Chapter 195 Shangxian spares his life
The heart-piercing cries of the four children echoed in the air, making many people feel sorry for them.

However, people are selfish.

Firstly, he is not his own child, and secondly, if he does not sacrifice to the Dragon King, then the Dragon King will bring more disasters to everyone.

Seeing that the four children were about to be swallowed by the huge vortex, a sudden change occurred on the scene: the boat carrying the four children actually flew up.

"what happened?"

" did it fly?"

"The Dragon Lord has appeared..."

The place was boiling.


Suddenly, the river set off a huge wave.

A huge strange fish rushed out of the water, soared into the air, and opened its mouth full of sharp teeth to engulf the small boat.

Many people at the scene depended on fishing for a living, but no one had ever seen such a strange and huge fish.

It looks a bit like a catfish, but its shape is too exaggerated, and it can swallow a small ferry boat in one gulp.

"The evildoer should be presumptuous!"

There was a shout in the sky.

It was Zhou Yu who made the move.

The reason why he had to wait until now was to wait for the other party to show up on his own initiative to see if he was the real Dragon King.

The result proved that the previous guess was correct. It really wasn't a dragon king, but a catfish spirit.

I don't know how many years this guy has cultivated, two flesh crowns have grown on his head, his eyes are like copper bells, exuding a scarlet and fierce light.

Seeing the delicious food in his mouth flying towards the shore, the catfish spirit couldn't help but let out an angry roar, flicked his tail, and rushed towards Zhou Yu viciously...


Finally, some people came to their senses, turned around and fled in fright.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, with the sound of running, screaming, and crying one after another.

A group of students in the academy rushed to the river, waited for the boat to slowly descend, and quickly carried the four children out.


On the other side, Zhou Yu had already fought the catfish spirit.

With one palm, the catfish spirit was dizzy and fell back into the water.

"Bold evildoer, pretending to be the dragon king to harm the village, today I will kill you on behalf of the heavens!"

Zhou Yu shouted loudly, and a sword appeared out of thin air in his hand, and flew down to the surface of the water.

Although many people who came to offer sacrifices escaped, many brave ones stayed behind.

At this time, someone finally recognized Zhou Yu.

"Isn't he the teacher from yesterday?"

"Yes, yes, those students are also there, they say they are from Wendao Academy..."

"This is clearly an immortal teacher..."

Some people involuntarily knelt on the ground and kowtowed.


At this time, there was another huge movement on the river.

The catfish spirit suffered a big loss, became completely furious, and began to use demonic methods to stir up trouble.

For a time, the sky was covered with dark clouds and the wind was strong.

On the surface of the river, there were huge waves, and the river rose rapidly, and it was about to overflow the river bank.

"It's not good, the flood is about to erupt..."

"Run away!"

Now, those people who had the guts to stay and want to watch the fun didn't dare to stay. After all, when Hong Feng came, even the best water quality would be ruthlessly swallowed.

"Goodness is like water."

"Water is good for all things without fighting."

At this time, Zhou Yu's voice echoed in the sky again.

The sound together seemed to form an invisible barrier, blocking the water that was about to overflow the river bank.

A group of students were not idle, standing by the river and chanting in unison:
"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds.

The lower part is Heyue, and the upper part is the sun star.

Yu Ren said Hao Ran, Pei Hu Sai Cang Ming.

Huanglu as Qingyi, Han and Tuming Court.

I will see you when the time is poor, and you will see the pictures one by one..."

It is a righteous song.

Before Zhou Yu came, there were no righteous songs in this world.

After founding the Wendao Academy, Zhou Yu made slight changes according to the background of the current world, requiring every student to read and memorize it by heart, comprehend its essence, and cultivate righteousness.

The dark clouds in the sky began to fade rapidly.

The river also began to ebb.

At this time, Zhou Yu swung his sword and slashed...


With a huge bang, two rows of huge waves soared into the sky.

The river water several feet deep was cut in half by the power of this sword, revealing the river bed and the catfish spirit hiding at the bottom of the river.

Not to mention the common people, even the students were dumbfounded.

Although they all knew that Zhou Yu was hiding something, but such a big river cut off the flow of the river with a sword, what kind of magical power is this?
The catfish spirit obviously didn't expect this either.

It thinks that the water is its main battlefield, as long as it hides in the water, it will have the upper hand and can advance and retreat freely.

Who would have thought that this sword actually made it lie on the river bed?

However, this catfish spirit has been cultivated for hundreds of years, and his reaction was not slow. With a slap of his tail, his body flew towards the river on the left like lightning.


Almost at the same time, another ray of sword light swept down, cutting off half of the catfish spirit's tail, and the blood splashed into the air like a wave, staining a large area of ​​the river red.


The sword light disappeared, and the broken river suddenly closed.

"You guys wait here, I'll go after that fish spirit."

Zhou Yu gave an order to the students on the shore, followed by riding the waves, and soon disappeared.

A group of students couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect Mr. to have such great supernatural powers."

"Yeah, just like the legendary sword fairy."

"Perhaps Mister is a god who came down to earth to enlighten the world."

"If you can learn a little bit of my master's supernatural powers, what are fame and money? It's just a floating cloud..."

Let's say that the catfish spirit was severely injured, and half of its tail was cut off, but under the instinct of survival, it still escaped quickly.

However, Zhou Yu had locked on to its aura, and with the occasional bloody water on the river, it couldn't get rid of its pursuit at all.

In the end, the catfish spirit fled back to its lair, calling out a clam spirit to fight to the death.

As soon as the clam spirit appeared, it turned into a charming woman with a half-hidden veil, full of charms, trying to seduce the opponent with charm, and then let the catfish spirit kill her.

For some shallow people, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the charm of this clam spirit, which is one of its talents.

Unfortunately, this time I found the wrong partner.

Zhou Yu pretended to be confused, and when the catfish spirit came from behind, he beheaded it with a sword.

"Shangxian, spare me!"

The clam spirit was frightened out of its wits, and hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Zhou Yu said coldly: "Forgive me? You and this evildoer are on the same side, devouring children, the heavens will not tolerate it, you will die!"

The clam spirit screamed: "No, Shangxian, Shangxian, please let Xiaoyao explain..."

"Okay, let's talk about it, if you dare to quibble, you will definitely be executed."

"The little demon dare not lie. Daxian, the little demon was completely forced by this fish spirit.

In the past, Xiao Yao practiced here alone, never harming anyone, and even saved some people who fell into the water.

If the Great Immortal doesn't believe it, the little demon will swear to the sky right now, if there is a single lie, the little demon is willing to be punished by five thunderbolts and never reincarnate..."

For a cultivator, whether he is a human or a demon, being able to swear such a poisonous oath means that he is really not lying.

Because cultivators are no better than ordinary people, their vows will be fulfilled.

This is a law of heaven.

Therefore, practitioners do not swear lightly, let alone swear poisonously.

"Okay, since you dare to swear such a poisonous oath, I will trust you for the time being, and now, you will invite it as it is."

"Thank you Shangxian."

The clam spirit thanked, and then began to talk about the reason.

"The little demon has been cultivating here since he opened his spiritual wisdom, and it has been more than 400 years.

Fortunately, the heavens showed mercy, and finally turned into a human form.For this reason, Xiao Yao is grateful, and sometimes she will help some people who have fallen into the water when they meet.

A few years ago, the little demon was breathing out and purifying the inner alchemy in the cave. Unexpectedly, the catfish spirit suddenly appeared and swallowed the inner alchemy of the little demon in one gulp.

The little demon was frightened out of his wits, once the inner alchemy was lost, at least half of his cultivation would be lost, so he begged the catfish spirit to return the inner alchemy.

In the end, the catfish spirit took this as a threat and asked the little demon to be its concubine.

The little demon didn't agree, so the catfish spirit... used the magic method to trap the little demon, and forcibly possessed the little demon.

After that, in order to get back the inner alchemy, Xiao Yao could only flatter her, thinking about finding a chance to escape after getting back the inner alchemy.

Never thought that that guy was quite cunning, and forced the little demon to swear a poisonous oath.

In desperation, the little demon was forced to swear a poisonous oath, and then it returned the inner alchemy to the little demon.

Since then, the little demon has been disheartened, and he can't kill it, so he wants to escape, but he swore a poisonous oath not to leave..."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but frowned: "Even if you have difficulties, that can't be an excuse for you to help it harm people."

"Shangxian Mingjian, the little demon has never helped it to harm people..."

Speaking of this, he remembered the matter of assisting the catfish spirit to deal with Zhou Yu just now, and hurriedly said: "Just now, it ran into the cave and said that it had encountered a strong enemy, and asked the little demon to help deal with it.

And said that as long as the little demon helps it, it will set the little demon free.So, Xiao Yao is... this is...

Except this time, the little demon has never helped it to harm anyone, the little demon can swear to the sky..."

"Okay, then let me ask you, what happened to the catfish spirit pretending to be the Dragon King and devouring children?"

The clam spirit replied: "The catfish spirit had a whimsical idea, saying that carp can jump over the dragon's gate, and so can catfish.

In order to make the people believe that it is the Dragon King, it first pretended to appear in the Dragon King Temple, saying that the people did not respect it.

Then there was a storm, which sank many ships.The little demon couldn't bear it, and tried to persuade him not to do things that hurt nature, so as not to bring about catastrophe.

However, it didn't listen at all, and instead got worse.

I don't know what magic power it has practiced, and it needs to devour children regularly.

So, it went to the county seat as a humanoid pretending to be an expert, and it didn't know what benefits it had promised to the county magistrate. The county magistrate was very cooperative and asked the people to donate two pairs of children every three months.

Shangxian, the little demon really has no way to stop it, please ask Shangxian to investigate clearly. "

After hearing the reason, Zhou Yu pondered for a while and said, "In that case, I will spare your life..."

"Thank you, Shangxian, thank you, Shangxian!"

The clam spirit hurriedly kowtowed to thank her.

"However, you need to practice hard in the future. If you dare to do evil, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Little Yao would like to obey the order of the immortal, and must cultivate hard."

"Just do it yourself."

"Thank you, Shangxian, for not killing me."

When the clam spirit raised its head, Zhou Yu had disappeared.

Back to the shore, a group of students gathered around to inquire about the situation.

Zhou Yu briefly explained the reason, and finally said: "This is not only a disaster for monsters, but also a disaster for people."

Some students said angrily: "That's right, that county magistrate colluded with monsters to harm the villagers, he must not be spared lightly."

Zhou Yu waved his hand: "We don't need to come forward in person for this matter, it's an official matter, so let the officials solve it."

After the people in the town knew the details, they were naturally grateful to Zhou Yu and his party.

Especially those few households whose children were lost and found again, were even more grateful.

This matter also increased the reputation of Zhou Yu and Wendao Academy. After all, the actions of Zhou Yu and a group of students completely reversed the image of weak Chinese scholars in the hearts of the people.

Even, it was covered with a bit of mystery.

As for the county magistrate surnamed Liu, because of this matter, a book was read, and he was finally escorted to the Ministry of Officials for interrogation. Once the evidence is convincing, let alone Wushamao, he may not even be able to save his life.

Besides, after Zhou Yu and his party left Xiaoshan Town, they continued to travel abroad.

On this day, I came to a small county called Huayin.

Although the size of the county seat is small, and it is not a stronghold for communication, after the group entered the city, they found that the county seat is quite prosperous, with a southern dialect and a northern dialect, and many foreign merchants gathered here.

After wandering around the county for a while, Zhou Yu and his party finally found out that Huayin County has been rich in crickets since ancient times, and most of the foreign merchants came here to buy crickets.

It is not unusual to say that crickets are found all over the country. Why do some people travel thousands of miles to buy crickets?

Some students asked out of curiosity, and only then did they understand the reason.

Huayin County has a unique environment, and there are many types of crickets, two of which are unique, large in size, fierce and aggressive.

Therefore, cricket fighting has been popular among Huayin folk since ancient times.

In the past, the people who came to Huayin County to buy crickets were businessmen from surrounding counties or people who liked to fight crickets, and the popularity was far less than it is now.

Until more than ten years ago, a newly appointed county magistrate also liked cricket fighting, and all his subordinates fell in love with him and offered a lot of crickets.

It coincided with the magistrate's birthday, and the county magistrate selected some crickets as gifts for the magistrate.

The magistrate then handed it over to a noble son from the capital.

There are also quite a few people in Beijing who like to fight crickets, including some royal disciples, concubines and concubines in the harem who have nothing to do, watching operas, listening to ditties, and fighting crickets is a way of pastime.

After the noble son returned to Beijing, he fought crickets again that night, but he lost a few times in a row, losing two crickets and several hundred taels of silver.

When I was annoyed, I suddenly remembered the crickets sent by the prefect, so I might as well give it a try.

So he ordered his servants to bring those crickets.

As a result, he won consecutive victories, not only recovering the previous losses, but also winning hundreds of taels of silver.

At this moment, the powerful young man realized that the crickets sent by the magistrate were not simple.

Later, a little prince also knew about this, and sent someone to Huayin County to bring back a batch of crickets, and specially selected a few to send to the palace as a gift to the Queen Mother.

Because the Queen Mother has always liked cricket fighting.

After the Queen Mother received the crickets, she didn't like them very much, because these crickets were top-notch in terms of appearance, voice, and fighting power.

After the emperor knew about this, he issued an imperial edict ordering Huayin County to offer a batch of crickets regularly.

In this way, the crickets in Huayin County became royal offerings, and became famous and worth a hundred times, attracting many people to buy crickets after hearing the news.

At the same time, many people made a special trip to Huayin County to participate in the cricket fight or to watch the excitement, which made Huayin County's popularity steadily increase...

(End of this chapter)

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