Chapter 201

As soon as Zhou Yu stepped forward, the crisis was easily resolved.

Tang Jiaye and Xia'er were very grateful, and they both stepped forward to thank them.

Zhou Yu asked again in detail, and the result was even more bizarre and tortuous than what the guy said.

The Zhang family's methods can be described as outrageous. They broke up the beautiful marriage between Tang Jiaye and Xia'er, and forced Tang Jiaye to leave his hometown.

"If they only threatened Tang's life, Tang would not be afraid at all. However, they actually threatened the lives of Xia'er and her parents..."

Hearing this, Fan Shoulin couldn't help asking: "You can go to the government for this kind of thing."

Tang Jiaye smiled wryly and shook his head: "The Zhang family has a very close relationship with the yamen. It can almost be said that they wear the same pair of pants. Going to the yamen will not only not solve the problem, but will cause more trouble."


At this time, Zhou Yu said to Tang Jiaye: "In my opinion, the best solution to this matter is not to let Xia'er continue killing people.

Although she is out for revenge, killing too much will also plant karma and affect reincarnation.

In another three or four months, the examination will begin. You might as well hurry up and go to the capital, review your books carefully, and try to pass the Jinshi examination.

When you become an official in the future, do you still worry about not having a chance to take revenge? "

Hearing this, Tang Jiaye couldn't help but nodded: "That's right, Bucai also thought the same way, and he also tried to comfort Xia'er in the same way."

"That's good!" Zhou Yu smiled and cupped his hands: "I wish you the title of the gold list, and Xia'er had better hide in another place. It is not appropriate to confront the Zhang family at the moment."

"Well, thank you sir for your advice!"

Zhou Yu took out another talisman and handed it to Xia'er: "I have a talisman here for you to take with you, it can give you peace of mind and prevent the sudden outbreak of hostility from causing consequences."

Xia'er took the talisman and saluted with tears in her eyes: "Thank you sir, Xia'er dare not say anything in return, she can only remember your kindness."

"Hehe, it's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about. Well, you'd better get out of here as soon as possible, lest the Zhang family come looking for you again."

Tang Jiaye responded, hurried into the house to pack some things, and thanked Xia'er again before saying goodbye and leaving.

Soon after, the old house caught fire.

This was Zhou Yu's fire, because he found that the old house was indeed darker, not because Xia'er stayed there, but because there was a problem with Feng Shui.

Burn it clean, lest it become a haunted house in the future.

After returning, Tian Ye and Fan Shoulin told the story of Tang Jiaye and Xia'er again.

Although the guy said it once before, many of the processes were passed on by outsiders, or the guy imagined and processed it himself.

Now, what Tian and Ye are saying is what the person concerned personally said, so it is naturally more real and the process is more detailed. The students who listened to each other expressed their own opinions with emotion.

"If you ask me, the Tang family is really weak, and actually went to divorce the engagement..."

"Brother Zhao's words are wrong! Didn't you listen to what Brother Tian and Brother Fan said? The Tang family is all about studying, and their family is poor, so they can't beat the Zhang family at all."

"Yes, I also think that he is not a ruthless person, but he has no choice but to make mistakes and make a plan for the future."

Otherwise, if Xia'er's family of three were to be harmed, it would be beyond regret. "

"The result? Didn't Miss Xia'er die miserably, her mother also went with her..."

When all the students were arguing, Zhou Yu said: "Tang Jiaye's situation is not wrong.

This point, since he has worked hard to obtain fame since then, it is enough to prove that he is bearing the burden of humiliation, hoping that one day he will be able to avenge his shame.

If it was his fault, it would be that he underestimated the shamelessness and insanity of the Zhang family.

He didn't expect that Zhang Quan would die, let alone that the Zhang family would drown Miss Xia'er to marry her in the shade.

From this matter, I believe everyone can understand what is unpredictable and impermanent.

Another important point is strength.

I think, if this matter were changed to anyone present, the outcome would be greatly changed.

Because you are different from most readers.

Those who keep saying that a gentleman speaks his mouth but does not move his hands are either high-ranking saints, or they are making excuses for their own weakness.

Not to mention the past, but under the current environment, the image of scholars in the minds of the people all over the world is almost all pedantic and weak.

But this cannot be blamed on the common people. After all, many scholars are so pedantic, high-minded, and conceited, as if they have forgotten the original intention of Confucianism.

When I was in the academy, I often told everyone that I have no objection to everyone taking the exam, and I even encourage you to take the exam as much as possible.

After all, having fame and fame is also a kind of protection for oneself.

Just like Tang Jiaye, if he had been a Juren before, I believe the Zhang family would not dare to be so arrogant and unscrupulous.

However, if everyone regards fame as a kind of fame and fortune, then I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve any great achievements..."

With this incident, Zhou Yu explained a lot of truth to the students.

After that, a group of people gathered around the campfire, drinking and grilling, having fun.

During the period, a student named Sun Xu got drunk and told everyone a story with twists and turns.

"This story has been widely circulated in our county, and it has even been compiled into a storytelling, called the oil seller monopolizing the oiran.

Back then, there was a middle-aged couple in our county, the man’s name was Xin Shan, his wife Ruan Shi, the husband and wife worked hard to manage the family, and ran a drugstore..."

This Sun Xu is also quite good at talking, and when he narrates, people are immersed in the story unconsciously.

Although Xin Shan is not a doctor, he still has a little understanding of medical theory, and the store hired a doctor who sits in the shop. Although the business is not big, it has a good reputation and the price is fair, so the reputation has always been good.

The husband and wife have only one only daughter, nicknamed Yaoqin, who has been intelligent since childhood.Although it is a daughter, the couple loves her so much that they specially hired someone to teach their daughter to read and learn various talents at home.

By the time she was twelve or thirteen years old, Yaoqin had become a well-known talented woman in the city. She could write poems, songs and Fu at her fingertips, and knew everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Because of this, many rich families have asked matchmakers to come to propose marriage.

However, Xin Shan and his wife thought that their daughter was still young, and the couple had no children, and they wanted to recruit a son-in-law, so they politely rejected all the proposers one by one.

Yaoqin is also very well-behaved and sensible, knowing what her parents are thinking, she also agreed to find a son-in-law who will come to support her parents together in the future.

Originally, the family lived happily ever after, but misfortune fell from heaven.

One day, Ruan's natal family asked someone to bring a letter, saying that Ruan's mother was seriously ill and might die soon, and asked Ruan to go home to visit her.

After hearing what his wife said, Xin Shan decided to take his daughter with him.

So, the family of three cleaned up, entrusted the sitting doctor to help with the business of the family, and then hired a carriage to leave the city.

Ruan's natal family is a little far away, about three hundred miles away, and most of them are mountain roads, which take at least three days to walk.

The first day was pretty smooth.

But in the afternoon of the next day, something happened.

At that time, there were still many pedestrians and carriages on the road, so there should be nothing wrong with it.

However, a few bandits sprang out from nowhere, brandishing knives viciously, chasing the people and robbing them.

For a while, the people on the road were in a mess and fled in all directions.

The coachman hired by Xin Shan was so frightened that he didn't even want the carriage, jumped out of the cart and ran to the nearby hillside.

Xin Shan was also so frightened that he quickly pulled his wife and daughter out of the carriage and ran for his life.

After all, these gangsters are inhumane, and if he falls into the hands of the other party, it will be a big deal to hand over all the money to the other party to save his life.

But if the wife and daughter fall into the hands of the other party... the consequences will be disastrous.

The scene at that time was very chaotic, and some passers-by even took advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters, snatching other people's packages and fleeing.

For a while, the sound of running, fighting, and crying became one.

In the chaos, Yaoqin was separated from her parents, but she didn't dare to shout loudly, and she didn't dare to look around.

She hid in a dense grass and saw a bandit catch up with a commoner, cut off the other's arm with a knife, then picked up the package on the ground and walked away.

She was so frightened that she tightly covered her mouth, biting her lips and bleeding without knowing it.

Waiting until there was no one around, and no movement could be heard, Yaoqin was crying and looking for her parents.

As a result, no one was found until dark.

In desperation, I could only find a place to leeward, pulled some withered grass and spent the night in fear.

At dawn, she started looking for her parents again. When she was tired, hungry and thirsty, she saw a dilapidated thatched cottage not far ahead, so she thought about going to ask for some food.

In the past, she absolutely couldn't make up her mind.

After all, although her family is not a rich family, but it is considered a little rich, and there is never a shortage of food and clothing.

But now, she is hungry and thirsty, and anxious to find her parents, so how can she care more?
In the end, it turned out that misfortunes never come singly, and it was her fate.

The owner of this thatched hut is surnamed Bu, known as Bu Dalang. He is an idler and lazy person.

In the past, the family was decent, with a small courtyard and a few acres of Susukida.

As a result, as soon as his father and mother died, this guy began to sell his land and lived a life where he had wine today and was drunk today, regardless of whether he would have food tomorrow.

Within two years, the fields were gone, and the yard was gone. Finally, I picked up these abandoned huts, repaired them a little, and made them my own home.

It's already high in the sun, and this guy is still lying down and sleeping.

Because sleeping can save one or even two meals.

"Is anyone there? Is there anyone, please?"

Yaoqin went outside the hut and called a few times.


Bu Dalang was sleeping in a daze, when he suddenly heard a woman's delicate voice, he couldn't help but get excited and turned over suddenly.

"Excuse me, is there anyone in the house?"

"Yes, girl, wait a moment..."

Bu Dalang dressed quickly.

And Yaoqin heard a man's voice inside, hesitated for a while, felt a little unsafe, and wanted to turn around and leave.

At this time, Bu Dalang had already walked out, and when he saw Yaoqin was about to turn around and leave, he asked, "Little girl, what's the matter with you?"


Yaoqin turned around, embarrassed to beg for food, and asked, "Uncle, have you ever met a couple in their 30s..."

Yaoqin described the body shape of her parents.

After all, she is still too young, how can she have any experience?
And this Bu Dalang is an old man, when he saw Yaoqin covered in grass clippings, red and swollen eyes, tired and exhausted, he guessed that something happened to her and she got separated from her family.

Although Yaoqin looks dirty now, she still can't hide her beauty.

Bu Dalang was a little tempted for a while... However, he didn't want to possess Yaoqin. After all, it would be risky. What if someone came to find it?

The important thing is that he can't even support himself, how can he have spare money to support two people?
So, Bu Dalang tried his best to put on a simple and honest look and said, "A couple did come here last night. They were also looking for their daughter, and they said they got separated..."

"Really? What do they look like?"

Yaoqin is really innocent, she seems to have forgotten the appearance of her parents that she just described.

Bu Dalang pretended to think for a while: "Well, the man is probably a little taller than me, a bit fat, and wearing a blue blouse..."

As soon as she heard this, Yaoqin couldn't wait to say: "It's daddy, it must be daddy, uncle, where did they go?"

Bu Dalang was overjoyed, this little girl was indeed easy to deceive.

So, he adopted the routines of those fortune tellers on the street, and answered speciously and ambiguously, and at the same time did not show any emotion to follow Yaoqin's words.

It didn't take long, and the words were almost covered.

Then he sighed hypocritically: "Oh, your family is really pitiful, it's rare for a family to go far and meet a robber.

Seeing your parents look very worried, your mother's eyes are swollen from crying..."

His eyes were swollen from crying, of course Bu Dalang made it up, he had never seen anyone before.

However, now that Yaoqin has no master, she just believed it, and started crying along with her.

"Little girl, don't worry, you must be hungry, right? Now, I'll go to the village to get you some food, and I'll make some inquiries for you. Maybe there's news about your parents."

Upon hearing this, Yaoqin was overwhelmed with surprise, and hurriedly blessed: "Thank you uncle, thank you uncle, you are really a kind person."

"Hey, little girl, you don't know, back then I was also a miserable person..."

Bu Dalang pretended to arrange a life experience separated from his family in order to win Yaoqin's sympathy and resonance.

"I fell into exile in a nearby village and grew up eating hundreds of meals. It is precisely because of this that when I heard about your experience, I couldn't help but think of those years..."

Sure enough, saying this made Yaoqin's vigilance almost disappear, so she said a few words of comfort instead.

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, Bu Dalang said again: "Okay little girl, you go into the house and drink a few sips of water, and I will go to the village to find some food for you."

"I'm really sorry, I'm sorry to bother uncle. When I find my parents, Yaoqin will definitely let my parents thank uncle."

"it's okay no problem……"

Bu Dalang waved his hands and hurried away.

He believes that Yaoqin will definitely not leave by herself at this time, he will get some food to coax her first, and then try to sell her to Jianzhou Mansion for a high price.

He was right in guessing, although Yaoqin couldn't say that she completely believed in Bu Dalang, but she believed it almost [-]% to [-]%.

Apart from her pure nature, the most important reason is that her mood was disturbed, and she was eager to find out the whereabouts of her parents, even if there was a glimmer of hope, she didn't want to miss it.

Because of this, Nabu Dalang was given an opportunity to take advantage of it.


(End of this chapter)

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