Chapter 209
After some explanations from Xin Shan, Qin Chong finally understood the cause and effect.

Lord Xia Hou is a famous general of the generation, and he has strict requirements on his son Xia Ze, and wants to train him to be a general capable of both civil and military skills.

Therefore, he was taught Chinese and martial arts, horse racing and archery since he was a child.

When the son grew up a little bit, he would often take him into the mountains to hunt in order to train his courage, bloodiness and actual combat experience.

On that day, Xia Zhiqing took his son into the mountains to hunt again.

On the way, when Xia Ze was chasing a wild deer, he was accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake.

He hurriedly turned around and went back to his father for treatment, but he felt dizzy and rolled downhill along the grass after not walking far.

At that time, Xin Shan happened to be collecting herbs in the valley, and at first thought it was a wild animal when he heard the noise.

In the end, I heard a few more painful grunts, and walked over carefully to have a look, only to find out that it was a boy.

After checking again, it was actually bitten by a poisonous snake.

Xin Shan knew some pharmacology anyway, and it was inevitable that he would encounter some poisonous insects when he went to the mountains to collect medicines. Li Langzhong specially made a detoxification medicine for him to take with him, just in case he needed it.

Right now.

Therefore, Xin Shanshang had to go forward to comfort him and said, "Young student, don't worry, I will detoxify you right away."

Xia Ze responded in a daze.

Next, Xin Shan sucked the poisonous blood first, took out the medicine bottle after sucking up the poisonous blood, picked some ointment and applied it to the wound, and fed Xia Ze to swallow a little, then rushed to Li Langzhong's house with Xia Ze on his back.

This is only a preliminary treatment to prevent the spread of the venom, and he has to find Dr. Li for a further diagnosis in order to completely remove the remaining poison.

On the other side, Xia Zhiqing found out that his son was missing, and he was so anxious that he immediately ordered his subordinates to search separately, and he himself took two followers to search around.

Later, some of his subordinates finally found Lord Hou in the village, and quickly fired arrows to inform Lord Hou to come.

When Xia Zhiqing came to the village and learned the reason, he was naturally very grateful and ordered his subordinates to take a lot of silver as reward.

However, after Xin Shan and his wife learned of Xia Zhiqing's identity, they insisted on not accepting any compensation, but truthfully told Xia Zhiqing about their identities and experiences.

Xia Zhiqing then suggested that the couple should follow him back to the Marquis Mansion first, and not reveal their identities for the time being, and wait for him to send someone to find Yaoqin's whereabouts and find out the truth about Uncle Yaoqin's case, so as to restore the couple's innocence.

Now, it was Xin Shan's and his wife's turn to be grateful, and followed Xia Zhiqing back to the Hou Mansion as servants.

After listening to Xin Shan's story, Qin Chong couldn't help asking curiously: "Since you have already found out about Meiniang's life experience, why didn't you go to her first? Instead, you came to me?"

Xin Shan asked back: "Do you still remember that you saved an old man on the street?"

"Old man?"

"Yes, an old couple. At that time, the old man fainted on the ground. You carried him to find the doctor."

"Oh, there is such a thing."

"That's right. It's a coincidence that the old couple you saved are also related to Lord Marquis."


Qin Chong was stunned.

"It's like this, when Master Xia Hou was serving as the General of the Frontier Defense, he had a trusted aide who was handpicked by his side.

This confidant is loyal and has blocked arrows for Lord Xia on the battlefield.

After Master Xia Hou returned to his hometown, this confidant also became a general and made a lot of contributions.

Unfortunately, he died on the battlefield in World War I.

After Lord Xia Hou heard the news, he was very sad in his heart.He knew that this confidant was the only son at home, and now that he was gone, his old parents would have no one to take care of him.

So, someone was sent to take the trusted parents to the Hou's mansion for the elderly.

The couple went out for a stroll that day, and the old man's old illness relapsed, and he suddenly fainted to the ground.

Fortunately, you took him to the pharmacy in time for a doctor to treat him, otherwise he might not be able to wake up.

The couple are very grateful, but they don't know who you are, so they have been inquiring about your whereabouts, and they didn't know your life experience until recently..."

"Uncle, how did you know that Mei Niang is your daughter?"

Xin Shan sighed, and said: "This is all thanks to the help of Lord Xia. He sent his subordinates to inquire, and according to the time of Yaoqin's disappearance, he finally found clues in the Langshui County Government.

Back then, Yaoqin was abducted by a guy surnamed Bu, and sold to the Linfu Mansion together with his accomplices, and then the accomplice wanted to steal all the money, and killed the guy surnamed Bu in the inn, but he did not escape, and was caught in the government, obediently explained everything.

According to this clue, we quietly inquired, and finally confirmed that Wang Meiniang is our daughter Yaoqin.

And at that time, Yaoqin had already thrown herself into the lake and was rescued by you again, but you were sent to jail by the dog officer again with an excuse.

Knowing these things, Lord Hou personally went to the government office to warn the dog official, that's why you were released..."

After hearing all this, Qin Chong could not help but sigh, he did not expect that there would be so many twists and turns.

After feeling emotional for a while, Qin Chong couldn't help asking: "By the way, Uncle Xin, since you know that Meiniang is your daughter, why don't you go to her? Instead, come to Xiaoke first?"

Xin Shan smiled wryly and shook his head: "Her mother and I must be impatient to see her, but... just with her current state and situation, I'm afraid meeting her will irritate her.

So, we decided to take it easy and wait for her to recover.

In the meantime, I would like to ask you to watch over her a bit, and don't let her do stupid things again.

As far as the current situation is concerned, perhaps the person she relies on the most is you.

Don't worry, little brother, we won't let you do it for nothing, Lord Hou has already said, he will urge the government to return the innocence of me and my wife, and the seized property will also be returned when the time comes..."

"No, no, Uncle Xin, you don't need to mention any remuneration, this is all voluntary by me."

"Hey, it's rare for you to be so caring... Then, after everything is over, as long as you don't dislike the fact that the little girl has fallen into prostitution, Yaoqin's mother and I will definitely help you both."

"Yes!" Ruan Shi also nodded: "I believe Yaoqin is also happy to marry you."

"Great, thank you, Uncle Xin, thank you."

Now, Qin Zhong is even more energetic.

After sending Xin Shan and his wife away, Qin Chong couldn't wait to talk to his adoptive father.

Zhu Laoshi was also a little surprised and said: "You boy is really a fool with a foolish blessing. I didn't expect to marry the oiran."

"It's not married yet..."

"Sooner or later, since Meiniang's parents have promised you, this matter is a certainty."

"By the way, Wang Jiuma is still being imprisoned. If you want to redeem Meiniang in the future, you have to find her."

"Don't worry, although Lord Hou didn't say anything about it, the dog officer is not stupid, he might have let him go."

Not to mention, Zhu Laoshi's guess was really accurate, when Qin Chong rushed over, Wang Jiuma came back, and was instructing the servant girl to burn grapefruit leaf water for a bath, saying it was to get rid of the bad smell.

When Qin Chong ran to Meiniang's room, he was pleasantly surprised to find that she was sitting in front of the dressing table and doing makeup in front of the mirror.

"Mei Niang, are you awake?"

Qin Chong couldn't help calling out.

Meiniang turned her head when she heard the sound, and called softly: "Young Master Qin, thank you so much this time."

"It's okay, as long as you can wake up, everything I do is worth it."

Next, the two chatted, and Meiniang talked about a miracle.

"After I jumped into the lake, I felt a resentment in my heart that couldn't be dissipated, and somehow I flew to the Yamen and found that bastard in Wu Yamen.

In anger, I wanted to strangle him to death, but he was so frightened that he yelled and ran out.

In the end, I was so frightened that I jumped into the well..."


Hearing these words, Qin Chong couldn't help being surprised.

Then he asked anxiously: "What happened after that? You must know that you dived in the afternoon the first day and only floated up at noon the next day. I was so desperate that I thought... that I would never see you again.

Fortunately, God has eyes, you actually woke up again.

But this incident is too bizarre, Meiniang, what happened? "

"I can't tell, anyway, I've been in a daze, like a dream.

I actually knew when you asked me to go ashore, but I couldn't wake up, open my eyes, or speak.

Although I woke up after I came back, it was still like a dream, as if I had lost my soul, and I didn't fully wake up until this morning..."

Hearing what Meiniang said, Qin Chong couldn't help being amazed.

"By the way, I still dreamed about my father and mother. I feel that they are still alive, and they have been looking for me all the time."

"You're right!" Qin Chong nodded with a smile: "Actually, your parents have already looked for me..."


Meiniang couldn't help being surprised.

At this time, Qin Chong just realized that he actually told the matter casually, and felt a little nervous for a while, for fear that Meiniang would lose control of her emotions.

"Hey, Meiniang, listen to me, don't get excited. It's a long story..."

Meiniang burst into tears, and wept bitterly: "Tell me, tell me quickly, where are my parents?
Since they found you, they should know that I am here, why don't they come to see me?Do you despise me and don't want me anymore? "

"Meiniang, don't cry, listen to me. The reason why your parents didn't come to you is not because they couldn't accept it, but because they were afraid that you couldn't accept it.

That's why they came to me first, and asked me to spend more time with you, and wait for your health to recover, and then find a chance to tell you, because they are afraid that you will be emotional..."

"Where are they? I'm going to see them..."

"Mei Niang, please calm down first, listen to me slowly, when you understand the whole incident and calm down, it's not too late to see your parents again.

To tell you the truth, they are in Linzhou Prefecture, and they will meet soon. "

"Okay, tell me, how did my parents find me? After so long, where did they go?"

"That's it..."

Qin Chong slowly talked about the reason.

After Qin Chong finished speaking, Meiniang couldn't help but burst into tears: "So it's like this, so it's like this..."

"So, what is good is rewarded with good. Your father saved the life of the young master in time. That's why Xiahou master took your parents in and tried his best to clear their innocence and find your whereabouts..."

"That's great, that's great..."

Meiniang was excited, and then ran to the cabinet to search.

"Mei Niang, what are you looking for?"

"I want to take out all my savings and beg Wang Jiuma to give me back my freedom."

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

"Good girl, you don't need to find any savings..."

Wang Jiuma walked in.

"Ah? Mom, you..." Meiniang looked at Wang Jiuma suspiciously. She thought Wang Jiuma didn't want to let her go.

"Silly girl, after going through this incident, I finally figured it out, what's the use of making more money?

If Master Hou hadn't come forward, if he went in this time, he might have to peel off his skin even if he didn't die.

I am also tired, and I plan to sell this yard and buy another yard to enjoy a few years of happiness.

As for you, I have already taken the contract of sale.

However, even if I return your freedom, you still have to go to the government to change your household registration..."

Once you enter a brothel, you are a lowly person. Even if someone redeems you, you have to go to the government to get a good one, otherwise you will be a lowly person for the rest of your life.

When mentioning this matter, Qin Chong couldn't help but smiled and said: "There is no need to worry about the matter of being registered, the dog official would not dare to make things difficult again, otherwise, he would not let me and Jiuma go."

Wang Jiuma also smiled and said: "That's true. He is a magistrate, how dare he offend Lord Xia? Unless he is bored with life."

In fact, the reason why she is so generous is because of Master Xia's face.

Wasn't it Qin Chong, Meiniang's father saved the life of the little marquis, and based on this, how dare she let Meiniang stay in her yard?
It's better to make a favor as early as possible before Lord Hou opens his mouth.

As a result, Meiniang was naturally very grateful, and thanked Wang Jiuma again and again.

That night, Meiniang's family of three finally reunited after a long absence. The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried together.

Xin Shan also kept wiping away tears.

Qin Chong didn't disturb their family reunion, but waited outside.

After a long time, Meiniang's family of three came out and bowed to Qin Zhong to express their gratitude.

"Uncle Xin, Auntie, Meiniang, you don't have to be so polite, actually I didn't do anything..."

"Silly boy, what else do you call uncle and aunt?"

Xin Shan smiled.


Qin Chong was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at Meiniang, and found that Meiniang was shyly shaking her head and wringing her pale fingers.

He was not stupid, and suddenly realized.

Before, Xin Shan and his wife had stated their position, saying that they would be engaged after the turmoil passed.

It seems that she has already told Meiniang, and seeing Meiniang's appearance, she must agree.

After thinking about this, Qin Chong was overjoyed, and immediately bowed his hands and saluted: "My son-in-law, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law."

Although they are not married yet, it will be a matter of time, so Qin Chong changed his words in time.

"Hahaha, good, good, good!"

Xin Shan looked relieved, patted Qin Chong on the shoulder, and said three good words in succession.

The husband and wife are [-]% satisfied with this son-in-law.

Of course, Meiniang was also very satisfied, her parents didn't waste a word, just mentioned it, she nodded shyly and agreed.

Not long after, under the intervention of Lord Xia Hou, Meiniang's parents were finally cleared of their innocence, and the government also returned her family property and paid certain compensation.

Meiniang's household registration has also returned to good registration, and she returns to her hometown to hold a grand wedding with Qin Chong.

Although Master Xiahou was not present, Master Xiaohou personally led people to congratulate him. Several large carts were pulled with congratulatory gifts, which caused a sensation among the people.

Although Meiniang once fell into prostitution, she did not avoid this past event, but took it as an important experience in her life.

After all, if she hadn't fallen into prostitution, I'm afraid she wouldn't have known Qin Chong, let alone have this good relationship.

"Since then, the tortuous and bizarre story of the oil seller monopolizing the oiran has spread rapidly in the county town..."

Sun Xu's story is finally over.

"Okay, wonderful, really wonderful!"

After a while of silence, someone finally clapped their hands and applauded.


(End of this chapter)

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