Chapter 214 Shushan World

The next day, Zhou Yu and Chang'e came to the depths of Kunlun Mountains.

When he came to the depths of a valley, Zhou Yu seemed to have sensed it, and stopped to look around.

Chang'e did not speak, but stood quietly aside.

After a while, Zhou Yu couldn't help but said: "I feel that there should be a large formation here, but I can't be sure what kind of formation it is..."

With his current cultivation base and rich experience, ordinary formations can't trouble him at all.

Although there are countless formations in the world, they are always the same, and there are always clues to follow, and then they will be slowly cracked.

But in the formation in front of him, Zhou Yu could only vaguely perceive that there was a formation here, but he couldn't get a clue at all.

Even more blurred than seeing flowers in fog.

Therefore, Zhou Yu guessed that this was probably the trick of some great power in the fairy world, otherwise he wouldn't be unable to find Bei.

Because of this, Zhou Yu realized that he still had a long way to go, and he still had a lot to learn.

Chang'e nodded with satisfaction: "You can feel that there is a formation here, which is already very good. After all, this is a large formation from ancient times."

"The ancient formation?"

"Yes, this formation was created by Empress Nuwa and several other sages.

In the long years that followed, it has been perfected and trimmed by countless great experts in the fairy world..."

"Fairy, wait..." Zhou Yu looked surprised, and couldn't help asking: "You mean, this grand formation was first built by Empress Nuwa?"


"But why is this formation in the current world? Is this world an ancient world?"

Chang'e shook her head: "The ancient world has collapsed in several catastrophes, or in other words, it has split into countless worlds, large and small.

And there is a subtle connection between these worlds, just like the leaves on a big tree..."

Hearing Chang'e's explanation, Zhou Yu benefited a lot, and at the same time understood what the so-called parallel world in his previous life was all about.

Parallel worlds are actually world fragments one by one, all born out of the ancient world.

And many of these world fragments are almost the same, such as landforms, environments, etc., as Chang'e said, like leaves on the same tree.

Since they were all born in the ancient world, just like brothers and sisters, they have an essence that will never change: blood relationship.

This is an invisible and subtle connection.

Almost all worlds have a support point, a center point, or rather, a root.

And this root is Kunlun.

Kunlun does not just refer to Kunlun Mountain. The ancient Kunlun was extremely huge, just like a giant dragon across the continent, winding for thousands of miles.

Including the world-famous Qinling Mountains, Shushan Mountains, etc., were once part of the Kunlun Mountains.

And the place where this formation is now is part of the ancient world.

When the introduction was almost over, Chang'e pinched the formula with one hand, and silently recited a few spells, her fingertips shimmered, and she raised her hand a little more...

This point, like a dragonfly touching water, caused ripples in the void.

In an instant, a faint mist appeared in front of Zhou Yu's eyes.

"Okay, come with me."

Chang'e said softly to Zhou Yu, then took a step, and her figure disappeared in an instant.

Zhou Yu didn't bother to think too much, and hurriedly followed.

With a momentary sense of weightlessness, the scene in front of him changes instantly.

"This... is this the landform of the ancient world?"

Zhou Yu couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even if he is well-informed, it is difficult to calm down at this moment.

There is a poem in the previous life: "Nine streams go down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days."

This is an exaggerated way of writing to describe the magnificence of the waterfall.

But now before Zhou Yu's eyes, there is really such a waterfall pouring down from the clouds out of thin air, submerging into a huge lake, causing monstrous waves to splash all over the sky.

The lake water is not the common blue or emerald green, it looks like multicolored glass, mysterious and dazzling.

There is a big tree not far from the lake, I don't know how tall it is, because the top has not entered the clouds.

The trunk looked like it might be a hundred meters thick, which shocked Zhou Yu quite a bit.

Outside, not to mention trees with a thickness of [-] meters, even trees with a height of [-] meters are quite rare.

In addition, the aura here is also obviously different from the outside, it is not as simple as a simple rich aura, which makes people feel a sense of solemnity, solemnity and lightness involuntarily.

"This waterfall is flying down from the floating mountain in the air."

Chang'e took the initiative to explain.

That's it!

Zhou Yu suddenly realized.

"The ancient Kunlun was connected to the Nantianmen, so there are also many powerful dojos in the fairy world..."

Chang'e took Zhou Yu on the journey, and along the way introduced him a lot about the ancient world and the fairy world.


Not long after, the two turned around the foot of a mountain, Chang'e raised her finger and whispered forward.

Zhou Yu fixed his eyes and couldn't help being shocked again.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a magnificent hall, resplendent and solemn.

Outside the main hall, there is a square. In the middle of the square is a Taiji-shaped round platform. Although it is only a few feet in radius, it gives people a sense of mystery of boundlessness.

This is a special teleportation array. Through this round platform and the corresponding magic weapon, you can travel to other time and space.

Compared with the last time when Zhou Yu and his party accompanied Chang'e and Sun Wukong to use their power to open up the space-time channel, this teleportation array is much easier and hardly consumes any power.

The two came to the middle of the round platform together, and Chang'e took out a special magic weapon and recited a few spells.

As soon as the spell was finished, a vortex of air flow appeared in the void.

"My lord, are you ready?"

Chang'e turned her head and asked softly.

Before, she usually called Zhou Yu Mr., but Zhou Yu thought that the two of them knew each other so well that there was no need to be too polite, so Chang'e changed her name to Mr. Son.


Zhou Yu nodded.

In an instant, the two disappeared.

After a few breaths, the two appeared on the top of a mountain again.

Zhou Yu raised his eyes subconsciously and looked in all directions, the mountains were stacked and the sea of ​​clouds was vast.

Although he didn't know what this place was, he could clearly feel that this was indeed another world.


At this time, Chang'e's voice like a young mosquito sounded in my ears.


Zhou Yu came back to his senses, and suddenly felt the warmth and softness of his palms. Only then did he realize that he was actually holding Chang'e's little hand.

He remembered that when he entered the space vortex, he didn't hold Chang'e's hand, why now...

Confused, he let go of his hand subconsciously, and apologized at the same time: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I offended the fairy."


Chang'e's face was slightly hot, she retracted her little hand without showing any emotion, then turned her head to look around, and murmured: "We have to confirm the location first, and then go to Shushan to find someone."

"Shushan?" Zhou Yu was taken aback.

"Yes, the master of Mount Shu is the reincarnation of the star king of the fairy world, and his dao name in this life is Baimei..."

Zhou Yu couldn't help asking in doubt: "Isn't it the first time for the fairy to come to this world? How do you know these things?"

"This is because Xingjun used the great supernatural power of Hunyou Taixu to contact us and told us some basic information. The invasion of foreign monsters was also notified by Xingjun..."

Having said that, Chang'e raised her hand a little, and a topographic map emitting faint light appeared in the void.

"This is Mount Shu, and our current location should be here, and the distance should not be very far."

"Well, that's good, let's go quickly."

The landing point of the two was indeed not very far from Shushan Mountain, and they reached the range of Shushan Mountain in less than an hour.

Arriving here, Zhou Yu was filled with emotion, it really deserves to be a holy place for cultivating immortals.

The green mountains soar into the clouds, the rivers meander and circle, and waterfalls can be seen falling from the sky from time to time, which is very psychedelic.

This is because there are large and small flying peaks suspended over Shushan Mountain, the largest ones are hundreds of meters high, and the smallest ones are like a huge rock, with various shapes and beautiful scenery.

After flying for a while, three figures flew from the distant sky.

"Mr. Xing is here!"

Chang'e whispered something to Zhou Yu.

The Xingjun she was talking about was the real Baimei, the head of the Shushan School.It's just that the real Baimei was a star king in the fairy world before his reincarnation, so Chang'e used to call him a star king.

Zhou Yu took a closer look, and his expression became a little more exciting.

In fact, he had a vague guess before that Shushan, Baimei real person, reminded him of a movie in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, the person who came was really that chubby real person with white eyebrows.

The only difference is that in the movie, Mount Shu is a general name, and the sect that the real Baimei belongs to is called the Emei School.

But after a closer look, Emei is originally a part of Shushan or another name.

Followed by two disciples of Shushan, one is called Dan Chenzi, who is the first disciple of Shushan, and the other is called Xuantianzong, who is regarded as the younger junior brother.

However, Xuantianzong was not a disciple of Shushan before, but a disciple of Kunlun. The reason why he joined Shushan was because of a catastrophe. He had to join Shushan to fight against the invasion of the demon world.


Before the person arrived, he heard a burst of hearty laughter from Baimei Daoist.

"Poverty Dao Baimei, bring your disciples to welcome the two immortals!"

Chang'e smiled and stepped forward to salute: "You don't need to be too polite, let me introduce you, this son is a master of Confucianism..."

"I don't dare to be an expert!" Zhou Yu smiled modestly, stepped forward and bowed his hands: "Next Zhou Yu, I have met the white-browed real person and the two Taoist brothers."

"It turned out to be Mr. Zhou, disrespect, disrespect!"

After a few words of courtesy to each other, Baimei Daoist flew to the direction of the sect with Zhou Yu and the two of them.

On the way, he whispered: "Only Pindao and these two disciples know the identities of the two of you. The other disciples, Pindao, didn't say anything about it. They only said that they were invited by the righteous masters, so as not to leak the news."

"En!" Chang'e nodded: "This trip is of great importance, and the origins of Mr. Zhou and I should not be known by too many people, in case there are changes."

"Fairy, please rest assured..."

Not long after, Baimei Daoist led Zhou Yu and the two of them to the back mountain of the sect.

There is a cave here, which is the place where Daoist Baimei meditates on weekdays. Restrictions are arranged inside and outside to ensure cleanliness and safety.

Before entering the cave, Master Baimei ordered: "Dan Chenzi, Tianzong, you two are guarding outside, and no one is allowed to enter."


After entering the cave, the real Baimei poured two cups of tea, smiled at Chang'e, and said, "This is the Wannianling tea picked from the flying peak of Shushan Mountain. Of course, it is definitely not as good as the laurel tea made by the fairy. "

"Mr. Xing was joking."

Chang'e picked up the teacup and took a sip, praising: "Not bad, it is worthy of being called Wannian Lingcha. It tastes sweet and has a long aftertaste."

Zhou Yu also took a sip, and after only one sip, he felt refreshed, as if all the pores on his body were dilated for it, which made him extremely comfortable.

This is no longer as simple as tea, it is completely a top-quality panacea.

Of course, now is not the time to discuss tea.

After Zhou Yu and Yu tasted two sips of tea, Bai Mei cut to the chase and talked about the current situation.

"There have always been distinctions between good and evil and disputes between good and evil in any world, and this world is of course no exception.

When I reincarnated into this world, I joined the Shushan School.

Later, when I recovered my memory, my strength began to increase by leaps and bounds, and I finally became the head of Shushan.

The evil people in this world are mainly controlled by a demon named Youquan, who often destroy other sects and plunder the aura of this sect to boost their mana.

Over the years, Youquan and his subordinates have destroyed countless sects.

The Xuantianzong whom the two met before was one of the victims. He was originally a disciple of Kunlun, and his master was Master Guyue.

The Kunlun School has been advocating one yin and one yang since ancient times, one master and one disciple.

If the master is a woman, then male disciples will be accepted.If the master is male, he accepts female disciples. Since the creation of the school, this rule has been maintained and has never been broken.

Xuantianzong and its master are the same, one yin and one yang, one male and one female.

Back then, Gu Yue's master was named Wu Chen.Wuchen and my reincarnated body were cultivated at almost the same stage.

He accepted Gu Yue as his disciple, and once praised Gu Yue in front of me, saying that Gu Yue is a one-of-a-kind cultivation genius, and his future achievements will definitely be higher than his.

Facts have proved that his vision was right, Gu Yue has already become one of the masters after only a short period of more than a hundred years of cultivation, and she has also realized a secret art that has been lost for several generations in Kunlun..."

When he said this, Baimei Daoist couldn't help but sighed, and said again: "It is said that people are not plants, how can they be ruthless?

When a man and a woman have been together for a long time, it is inevitable that some feelings will arise.

Although Wu Chen devoted himself to cultivating, he still fell into emotion after all.However, what he cared about in his heart was his master.

Gu Yue also fell in love with Wu Chen unknowingly.

Wu Chen saw Gu Yue's thoughts, in order to interrupt her thoughts, he began to alienate her with excuses, and sometimes it took more than ten years after leaving the mountain.

One day, when Wuchen was fighting a group of evildoers, he was unfortunately attacked by Youquan and was seriously injured.

He forced his true energy back to the sect, and after explaining to Gu Yue, he sat down.

Afterwards, Gu Yue retreated for more than ten years before leaving the seclusion, and silently went down the mountain to look for her disciples.

After several years of traveling, he finally found the talented Xuantianzong.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Xuantianzong's talent is top-notch in our Shushan sect, even my first disciple Dan Chenzi can't compare with it.

Xuan Tianzong followed Gu Yue to practice hard for 200 years, and his strength has far surpassed that of his disciples of the same generation.

However, with the passing of time, he also developed feelings for Gu Yue that surpassed that of master and apprentice.

In fact, the Kunlun School does not prohibit the relationship between master and student. In name, they are master and student, but in fact they are also disciples of the same school who depend on each other.

However, Xuantianzong didn't know that there was still Wuchen's shadow in Gu Yue's heart.

One day, Gu Yue deduces that the sect will usher in a huge catastrophe.

Therefore, she drove Xuantianzong down the mountain, and let Xuantianzong temporarily defect to the Shushan faction, and then revive Kunlun after the catastrophe.

As soon as Xuantianzong came down from the mountain, the old demon Youquan attacked. Gu Yue fought desperately with him, but he was not the old demon's opponent after all.

At that time, Pindao was retreating, and suddenly felt something, and when he arrived at Kunlun, it was already a step late.

Fortunately, Gu Yue still has the remaining souls that have not dissipated. Pindao collected the remaining souls and reshaped a body for her.

It's just that she has no memory of her previous life, so I named her Li Yingqi and stayed in Shushan to practice..."


(End of this chapter)

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