Chapter 217

The next day.

Zhou Yu appeared outside the Jin Palace.

Jin Wang is the real uncle of today's son, that is, the emperor's uncle.

For a long time, King Jin has been relatively low-key, he rarely socializes with the ministers, and likes to stay in the palace to read, drink, play the piano, play chess and so on.

In short, he is an elegant person with a style of literati.

However, since Cao Kun, the eunuch of Li and governor of the East Factory, gained power, the situation in the capital began to become chaotic.

In the past, there were quite a few neutral factions among the ministers of the DPRK and China, who neither offended the eunuchs nor got close to them, at least on the surface they maintained a calm and mutual check and balance.

However, after Cao Kun took power, he was full of ambitions, and there was a tendency that those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish.

Not even being neutral.

This guy is quite domineering, using various methods to win over a group of ministers, and even force a group of ministers to stand in line.

Either, be used by him, or become his enemy.

Some ministers have strong personalities and disdain to be with them. Cao Kun will try to suppress them, and even be arrested and imprisoned in Dongchang on trumped-up charges.

Once the officials from the DPRK and China were caught in the Dongchang Prison, almost none of them could get out alive.

As a result, many ministers were naturally terrified and angry, and they submitted memorials to impeach Cao Kun and the barbaric behavior of Dongchang.

As a result, these memorials were turned around, and almost all of them were transferred to Cao Kun's hands.

In a rage, Cao Kun concocted a so-called major treason case by himself, and took this opportunity to arrest and massacre wantonly, forcing some timid ministers to take the initiative to show their favor.

After this incident, Cao Kun's power became more and more powerful. It can be said that he is under one person and above ten thousand people.

However, Cao Kun's unscrupulousness finally angered Prince Jin.

In fact, Cao Kun had visited many times before, but the Prince of Jin used various excuses to avoid him, not wanting to see the eunuch.

It's just that Prince Jin didn't want to take the initiative to provoke Cao Kun.

Although he is a dignified prince and uncle of the current emperor, his status must be much higher than that of Cao Kun.

But if you really want to talk about power, it's really not as good as Cao Kun who is in full swing.

Even the empress dowager and empress want to give Cao Kun three points, and the concubines in the harem want to please him even more. One can imagine how powerful this guy has reached.

In private, some people even commented that the emperor had been manipulated by Cao Kun and turned into a puppet.

Although Prince Jin has always kept a low profile, it doesn't mean that he can ignore the eunuchs headed by Cao Kun and make troubles for the world.

If this torment continues, Daming will be in danger!

As a result, Prince Jin finally stopped keeping a low profile, and took the initiative to stand up and contact many royal children and some loyal ministers to fight against the eunuchs.

This move naturally made Cao Kun furious.

It's just that the prince of Jin is a dignified prince, so he doesn't dare to charge him with unwarranted charges, let alone come to arrest people easily.

But in private, he will definitely try to bring down King Jin.

Coincidentally, a month ago, the King of Jin was ill in bed due to an accidental cold.

Wind-cold disease can be big or small, but for a big man like King Jin, it is basically nothing, some are famous doctors, and some are good medicines.

Unfortunately, it dragged on for a month, but the condition became more and more serious.

Almost all the famous doctors in the capital were searched, and several imperial doctors from the palace also came, but they just couldn't cure Prince Jin's illness.

In the beginning, Prince Jin was able to get out of bed and walk around by himself, but now he can't get up and needs someone to support him.

In desperation, Princess Jin had no choice but to seek help from folk experts, and ordered her servants to post a notice, no matter who it was, as long as she could cure Prince Jin, she would be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver.

1 taels of silver is not a small amount for Jin Wangfu.

For ordinary people, they dare not expect extravagantly.

However, the strange thing is that with such a heavy reward, there are very few people who dare to go to the palace for treatment.

For one thing, not even famous doctors in Beijing, or even imperial physicians, could cure the disease, let alone ordinary doctors.

Secondly, everyone knows that Prince Jin has formed an endless situation with Cao Kun, and the East Factory is full of eyes and ears. Even if Prince Jin is cured by luck, he will get a reward of 1 taels of silver.

And after that?
I'm afraid I don't have the life to spend this money, and I might be assassinated by the East Factory's secret agents one day.

Of course, Zhou Yu is not afraid of any Dongchang fans.

With the identity and status of Prince Jin, once he is drawn in, the next plan will be easier.

Even far exceeded expectations.

"Stop, the palace is the most important place, idlers avoid it."

As soon as Zhou Yu reached the door, the guard yelled loudly.

Zhou Yu clasped his fists together: "Please inform me, I am here to treat the prince."


"Are you a doctor?"

Two of the guards glanced at Zhou Yu suspiciously.

After all, Zhou Yu didn't look like a doctor, and he didn't even carry a medicine box.

"I'm not a doctor, but a scholar, but I also have a little research on pharmacology."

"Why do scholars come to join in the fun?"

Zhou Yu asked back: "Why? Everyone, do you mean that you don't like scholars?"

"It has nothing to do with whether you look good or not. What we are looking for is the doctor."

"Wrong, the notice is very clear. It didn't specify to find a doctor, but to find someone who can cure the prince."


"All right, all right, I'll report to the manager and see what the manager has to say, just wait for a while."

"It's work."

After a while, the guard came out again and raised his hand: "Please follow me."

Not long after, the guard brought Zhou Yu to a middle-aged man, and introduced him, "This is Chief Qin of our palace."

"Next week Yu, I met Director Qin."

Director Qin took a look at Zhou Yu and asked, "You really know how to heal?"

Zhou Yu smiled: "It seems that Director Qin seems to have misunderstood scholars, but in fact, many doctors are also scholars.

In the same way, there are not a few scholars who know pharmacology. "

"However, if you have only read medical books and have no experience in practicing medicine, it may be difficult to achieve anything, right?"

"That's right, but I think I still have some experience.

I would like to ask Director Qin to take me to meet the prince, I don't need to feel the pulse, just take a look from a distance, and I will have a conclusion. "

"Oh?" Manager Qin frowned: "You mean, you don't need to feel the pulse or ask about the condition, but you can tell the condition of the prince just by looking at it?"

"I dare not say [-]%, but I am [-]% sure."

"Hahaha, good, good, good, today Qin wants to see your methods, please!"

Under the leadership of Director Qin, Zhou Yu came to the room where the prince of the West Wing courtyard lived.

Director Qin walked to the door and said in a respectful voice: "My lord, there is a scholar waiting outside, and he said that he is [-]% sure of seeing the cause of the prince's illness."

Leaning slightly, the door opened, and Princess Jin and a maid came out.

"See the princess."

Zhou Yu cupped his hands and saluted.

Concubine Jin raised her hand: "Sir, no courtesy. Just now I heard Mr. Qin said that Mr. is a scholar. I wonder if he has a reputation?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "I have always been idle and wild, traveling all year round, and not interested in fame.

If the concubine thinks that only those with fame and fame can heal the prince, then I will be rude and leave! "

"Sir, wait..."

Princess Qing hurriedly drank.

After all, now is not the time for her to put on airs as a princess, even if there is a glimmer of hope, she will not let it go.

Once something happened to the prince, she knew very well in her heart that Cao Kun would definitely kill the grass and get rid of the roots. She, the princess, can still show her prestige now, but if she falls into trouble, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, we can only lower our posture.

"My concubine is just asking a few questions routinely, please sir give the prince a diagnosis."

Next, Zhou Yu walked into the room and saw Prince Jin lying on the couch.

He didn't step forward, and didn't take his pulse. He stood there watching for a while, and couldn't help frowning.

"Sir, did you see the cause of the disease?" Princess Jin asked anxiously.

Zhou Yu thought for a while, and said, "Wangfei, can I take a step to speak?"


Manager Qin immediately replied loudly.

After all, the safety of the princess is also very important.

Concubine Jin hesitated for a moment, and waved her hand at Director Qin: "It's okay, just go to the side hall, you just wait outside."

"But ma'am..."

"It's okay, sir, please." Princess Jin raised her hand.

"Thank you, Madam Princess."

When they arrived at the side hall, the servant girl made tea first, then retreated out, waiting outside with Manager Qin and others.

"Tea, please, sir."

"Thank you!"

"Sir, have you really seen the root of the prince's disease? Is there a way to cure it?"

It seemed that Princess Jin still didn't quite trust Zhou Yu.

This is normal, after all, so many famous doctors are helpless, a scholar can't be said to be better than the imperial doctor's medical skills, right?
"It can be seen that the prince is indeed suffering from the cold, but this is not the reason why the prince is bedridden."

"Ah? Could it be... there are other diseases?"

"The reason why I let the concubine to speak alone is because there are some words that cannot be heard by others, including the prince, and it is not appropriate to let him know now, in case the prince is emotional."

Having said that, Jin Wangfei was a little startled, and asked with a pale face: "Sir, it's okay to speak directly if you have something to say."

"Actually, the prince's current symptoms are not sick..."

"Isn't it a disease?" Princess Jin exclaimed in surprise.

Although her voice was a little loud, Zhou Yu wasn't worried that people outside would hear it.

Because, when he entered the house, he had secretly set up a small restriction to prevent the news from leaking out.

Of course, this is also the result of his observation of Jin Wangfei. He can see that Jin Wangfei is really worried about Jin Wangye, so it is impossible for her to attack.

"Yes, the reason why Prince Jin is bedridden is because he has a Gu."

"Gu?" Princess Jin's face became even paler.

After all, many people will be terrified when they hear about Gu.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I have my own way to cure the prince. However, there must be something wrong with this matter, and the news must not be leaked to prevent the other party from attacking again."

"Wait... what do you mean sir...someone poisoned the prince with a Gu?"

"That's right! I observed it, and the Gu planted by the other party is not fatal, it should be a specially bred Gu insect.

Based on the analysis of the prince's situation, the other party may have been secretly looking for an opportunity to attack.

They want to deal with the prince, but they can't be exposed, and they can't be suspected, so they have to do it quite skillfully.

The prince accidentally caught the wind and cold, which is a great opportunity for the other party to attack..."

Hearing this, Princess Jin couldn't help asking in a trembling voice: "Sir just said that the Gu they cast is not fatal, so what is the purpose of their Gu?"

"The purpose of the other party is to make the prince look like he died of illness. Even if the imperial doctor in the palace came to investigate, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to find out why."

"Ah? This...this..."

Although Princess Jin did not dare to fully believe this call, even if there was a slight possibility, it made her feel terrified and terrified.

"The other party's Gu lives by devouring people's energy. If it is an ordinary person, it may not be able to resist it for a few days.

But Prince Jin is a prince after all, and he must take all kinds of elixir after he gets sick.

Therefore, the prince's energy will be replenished, which is why the prince can survive until now.

But the Gu worm will also grow, and its appetite will become bigger and bigger, causing the prince's body to become weaker and weaker.

When the body is weak and the wind and cold come and go, how can the prince get better?If it drags on for another ten days and a half a month, I'm afraid..."

Having said that, Zhou Yu paused.

"Sir, since you know the cause of the disease, you must have a way to save my prince, right? You must have a way, right?"

At this time, Princess Jin lost her composure, with tears in her eyes, she got up and asked Zhou Yu anxiously.

"Don't worry, Wangfei, I have a way to control the growth of Gu worms first, so that the prince's condition will not continue to deteriorate."

"Can't you solve the Gu directly?"

"No way!" Zhou Yu shook his head: "If you remove the Gu now, the other party might jump over the wall in a hurry."

"Sir, do you mean that you want to find out this voodoo?"

"Yes, we must find out who is behind the scenes, otherwise the prince is not safe."

"Yes, yes, butler Qin, Qin..."

"What is the queen concubine calling Butler Qin for?"

"Let him investigate immediately, maybe the murderer is hiding in the palace."

"Since the concubine has guessed this, everyone in the palace is suspicious.

The reason why I want to talk about this matter with the concubine alone is that I don't want the second person to know. "

"But... but sir, if you don't let the servants investigate, then... then who will investigate?"

"If the empress can trust me, I can help you with this."

"This..." Princess Jin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I think Mr. Lai is not an ordinary person. If you can really find out the person who made the voodoo and cure the prince's illness, this concubine will definitely tell the prince. Except for the ten thousand In addition to rewarding silver, there is another..."

"No need!"

Zhou Yu smiled and waved his hands.

"To be honest, I'm not here to reward silver."

"Oh? Then why did you come here? If you have something to ask the lord, you can tell my concubine first. If this concubine can help, I will do my best to help."

"It's not like asking for something, I just don't like those eunuchs, and I know that the strangeness of the prince's condition is mostly caused by those eunuchs secretly.

If they succeed this time, I think, in the future, no one will dare to stand up against those eunuchs. "

"It turns out to be like this. I didn't expect that my husband is a high-spirited man, but this concubine is a little underestimating others. I hope my husband will forgive me."

"It's okay. But having said that, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble the prince when something happens."

"Oh? Sir, but it's all right."

"When I first arrived in the capital, I didn't know much about the capital. I accidentally met a rich family named Sun Qi. His father used to be a deputy thousand householder, and he had a good relationship with the former minister of the Ministry of War, Mr. Feng..."

Zhou Yu first introduced Sun Qi's identity.

Then he said: "Sun Qi also hates those eunuchs, but he is just a small family with more than enough heart but not enough strength to compete with them.

Therefore, if the prince is cured, I hope that the prince can support Sun Qi at an appropriate time. "

Concubine Jin nodded: "This problem should not be a big one. I will definitely tell the prince about this matter then."

"Ah That's good."

Zhou Yu nodded in relief.

(End of this chapter)

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