Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 221 Joining forces with the queen

Chapter 221 Joining forces with the queen

After leaving Yingxiang Tower, Zhou Yu soon came to Prince Jin's Mansion again, and talked to Prince Jin about the case of Liu Nian's father.

After listening, Prince Jin couldn't help but sighed a long time: "Actually, many ministers in the court knew in their hearts that Mr. Liu was framed by Dongchang.

However, Hong Chang's son is incompetent and innocent, addicted to wine and sex, and doesn't care about the government, so that Cao Kun's eunuch covers the sky with one hand and controls the court..."

The Hong Chang'er that Prince Jin mentioned was referring to the present day.

In the tone, there is both indignation and helplessness of hating iron for not being steel.

"My lord, in my humble opinion, this case can also be used as a breakthrough..."

"Oh? Sir, you mean to use this case to attack Dongchang?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "This case alone is definitely not enough, even if the truth is found out, the other party can find the dead ghost to take the blame.

Since Cao Kun is so powerful, the prince might as well find a few more powerful allies to fight against him, such as...the empress. "


"Yes, I think, the queen must be deeply concerned about what happened back then, and she should know some truths in her heart."


"What's the matter, my lord? Could it be that the Empress really believes that Master Liu harmed her?"

"No, the king believes that the queen knows who is the real murderer. It's just that it was the emperor's order to kill Mrs. Liu, and she can't change anything.

Since the abortion, the queen's mood has been extremely unstable... There are even rumors in the inner palace that the queen's empress has mental problems.

Moreover, the queen's physical condition is also very poor. She often coughs, suffers from chest tightness, and has headaches. She has to take medicine almost every day.

So, I went to the queen at this time, I was afraid that she would lose control of her emotions, in case something happened..."

Having said this, Prince Jin paused, and the meaning behind his words was self-evident.

Zhou Yu smiled, and said: "My lord, you can rest assured that the empress's illness is mainly due to heart disease.

As long as the heart disease is eliminated, the spirit and body will naturally improve.

If the prince can trust me, I am absolutely sure to cure the empress and restore her to her original state. "


Hearing this, Prince Jin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

After hesitating for a while, the Prince of Jin couldn't help but said: "The ancients said that the employer should not be suspicious, and the suspect should not be used. This king should not have inquired about the master's details.

However, this matter involves the queen after all, so it is not for the king to decide on his own. After all, if the queen asks about it, the king can't just ask three questions, right? "

"Well, I understand."

Zhou Yu nodded, and with a thought, a sword appeared in the room out of thin air, suspended in mid-air, and released a faint golden light.

Prince Jin was taken aback: "This... is this... Feijian?"

"Not bad!"

Zhou Yu raised his finger, and the flying sword circled around the room a few times before flying back into his hand and disappearing.

"Tell the prince the truth, I come from Shushan Sword Sect..."

Although Zhou Yu was not a disciple of Shushan, he did not lie, this time he indeed came down from the Shushan sect.

"It turns out that Mister is actually the legendary Sword Immortal of Shu Mountain, sorry for my disrespect."

Prince Jin hurriedly got up and bowed his hands to salute, and changed his claim to be my subordinate to show respect.

"My lord, you don't need to be too polite!" Zhou Yu raised his hand in the air, and then said: "I came down the mountain this time, but I came here for the general trend of the world.

Today's troubled times affect not only the people of the world, but also the luck of the cultivation world.

The world is in chaos, demons dance wildly, and the orthodox way declines.Therefore, this downhill shoulders a heavy responsibility in order to fundamentally change the chaos of the world.

But it is not easy to change all this, just as a person is already terminally ill..."

Zhou Yu truthfully explained the purpose of his visit, and as he spoke, the expression of Prince Jin also kept changing.

After all, this is a completely different concept for him.Although he is a prince, he is still an ordinary person in the final analysis, and the matter of cultivating immortals is completely a legend to him.

Now, I really feel it.

After Zhou Yu finished explaining, Prince Jin said solemnly: "I can't help you with the matter of cultivating immortals, but I will definitely help you with the affairs of the dynasty. If you have any plans, sir, you can tell me as long as you can do it." Yes, we must do our best.”

"Well, thank you, my lord."

Zhou Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Then he said: "Severe illnesses and chronic illnesses are not short-term achievements, this matter must be considered in the long run, step by step.

Right now, the prince can find any excuse to bring Miss Liu Nian to the palace to avoid being murdered.

Sun Qi's side is already investigating clues.

There is also the empress, we must win over, so that we can check and balance Cao Kun and others in the harem. "

"This...the key is not an easy task to bring Mr. into the inner palace, right..."

Suddenly, King Jin frowned and said: "I remembered, it will be March [-]th in a few days. Every year at this time, the Empress will go to Huangjue Temple to fast for two days, and will stay in the temple for two days. Huangjue Temple.

At that time, you can pretend to be a guard, and I will take you into the temple to meet the empress. "

"Okay, this is the best way to avoid Dongchang's eyes and ears."

"That's right, even if they have someone spying on them, they won't know what we talked about with the empress."

After the discussion, Prince Jin immediately sent Director Qin to personally lead the team, and brought several guards and bearers to Yingxiang Tower.

"I am the general manager of the Prince Jin's residence. By the order of the prince, I invite Miss Liu Ling to perform at the residence."

If the Prince's Mansion stepped forward, how could Yingxianglou dare to refuse?Immediately asked Liu Ling to freshen up, got on a sedan chair and left Yingxiang Tower.

Before Liu Ling arrived at Prince Jin's mansion, Feng Xiu received the news.

Although Zhou Yu had warned this woman before, how could she swallow such a big humiliation in public?

Therefore, he did not give up, and was still thinking about how to deal with Liu Ling in order to save face.

Now when he heard that Liu Ling was picked up by Jin Wangfu, he couldn't help but feel moved, and immediately sent someone to report to elder brother Feng Da.

That night.

In the small courtyard where Sun Qi lives.

"You can speak boldly, no one will hear you."

Zhou Yu sat at the stone table in the courtyard, and said something with a smile to Sun Qi who was looking around.


Sun Qi gave a dry cough.

After all, what he wanted to report was a confidential matter, so he was not used to being in the yard.

However, since Zhou Yu said so, he could only believe it unconditionally.

"That's right, after our close investigation, there is indeed something wrong with that Fangji Bank.

On the surface, it is just an inconspicuous small bank, and the shopkeeper of the bank is a northerner named Fang Hui.

But after a secret investigation, it turned out that Fang Hui was only the shopkeeper in name, and the real owner of the bank was a man from the capital named Zhao Kai, who was the owner of a gambling shop.

After further investigation, I found that this Zhao Kai is inextricably related to the third-rank leader Kuwahara of the East Factory..."

Zhou Yu couldn't help but said: "The other party is so strict and has made so many detours. If it were an ordinary person to investigate, I'm afraid they really wouldn't be able to find anything."

"That's right!" Sun Qiqi nodded: "We also used Jinyiwei's internal information channels to find out these relationships.

But sir, don't worry, the brothers under him are very cautious, and they are all using other cases to obtain all kinds of information. "

"Well, that's very good. At least it can make the other party suspicious and uncertain. This gives us a certain amount of time and leeway."

"After finding Kuwahara, the brothers stopped. After all, Dongchang has many eyes and ears. If we follow Kuwahara's line to investigate, it will definitely alarm the other party."

"Very good, you guys did a good job!" Zhou Yu said with a look of relief, "Actually, the answer has almost been revealed to the point where Kuwahara can be found out.

After all, Kuwahara is from Dongchang. To put it bluntly, it is the group of eunuchs who are behind the scenes.

The reason why they have to go around so many detours is also to prevent something from happening one day, so they can find a scapegoat. "

"That's right, these eunuchs are really cunning, they have built a huge network of relationships, and they are hiding in the dark."

"It doesn't matter, no matter how tight the net is, you only need to tear a hole.

Now, you can leave two people to secretly monitor the movements of Fangji Bank.I have other things to do in the past few days, and I will solve the case of the missing child when it is done. "


At this time, Zhou Yu raised his hand and patted Sun Qi's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Be patient for a few more days, when I finish the matter, then we can start to attack."


Sun Qi looked excited and expectant.

After all, being bullied by a group of eunuchs for a long time, he has long been suffocated.

In the next few days, Zhou Yu seemed to have disappeared, and even Prince Jin didn't know where he went.

In fact, Zhou Yu did not leave the capital, but started operations secretly in order to deploy in advance.

For example, he has quietly targeted the spies of Prince Jin's mansion, that is, the person who tricked Prince Jin, but he has not made any noise for the time being.

Put out the line first, and then catch the big fish.

In a blink of an eye, March [-]th arrived.

Escorted by a group of court ladies, eunuchs and guards, the empress came to the Huangjue Temple located in front of the city.

According to the rules of previous years, she had to fast in the temple for two days before returning to the palace.

Huangjue Temple is a royal temple, which is not open to the public and only disciples of the royal family can enter.

That afternoon, Prince Jin came to Huangjue Temple with a few entourages.

"See Your Majesty!"

As soon as Prince Jin arrived, all the guards hurried forward to salute.

"Well, please inform the empress, that the king is here to offer incense, and at the same time greet the empress face to face."

"My lord, please wait a moment."

One of the guards responded, and entered the hall to whisper the situation to a maid.

The palace maid walked up to the Empress who was sitting quietly with her eyes closed, and reported: "I'm telling you, Prince Jin is asking to see you outside the palace."

"Prince Jin?"

The queen couldn't help but froze.

When she was fasting in Huangjue Temple, she never liked to be disturbed by others, and many ministers knew this.

If you have something to discuss with her, why did you choose this time?
Is there something urgent?

After thinking about it, the queen replied: "How about this, I will go to the living room in the backyard, and you will inform Prince Jin."


Not long after, Prince Jin came to the backyard with two guards.

One of the guards was Zhou Yu's disguise.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty is in the hall."

The maid stepped forward and saluted King Jin Fu.


Prince Jin nodded, then walked into the front hall and greeted him with a salute: "I see the empress."

"The emperor's uncle is free!"

The queen got up to greet her, and motioned for Prince Jin to sit down.

The court lady handed over a cup of tea, then stepped aside.

"You all go down, I have something to talk to the emperor alone."

Without Prince Jin speaking, the queen took the initiative to dismiss the servants, because she guessed that Prince Jin must have something important to do here.

After the maid left, the King of Jin said: "It is really helpless to take the liberty to disturb the empress this time. Because there are many eyes and ears in the palace, I hope the empress will understand."

"Well, I know what's going on in my heart. I don't know what's important for the emperor?"

"A major event related to the fate of my Ming Dynasty!"


The queen couldn't help being taken aback.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there has been an ancestral precept that the harem must not interfere with the government.

Although there are often people who break the rules and make troubles openly or secretly, the queen has always abided by the rules and never intervened in the affairs of the court.

Therefore, the reaction will be so intense.

"I know that the empress has never interfered in the internal affairs of the court, but I believe the empress is also very clear about the current situation.

It was already difficult for the emperor to turn his head back, and he blindly indulged those eunuchs, including the empress dowager.

Cao Kun's influence has spread all over the world, both inside and outside, even the harem... is almost controlled by him.

Concubine Kou back then, because she didn't want to stand in line, even scolded Cao Kun angrily, died strangely soon after, and the conclusion was that she was suffering from an emergency.

There is also your own affairs, the empress. You don't need to say more, you must have suspicions in your heart, right? "

"Stop it, stop it, stop it..."

The queen's emotions got a little out of control.

Of course she was suspicious.

Back then, her first child was obviously healthy when she was born, how could she suddenly die inexplicably?
A few years ago, she had a miscarriage, and the result of Dongchang said that the Liuyuan envoys harmed her and deliberately prescribed the wrong medicine.

The queen has always trusted Liuyuan Envoy, and she also knows that Liuyuan Envoy has always been loyal and will never do such a frenzied act.

Taking a step back, even if he really had that thought, how could he leave such obvious evidence?
She once cried to the emperor and raised her own objections.

But the emperor was extremely impatient, saying what he said made her believe in Dongchang's ability to handle affairs. Since Dongchang had found out the reason, it must be the envoy Liu Yuan.

Seeing that her husband looked like nothing to do with her, the queen was completely desperate.

She was a queen, but she couldn't even keep her own children. Two of the three children died, and only her daughter survived.

She survived only because she was a princess, not a prince.

Therefore, the queen was not only desperate, but also frightened in her heart.

In such a huge inner palace, she is the lord of the inner palace. She should be the most authoritative and safest, but in the end she couldn't find anyone who could protect her.

Sometimes I want to talk to the emperor about my pain, but I either can't meet her, or I will give her a lesson.

If it weren't for her natal family's rich background, I'm afraid the Queen's position would have been replaced by someone else long ago.

The queen's maiden name is Yang, and her ancestors are the founding heroes and the commander-in-chief of the three armies. Emperor Taizu bestowed the title of Lord of the Town, hereditary.

Afterwards, it was successively awarded by the emperors of the past dynasties, and it was called the sacred stone of the town.

So far, many famous generals have emerged in the Yang family, who have guarded the border for many years and made great contributions to the stability of the Daming country.

It was precisely because of this that even Cao Kun did not dare to attack the Yang family easily.

After all, the tranquility of the border is also very important.

The Yang family was actually quite angry about what happened to the queen in the palace.It's just that it's not easy for them to intervene in the affairs of the inner palace, and Cao Kun has at least concealed his face very well, so that no one can catch him.

But now, Prince Jin is going to fight back with all his strength, so naturally he has to contact all parties.

The queen's attitude is very important, because she is not only the lord of the harem, but also has a strong support from the Yang family behind her.

Prince Jin knew very well that if he wanted to suppress Cao Kun, he had to have the power to make the other party afraid, so that he could let go of his hands and feet...

(End of this chapter)

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