Chapter 229

Soon after, Zhou Yu found Baimei real person and told Chang'e about the situation.

"It's actually like this?"

The white-browed real person couldn't help frowning.

Then, his face suddenly changed: "Not good, could it be..."

It was rare for Zhou Yu to see Master Baimei lose his composure like this, and he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"In ancient times, there was a family of sharks living in the depths of the sea, and they have hardly been seen for nearly ten thousand years.

According to the secret records of Mount Shu, the mermaid clan has actually been guarding a treasure for generations.

According to my guess, it’s not actually a treasure, maybe it’s the origin of the world hidden deep in the bottom of the sea…”

Mermaids are one of the oldest races. They have a fish tail and a human body. In folklore, some people call them sea monsters, while others call them mermaids.

In fact, sea monsters and mermaids are similar to mermaids in appearance, but they do not belong to the mermaid family.

The Yuren clan, like the Suiren clan, belonged to the ancient clan, and belonged to the same era as the ancient Lich.

However, after going through the great calamity of the world, the ancient clan has become a legend.

After some discussions, Zhou Yu decided to assist Chang'e.

As for Mount Shu, there is Baimei Zhenren and a group of righteous masters sitting in the town, and there is also a formation arranged by Zhou Yu.

Even if the old monster Youquan attacked, he might not be able to please him.

So Zhou Yu quietly left that night and flew eastward all the way.

Arriving at the coast of the East China Sea, Zhou Yu communicated with Chang'e again with his spiritual thoughts, and the two finally met on an isolated island in the East China Sea.

After the meeting, Zhou Yu first explained the current situation in Shushan in detail.

Next, I talked about Baimei Zhenren's speculation.

"Mermen family?" Chang'e frowned, then suddenly said: "Yes, it is really possible to say so."

"Then we have to find a way to find these sharks now, and join hands with them to deal with those foreign monsters."


Chang'e nodded.

Next, the two used their magical powers to continuously expand the search range on the sea surface, looking for traces of the sharks.

A few days later, when the two were avoiding a giant vortex on the sea surface, they accidentally discovered an island with human activities.

Not far from Shangdao, suddenly, there was a sound of fighting.

The two looked at each other, and immediately followed the sound.

"Kiligu, Kiligu..."

"Gula, Gula..."

Several aboriginal-looking men held spears and javelins in their hands, yelling and confronting a huge monster.


Perhaps the monster was a little impatient, and with a loud roar, it charged forward forcefully.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

The huge monster bumped into it head-on, but it seemed to hit an invisible iron wall, and immediately bounced upside down and flew out.


As soon as it landed, the monster was frightened, made a humming sound, turned around and fled.

Several natives were dumbfounded.

After that, they knelt down on the ground one by one, kowtowed to Zhou Yu non-stop, and muttered something in their mouths.

Not long after, Zhou Yu and Chang'e came to a valley under the leadership of these aborigines.

Here is where these indigenous people live.

Looking at the scale, there should be two to 300 people living here.


A woman with the appearance of a priest led the clansmen forward and bowed respectfully to Zhou Yu and the two of them.

"Get up!"

Zhou Yu raised his hand.

This time, he used his supernatural powers and directly adopted a method similar to spiritual communication.

Because the language barrier between the two parties, there is no problem at all in this way. The other party can't understand what he said, but they can understand what it means.

Similarly, Zhou Yu might also understand what the other party said from the mental fluctuations of the other party.

In this way, the language barrier is almost perfectly solved.

The other party regarded Zhou Yu and Zhou Yu as gods, and introduced the origin of their tribe.

It turned out that they did not live on this island for generations.

About 100 years ago, a tsunami struck and the island where they lived for generations was almost submerged.

The island was very large, and there were several tribes, at least thousands of people.

In the end, the surviving people gathered together, felled the trees to make three huge logging ships, and came to the island along the water.

Although this island is rich in products, the living environment is also very harsh. There are ferocious beasts and monsters, and there are sea monsters doing evil in the nearby sea...

"Sea monster?"

Hearing that the other party mentioned the siren, Zhou Yu couldn't help but feel his heart move.

After all, this is the sea monster that the other party said, what if it is a mermaid family?

So Zhou Yu asked in detail.

It's just that he hasn't seen a mermaid with his own eyes, so he can't be sure whether the other party is talking about a sea monster or a mermaid.

In the myths and legends of Zhou Yu's previous life, there are also legends of sharks.

The legend of the shark was first seen in the "Shan Hai Jing".

There is also a record in "Sou Shen Ji": Outside the South China Sea, there are sharks who live in the water like fish, and they don't waste weaving. Their eyes can weep, and they can produce pearls.

The volume of "Shu Yi Ji" said: "Jiao people are Quan Xianye, also known as Quan Ke. Jiao yarn from the South China Sea, Quan Xian weaves it, a dragon yarn, and its price is more than a hundred gold. It is thought that it will not be wet when it enters the water. In the South China Sea there is the Dragon Silk Palace, where springs weave silk first, and the silk is as white as frost."

"Natural History": "There are sharks in the South China Sea. They live in the water like fish. They don't waste weaving, and their eyes can weep."

In short, it is recorded in many ancient books.

It's just that, when it is spread among the people, most of them are called mermaids.

This is influenced by the West, because there are similar legends of mermaids and human bodies in Western mythology, which are called mermaids.

Foreign monks like to chant scriptures, and the invasion of foreign cultures has made many people think that a mermaid is a mermaid.

There is such a sentence in Li Shangyin's famous work "Jinse": The moon and pearl in the sea have tears.

This poem is derived from the legend of the shark.

According to legend, the ignition point of shark oil is extremely low, and one drop can burn for several years.

According to folklore, there is an ever-burning lamp fueled by shark oil in the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin.

When the door of the tomb is closed, the lights are turned off by themselves.

Once the door of the tomb is opened and air enters, it will spontaneously ignite and last for thousands of years.

After some questioning, the two learned that the sea monster's range of activities was in the surrounding waters, so they left the island to search.

Not long after, Chang'e frowned and pointed to the northwest direction: "There is a demon coming out from there."


Zhou Yu nodded, and flew to the northwest with Chang'e.

Not long after, there was a sudden movement on the surface of the sea.


Following a monstrous wave, a figure soared into the sky with the wave.

Immediately afterwards, two more figures appeared, holding weapons in their hands...

However, these three are not real people. The upper body looks almost the same as a human, but the legs are fishtails.

Looking at the situation in front of him, is this fighting in a nest?
Zhou Yu and Chang'e did not show up, but hid their breath and hid in the clouds to observe the movement.

But at this time, Zhou Yu can fully confirm that the following three cannot be of the Merman family, but sea monsters.

For one thing, he has now witnessed the appearance of the other party, which is different from the appearance of the mermaid clan recorded in the ancient books.

The mermaid clan, regardless of gender, has a pair of short horns on their heads, which is said to be due to their blood relationship with the dragon clan.

But the three murlocs below have no horns.

Moreover, these three people have relatively obvious scales on their faces, which is also different from the mermaids.

The important thing is that Zhou Yu could clearly sense the evil spirit of the three of them.

The mermaids are not demons, they are ancient races, but after humans ruled the world, they regarded all elves other than humans as demons.

Below, the first murloc to break out of the water resisted two moves hastily, and then began to flee.

The two Jiao people behind were chasing after him.

After chasing for a while, Zhou Yu couldn't help but said: "Fairy, you stop the two behind, and I'll go find the one who escaped in front."


Chang'e nodded.

So, the two split up.

Chang'e cast a spell secretly, which slowed down the speed of the two murlocs behind them a lot, and the escaped one quickly disappeared.

However, Zhou Yu followed suit.

The murloc fled to the edge of a small island, seeing that the pursuers did not catch up, so he leaned against a rock by the edge of the island to breathe.

He had been injured, and his waist, near the tail of the fish, was bleeding from time to time.

At this time, Zhou Yu suddenly appeared.

The murloc was startled and was about to plunge into the water.

Zhou Yu raised his hand and a flash of golden light restrained the opponent's movements.

"God forgive me..."

The other party begged for mercy.

In fact, Zhou Yu couldn't understand what he said, but he could read the mental fluctuations of the other party.

Similarly, he also communicates with the other party in the way of mental fluctuations.

"Just now, why did those two people chase you down?"

"They...they are my people..."

"Since they are clansmen, why do they kill each other?"


"You better tell the truth, if I catch you lying..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yu exerted a little coercion, which made the murloc's heart shudder, and hurriedly said: "Don't dare."


"My name is Aza, I was originally the young master of the clan..."

Azar talked about his experience.

After his narration, Zhou Yu finally knew that the sea monsters were also divided into groups, just like human tribes.

Aza's family belongs to a small group.

In the past, Aza fell in love with a woman named A Nuo from a neighboring ethnic group.

A Nuo is recognized as the most beautiful in the group, and even the young patriarch of their group is pursuing her.

However, she also liked Aza, and the two became lovers.

Because of this, it caused dissatisfaction among many members of the Arnold ethnic group.

Although intermarriage is not prohibited among various ethnic groups, A Nuo's beauty is the pride of many people in the clan, and the patriarch also hopes that A Nuo can marry his son and inherit good genes.

In view of the pressure from various aspects, A Nuo's parents also repeatedly persuaded their daughter to break up with A Zha and marry the young patriarch of their own family group.

But A Nuo has made up his mind, saying that Aza will not marry if it is right or wrong.

Aza's father was also very satisfied with A Nuo, his future daughter-in-law, and went to communicate with the other party's patriarch and A Nuo's parents many times.

Of course, gifts are indispensable.

Seeing that the attitude of the patriarch of the other party has been relaxed, he did not expect that at this time, a sudden change occurred.

A group of monsters came from nowhere and attacked the Kraken family.

The strength of these monsters is quite powerful, and the Kraken family is not an opponent at all, and each group has fallen and been enslaved by the other party.

The young patriarch of Arnold's ethnic group is named Aji.

This guy thought that things had turned around, so he took the initiative to take refuge in those monsters.

Moreover, with the help of the other party, he actually forced his father to abdicate early, and he became the patriarch ahead of time.

As soon as this guy became the patriarch, he began to play awe-inspiring, completely disregarding the life and death of the clansmen, and offered a lot of resources and treasures treasured by the clan to please the other party.

At the same time, A Nuo and A Nuo's parents were put under house arrest, and A Nuo was forced to marry him.

Moreover, they also used the power of those monsters to attack Aza's group.

For the safety of the tribe, Aza was forced to leave the tribe.

Because he knew very well in his heart that Aki was targeting him.

After Aza left the group, Aji still did not intend to let him go, and sent people to search for his whereabouts.

At the same time, he repeatedly forced Arnold.

Arnold refused to obey.

In a rage, Aji shamelessly threatened the lives of A Nuo's parents.

Said that as long as A Nuo refused to marry him, or dared to commit suicide, he would kill A Nuo's parents.

In this way, Arnold was really cornered.

She can disregard her life for love, but she cannot let her parents be implicated because of love.

In the end, she still married Aki.

Aza hid in the outer east for several years, thinking that the limelight had passed, he quietly sneaked back.

After learning what happened to Arnold, Aza was very sad.

So, desperate to sneak into the group where Anuo belongs, he wants to see Anuo, and if possible, rescue her and her parents.

In the end, it was discovered...

"That's the way it is. It's not that I did something bad when I was hunted down. I just...just forgot Arnold, and I'm ashamed of her..."

"So it is."

The two communicated through mental fluctuations, and Zhou Yu was absolutely sure that Aza was not lying.

At this time, Chang'e also rushed over.

When she heard Zhou Yu talk about Aza's experience, she couldn't help thinking about it, and said: "Since this is the case, we just sneak in to find out the details of those monsters."

"Made in?"


"Well, it's a good idea, why didn't I think of it..."

Soon after, Zhou Yu and Chang'e changed into the two murlocs who hunted down Aza.

As for those two doesn't matter anymore.

Aza also changed his appearance, but with Zhou Yu's help. With his own strength, he might be recognized by the other party.

Under the leadership of Aza, the three swaggered back to the boundary of Arnold's ethnic group.

At first, Zhou Yu thought it was in the water.

The result turned out to be different.

The boundary of the ethnic group was indeed located on the bottom of the sea, but after passing through a trench, what Zhou Yu saw was a valley.

There is no water around.

Moreover, the sea monsters living here have melted their legs to facilitate walking.

Because there are a lot of people in the clan, at least 5000 people, it is not easy to be seen as suspicious.

"Aza, don't go to A Nuo first, so as not to alarm the other party. We need to inquire about some information, and when we are done, we will help you rescue A Nuo and her parents."

"Well, thank you two gods."

Next, Zhou Yu and Chang'e started to act separately.

At present, Aji is the confidant of those monsters outside the territory, so that guy must know a lot of secrets.

Including its subordinates, more or less know some.

After two days of inquiring, the two finally had a huge harvest, and heard the news about the Merman Clan...

(End of this chapter)

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