Chapter 235 Kunlun Mirror

After experiencing this incident, Tao Wenrui respected Zhou Yu even more like a sage, and at the same time worked harder in his studies and cultivation.

Today, under Zhou Yu's continuous promotion, subtle changes have taken place in the Confucianism of the current dynasty.

In the past, scholars mainly focused on the Four Books and Five Classics. After all, this is also the most important thing in the imperial examination.

Not to mention all the scholars in the world are for fame and fame, but at least the vast majority.

But now, fame is no longer the most important thing.

Especially among the students of Wendao Academy, less than half of them are dedicated to pursuing fame and fame. Many students come to Wendao Academy for cultivation and even longevity.

Because, the textbooks and teaching of Wendao Academy are no longer based on the Four Books and Five Classics, but comprehensive.

Zhou Yu fully integrated the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, especially Taoism, which made Confucianism and Taoism a unity, and compiled several books based on his years of understanding.

These few works are the focus of the teaching of Wendao Academy.

The most important thing is that there is still an opportunity to practice the mental method in Wendao Academy, which is also Zhou Yu's original mental method, so that Confucian disciples can keep pace with Taoism and Buddhism in terms of strength.

Some of the students or gentlemen who first entered Wendao Academy, such as Yin Wenli and Luo Ji'an, have achieved some success and are expected to enter the realm of longevity.

In the minds of many people, Wendao Academy is no longer an academy, but rather a sect, the Confucian sect.

And Zhou Yu is the leader of Confucianism today.

Some people even praised Zhou Yu as a sub-sage.

It can be said that Zhou Yu's reputation in the current dynasty has reached its peak, and it has also driven the entire Confucianism into a new era of glory.

Weak scholar has become a thing of the past.

But it is impossible for any scholar to be as weak and weak as before.

This is because the overall luck of Confucianism has been greatly improved, and as long as you read books, you can cultivate righteousness.With awe-inspiring righteousness, it is natural to have power beyond ordinary people.

Before I knew it, decades passed.

Although Zhou Yu's realm is still at the stage of Confucianism, his strength is continuously improving.

But Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing, Bai Min'er, Mo Chou, and Ying Ning all had breakthroughs in strength.

At this time, the mansion ushered in a special guest: Li Shan's old mother.

In the folk, it is also called Lishan Old Mother.

In the fairy world, he is also revered as Lord Ziyuan, the ancestor of Yuqing, and he is an existence at the level of ancient saints.

Back then, Bai Suzhen was kind to Bai Suzhen, so Bai Suzhen has always been respected as a teacher.


Seeing the appearance of Li Shan's old mother, Bai Suzhen was extremely surprised and pleasantly surprised, and rushed forward to salute.

Li Shan's old mother raised her hand with a smile: "I haven't seen you for so many years, and now, you have finally achieved a positive result."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Bai Suzhen was naturally extremely excited to get her teacher's approval.

Not long after, Zhou Yu, Xiao Qing, Mo Chou, Bai Min'er, and Ying Ning also came to see the ceremony.

"Juniors see the ancestors!"

"Hehe, there's no need to be too polite, let's all sit down and talk."

Li Shan's old mother has always been unassuming, cheerful and approachable.

After chatting for a while, Li Shan's old mother took out an ancient mirror and handed it to Zhou Yu: "This is the Kunlun mirror. Now, I will hand it over to you. I hope you can treat it well and make good use of it."

"Kunlun Mirror?"

Upon hearing this name, not to mention Zhou Yu, all the girls couldn't help being shocked.

In the fairy world, Kunlun Mirror, Donghuang Bell, Xuanyuan Sword, Pangu Axe, Jiuli Pot, Haotian Tower, Fuxiqin, Shennong Ding, Kongtong Seal, and Nuwa Stone are also known as the top ten ancient artifacts, each with amazing and unique The power of immortality.

According to legend, the Kunlun Mirror is not only powerful, but more importantly, the Kunlun Mirror also possesses extremely magical power of space, allowing it to travel freely in different time and space.


Li Shan's old mother nodded with a smile.


Although Zhou Yu was very excited, how could Li Shan's mother give away such a precious magic weapon?
Is there any special reason?

Li Shan's old mother guessed what Zhou Yu was thinking, and said with a smile: "What? You dare not ask for it?"

"No, no, the main reason is... this magic weapon is too precious..."

"No, you are more important than this magic weapon."

"Please also ask the ancestor to express it."

Li Shan's old mother sighed: "Come to think of it, you also know what happened in the fairy world, Fairy Chang'e also went to other worlds with you to quell the chaos.

However, the catastrophe is not over now.

In fact, the root cause of this catastrophe is very complicated, not just because of the invasion of those demons..."

Zhou Yu's heart skipped a beat: "What's the reason for that? Could it be that there are also problems within the fairy world?"

"Yes, and no. Let's put it this way, everyone has many faces, just like the shadow of a person, which is also an inseparable part of a person.

Kind people, sometimes it is inevitable that they will do some people who go against their hearts.

Evil people may sometimes find out their conscience.

This is the difference that exists in everyone's heart.

Why do practitioners have inner demons?It is precisely because good and evil coexist in the heart.

No matter who it is, even the Buddha, there will be inner demons..."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu suddenly vaguely guessed something.

"In addition, time and space are far more complicated than you imagined. Each of you may exist in other worlds. You can be understood as avatars or projections..."

Having said that, Zhou Yu understands, after all, he is a traveler who knows the principle of parallel time and space.

"The reason why the old man told you this is because of the catastrophe in the fairy world, and a large part of the reason stems from these.

Some powerful reincarnations, or during cultivation, may have left a clone in other worlds.

Maybe know, maybe don't know.

It is even possible for the resulting demons to exist in another world in another form.

Over time, it will more or less affect the deity, coupled with the obsession of those extraterrestrial monsters, completely caused all kinds of hidden dangers, which led to the inevitable catastrophe in the fairy world.

It is not an easy task to solve this catastrophe, and many people are needed to resolve the catastrophe, to balance, and to eliminate those extraterrestrial demons.

And you..."

Li Shan's old mother stared at Zhou Yu and said, "He is one of the key people."


"Yes! Of course, you can choose not to ask. However, you believe that you are a generalist and know the truth of the cold lips and teeth.

If this catastrophe is not resolved, then the entire world will slowly be controlled by the demonic way.

At that time, you may usher in two endings, either perish, or fall into the demonic way and coexist with the demonic way. "

"Thank you, Saint Ancestor, for your reminder, this junior understands."

Zhou Yu took over the Kunlun Mirror.

This means that he accepted his mission.

"Not bad!"

Li Shan's old mother nodded with relief.

After that, he stretched out his finger and tapped on the Kunlun mirror, and a picture suddenly appeared on it.

"For now, you can go here..."

The old mother of Li Shan explained it in detail, and finally said: "You don't have to worry about the future. After you leave, I will take care of them secretly..."

Li Shan's old mother glanced at Bai Suzhen and the other girls.

"Thank you, Holy Ancestor!"

Next, Zhou Yu made full preparations and started to travel across the world again.

With the Kunlun mirror this time, it is much easier. After all, the Kunlun mirror is a magic weapon that can shuttle freely.

What Zhou Yu is going to travel through is a rather special world, a world similar to the one in his previous life when he was a god.

This world is ruled by a high god.

The leader of the gods calls himself "Heaven", also known as the Emperor of Heaven.

In fact, the Heavenly Emperor's real name is Black Dragon, and his body is also a black dragon. No one knows the depth of his strength, and few people have seen him personally. It is rare to see him on weekdays, and he is extremely mysterious.

Under the Heavenly Emperor, there are five holy kings in the Hall of Sages.

Under the five great sage kings, there are six tribes in the sky, and each of the six tribes has a great god to assist in leading the gods.

The six divisions are: Anbu, Yubu, Doubu, Firebug, Leibu, and Plaguebu.

In addition to the Protoss, there are Human Races, Hades Races, Sea Races, etc. in the lower realm.

In addition to the Protoss, the Human Race and the Ming Race are the most powerful.

However, the human race and the Ming race have been enslaved and oppressed by the god race for a long time, just like the slaves of the god race.

Any disobedience or resistance will be suppressed or even massacred by the Protoss.

However, the Protoss is not in harmony.

Back then, Fuxi, the great priest of the Protoss, left the Protoss due to some special reasons and formed the Shenyin Department.

All the people taken in by the Shenyin Ministry are from the Protoss, but due to various reasons, they are not tolerated by the Protoss.

The Protoss has always regarded the members of the Shenyin tribe as traitors, and they have been chasing and killing them, forcing Fuxi to take the members of the tribe to hide in XZ...

Zhou Yu came to this world precisely to change the pattern of this world.

Because many of the protoss in this world are actually inextricably linked with the powers of the fairy world.

For example, the Emperor of Heaven is actually the ambitious side of the Jade Emperor.

Li Shan's old mother said that no matter who it is, even a saint, it is impossible to be perfect, and there will be some inner demons more or less.

The so-called inner demon refers to the side that is inconsistent with one's own character and ideals.

Simply put, it can be called a desire.

Many eminent monks have pursued the so-called no-self and no-desire throughout their lives.In fact, such pursuit itself is a kind of desire.

As long as you have thoughts, no matter what race you are, no matter how high your cultivation level is, including saints, you can't avoid the word desire.

However, it depends on how you treat it.

Some people can restrain and control it, just like there is a piece of gold on the ground. Some people will inevitably be moved when they see it, but they will not take it for themselves. This is a gentleman.

Some people picked it up quickly, and even refused to return it when the owner came.This is called a villain.

Although the Jade Emperor is in command of the fairy world, sometimes it is inevitable that he will have some ideas.It's just that they often get out of the overall situation and restrain themselves.

However, people have two sides, a bright side and a dark side.

The Heavenly Emperor of this world may be the dark side.

In the fairy world, Fuxi is the great god of ancient times, including many saints who respect him very much.

But Fuxi definitely has another side. The Fuxi in this world may be a state in his heart.

Including others as well.

Therefore, Zhou Yu came here precisely to change the world and drive away the dark side.

Of course, there are too many masters in this world, so you must have a relatively long-term plan.


This is the royal city of the great merchant kingdom of mankind.

In the morning, a servant came outside the study and reported: "My lord, someone is asking to see you outside the hall."

"No time!"

King Shang was thinking about something, and waved his hands impatiently.

He's been bothered lately.

For more than 600 years since the establishment of the Dashang Kingdom, it has been attached to the gods and enslaved by the gods. Every year, a large number of laborers are dispatched to collect a special mine, which the gods call bloodstone.

It is said that this mine can provide the gods with the energy of eternal life.

After King Shang succeeded to the throne, he was no longer willing to be oppressed by the gods.

In order to mine blood stones, the Great Shang Kingdom has hardly developed for hundreds of years, and a large amount of labor has been used to mine mines, resulting in a serious shortage of soldiers and food shortages, and the people are miserable.

As the king of the Great Shang Kingdom, but seeing his people in dire straits, the King of Shang felt deeply humiliated.

On the surface, he is a high-ranking king.

But in front of the Protoss, even if the Protoss only sent a small envoy, they still acted aloof and ignored him at all.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of the Protoss, he, the human king, is nothing more than a little foreman.

Therefore, the king of Shang has always been struggling with a question, should he resist?

But he is also very clear in his heart that once he confronts the Protoss, it will definitely arouse the anger of the Protoss and retaliate.

At that time, I am afraid that the people of Dashang will also be involved.

This is where he struggles.

The important thing is that he is not sure of defeating the Protoss.

"My lord, that person... doesn't seem to be an ordinary person. By the way, he handed over a token, saying that the king will definitely meet him after reading the token."

"Oh?" Having said that, King Shang raised his brows: "What token? Present it."


The servant responded, and cautiously stepped forward to hand over a small piece of jade.

This piece of jade was actually nothing special, it was just a piece of worthless jade that Zhou Yu found at random.

But as soon as King Shang got it in his hand, he suddenly felt his palm sink and he almost missed it.

He could feel that there was a mysterious power in this piece of jade.Moreover, only he can feel it.

After all, this servant in front of him is just an ordinary person, even he almost didn't hold this piece of jade, how could an ordinary person hold it in his hand so easily?

This only shows that ordinary people cannot feel the special energy of this piece of jade.

"Quick, please invite this person into the palace."


The next person walked away.

After a while, Zhou Yu met King Shang.

"Next week Yu, I met King Shang."

Zhou Yu was only able to meet with ordinary etiquette, and he did not behave like a monarch and minister like others, after all, he was a subject of the King of Shang.

King Shang took a closer look, and found that the person in front of him was really unfathomable, and he was also sure that the person was not a god race, but a human being.

So, he seemed extraordinarily enthusiastic, and ordered his servants to serve wine and food.

"I don't know where the gentleman came from?"

King Shang began to inquire about the details.

Zhou Yu smiled: "It doesn't matter where I come from, what matters is why I come here."


King Shang couldn't help but frowned, seemingly dissatisfied.

After all, he is a majestic king of Shang, and Zhou Yu said that in a way that did not give him face.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality and smiled: "Why did the gentleman come here?"

Zhou Yu didn't speak, but raised his finger to the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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