Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 248 Under the Five Elements Mountain, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven

Chapter 248 Under the Five Elements Mountain, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven

The woodcutter ran to the fire, and thanked Zhou Yu and Tang Seng, "Thank you for saving each other."

Zhou Yu smiled: "The old man is serious. We didn't take action to save you. It was your own luck and fate."

The woodcutter was stunned for a moment, and then said: "No matter what, if you weren't here, the little old man's life might be in danger."

"Amitabha Buddha, the auspicious donor has his own celestial appearance."

Tang Seng recited a Buddhist name.

"Is the old man hungry? Come, have a piece of barbecue."


"You're welcome, Elder Tang is a monk, you are not a monk, are you?"

"Thank you so much."

The woodcutter no longer refused, and sat down by the fire to eat the barbecue with small bites.

In fact, he was transformed by Taibaijinxing.

However, Zhou Yu also saw his identity. Although he didn't know who it was, he knew that the heavenly court must have sent him to investigate his details.

It's just that he didn't point it out. It depends on what the other party says.

After a while, Taibai Jinxing began to test: "The benefactor said before that this mage is Elder Tang?"


"Could it be the holy monk of the Tang Dynasty, the elder Tang who went to the west to learn scriptures?"


"What a disrespect!"

"You don't need to be polite." Tang Seng raised his hand.

"This... is the disciple of the holy monk?"

Tang Seng waved his hand: "Old man, this is Shangxian. He saved the poor monk's life and said he would escort the poor monk to a safe place."

"Ah? It turned out to be a Shangxian, please forgive the little old man for his clumsy eyes..."

Taibai Jinxing put on a show and bowed.

"Don't dare to be that!" Zhou Yu smiled: "Old man, you don't have to pretend, or... change back to your original appearance?"

Hearing this, Tang Seng was startled.

Because he misunderstood Zhou Yu's meaning and thought it was transformed by a monster.

Taibai Jinxing froze for a moment, then shook his head and smiled wryly, his figure turned back to its original appearance.

"Old man Taibai Jinxing, haven't you consulted Xianyou Xianhao yet?"

This time, he stopped pretending and asked Zhou Yu's background directly.

"It turns out that it is Taibai Shangxian, who is polite to Zhou Yu next week."

Tang Seng was taken aback. Of course he had heard of Taibai Jinxing's name, so he hurried forward to pay respects: "Poor monk Xuanzang, I have seen the Supreme Immortal."

"Elder Tang doesn't need to be too polite."

Then, Taibai Jinxing couldn't help but asked Zhou Yu: "I don't know where my little friend is practicing? Who is the respected master?"

Zhou Yu replied: "I am a scholar, I have read the books of sages since I was a child, and I have also been involved in the classics of hundreds of schools, and I have also realized some methods of cultivation from them.

As for the name of the is really inconvenient to disclose, because the mentor has always lived in seclusion in the mountains, wandering in the clouds and wild cranes, and has nothing to do with the world. "

Having said that, it made the Taibaijin Nebula even more foggy.

Unwilling to give up, he took out a jug of wine to persuade Zhou Yu to drink, and wanted Zhou Yu to tell the truth after drinking.

Of course Zhou Yu wanted to drink Xianniang, but after all, it was still the same few words.In the end, Taibai Jinxing got nothing but a name.

In desperation, he had no choice but to return to heaven to return to his life.

The Jade Emperor was also very surprised, and ordered someone to calculate Zhou Yu's origin.

There are many capable people in Heavenly Court, so naturally there are also those who are proficient in deducing the secrets of heaven.As a result, several masters deduced for a long time, but they couldn't figure out why.

Taibai Jinxing couldn't help saying: "It seems that this son has some origins, his master should be a great immortal in the hidden world."

The Jade Emperor frowned: "It is reasonable to say that even the immortals in the world, all the supernatural beings, the heavens know their details to some extent.

But this kid seemed to appear out of nowhere, what exactly was he trying to do with Jin Chanzi? "

"Your Majesty is worried that this son will ruin the plan to go west?"

"That's right! After all, we don't know the details, so we have to take precautions... go to the underworld to check the life and death book."

"According to the order!"

As a result, Taibai Jinxing went to the underworld, but Zhou Yu's name was not found.

As a result, the Jade Emperor was even more suspicious.There is no heaven, no underworld, how did this person come from?Could it be that he has cultivated to the point where he has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements?

Jumping out of the Three Realms and not being in the Five Elements means that you have already transcended the cycle of life and death, and naturally there will be no records in the underworld.

But such ones are generally in the heavens, or they are famous immortals in the lower realm, such as the immortal Zhenyuan.

But Zhou Yu had no name at all, so the Jade Emperor and others were naturally surprised.The important thing is that Zhou Yu also came together with Tang Seng, which is even more disturbing.

After all, the grand plan of going west is related to the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist world of the Western Heaven, and no mistakes can be tolerated.

If Zhou Yu was forcibly driven away, there seemed to be no excuse.

Just when the Jade Emperor was frowning, a boy came and said that he was ordered by Lishan's old mother to convey a word.

The Jade Emperor was overjoyed and hurriedly sent the boy into the palace.

As a result, the boy said eight words: don't worry, let nature take its course.


After traveling for several days, Tang Seng suddenly discovered that Zhou Yu, who had promised to protect him on his westward journey, suddenly disappeared.

In desperation, he could only grit his teeth and move forward alone.

In fact, Zhou Yu did this on purpose.

Because the front is Shuangcha Ridge.Zhou Yu went to see it, but he didn't find the figure of the monster outside the territory for the time being. Those guys were probably still hiding in the dark.

According to the original plot, Tang Seng will experience a dilemma here.

Therefore, Zhou Yu simply took a step ahead and went directly to Liangjie Mountain.

Liangjie Mountain, formerly known as Wuxing Mountain, also known as Wuzhi Mountain, is the mountain where Tathagata suppressed Monkey King.

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the mountain was located at the border, with Nanzhan Buzhou on one side and Xiniu Hezhou on the other, so it was called Liangjie Mountain.

Let's say that Tang Seng was frightened and went all the way.

In the evening of this day, I was riding a horse looking for a village to prepare for lodging.

Suddenly, the horse's hooves fell into the air and fell into a pit.

Tang Seng was shocked and couldn't help shouting for help.

This is also one of his mantras, call for help if something happens.

"Haha, great, I caught it."

"Get it, get it."

On the pit, there was a burst of cheers.

Tang Seng looked up and almost fainted from fright.

It turned out that those were not human beings, but all strange little monsters.

Soon, these little demons grabbed Tang Seng and the horse to the ground, and in front of him, all the little demons ate up the horse.

On the other side, a tall monster with a tiger head was triumphantly looking at the terrified Tang Seng.

This demon is a tiger spirit, who calls himself General Yin.

"Boys, take Tang Monk back to his cave."

"That's great, eat Tang's monk meat, you will live forever..."

All the goblins cheered loudly.

Tang Seng fainted on the spot.

He never knew that his own meat was so valuable that he could live forever if he ate it?
In fact, this is also a mystery in Journey to the West.

Xitian Luyao, how did those big monsters and little monsters hidden deep in the mountains and old forests know the identity of Tang Seng?And who is it that it is rumored that the monk who ate the meat of the Tang monk could live forever?

The only possibility is that someone is deliberately spreading this news, arousing the interest of all the big monsters and little monsters in Dongtu.

As for who is spreading the news, the answer is obvious.

In short, Tang Seng can't be allowed to retrieve the scriptures smoothly, but he must suffer and go through ninety-nine and 81 hardships.

If it's really just for him to retrieve the scriptures, isn't that simple?It only takes two or three days for a great immortal to take him to the west, meet the Tathagata, and then bring the scriptures back to Chang'an.

However, if it is so easy to get the scriptures, how can we show the value of the scriptures?How to have a sense of mystery?

To put it bluntly, in fact, asking Tang Seng to learn the scriptures is not really for him to learn the scriptures, but for him to spread Buddhist ideas along the way.

Soon after, a group of demons escorted Tang Seng back to the cave.

General Yin sent Xiao Yao to inform the two brothers, one named Xiong Shanjun and the other named Special Officer.

Mr. Xiong Shan is a Xiong Jing, and a special servant is a bull spirit, and he and General Yin are sworn brothers.

"Tie up Tang Seng, and when my two virtuous brothers arrive, they will steam Tang Seng in a cage..."

As soon as he heard that he was about to die alive, Tang Seng was so frightened that he fainted again.

In terms of will, he does have it, otherwise he would not have offered to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

However, it is also true that he is naturally timid.

After an unknown amount of time, an old man quietly came to the cave, stopped a group of little demons, and took Tang Seng to a safe place outside.

Moreover, another horse was prepared for him.

Tang Seng thanked him repeatedly, and the old man said, "This place is called Shuangcha Ridge. It is a dangerous place. Elders must be careful."

After finishing speaking, he flew away on a red-topped white crane, and dropped a note from the sky, writing: "I am the Taibai Star of the Western Heaven, and I am here to rescue your soul. God and disciples will help you in your journey. Don't complain about hardships." "

Seeing the note, Tang Seng knew that the old man who saved him was Taibai Jinxing, so he thanked the sky again.

As everyone knows, just after walking for a while, they encountered danger again.

Ahead, two fierce tigers appeared, waiting for him with their mouths wide open.

Tang Seng broke out in a cold sweat, and wanted to turn the horse's head and run for his life, but the horse was so frightened that it knelt down and did not dare to move.

In desperation, Tang Seng had no choice but to jump off his horse, trying to find a way to escape.

As a result, he saw that there were not only fierce tigers, but also poisonous snakes and insects all around him, which had surrounded him densely.


Tang Seng was desperate, knowing that there was no way to escape, so he sat down cross-legged, resigned to fate, and prayed for the blessing of the Buddha.

At this critical juncture, suddenly, a big man with a bow and arrow on his waist came from the hillside.

When those fierce tigers and poisonous insects saw him approaching, they fled in all directions.

Tang Seng was startled, and quickly saluted the man: "Help, my lord!"

The man smiled, and stepped forward to help Tang Seng: "I'm not a great king, I'm just a hunter in the nearby mountains. My name is Liu Boqin."


Tang Seng was a little surprised and uncertain.

Even Orion wouldn't be so afraid of these ferocious beasts and poisonous insects, right?

However, he has no choice. Dealing with people is better than dealing with wild animals. At least he can communicate.

"Elder, it's getting late now, why don't you come to my house to have a rest and have something to eat."

Tang Seng bit the bullet and agreed.

So, he followed Liu Boqin to Liu's house.

Fortunately, the Liu family was very polite to him, entertained him warmly, and even allowed him to stay for one night.

The next day, Liu Boqin sent Tang Seng all the way to the side of a big mountain, and said: "Elder, we are about to reach Liangjie Mountain.

The Shandong side is under the control of Datang, and the Shanxi side is the territory of Xiniu Hezhou. We can't go there. You can go on your own. Be careful along the way! "

"Amitabha, good is good!"


On the other side, Zhou Yu was drinking, eating meat, and chatting with Monkey King.

Being suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years, Monkey King has suffered a lot.

He was naturally active, but he was pressed by the Five Elements Mountain, his whole body could not move, only his hands and head could move.

How distressing it was for him.

Of course, if it was just a mountain, no matter how high or how big it was, it would be impossible to hold him down.

The key point is that this mountain is different, but it was transformed by the Tathagata Buddha with his great supernatural powers, and a seal was pasted on the mountain before, which suppressed Monkey King.

However, he did not let it go.

Nearby, there is an earth god watching over him secretly. When he was hungry, he made Monkey King eat iron pills, and when he was thirsty, he made him drink copper juice...

Moreover, the nearby mountain people often come.

At first they were terrified, but later they found that Sun Wukong was being suppressed, and he seemed to be very friendly to them, so some bold villagers came forward, chatted with him, and some picked some fruits for Monkey King to eat.

When Zhou Yu came, he even improved Monkey King's food.

For the first time, he pretended not to know anything, ran to hunt a few hares, set up a fire near Sun Wukong, sprinkled some spices, and roasted it until it was burnt brown and fragrant, which made Monkey King salivate.

He has been under the mountain for 500 years, drinking iron juice and copper juice, and occasionally someone gave him some wild fruits, and the birds faded out of his mouth.

Now when I smell the smell of meat, I can't bear it.

Of course, he could also see that Zhou Yu was not an ordinary person, so he called out: "Shangxian, Shangxian, give one to my grandson."


Zhou Yu took the opportunity to chat with Monkey King, walked over with two cooked hares and handed them to Monkey King.

Good guy, the two hares were eaten up by Monkey King in a blink of an eye, and they didn't even spit out their bones.

"Uh... It seems that I have to go to the whole big guy again."

This time, Zhou Yu hunted a moderately large wild boar. It was too big, the meat was hard and unpalatable.

It is not an easy task to roast a whole pig, it takes a lot of time.However, Zhou Yu couldn't be bothered, a shot of real fire burned from the inside to the outside, and controlled the heat.

In less than half an hour, it was roasted deliciously.

This time, Monkey King had a good time.This wild boar weighed about three hundred catties, and he almost ate it up.

"Come on, my lord, have some wine."

Zhou Yu handed Sun Wukong a wine gourd.

"You know my grandson?"

"Hehe, who in the world doesn't know the title of Monkey King?"

When this matter was mentioned, Monkey King immediately got excited, and while drinking, he talked about the glorious years of the year.

"I think back then, my old grandson made a big fuss in the Dragon Palace, and finally forced the old Dragon King to take out his housekeeping treasure, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel..."

"Later, the old Jade Emperor lied to my old grandson and asked my old grandson to go to Tiangong to be a horse-breeding official. In a rage, my old grandson returned to Huaguo Mountain...

The Venus old man came to persuade my old grandson again to let my old grandson guard the peach garden of the Queen Mother.

It's a shame that the old Jade Emperor held a peach festival, invited all the gods in the sky, but didn't invite my grandson.

In a rage, the old grandson made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace..."

"Later, the old grandson took up the banner and acted as a free and easy Monkey King himself. The Jade Emperor sent a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to capture my grandson, but my grandson beat him to pieces..."

"Later, the old Jade Emperor saw that the situation was not good, so he invited the old Tathagata, and the old Tathagata cheated my old grandson, and made the old grandson fall into a big trap. Down the mountain..."


(End of this chapter)

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