Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 260 Elimination of the 6-Eared Macaque

Chapter 260 Elimination of the Six-Eared Macaque

The prince hesitated for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Why do you ask such a strange question?"

Zhou Yu said with a smile: "If the prince has doubts about your father, then my question is not surprising at all."


The prince frowned, thought for a while, and then his face was startled.

"You mean to say that my father is possessed by the devil?"

"Perhaps, it's more serious than that."

Zhou Yu said solemnly.

The prince was taken aback and couldn't help but cupped his hands and asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "It's not convenient for me to talk about this right now, but you can go back and ask your mother. Remember, don't mention it to anyone except you two."

The prince was suspicious, and he was in no mood to hunt anymore, so he led his people back to Wangcheng that day.

After returning to the royal city, the prince tried his best to control his emotions, and went to greet his mother as if nothing had happened.

Afterwards, he dismissed all the servants, and discussed various doubts about the father with the queen mother.

"What, you mean someone mentioned your father to you..."

The queen was taken aback, and then quickly stopped talking, and subconsciously walked to the door to have a look.

"Mother, have you already started to suspect?" the prince asked anxiously.

"Yes, my child..."

The queen sighed.

"I have been married to your father for many years, and we have always loved each other. I know his every move, every word and every action.

But suddenly, he...he seemed to be a different person.

At first I thought he was ill, and I was worried about the people of Wuji Kingdom, so I was in a low mood.

But later, I slowly discovered that it didn't seem to be the case.

He is completely like a different person. He no longer cares about our mother and child, rarely talks to me, and often stays alone in the room and meditates...

I have a vague feeling that he...he just looks like your father, but...he may really not be your father..."

After all, they were husband and wife for more than ten years, how could she not notice the difference?

In the past, although the king was a little older, the husband and wife still had a little fun now and then.

But in the past two years, let alone looking for fun, the king has hardly slept with her, which makes the queen even more suspicious.

After all, how can a person change so much?

Hearing what the queen mother said, the prince couldn't help but feel heavy: "My queen, then... what should we do? If he is really not the father, then... where is the father?"

"I don't know...I really don't know..." The queen shook her head in pain, tears streaming down her face.


The prince's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Queen, since that mysterious man told me that, he must know the inside story."

"Where is that man?" asked the queen anxiously.

"This..." the prince muttered, "At that time, I was in a hurry to come back to find my mother, but I didn't... didn't bother to ask..."

"It's okay kid, since he took the initiative to look for you, then he might show up again.

Now you must behave calmly, and don't let people find out the abnormality. "

"Yes, mother."

The next day, monk Tang and his disciples came to Wuji country.

Once entering the city, there will inevitably be a sensation, and Tang Seng will inevitably have to explain again...

Not far away, Zhou Yu suddenly walked towards him.


Tang Seng was overwhelmed with surprise, and rushed to meet him.

"Are you going to the palace?"

"Yes... yes, Shangxian..."

Tang Seng whispered about the black-bone chicken king's dream.

"Well, I already know about it, but after you arrive at the palace, don't startle the snake, and make a fool of yourself first.

That king is indeed a fake, but I want to find out the background behind it..."

Zhou Yu explained in a low voice, including Sun Wuding's three brothers, and also instructed them one by one.

Afterwards, the group entered the palace together.

The fake king pretended to be enthusiastic, received Tang Seng and his party, and arranged an official post for the master and apprentice to rest.

That night, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie quietly came to the back garden of the palace and found the octagonal well.

At first, Zhu Bajie didn't want to go down to carry the corpse, but Sun Wukong coaxed him a bit, saying that as long as he carried the king's corpse, the king would definitely reward him a lot.

In this way, Zhu Bajie reluctantly went down and carried the king's body out.

In fact, the king was not really dead, he was punished for what happened before, and he should have been flooded for three years.

It has been exactly three years now, therefore, after being recited from the well, he finally regained consciousness.

Not long after, under Zhou Yu's ingenious arrangement, the family finally met.

The king told about his own experience, and the queen couldn't help but burst into tears. She was absolutely sure that the one in front of her was her husband.

The next morning, the false king was discussing with several ministers in the hall.

Suddenly, a group of people entered the hall.

"His Majesty?"

All the ministers couldn't help being shocked when they saw another king appeared.

"You are so courageous, you dare to pretend to be the king, and you dare to trespass in the hall, come and take it down for me."

The fake king was also very surprised, and gave an order in spite of everything.

"Who dares to act rashly? I am the real king, and that is a fake king."

The Wuji King shouted angrily.

The fake king shouted loudly: "Nonsense, don't hurry up and take down this fake king."

All the guards looked at each other, they really couldn't tell which one was the real king and which one was the fake king.

If the wrong person is caught, it will be a lot of fun.Are they still mixed up?

Sun Wukong had to rush forward on the spot, and shouted at the fake king: "Monster, let's see how long you can pretend, and give my old grandson a good blow!"


A stick was thrown down, but the monster pretending to be the king had turned into a gust of wind and fled away.

Sun Wukong pretended to chase for a while as planned, and then returned to the palace hall.

After all, he was also worried that the monster would take the opportunity to come back and take Master away.

This was also specially arranged by Zhou Yu. He hid in the dark, and once the fake king escaped, he would follow secretly to see where the guy was hiding.

Along the way, the demon was also careful, and circled a few big circles, and finally, he plunged into Yingshoujian, which is the deep stream where Xiaobailong Guichu stayed.

I have to say that these monsters are really smart enough.

If he hadn't tracked here, Zhou Yu would never have thought that these monsters would hide here.

After confirming that this place was the other party's den, or in other words, it was one of the dens, Zhou Yu did not startle the enemy, but went to Wuzhuang Temple and found the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

The reason why Zhou Yu sought Immortal Zhenyuan was because he didn't want to miss this rare opportunity.

With his own strength, it may be difficult to solve it completely, so he needs help from someone to wipe out those monsters from outside the territory.

Monkey King is a powerful helper, but that's for later.

Unexpectedly, Immortal Zhenyuan also had a sense of the foreign monsters.

Therefore, this exchange did not take too much energy. Zhou Yu and Immortal Zhenyuan soon came to Yingshoujian and jointly arranged a large formation.

This formation is mainly to prevent the opponent from escaping and trap the opponent to death in the formation.

Zhou Yu himself is a master at setting up formations, and together with Immortal Zhenyuan, it took three full days to complete the arrangement.

At this time, Monkey King also rushed over.

A big battle has finally begun.

This place is indeed an important stronghold for those monsters from outside the territory. They thought it was safe here, but Zhou Yu found it.

To say that the strength of these monsters is still very strong, it is a pity that they met three strong opponents, Zhou Yu, Zhenyuan Daxian, and Monkey King, how exaggerated is this fighting power?
However, even so, it took more than a day to end the battle.

There are hundreds of extraterritorial monsters hiding here, and seven or eight of them belong to the category of bosses.

Zhou Yu left three animals alive, and together with Immortal Zhenyuan, they performed the soul-searching technique, directly searching for each other's memories.

Zhou Yu was shocked to find that besides Journey to the West, these guys also sent monsters to lurk in several other worlds, probably because they were afraid of being wiped out.

However, the vast majority of them are traveling to the west, including their leader.

Through these memories, they have a total of five strongholds in Journey to the West, including one in Dongsheng Shenzhou, which is in Huaguo Mountain.

There are two in Xiniu Hezhou, one in Luzhou in Beiju, and one in Shanzhou in the south.

Now that one has been removed, there are four left.

After learning about these situations, Zhou Yu said to Immortal Zhenyuan: "It seems that we must launch a thunderous attack on the remaining four strongholds at the same time, otherwise the opponent will escape without a trace."

"En!" Great Immortal Zhenyuan nodded solemnly: "It's definitely too late with just the three of us, I'm going to find someone now."

Immortal Zhenyuan has friendship with Sanqing and Five Emperors, so it is easy for him to find people, and they are all powerful.

Therefore, Zhou Yu need not worry at all.

Afterwards, he didn't bother about those extraterritorial monsters anymore, he believed that Heavenly Court and Western Heaven Buddhist Realm would definitely come forward to eliminate those extraterritorial monsters.

And what he needs to do is to take advantage of this chaotic opportunity to completely exterminate the six-eared macaque to avoid future troubles.

Although doing so might cause dissatisfaction among the Buddhist circles of the Western Heaven, they would not dare to cause trouble for him with great fanfare.

After all, the existence of the six-eared macaque is an extremely secret matter, no matter whether it is the Buddhist world of the West Heaven or the Heavenly Court, it is impossible to expose it, on the contrary, it will try its best to suppress this matter, so as not to let outsiders know.

Besides, after finishing this matter, Zhou Yu didn't plan to stay in this world any longer, and went back directly.

Next, Zhou Yu finally figured out the hiding place of the six-eared macaque through his own deduction.

So, he went quietly, and arranged a large formation to prevent the news from leaking out.

After setting up the formation, he directly used the strongest supernatural power, and it took less than a stick of incense to kill the six-eared macaque directly.

In fact, the six-eared macaque is not an opponent of Monkey King at all. The reason why he can fight with Monkey King inextricably is because of his great ability to help in secret.

But this time, Zhou Yubu launched a large array of stealing the sky and changing the sun, forming an independent space.

Within this space, the six-eared macaque could not get any help from outside, and finally disappeared.

On the other side, Immortal Zhenyuan found many ancient gods, and even Empress Nuwa was dispatched.

A group of great gods acted separately and launched a thunderous attack on the four strongholds of those foreign monsters.

In the end, none of them escaped, and all of them were wiped out.

No matter how powerful they are, they cannot be the opponents of the ancient gods.

Sure enough, as Zhou Yu expected, after cleaning up those extraterrestrial monsters, the Western Paradise Buddhist Realm finally discovered that the aura of the six-eared macaque had completely disappeared from the world.

Tathagata couldn't help being taken aback by this, went to check it out in person, and used his supernatural powers to make calculations...

As a result, there was not a single trace of the whereabouts of the six-eared macaque.

Not surprisingly, it disappeared forever between heaven and earth.

In order to confirm this matter, Tathagata made another special trip to the Heavenly Court and found the Jade Emperor...

After a lot of discussion and speculation, Zhou Yu was finally targeted.

"This matter was probably done by that Zhou Yu. From the beginning, he has been intervening in our game of chess."

"Yes, when Tang Seng was in Chang'an, he intervened in the Jinghe Dragon King's affairs, and later became the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty."

"After Tang Seng left Chang'an, he has been showing up..."

"But I can't figure it out. His behavior seems to be destroying the matter of learning scriptures, but it seems to be facilitating it."

"The point is, how did he know the six-eared macaque?"

Few people knew about this matter, so the Jade Emperor and his party couldn't figure it out.

I wanted to ask Zhou Yu for a question, but I was afraid of causing trouble after much deliberation.

The point is, they can't find where Zhou Yu is now...

But in any case, the journey to the West has to go on.

Tang Monk and his disciples continued on their way, passing through Chechi Country, Tongtian River, Nur Country, Pipa Cave, Xiaoleiyin Temple...

The journey was bumpy and bumpy, and encountered many hardships.

Fortunately, Monkey King didn't make any troubles anymore.

Tang Seng also seemed to be a different person, no longer as pedantic as before, and began to know how to think, know how to use his own thoughts, or think about problems from a different angle.

Instead of blindly measuring everything with Buddhist principles.

He gradually understands that the world is diverse.

After obtaining the scriptures, he finally became a Buddha and sent the scriptures to the Tang Dynasty. After that, he lived in seclusion in the mountains and rarely appeared in front of the world.

Although Sun Wukong was conferred the title of Fighting Saint Buddha, he did not go to enjoy any incense, but returned to Huaguo Mountain.

Only here does he feel that he is the happiest.

Those monkeys and grandchildren were all very excited when they heard that the king had returned.

Sun Wukong also selected some people with outstanding talents and began to teach them how to practice.

Drifting, began to travel around the world.

As for Zhu Bajie... this guy couldn't stand his loneliness, so he returned to Gao Laozhuang.

And Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty also entered unprecedented prosperity.

Zhou Yu had taken in several disciples before, and each of these disciples became the pillars of the Tang Dynasty, or the great Confucians of the dynasty.

Small countries from all over the world flocked to the Tang Dynasty to learn the culture of the Tang Dynasty and Confucianism.

And the places Zhou Yu went to before were even more prosperous.

Take Baoxiang Kingdom as an example. At that time, the king of Baoxiang Kingdom came forward and founded a Confucian school.

Today, Baoxiang Kingdom has cultivated many talents, and even started to imitate the Tang Dynasty and adopted the imperial examination system to select talents.

Not only Baoxiang Kingdom, but also Chechi Kingdom, Wuji Kingdom, etc., have also begun to flourish Confucianism.

The seeds that Zhou Yu planted at the beginning finally began to take root...

All in all, this journey to the West was quite successful.


(End of this chapter)

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