Special Forces Second Enlistment

Chapter 40 1 Shot to Kill

Chapter 40 One Hit Kill

After Jiang Shui found out the defense line of the blue army guard camp, he continued to sneak.

That's right, even though the Blue Army headquarters is a few kilometers ahead, Jiang Shui is still cautious.

He still remembered that Gao Dazhuang was already ahead.

He didn't know what Gao Dazhuang was going to do, but since Gao Dazhuang was there, Jiang Shui had no reason to ignore him.

Although he can surpass tall and strong in terms of shooting and even physical fitness, Jiang Shui has self-knowledge. In many aspects, he is not as good as this special warfare major who has fought bloody battles for many years.

If he hadn't been concerned about his marksmanship, Jiang Shui believed that he would never have jumped so far.

Sneak all the way.

In front of a col, the river stopped.

"Pass through here, and the blue army headquarters is in front of you!"

Jiang Shui's expression was very solemn as he watched a narrow path passing between two mountain peaks.

"Go up the mountain!"

The path is easy to walk but the risk factor is greater.

The mountain road is rugged but the safety factor is higher.

Don't be afraid of slowness, as long as you are alive, you have a chance.

Recalling the knowledge taught by Miao Lian in his mind, Jiang Shui climbed up the mountain on the left.

There are many trees and rocks, and it is very difficult to walk, but Jiang Shui found that there are many bunkers here. As long as you find danger, you can easily find the hiding place.

If there is danger in the path below, it will become a living target for the Blue Army.

Jiang Shui once again secretly thanked Miao Lian in his heart.

And the current way to repay Miaolian is to use the prestige of the Yehu reconnaissance company and lead the blue army headquarters.

Of course, there is also Jiang Shui's selfishness in it, and that is to make meritorious service.

Both are present and do not conflict.

When the river reached the mountainside, I used the 85 sniper scope to scout the situation on the mountain ahead.


carry on.

Proceed carefully and climb up along the edges of trees and rocks, which not only reduces the chance of exposure, but also can hide behind the bunker at any time.


On the mountain on the right.

"Wild wolf, at the direction of 10 o'clock, the enemy has been spotted!"

A wolf-toothed sniper found Jiang Shui through the scope. He wanted to shoot and kill Jiang Shui first, but he found that Jiang Shui's position was very strong, so he went where there were many bunkers, and he was not given a chance to aim. , in desperation, had no choice but to report to Gao Dazhuang beside him.


Gao Dazhuang raised his binoculars and looked in the direction of 10 o'clock, a figure flashed between the trees and rocks from time to time.

"Yes, it is already very good to have such a consciousness!"

Gao Dazhuang nodded approvingly.

"Wild wolf, stop boasting at this time, can you hit him?" The sniper quickly suggested.

"Fight, find the right opportunity, and kill him with one shot!" Gao Dazhuang immediately issued an order, boasting as much as he should, and fighting as he should.


The sniper aimed in the direction of the river, put his finger on the trigger, and the loaded bullet was ready to go.

The distance between the peaks on both sides is only about 800 meters, which is not much. As long as the river water exposes his body for more than 2 seconds, the sniper will be sure to kill him.

In the meantime, when chasing Jiang Shui with Gao Dazhuang, the sniper knew that Jiang Shui's sniping was better than him, because he couldn't do what Jiang Shui did and use his sniping as smoothly as he did.

But, now, there is a chance.

Let me avenge my shame and teach that scout what a special sniper is.

"Be careful on the other side, the enemy has already climbed up your mountain, find an opportunity, shoot directly, and kill him!"

Gao Dazhuang gave an order to the communicator.

"Yes, wolf!"

There was a low voice in the address book.

The sniper was indifferent to the movements around him, only seeing the location of the mountains and rivers on the opposite side.

'Out! '

When Jiang Shui's body appeared in the scope again, the sniper immediately adjusted his attack.

'1. '

'2. '

'It's now! '

Before Jiang Shui reached the next bunker, the sniper looked at Jiang Shui who was still in the scope and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Bang~" sound.

The sound of sniping echoed through the nearby peaks.

The sniper saw the river clearly, and suddenly staggered for some reason, then, and then dodged away.

"Go on, hurry up!"

Gao Dazhuang has been staring at Jiang Shui through the binoculars from the beginning to the end. He can see clearly through the binoculars. Jiang Shui stepped on a foot, and the ground that he stepped on was not solid, slipped a bit, and just dodged by accident. .



The sniper continued to load his bullets, but saw Jiang Shui pounced forward and got behind a tree.

The scope was put on the tree trunk, waiting for the river to emerge.


He came out.

He came out with an 85.

He took aim at me.

I also aimed at him.

I'm going to shoot.

"Bang!" A sound.

One hit kill.

Spike's sniper was eliminated.


The sniper lay stiffly on the ground, with disbelief in his eyes, is this shit really inferior to others?

(End of this chapter)

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