Special Forces Second Enlistment

Chapter 409 Jiang Xiaoyu's Transformation


The elevator doors on the 4th floor opened.

Xia Chu walked out of the elevator carefully, and at the same time listened carefully to the situation outside, recalling the self-help guide Liang Muze taught him in his mind.

"Anything in your hand can be taken down as a self-defense weapon..."

Xia Chu saw the fire extinguisher box in the corridor, and quickly ran over to pick up a can of fire extinguisher, but his panicked movements made the fire extinguisher box make a loud crashing sound.

The sound was so loud that even Long Yi who was running up the stairs could hear it.

Xia Chu worked hard to calm himself down, recalling Liang Muze's words, looking for a way to save himself.

"If you really can't get away, try to put yourself in the crowd and call for help..."

Chu Xia looked around and saw the fire alarm hanging on the wall, and then reached out and pressed the alarm switch.

"Om! Om! Om~~~"

The sound of the alarm instantly resounded throughout the building.

"It's on fire~ it's on fire~ it's on fire~"

"Run away~"

"Don't take things there~"

As soon as Long Yi, who rushed up to the fourth floor, appeared at the entrance of the corridor, he found the residents inside shouting and rushing out.

Long Yi turned around and ran back to the stairs, and then left quickly, because everyone came out at this time, he knew very well that he had no chance to make a move.

Xia Chu hid in the storage room in fear, holding the fire extinguisher in fear.

Liang Muze kept calling Xia Chu along the way, but no one answered the phone. He felt a little anxious, and stepped on the gas pedal even harder.

When Liang Muze rushed to the underground garage of the community, Long Yi happened to drive away, and their cars passed each other.

Liang Muze went upstairs, and soon found Chu Xia who was hiding in the storage room on the fourth floor.

"Bang~" sound.

Feeling cold all over Xia Chu, he hurriedly looked towards the door, only to see Liang Muze striding in.


Xia Chu put down the fire extinguisher and met Liang Muze.

"Are you okay?" Liang Muze looked at Xia Chu and asked with concern.

Xia Chu immediately explained to Liang Muze what he had just discovered: "Someone was chasing me, I didn't see his face clearly, he called me Miss Xia on the phone, but I have never registered with the property, so I am sure that People are coming after me..."

"I've already reached the negative floor, I turned around and ran, just like you said, I took the elevator to press a few more floors, and I went down the middle floor, I was afraid that someone would guard me at the door!"

After Xia Chu finished speaking, Liang Muze hugged Xia Chu in his arms and comforted him: "Well done, it's okay, I'm here~"

Hiding in Liang Muze's arms, Xia Chu felt a great sense of security.


Zhuo Ran suddenly realized that there was a problem with his tactic, because his surrender did not bring him any benefits, but instead gave Miao Lian even greater convenience.

Because Miao Lian couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he heard that Zhuo Ran had surrendered himself. He really didn't expect that there is such a great wisdom in the world.

Jiang Shui and Miao Lian had passed their anger, and they were also staring at Zhuo Ran secretly. Since Zhuo Ran was able to attack Xia Chu without hesitation, it meant that Zhuo Ran's blood was cold. Miao Lian would never treat such a person. Relentless.

But now, through his own analysis, Miao Lian has roughly guessed Zhuo Ran's intentions, and it cannot be ruled out that the other party's mother is indeed in the hands of the master, and is indeed controlled by the master.However, among them, Zhuo Ran's criminal facts cannot be denied.

Since you came to your door, how could Miao Lian be polite?
Miao Lian directly ordered Rao Feng to let Zhuo Ran stay in the detention center on the grounds of protecting Zhuo Ran's safety, so as to prevent the master from harming Zhuo Ran.

For such a reason, Zhuo Ran has no other excuses to refute.

After all, the reason why he turned himself in was for the master, and the other party also made suggestions "out of" protection for his safety.

How did you let Zhuoran refuse?

Say I don't need your protection?

So what about my report just now?Then how can I use you to deal with the master?

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, so I thought I just came over to "explain things clearly" and then went home.


Looking at the pasted windows on the back wall, Zhuo Ran inexplicably thought of a song called "Tears Behind Iron Window", why did he dig a hole and bury himself?

Zhuo Ran really didn't expect the other party to be such a thug, and the development of the matter has been out of his control. Now Zhuo Ran can only pray that the facts of his crime will not be found out, otherwise, he really can't get out, okay...

For this point, Zhuo Ran himself is very clear, no matter what he has done before, even if it is passive, he has already done it. As long as he is dug out, even if it is not a death sentence, he will never leave this room in this life.

So, Zhuo Ran started to use his brain crazily to see if there was a chance to go out, and he swore that next time he would not do any brain-dead behavior of surrendering himself.


Spike Base.

It is now the seventh day that Jiang Xiaoyu came to Langya.

In other words, Jiang Xiaoyu can return to the Wolf Warrior base today.

Gao Dazhuang is very satisfied with Jiang Xiaoyu's progress. Of course, on the surface, he still ridiculed Jiang Xiaoyu in various ways, saying that you can't do this or that. It's just his means to motivate Jiang Xiaoyu.

After a week of training.

Now Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes are filled with a special brilliance, a pair of eyes seem to be able to see through everything, it seems that there is no secret in this world that can escape Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes.

The official training was over, Gao Dazhuang looked at Jiang Xiaoyu in front of him, and said that he would look at him with admiration for three days. Before he came to the logistics warehouse of Langya 026, Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes were blank, as if he had no idea about the future. What do you mean by planning? It's a bit of a dawdle.

But now, although he still looks a little lazy, but now, the light in Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes is impossible to ignore.

Jiang Xiaoyu's body now has a special charm.

This is my own achievement, this is my long-term plan, and Gao Dazhuang himself did not expect that after many years, he actually completed the original distant view.

"Let's go, let's go back and show off~"

Gao Dazhuang took Jiang Xiaoyu out of the 026 logistics warehouse, got into the car, and returned to the Wolf Warrior Base.


Wolf Warrior Base.

Knowing that Gao Dazhuang brought Jiang Xiaoyu back today, Chen Guotao was already looking forward to it. His curiosity has been rising these days. He really wants to know what Gao Dazhuang did to Jiang Xiaoyu.

Information command center.

After seeing the monitoring screen at the gate on the big screen, a jeep drove in from outside.

"I'll go take a look~"

Chen Guotao got up and walked out.

Jiang Shui and Long Xiaoyun were left looking at each other.

"Is he in such a hurry!" Jiang Shui said with a wry smile.

"It's enough!" Long Xiaoyun was also speechless.

"Let's go, let's go take a look too!"

Jiang Shui got up and said.

"it is good!"

Long Xiaoyun also stood up, and then the two walked outside slowly, in stark contrast to Chen Guotao who was eager to leave.

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