Chapter 56 We Eat Meat

With Jiang Shui's unconventional self-introduction, there was laughter in the tent.

Qiang Xiaowei stood up with a smile: "I am Qiang Xiaowei from Gangba Company, from now on everyone can call me Qiangzi!"

Geng Jihui stood up straight: "Report, Geng Jihui, the trainee platoon leader of the second platoon of the Sharp Knife Reconnaissance Company, an army cadet!"

This is a heavyweight.

Chen Guotao stood up and said, "I read about your deeds in the front-line newspaper of the military region. In order to serve as a soldier in the southeast military region, you did not go to university because that year, the military region only recruited local rural soldiers, so you moved your household registration back to your hometown and became a Rural household!"

"Yes!" Geng Jihui replied.

"You still gave up the opportunity to recruit special forces with direct privileges, and asked to go to a reconnaissance company, any reconnaissance company is fine. I heard that you have been preparing to join the special forces since you were ten years old!"

When Chen Guotao told the story about Geng Jihui, those who heard it for the first time all looked at Geng Jihui with surprise in their eyes.

But Geng Jihui said lightly: "This is my private matter, platoon leader!"

Obviously, Geng Jihui has a knot in his mind about this matter.

However, Chen Guotao showed great interest at this moment: "What's even more incredible is that you refused to be promoted many times, refused to go to the military academy many times, and you didn't report to the Army Command Academy until the head of the group army personally gave an order. just graduated!"

"Your father is..."

Geng Jihui guessed that Chen Guotao had already guessed his identity, but he still said firmly: "He is him, I am me, platoon leader, please respect my dignity as a soldier!"

After getting the answer he wanted, Chen Guotao nodded with a smile and said, "I respect your choice!"

"My name is Shi Dafan, from the Amphibious Reconnaissance Company of the Marine Corps. I am a health worker, hehe~" Shi Dafan introduced himself with a smile.

Chen Guotao said with emotion in his eyes: "Another model of the whole army, a family of traditional Chinese medicine, a family of martial arts, and a family of military doctors! A top student of a local medical school, he was a surgeon for a year before enlisting in the army!"

Shi Dafan said with a little admiration: "This platoon leader's intelligence work is really good, hehe~"

Chen Guotao leaned over and said solemnly in a low voice: "With you here, I can rest assured!"

Shi Dafan also looked at Chen Guotao with firm eyes.

The silence speaks! .

"Please sit down!"

Chen Guotao patted Shi Dafan on the shoulder.


"I'd rather have an arm and a leg broken than let him treat it!" said a voice full of disgust.

Everyone looked at it.

Chen Guotao shouted without looking back: "Comrade paratrooper!"

"Here!" Deng Zhenhua immediately stood up and responded.

"It's your turn!" Chen Guotao gestured with his hand outstretched.

"Airborne, Eagle Division, Deng Zhenhua, sniper of the reconnaissance company!" Deng Zhenhua introduced himself forcefully.

"Skydiving master, sharpshooter, I hope you will help us a lot in the future!" Chen Guotao took Deng Zhenhua's words and said.

"No problem, platoon leader!"

Deng Zhenhua immediately agreed, patted his chest, and then began to talk about skydiving: "Actually, skydiving is not terrible. I have jumped more than 200 times..."

"Report!" Shi Dafan interrupted Deng Zhenhua with a smile and said, "I'll go see if the cow outside is blown to death!"

After speaking, Shi Dafan ran out of the tent directly, as if he really wanted to see if the cow was still alive.

Deng Zhenhua gritted his teeth and said, "I think you are dying~"


The bickering of the two clowns made everyone laugh.

After Shi Dafan came back, Chen Guotao waved his hands and said, "Okay, stop making trouble, please sit down!"


Everyone stopped laughing and looked at Chen Guotao.

Chen Guotao got up and said seriously: "Comrades, we have passed Hell Week, and now we will enter the Devil's Camp, come~"

Chen Guotao walked to the center of the crowd and stretched out his hand: "We use the ceremony of scouts to tell those arrogant special forces that we scouts are not vegetarians!"

"Yes, we eat meat~"

Jiang Shui extended his hand very seriously.

"..." Everyone couldn't help but feel ashamed, why did you feel that the ceremony had changed after you inserted this sentence?
However, everyone still stretched out their hands, clenched their fists, and gathered into a circle.

"Scout~" Chen Guotao roared.

"Kill, kill, kill~~~" everyone shouted in unison.


"Bang Bang Bang~~~"

"Quick, move fast~"

In the obstacle course, silhouettes shuttled between the obstacles amid gunfire, and shot at targets that would suddenly rise in front of them from time to time.

Gao Dazhuang held up his loudspeaker and shouted: "Cainiao No. [-], war is a huge meat grinder for junior officers and soldiers. Which general said that?"

As rookie No. [-], Jiang Shui methodically replied, "Zhukov!" while shooting at the target that appeared in front of him.

"When was Zhukov a famous general in which army?"

"Soviet Red Army, World War II!"

Jiang Shui answered both questions correctly.

"No. [-] rookie, if you were behind the enemy lines and you met an old lady herding sheep, she would expose your target, but your troops couldn't stop, what would you do?"

"Tie him up or kill her?"

"Tie it up!" Chen Guotao replied firmly.

"Rookie No. [-]!" Gao Dazhuang shouted.

"Tell her to shut up after tying her up!" Jiang Shui turned his mind and answered his own thoughts.

"Rookie No. [-], please explain your so-called shut up!" Gao Dazhuang asked.


"Bang Bang Bang~~~"

Jiang Shui changed the magazine, continued to shoot and replied: "Don't let her convey any information and news about our side!"

"Rookie No. [-], your teammate asked her to shut up after she was tied up, and tell me your answer!" Gao Dazhuang asked Chen Guotao again.

Chen Guotao replied without hesitation: "It depends on the situation. If necessary, I support the decision of my teammates!"

Gao Dazhuang saw the tacit cooperation between the two, and directly announced: "Okay! Go forward, the next ground line!"

"Rookie No. [-], terrorists threatened hostages and asked you to put down your weapons..."

"Rookie No. [-], your teammate..."

"Rookie NO.15 is out, report to the retiring office..."

The selectors never imagined that they would be eliminated just because they answered the questions. This may be the most aggrieved point for them to feel eliminated.

But, no matter what.

The selection is still going on, and all kinds of training are waiting for them. If they want to stay, they can only pass the various selection checkpoints set by Langya step by step.

Pass, stay in Spike.

Eliminate and return to the original unit.

Here, they only have these two paths.

PS: Thanks to Nanshan Nanda, 2133 Dada, book friend 20201026004432139 Dada, netizens whose nicknames are really hard to hit, who only watch for free, and HONG2018 Dada for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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