All Heavens: From the first in the world

Chapter 2, Task 1: 3 pieces of Tianxiang Cardamom【For collection, investment】

Chapter 2 The first task: Three heavenly fragrant cardamoms 【For collection, for investment】

Chu Ge's heart surged for a moment.

The system that could only appear in novels before is now clearly in front of my eyes.

My life is about to take off, I finally don't have to be crushed by that woman Zhao Wanyun, I want to stand up...

Just as Chu Ge was dreaming of the life dream of being a turned serf and singing, he suddenly thought of something and began to study the system panel in front of him.

The system panel is simple, with only a few areas.

Check-in panel, task panel, reward panel and system space.

"System? Are you there?"

Chu Ge tried to call the system, but no one responded to him. It seems that this system does not have a so-called system wizard, and it is a completely graphic system.

If you want to really understand the operation mode and various details, you need to read the manual yourself, which contains answers to various questions.

The rewards section is blank.

There is a message in the task area, which is exactly the message that appeared in Chu Ge's mind just now: [The installation of the collection system is complete, please accept this system and become a system collector. 】

There is also a "yes or no" option button at the back.

Chu Ge opened the manual and began to study it carefully.

[Accept to become a system collector, complete the task to get rewards, if you don't accept it, the system will be cleared from your mind without leaving any memory or trace, and the system will re-select the collector. 】

[After the mission platform assigns the mission, the collector enters the selected world to complete the entrusted mission. 】

[Collectors cannot take away any items from the movie world. After completing the task, the system will give rewards. The rewards are random and divided into item rewards and skill rewards. 】

[The tasks issued by the system can not be accepted, and there is no penalty. 】

[There are unfinished tasks on the system panel, and the system will not issue new tasks.If you do not accept the task, you can directly choose to cancel and wait for the next task to appear. 】

[You can take the initiative to admit failure during the task, and there will be penalties for failure, and the previous reward will be randomly deducted. 】

【warn!warn!In order to achieve a sense of real experience, collectors travel through the movie world as entities. If they encounter danger, illness or serious injury in the movie world, they can choose to fail the mission and exit the movie world, and the system will restore all negative states.If the host soul dies, it is real death! 】

[Before the collector enters the movie world, in order for the host to better integrate into the world, the system will have three permanent attributes for the host to choose. 】

Chu Ge is hesitating. High returns often mean high risks. Although he complains about his current life, he is not yet ready to give up, but once something unexpected happens...

But the opportunity is at hand, fleeting.

A firm look flashed in Chu Ge's eyes, and he pointed to the accept button.

I don't believe I'm going to die!

[Welcome to become a collector of this system, now you can start accepting tasks. 】

[Ding, there is a new task. 】

Chu Ge was taken aback for a moment, the task came really fast.

[The system prompts that a customer is watching the TV series "No. [-] in the World" and wants to see the three legendary cardamoms that can revive people and become No. [-] in the world. 】

[Requirement: It must be three Tianxiang cardamoms, guaranteed to be intact. 】

[Task: Enter the world of 'No. [-] in the World' to collect three Tianxiang cardamoms and become No. [-] in the world. Will the collector accept the order? 】

Heavenly Cardamom!

Seeing this task, Chu Ge was a little restless.

In the original book, Tianxiang cardamom is a strange fruit, which is owned by Tianxiang Kingdom. It bears fruit once every 30 years, and there is only one fruit at a time.

After eating it, no matter how serious the injury is, it will not worsen, but the person who eats it will sleep forever until someone finds the second Tianxiang cardamom and feeds it. Only one can be truly resurrected, otherwise it will still die.

Since we want Tianxiang cardamom, the timeline should be at...

"System, can I choose the timeline myself?"

【Can. 】

Chu Ge was overjoyed and said, "I want to travel to the bottom of the Tianchi Lake before the ancient three links were inherited by the Tianchi strange man."

【no problem. 】

[This traversal will start in 1 minute, please choose a permanent attribute at will, and be ready to go to any plot location to sign in to obtain the permanent attribute. 】

Three panels appear on the system panel.

[-]. The Body of the Double Ninth Festival (from the spirit master of the painting rivers and lakes. The human body exists in two qi, yin and yang, and the body of the Chongyang Yang is one body, one yin and two yangs. The yang qi alternates every day to break the disaster.)
[-]. One Jiazi's pure internal strength and martial arts treasure house (used to practice martial arts and quickly master the subtleties of martial arts).

[-]. The power of super power comes from the movie "Super Power Out of Control", the power of thought, sublimation of the body, great power, easy to lose control.

Three, want all of them.

But only one can be chosen. Chu Ge weighs the pros and cons. Although the almost immortal ability of the Chongyang Body is exciting, it is the most worthy choice.

But Chu Ge, who doesn't know anything about acupuncture points, knows how internal force works and how energy is converted.

Since there is a "treasure house of martial arts" that can practice exercises, the ability to learn quickly is what Chu Ge needs most in the early days.

"So, I choose the second option."

[The selection of the host is completed, and the empowerment will be completed after arriving at any plot location. World transmission is in progress]

Suddenly a white light flashed, and Chu Ge disappeared instantly.


[Plane coordinates: No. [-] in the world]

[Time: During the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty (20 years before the plot started)]

[Location: The bottom of Tianchi Lake in Tianshan Mountain]

At the bottom of the frozen Tianchi Lake, in the cave formed by a large block of thousand-year-old black ice, the cold air is like a sharp knife that kills people without blood, emitting a biting cold.

It was still summer in Hawaii just now, and the next second the temperature plummeted. Chu Ge, who was wearing thin clothes, hugged his arms and shivered from the cold, and said, "If I freeze to death here, will the insurance company pay for it..."


[Sorry for the host, the insurance company doesn't seem to have any business in this regard for traversers. 】

Really lost my mind, choose such a ghost place.

"I want to sign in."

【Ding!The sign-in of the plot location is completed, and you will get a Jiazi internal force, a treasure house of martial arts. 】

A warm current started from Chu Ge's dantian and traveled through the meridians of his whole body to dispel the cold air in his body.

Feeling the continuous power gushing out of his body, Chu Ge stared at the two cheat books in front of Tianchi strange man with fiery eyes.

"King Kong is not bad" and "Suction Dafa".

The Vajra Immortal Art is famous all over the world for its invincibility, invulnerability to all poisons, indestructibility, and invincibility.

The Dafa of Absorbing Power is another magical skill that interacts with it, and is known for its weirdness and unpredictability.

It can take the merits of others and use it for one's own use. When practiced to a high level, it can turn decay into magic, and can turn dead things into living things for a short time.

The treasure house of martial arts in Chu Ge's mind quickly copied two martial arts cheats into it.

In the empty martial arts treasury, there suddenly appeared two martial arts golden men who were practicing the exercises, which were the essence of King Kong's indestructible magical skills and the great method of absorbing energy.

The two peerless martial arts are like the heart of a blessing, which makes Chu Ge understand that he can learn the route of movement and how to use it in an instant, and under the influence of the treasure house of martial arts, these two martial arts are constantly approaching perfection.

Yijiazi's internal energy travels in the meridians of the whole body, improving the physique and at the same time driving away the cold in Chu Ge's body.

Chu Ge couldn't help groaning in comfort, feeling the power pouring out of his body, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

There is something wonderful about the surge of power.

(End of this chapter)

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