Chapter 7

Since that day, Chu Ge seemed to have evaporated from the world.

No matter how the eight sects turned the rivers and lakes upside down, they couldn't find Chu Ge's shadow.

A few years later, Gu Santong tested his horse in the rivers and lakes, defeated the masters from all walks of life, and made a name for himself in the rivers and lakes.

He was already obsessed with martial arts, and later he worked harder because of Chu Ge's stimulation. In just a few years, he completed the first transformation of King Kong's indestructible magic skill.

A few years later, Chu Ge broke into the Heavenly Prison and recruited desperadoes from all over the world. He used to control the Xiaoyao School's unique "Life and Death Talisman" and formed a killer force called "The First Floor".

Heaven kills earth, kills everything, and misses nothing.

Demons and ghosts, well-informed, and intelligence networks spread all over the country.

The first floor appeared in just three years, and quickly became the number one killer organization in Ming Dynasty, claiming: the life in the world is in your hands, the first floor in the world.

As long as the money is in place, the emperor will kill you.

As for the people behind the scenes, no one could find any trace even if the imperial court and the powers of the rivers and lakes dug three feet into the ground, but no one had ever seen him, they only knew that they called him——Big Boss.

A few years later, I heard that Gu Santong had an appointment with the masters of the Eight Great Schools in Taihu Lake.

But on the day of the decisive battle, people from the rivers and lakes rushed to Taihu Lake, only to find that a total of [-] masters from the eight sects and the imperial court all died tragically by the lakeside.

In one day, the three characters Gu Santong became another demon after Chu Ge that people in the world wanted to get rid of quickly.

Suxin, who was given to Zhu Wushi by Gu Santong before the Battle of Taihu Lake, returned to Gu Santong again because the current emperor could not tolerate Zhu Wushi marrying a civil married woman.

The two later became close by skin, and Su Xin was pregnant with the flesh and blood of Gu Santong.

Until one day, Chu Ge suddenly came to find Gu Santong.

There were servants waiting for Chu Ge in the carriage outside.

Su Xin poured tea for the two, Chu Ge took off his mask and picked up the tea bowl, ignoring the scalding hot water, he drank it in a big gulp, and said to Gu Santong, "Long time no see, Junior Brother."

Junior brother, only Chu Ge and Gu Santong are the only ones who have obtained the inheritance of Tianchi strange man. Zhu ignores that those who can only absorb martial arts are at best stealing.

"I've always been curious, how did you know that I've been to the bottom of Tianchi before?"

Faced with the question of Gu Santong, Chu Ge smiled and said nothing, but asked instead: "Do you know why you were inexplicably charged with killing the masters of the Eight Great Schools, why they were inexplicably killed the day before the decisive battle, and why Who killed and why was killed?"

Chu Ge's series of questions made Gu Santong at a loss.

Chu Ge said again: "I checked all the events before and after the Battle of Taihu Lake, and I really found a suspicious point."

"What doubt?"

Chu Ge took a sip of tea, glanced at Su Xin who was eavesdropping, and said, "I found that after the Battle of Taihu Lake, Zhu Wushi's internal strength has improved by leaps and bounds, which is completely different."

"Are you serious?" Although Gu Santong is a martial idiot, he is not stupid. At this moment, he is already somewhat skeptical.

Chu Ge didn't confirm it immediately, but talked about a past event several years ago.

"I used to be just like you, young and frivolous, longing for the vanity of being number one in the world, picking seven sects in succession until the end..."

"Shaolin?" Gu Santong said, looking at Chu Ge with burning eyes, and said: "I know everything about you, and in the end you and Abbot Shaolin..."

"We didn't make a move, but we did. I was lucky enough to use the Vajra Indestructible magic skill to win half of the move, and it was this half move that seriously injured the abbot of Shaolin. In the end, he was sucked dry of his internal energy and died by someone using the power-absorbing method."

The words have come to this point, Gu Santong connected with the scene a few years ago, and instantly understood everything.

"Is Zhu ignoring? Everything is him? Why did he do this?"

Gu Santong was a little unbelievable, even Su Xin couldn't accept it for a while.

Chu Ge raised his head and drank the tea, and said, "No matter how good a person's martial arts skills are, he is only a reckless man at best. Do you know what is the biggest difference between you and Zhu Wushi?"

"It's not martial arts, it's resourcefulness, it's strategy."

"He is a talent in managing the country and knows what to sacrifice in exchange for what..."

Chu Ge poured tea for himself, and said: "If my guess is right, after a while the court will order to eradicate you, a martial arts scourge, and the leader must be Zhu Wushi, and what he wants..." As he said, his Looking at Su Xin who was standing on the side, the meaning in the eyes is self-evident.

Gu Santong's eyes froze, and there was an inexplicable color in his eyes.

Chu Ge watched Gu Santong's reaction with great interest, and saw Su Xin lowering her head and touching her belly, looking at Gu Santong affectionately.

Gu San Tong, Gu San Tong, you dare to do anything in this life, but you dare not say that you love her, and you didn't say it until you died...

Chu Ge recalled the scene in the original TV series where the white-haired Gu Santong told his heartfelt heart on the ninth floor of the dungeon.

And the purpose of Chu Ge's trip is to prevent Gu Santong and Zhu from ignoring the final decisive battle, even if not, to prevent Su Xin from appearing in the decisive battle.

The first Tianxiang cardamom is in Zhu Wushi's hands.

I don't know if the ancient three links can beat Zhu Wushi, who has absorbed the internal strength of Shaolin abbot and [-] masters from the Eight Great Schools.

72 stunts are no joke.

Seeing that he had almost finished speaking, Chu Ge got up, took his leave and left.

What is waiting for Gu Santong now is a few months of exile, and Su Xin... Chu Ge has to be optimistic about her.

"Wait a minute."

Gu Santong suddenly called Chu Ge to stop.

Chu Ge turned his head and looked at the indifferent Gu Santong. From his eyes, Chu Ge saw a raging fighting spirit.

"I lost to you a few years ago. After a few years, I want to compete with you again."

Saying that, he picked up the sword hanging on the wall and rushed out first.

"Three links, three links..."

Su Xin yelled repeatedly from behind, every time Gu San Tong went out, she always raised her heart for him, lest there be any accidents to Gu San Tong.

Chu Ge returned a reassuring look, then picked up the Yitian sword and followed.

The wind blows from the northwest, and when it encounters the cold air of the Tianshan Mountains, it is like a knife cutting noodles.

On the big snowy plain, one black and one white stand opposite each other.

There is no sound, only the wind moves.

Invisible internal forces secretly competed under the snow, causing the surrounding snow to explode and move around the ground, like two flooding dragons.

Suddenly, the two internal forces exploded, Gu Santong let out a muffled snort, and the splashed snow blocked the sight of the two.

It's now.

The wind is calm, the sword moves with the heart.

A cold light suddenly appeared, two sharp sword qi pierced the sky, strangled in the center, and the snow blocks instantly turned into foam.

The figures of the two moved quickly, but no one was seen, only the continuous sound of metal and stone hitting each other.

Dugu Nine Swords, Broken Sword Style.

The sword's edge was like a slanting moon shining in the sky, icy and brilliant, Chu Ge stabbed out with a sword, and there was a hidden sound of wind and thunder.

Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and the ancient three-way sword was broken in two halves, the incision was smooth and completely severed.

The sword broke, Gu Santong resolutely abandoned the sword, and punched Chu Ge.

Chu Ge didn't take advantage of him either. The two of them punched each other with clean moves, and every inch of muscle movement implied the truth of martial arts.

Shot, fast; move, ruthless.

The fight between the two was so fast that the shadow of their fists could not be seen by the naked eye, only the muffled sound of bang bang was heard continuously.

Chu Ge was in a stalemate with Gu Santong because he knew too much and didn't use his internal strength. It was just a simple competition of fist and foot moves.

In such a high-intensity duel, the two fought from the snow to the snow, from sunset to sunrise without stopping.

It's just that Gu Santong gradually lacked strength, but Chu Ge was full of brilliance, and his martial arts was well mastered, and he was no longer the strength of internal strength.

In the end, it was the end of the ancient three links until he collapsed.

On his back, Gu Santong half-opened his eyes and asked, "You... who the hell are you...?"

(End of this chapter)

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