Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1068 Plan

If you want to explain this situation in a simple and clear way, just two words are enough, jealousy, or jealousy!

The income is too rich. When no other player base has been established, the Tianguo base can be said to be the only one. Now it is at a level where you can't come in if you want. Every player, the air ticket alone is not a small amount. The number, even after deducting the taxes paid to the system, is not a small number.

Looking at it this way, in at most two quarters, that is, half a year, all the previous capital can be recovered, and then enter the stage of pure profit. I can't get these renminbi. While these two guys are jealous and jealous, they naturally don't want these people to get these wealth.

These days, they have been making trouble here, and it can even be said that it is not only themselves, but also several other guilds, such as ghosts, Sirius Mishishi led by Fengyu, mythology, dazzling colors, blood alliance and many other guilds. They are all making trouble nearby, they cannot teleport in, but they can rely on their own legs to come to the base and slaughter the players here. In this case, after a long time, the players in the base will definitely feel dissatisfied and eventually leave this place. The base, and at the same time the name of the base of the Kingdom of Heaven, is completely stink.

There is such a kind of person in this world. If I can't get it, you can't get it, even if you lose your reputation for it.

It is because of their troubles that in the past few days, the players leveling at the Heavenly Kingdom base have all gathered near the base, and no one dared to come out too far.

"How's the old ghost's situation?" Xueshui Sanzhang asked in a muffled voice.

"That guy is unreliable, don't pay attention to that kid, that guy mainly cares about the beautiful pet special team, he can't even tell the main enemy, he is a fart boss, the number of beautiful pet special team is very small, even if it is powerful, it is extremely limited , He actually set his target on the members of the beautiful pet special team, it doesn't matter what is important, but it is not bad to rely on the strength of those guys for the time being, at least it is enough to be cannon fodder. After our second batch of [-] players level up, All job transfers are completed, and by then, it will be the end of the kingdom of heaven, Pengfei and Honghu are in charge of these things over there, we just need to do our troublesome work well..."


In the conference hall of the Heavenly Kingdom Base, Zhan Bianban slammed his fist on the table, and the teacup on the table immediately thumped and jumped: "Damn it, the news just came that more than 50 players were killed by Yunling, and their blood was spattered for several feet!" I came back after a kill. Recently, the players in the base have complained. If this continues, the reputation of our No. [-] player base may not be preserved. Even the players in the base cannot be protected. I am afraid it will be difficult to attract other players. Consumed..."

"It's normal, they're jealous..." The prodigal son of the wolf tribe remained unmoved, and said slowly.

"I said, why don't you guys be in a hurry, every player who leaves is a loss to us, don't you know this? I really don't know what you think..." Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan kept his face full Unhappy, he roared cursingly.

"Forbearance, continue to endure..." Chuanshi said coldly.

"Hold it, you'll become a fucking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!"

"Stupid, they are all harassing the outer area now, so what if we send people over there? Do you think there is no eyeliner for them in the city? I guess we just sent people out, and they will get the news immediately. It’s a waste of money? There’s a point, we can only go out and deal with them when they go deep into the hinterland. Moreover, during this time, our players, one or two, are constantly transporting outside the city. Players who are less than 20, continue to wait, when we reach 40 horses, we will go to outflank them, and they will definitely die by then." The prodigal son said harshly.

"I'm in charge of Wanli Wuyun's group, I'm an old rival." Ai crossed your legs and said coldly.

"Then I'll be in charge of ghosts. Don't fight against me. I've seen some old ghosts get really upset recently..." Zhan Zhan Bian Bian snatched away Angel's business.

"Fuck, then why should I go? Forget it, prodigal son, you give way, Sirius destroys the world and leave it to me!" The angel snatched away the enemy of the prodigal son of the wolf clan.

"Then what am I doing? I have nothing to do?" The prodigal son of the wolf tribe blinked his eyes: "There are too few enemies now, and there is not enough meat to eat. Otherwise, I will handle the people of the blood alliance, and you can make do with it if you pass it on." Let's go deal with Xuancai..." The prodigal son of the wolf tribe laughed.

"Bah, you bastard, I'm ashamed to say that Dazzling Color is not comparable to the trash of the blood alliance. Why, are you embarrassed to see your brother-in-law or what happened?" Chuanshi sarcastically said.

"Go away, who is the uncle?"

There was a lot of noise in the conference hall, and no one took these little thieves seriously. Although the power of those people should not be underestimated, the strength of their alliance is even stronger.This time, it was the first battle after the establishment of the base. It must be fought beautifully. This time, the enemy must be completely destroyed. That was their desire and strength.

"By the way, there is also Shepherd Palace, and the people in Shepherd Palace are all cultivating real masters... Remaining Yuxiang, Xiao Kai, and Aston are almost catching up to my level, and I guess they are also We are currently armed with three masters, and if we put on heroic equipment at that time, we have no opponents who can compete with these three top masters." Your love crossed his legs and said suddenly.

"Isn't it just three players? When the army rushes in, isn't it a wave of flattening?" Zhan Zhanbuan has always considered things relatively simple, and the bosses next to him just ignored this guy.

The prodigal son of the wolf tribe pondered for a while and said, "That's not bad. I'm afraid we are no match for those three guys. If they launch a sneak attack, no one on our side will be able to handle it. What do you think? "

"The only ones who can compete with those masters are real masters! So, I wondered if I could pull Wushuang, Xin Yi, Goblin, Miss, Scarlet Romance, and even Xuanyuan Bitian into the meeting... ..." With your legs crossed, your love finally expressed the plan in his heart.

"Are you kidding me? Those boys made it clear that they don't want to join the guild..." Zhan Bianbu immediately retorted.

"It's impossible to convince them to join the gang, that's because the conditions we offered are not enough..."

"You mean to give money?"

"Wrong, some people are interested in money, but some people are not. As long as we hit the nail on the head and pull them into the gang, it is still very possible..."

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