Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1070

If you don't make a move with your legs crossed, it's all right, as soon as you make a move, you immediately pull all the female members of the beautiful pet special team over, making the other bosses jealous. %&*"; Although these beauties are all delicate beauties, there is no doubt that these delicate beauties are also quite powerful, and they cannot be dealt with by ordinary experts.

God knows what method you used to cross your legs. Except for Liuli who hesitated a little, he agreed directly.

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Shuang's mouth. He didn't know what method he used to cross your legs, but forget it... This is also an option. Originally, the strength of a single team of the Beauty Pet Special Forces is enough to compete in the game. Zhong Zongheng, but that was before, and now it is no longer possible.

With the emergence of third-rank players, the strength of ordinary players will definitely be greatly improved. At that time, if you continue to rely on the strength of a team to fight, it will not be enough. Choosing a guild to join may not be a bad choice.

The most important thing is that although members of the team often do some big things, they will inevitably feel a little bored. Sometimes, they are actually more comfortable in the gang.Of course, even if the members of these teams join the guild, they will always be part of the team. This will never change. When we got there, the days we used to fight together will never disappear, and those will become the most precious memories, which will always be kept in our minds and will never disappear.

Sometimes being willing to let go is also a way out. If the members of the team really stay in the team, although they are free, their future will definitely be limited. Now is the time to let go. If these members are allowed to fight hard in the past, There will definitely be a broader future. %&*";

Looking at Lin Shuang, your love with two legs crossed wanted to tie this man by her side, but in the end, your love with two legs crossed gave up on this plan, she was unwilling to tie the man she liked to herself Being around, that is a kind of pain for a man. Moreover, once the rule of not recruiting male members is broken, it will also be a severe impact on Yaoyan.

"Qifeng, Lao Mao, Xiaojie, we are old friends. Now I invite you again. Do you plan to join our wolf clan? I promise to give you the best treatment..." The wolf clan The prodigal son threw an olive branch at the three of Xiaojie. The three of them were old acquaintances before, especially Xiaojie. As the boss of a super guild, the myth at that time was in full swing. gang.

But at that time, it was the period when the wolf clan was divided. Originally, the two gangs were hostile, but Xiaojie didn't take advantage of that opportunity to directly beat the wolf clan to the ground. Maybe he didn't bother to take advantage of others' danger, but Not to mention, Xiaojie's tolerance still made the prodigal son of the wolf tribe a little grateful.

"Besides, Xiaojie, I know you. Although you are not the leader of the gang, you must not give up on the members of the original gang under you, especially the members who left with you recently. If you are willing to join the wolf clan, the wolf clan Being able to absorb those members can be regarded as finding a home for them..." The prodigal son of the wolf tribe added another weight.

To be honest, if only Xiaojie is alone, maybe Xiaojie is more suitable for Xiaojie, he doesn't want to get involved in gang affairs, but those old brothers are Xiaojie's nostalgia that he can never let go.

"Okay, I'll join the wolf clan!" After thinking for a while, Xiaojie chose to join the wolf clan as expected by the prodigal son. Naturally, Lao Mao and Qifeng also joined the wolf clan. The three brothers , good friends for life, no matter where they go, they will never abandon each other.

"Blood Romance, I don't know if you are interested in coming to our Angel family. We all have a common enemy, ghosts, which are our worst enemies. If you are willing to come over, I can give you a position as the leader of the killer... Hehe, What do you think of the killers in the guild, what do you think?" Angel also threw an olive branch at Bloody Romance, the most powerful part of the ghosts is the almost inflated killer group, those mysterious players, each of them is the ultimate master of killing Well, what the angels lack is this kind of power. If they can pull Bloody Romance into their guild, it will be equivalent to having an extra powerful killer army.


I snatched the nine-star battle pet card from the Guishen Gang, and it has become the list of the most wanted list of the ghosts... Well, it seems that I can never do a super guild like the ghosts by myself. Good choice.

"Okay, I agree!" Bloody Romance raised a palm, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Bingo, get it done, pull up a super master.

"Fate, cigarettes, dragons roaming the world, dancing alone in the dark... I know the four of you are also together, and no one will be separated. I don't know if you are interested in our legendary headquarters. If you are interested in the legendary headquarters, I will I will arrange a suitable position for you at the Legendary Headquarters..." Chuan Shi solicited the four desperately.

Looking at each other, the Legendary Headquarters is currently the largest guild on the bright side. There is no doubt about its strength. Moreover, Yueying has joined Yaoyan to confuse the crowd. It is time for the few of us to find a guild. Otherwise, in the game, the guild It is always king, if there is only one person, it is almost impossible to compete with a gang, and now the four of them are also heavily in debt and have many enemies!

"The three of you go there. I still need to go out to practice alone. I won't join the guild for the time being. When I feel that my strength is about the same, I will go to you! The great clan master, remember to leave me The next position..." Wan Ming smiled at the three brothers, then turned around and said to Chuan Shi.

"Don't worry about this. For a master like you, I will never give up. I will always leave a vacancy for you." Chuan Shi promised in a deep voice.

This time, Chuanshi also attracted three good masters, Cigarette, Dragon Walking the World, Night Dance Solo, plus a preparatory master to fight his life, which is equivalent to directly pulling away four powerful top masters.

Bewitching faces, Legendary Headquarters, Wolf Clan, Berserker Legion, Angel Clan, every gang has taken away a group of masters!Now, in the entire team, there are only Xiaoqi, Broken Heart, Lin Shuang, Pope Bingyu, Xuanyuan Bitian, and Cruel Jiao Fakun, who have not been taken away. It's not because they don't want to, but because they still No suitable reason was found to pull away these strong men.

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