Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1072 Bloody Victory Banquet

"The non-stop battle, isn't that good? I'm a newcomer, just joined the guild, and became the deputy gang leader..." Lin Shuang looked at the non-stop war, hesitant. i^

Zhan Zhanbu immediately waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, don't worry, the strong in the Berserker Legion are respected, the strength is great, and the position will be higher, unless you have special talents in certain aspects, and you, the deputy gang leader It's just an empty shell, with a name on it, no rights...hehe..."

"Listen up, you bastards in the guild. The assassination team of the Berserker Legion has been established. The deputy guild leader and part-time head is Wushuang. At that time, some top assassins will be selected from the guild to join the assassination team. You can figure it out, don't When the time comes, don't blame me for not giving face..." Zhan Zhan Zhan's arrogant voice came from the chat channel, and Zhan Zong Zhan was extremely excited to win over such a powerful master.

"Forget it, since Wushuang has already joined the Berserker Legion, then I will join the Berserker Legion too." Pope Bingyu said, according to Xiao Kai, in this game, you can save your life and not be killed by the enemy. The only ones who died were Wushuang and Xuanyuan Bitian, and among the two, Wushuang had been with Wushuang for so long, and they were already familiar with each other.

"Haha, warm welcome!" Zhan Bianbu was overjoyed, and laughed loudly: "You were with Wushuang in the first place, so now you should also join the assassination army, and be Wushuang's deputy... Also, Broken heart, the three of you can get together...hehe!"

Amidst the wild laughter, Zhan Zhanbuan added Pope Bingyu to the guild. This time, the Berserker Legion is definitely a bumper harvest. The previous madness is one, and the heart is broken. Now Wushuang and Bingyu are added. The Pope is immediately four top experts, each of whom is a superpower who can stand alone. i^

To put it in a slightly exaggerated way, if these four masters join the Berserker Legion, they will immediately raise the strength of the Berserker Legion to a higher level.

"Then I'll choose the Legendary Headquarters. I still prefer the Legendary Headquarters." After thinking for a while, Xuanyuan Bitian threw himself into Chuanshi's arms, which immediately made Chuanshi feel a burst of excitement. For Chuanshi, the joining of such a top expert is a That was definitely a great joy, enough to hold a slap in the face for a celebration banquet.

"Then I'll choose the wolf clan..." The cruel Jiao Fakun finally chose the wolf clan, because he had some grudges with Sirius Mieshi, and the wolf clan was his best choice.

All the members were taken away, not one left, and the number of members taken away by Angel was the least, only Blood Romance, but there is no doubt that the strength of Blood Romance is definitely not inferior to any top expert.

In the end, only Xiao Qi was left. This kid really wanted to join the demon face to confuse the crowd. After pestering him for a long time, his legs were crossed with your love life and death and he would not let go. In the end, Xiao Qi had no choice but to join the angel under the temptation of the angel. The family, the Angel family, is the team with the second most girls in the entire game besides the bewitching faces.

As for Brother Heizi and Heping, for Lin Shuang's sake, Zhan Bianbuan planned to add these two to the guild, but was rejected by Brother Heizi and Heping. The two were unwilling to delay Lin Shuang's retreat. With mixed experience behind the legion, especially in siege battles, the level of the two of them has soared to level [-], which has kept up with the average level of current players.

Because the level was raised too fast, a record was set for leveling up in the game. Because of this record, the two got a special task, which had to be completed by both of them at the same time. Come back once and join the Legion of Berserkers, not now.

"Okay, I didn't expect things to go so smoothly this time. The beautiful pet special team, plus Xuanyuan Bitian, cruel Jiao Fakun, so many masters were actually divided up by us. We have formed different guilds, but we will not interfere with the connection between you, even if you continue to maintain the beautiful pet special team, there is no problem, and no one will interfere. This is a happy event, should we celebrate it?" Zhan Zhanbu suddenly laughed.

"Celebrate? How to celebrate?"

"Killing... use the blood of the enemy to celebrate our cooperation? Hehe, you don't know, it's lucky for you guys to catch up with such an incident. Come here to make trouble, it’s tiresome, today is just right, 50 people have been gradually infiltrated outside, but launching a surprise attack, directly killing them all, let them know that the base of the kingdom of heaven is not an easy character to deal with (percent sign)..."

The first battle, shortly after joining these guilds, the first battle finally appeared.

I have never joined a gang fight before, and this is the first time. I don't know why, although the confrontation has not yet started, but the atmosphere has already made Lin Shuang feel excited.

"Wu Shuang, broken heart, pope, lunatic, let's go, our goal is to the west, which is the territory of the ghost gang, today we want to make the old ghost, that bastard, into a dead ghost..." Zhan kept waving a stick Arm, roared like crazy in the mouth.

"Xuanyuan, risk your life, the rest of us are about to take action..."

"Sisters, we must do well in our first battle..."

The bosses stood up from their chairs one by one, with excited smiles on their faces. They had just won over a large number of masters, and now, the final battle was finally about to begin!

Following the footsteps of non-stop fighting, the four came to Cheng. Outside the west gate of the base, Li Shang had already led 10,000+ masters, scattered around, waiting quietly. Seeing Lin Shuang appear, Li Shang Shang immediately greeted him: "Haha, four, four masters are welcome to join the Berserker Legion. Here, you will experience extraordinary fun..."

"It depends on whether today's fun is enough..." He licked his lips and smiled with a broken heart.

"It's definitely enough. According to our information, the old ghost didn't lead the entire gang this time, but only brought half of them. But there is no doubt that the half of them are all masters, and the number is about 16. From left to right, our Berserker Legion sent out a total of [-] militants, and the remaining members stayed at the base!" Li Shang had a strange smile on his face, as if he had already seen the time for mass killing.

"Okay, let's start to move, Wushuang, please, lead 1 snipers, outflank the past from behind, and once the opponent is about to escape, immediately launch an attack. This does not require much commanding ability, as long as you touch the opponent Just behind you!"

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