Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1074 Encirclement and suppression

I have to say that passing on depression is a pretty good thing, it is easy to send out all the unhappiness in my heart, but soon, the old ghost became upset again, fuck, what is this?How many people did I kill, and the *** sent 5 people over, but in the end it only killed about 5000 players, and I couldn't find a leveling player anymore?Isn't this too ridiculous?

Although these days of killings, his reputation as a ghost has become stinky, and he has been labeled as an indiscriminate killing of loose people, but he doesn't care, shouting, cursing, that is the performance of the weak, the world of the game, pay attention to One fist, return it if you have the ability, and bear it if you don't. This is the world of the game, the one with the big fist is the grandpa, and the one with the small fist is the grandson. i^

"Boss, there is a situation..." At this moment, a field scout rushed back, his face full of horror.

"What's going on?" The old ghost was taken aback, and asked quickly, did all the army from the kingdom of heaven come over?If that's the case, I have to think carefully, don't be dumped by the other party, and even have the thought of retreating immediately.

"I saw Zhanbuan running towards us with a large group of players..." the field scout wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and explained quickly.

"How many people are there, and how long will it take to come?"

"About 10 players, no more than [-] minutes at most."

"5 people?" Hearing this number, the old ghost immediately breathed a sigh of relief. There are only 5 people. It's too much to contend with, isn't it?Could it be that he was really looked down upon by others?

That being the case, then use your strength to teach the big guy a bloody lesson. i^

"All the horses, gather together, set up your positions, and prepare to face the attack of your Berserker Legion. This time, you must eat all the people sent by the Berserker Legion, especially the non-stop battle. Whoever kills the non-stop war, Reward one hundred thousand!"

With an order, the surrounding players quickly surrounded the main battlefield, all of them were full of excitement. The Berserker Legion actually only sent 5 people here. Even if the Berserker Legion is strong in fighting power, 5 people are definitely no match for 10 people. The difference in numbers is too great.

On the one hand, it may be that the Berserker Legion is entrusted with it, and of course, on the other hand, it may be that the Berserker Legion has no idea that it has sent so many masters, because the masters in the team are scattered to fight, and the number of each share is different. Less, but absolutely unable to show all the strength of the entire team.

10,000+ players are lying in ambush on the ground one by one, waiting for the best sneak attack opportunity.

"Hehe, it's almost finally here. Li Shang, Prince, you two can act now. Damn it, we attract the target, but you two keep shrinking back. Now go immediately. They shouldn't have scouts, even if they are There are also scouts, it is too late now..." Zhan Bu Bu laughed, because Lin Shuang's accurate information gave them the upper hand, who is scheming whom?You will only know after the battle.

Lightly moving, Li Shang and Prince Shaobao on both sides tiptoed forward, for fear of creating too much noise. As for the Zhanbu nonstop group, their advancing pace also slowed down instantly, as if they were looking for enemies around. Refusing to step into the encirclement of ghosts and monsters.

Damn it, you come in, come in... That kind of appearance makes the ghost feel itchy in his heart, fuck it, how long can you wait for the distance of [-] meters, why don't you hurry up and come in?

"Three... two..." Suddenly, Zhan Bianbu raised his head, with a strange smile on his face, looking into the distance, that kind of eyes are quite strange, his mouth is still wriggling, I don't know Why, when seeing this situation, a bad premonition emerged in the ghost's heart.

"One... everyone, rush..."

With an order, the sound of shouting and killing immediately spread from three directions around. Although the number of armored warriors converted from armored warriors is not large, they all charge at the forefront of the battle line, coordinating with other warrior professions, charging It pushed forward, although the speed was not fast, but the violent tremors caused a terrifying aura, which continued to permeate the surrounding area.

"No, I'm in ambush..." The old ghost's face changed wildly, and he screamed in his heart that it's not good, but the hundred thousand players around him were unwilling to retreat like this. It was this unwillingness that made the old ghost completely lose his safe escape Opportunity,.

The enemy has already entered the attack range, and the sniper with the furthest attack distance has already started shooting, and the bullets are pouring towards the front, but the soldiers on the opposite side are wearing heavy armor, completely blocking their bodies, no matter what No matter how fierce the opponent's attack was, it was difficult to break through the heavy defense, and the casualties caused were minimal.

They don't care about the opponent's attack at all. Armored warriors keep moving forward against the hail of bullets. Even if the opponent's bullets explode on their bodies, they must use their own bodies to open a living channel, getting closer, getting closer, getting closer and closer. Closer, the enemy finally entered the attack range of the sniper.

All this time, the sniper hidden among the armored warriors finally showed his ferocious fangs and started shooting crazily. The bullets pierced through, and sparks sputtered out in the distance. Players, one by one, fought desperately Under the shooting, the body was immediately pierced by the bullet, and the blood volume was instantly empty. The sniper faced the sniper without the slightest ability to resist.

"Wind travel..."

The wind-type auxiliary skills were added to the armored warrior, and the speed of the armored warrior doubled immediately, and the forward speed became faster and faster.Gradually, the entire team has even advanced in front of the opponent, entering the range of the machine gunner's attack, and the most terrifying attack in three directions has finally been fully launched.

The screams can be heard endlessly, and every time the screams can cause a large number of casualties of players, my team has already fallen into the opponent's outflank, and all three directions are attacking, and this time I suffered extremely serious injuries. Originally, in order to cause a devastating blow to the enemy as soon as possible, the snipers lined up at the front. Now that they lost the protection of the armored soldiers, they immediately suffered heavy casualties. In the blink of an eye, there were already large corpses on the ground. The battlefield was even more miserable, and the entire team was almost cut off in half.

Damn it, where is 15 players, this is [-] fucking players, the opponent has far more players than himself, it is not an opponent at all!

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