Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1086 Integration

"Ling Mei is my subordinate..." Dijun explained slowly: "How about it, isn't Ling Mei very tasty?"

Slowly letting go of the woman in his arms, Huang Bao's expression became gloomy: "What do you want from me?"

"Work for me, one year, [-] million, and Ling Mei is also yours.%&*";" Dijun said bluntly: "You don't have to rush to refuse, think about it carefully, this price is not low, I know Your real identity is Zhan Bianzhong's right-hand man, the leader of the underworld, but your underworld seems to me to be small and trivial, not worth mentioning. As for the game, the Berserker Legion did not shepherd sheep with me at all You are a master, with an income of [-] million, you haven't had this figure for ten years of non-stop fighting, have you?Moreover, there is a woman like Ling Mei accompanying you..."

"What is a man doing for a lifetime? To put it bluntly, two things, a woman, and money. Now that you have both, you should think about it yourself. If it's appropriate, you can contact me through Ling Mei, of course. , even if you disagree, it doesn't matter, Ling Mei will serve you by your side during the period of your consideration..."

After saying a few simple words without giving Huang Bao a chance to refute, the emperor had already turned and left. For a while, there were only two people left in the room, Huang Bao and Ling Mei.Huang Leopard's face had darkened and changed constantly. I have to say that this was a test for Huang Leopard.

But this test was soon interrupted.

"Hiss..." There was a strange sound in his mouth, Huang Bao looked down, and at some point, Ling Mei was already lying between his legs, holding her high-spirited part with her little hand, and sending it into that delicate mouth Among them, Lilac's small tongue teases in every possible way, bringing waves of pleasure. %&*";

There is a knife on the head of the color character!

This sentence is indeed true, that exhilarating feeling instantly destroyed all Huang Bao's rationality, the whole person almost let out a roar, picked up Ling Mei's body, swept away, and directly wiped all the food and wine on the table He fell to the ground, immediately separated Ling Mei's legs, and stabbed down towards the deep canyon with his clone.

There was a piercing scream, intense voices, rough panting, and coquettish groans, and the whole private room was full of spring!

The conspiracy has begun, the plan has been launched!

No one knows what the future will look like.

Following the non-stop battle, Li Shang, and [-] players, Lin Shuang started his serious path as a gang member. At this time, Lin Shuang finally realized how ignorant his previous knowledge was. In terms of my own difficulties, it is simply effortless.

A level [-] hero-level boss with tens of millions of blood, surrounded by [-] players, basically has no resistance. Tens of thousands of armored warriors, mixed with a large number of armored warriors, can completely hold back the boss. Even if it is a level [-] hero boss, the attack is perverted, killing a lot of people with one move, but there are still more players swarming up.

The armored fighters resisted the boss's attack, and the professional medical corps behind him started treatment. The energy controllers, snipers, magic gunners, submachine gunners, and machine gunners were responsible for the control and output, and they completely abused a level 10 heroic boss. , From the beginning to the end, except for a big move that instantly killed hundreds of players, this boss didn't have the power to stand up at all, and was directly killed in less than [-] minutes.

The speed of the battle made Lin Shuang dumbfounded. Damn it, is this the strength of the team to push the boss?Damn, this is too fast, a hero-level boss, in front of these players, basically has no resistance.

I have to say that this kind of battle is quite attractive, especially at the moment of harvest after the battle is over, it is even more exciting.With an army of [-], the bosses were quickly wiped out, and even some small bosses and mutant beasts could not escape the killing.

This is a novel experience, although it is weird, but it fascinates Lin Shuang. The gang has the advantages of the gang, and the gang has the benefits of belonging to the gang.

For more than ten days in a row, Lin Shuang has been hanging out with the big army, completely mingling with those members, no longer the feeling of being born at the beginning, and completely integrated into this huge family.

Of course, it’s impossible to fight equipment these days, and with the temperament of the Berserker Legion, it’s impossible to always fight equipment. On the contrary, it’s mostly when fighting. Whether it’s victory or defeat, the whole team is always full of laughter. They are excited about winning, but not depressed about losing.

At the same time, in these few days, the game has completely spread. The original members of the first team of the beautiful pet special team, as well as the two top masters Xuanyuan Bitian and the brutal Jiao Fakun, all joined the gang in the Tianguo base. Although I don't know what kind of conditions are offered, there is no doubt that with the appearance of these people, the Heavenly Kingdom Alliance will be more difficult to deal with than before.

"Huh..." Seeing that a batch of equipment has been replaced on his body, Lin Shuang is a little embarrassed. The boy who keeps fighting is too kind to him, and the equipment on his body has almost undergone a major change. Originally, the equipment of the dark gold level , Almost all of them were replaced with hero-level goods, and they were still high-level, all of which were at level [-], which made Lin Shuang feel a little embarrassed. benefit.

"Hey, brother, don't worry, this kid has a conspiracy to do this, didn't you discuss it with Xuanyuan Bitian, did you go to save White Beard this time, so..." Li Shang blinked and said: "So , We brothers are going to ask you to help us get a few top-quality battle pets? Our requirements are not high, at most it is Boya Hancock's big girl, and Nami..."

Lin Shuang almost vomited blood, Boya Hancock, plus Nami, good guy, this is not a high requirement, so what is the high requirement?

"Nonsense, if Boya Hancock can be captured, of course it will be left to me. How can I give you two perverts, but I can help you find a way for the island owner of the Human Monster Island..."

"Go away, whoever wants that thing is not a bitch..." Li Shang and Zhan Zhanbuan nearly vomited.

"Hey, okay, I won't talk to you anymore, Xuanyuan Bitian and the others are already waiting for me..." Waving his hand, Lin Shuang turned and left. This moment is coming again, this is the last chance, can you save me? Whitebeard, it's just this time.

Last time, he was not strong enough to rescue Whitebeard. This time, whether he can succeed in improving his own strength and changing equipment, this is already the last chance!

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