Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1099 Release the Pirates

The battlefield was in chaos, and there were terrifying fluctuations everywhere, and violent tremors continued all around. These super-powerful battle pets, together with their masters, exerted their full power, and their power was absolutely terrifying. For a while, the surrounding buildings were quickly destroyed. Everything, almost completely disappeared, and the destructive energy is about to destroy the entire Navy Headquarters. %&*";

However, this is not their purpose, their purpose is just to create chaos, to attract the attention of Qingzhi and the Warring States of Buddha, and to create opportunities for the two companions to sneak in, even if it is possible to sacrifice their own lives, but they still have nothing to do. not afraid.

Sure enough, under this kind of chaos, Qing Zhi and Buddha Warring States were attacked one after another. With a large amount of ice on their bodies, they rolled over the ground, but they were quickly stopped by Ace. Two top experts with comparable strength , Started the confrontation again, the last time there was no winner, this time it will be a fateful decisive battle.

Ace stopped Qingzhi, and as for the Warring States of Buddha, he also felt the power of anger. The huge palm covered it, and in the area covered by the palm, countless undead were directly and completely destroyed.

The ultimate weapon!


The most powerful and sharpest arrow, shuttled in mid-air, and finally exploded on the palm of the Buddha Warring States. The terrifying power immediately aroused waves of terror. Under the destructive attack of the final weapon, even the Buddha The Warring States of the Buddha was also unbearable, and his body actually took two steps back. Although he didn't suffer any damage, it was able to make the Warring States of the Buddha retreat, and the power of this move was abnormal enough.

The entire battlefield was completely in chaos, but Liuli and Lin Shuang took advantage of this opportunity to go around from the side and looked at the huge body of the Warring States of Buddha behind them. In the Navy headquarters. i^

The flames of war are raging outside, and the inside is also full of dangers. No one knows what kind of powerful masters are hidden inside.

The routes in the Navy Headquarters are intricate, with scattered fork roads everywhere, and it is easy to get lost, but before that, Ace had drawn a detailed map for the two of them. After all, Ace was also imprisoned in Impel Prison before. Among them, the route is still known.

Sure enough, there are still many naval soldiers hidden in the Navy headquarters, each holding a weapon, motionless, guarding their own area, and strictly guarding anyone from breaking in.

It's just that the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters are helpless against the two enemies who have disappeared.

One fork in the road, two fork in the road, both of them were advancing quickly, without stopping too much along the way, and they did not attack the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters, so as to avoid attracting unnecessary attention.

But soon, the two of them had to stop, and at a corner in front, five guards appeared, strictly guarding the area in front of them, without leaving any gaps, wanting to pass through here instead of It is almost impossible to alarm these soldiers.

"Leave it to me..." whispered to Liuli, Lin Shuang had slowly raised the spear in his hand in the distance!

Seven Stars Lianju, reincarnation!

The strongest move appeared, seven bullets flickered in mid-air quickly, drawing a few graceful traces, and immediately exploded directly between the eyebrows of the five soldiers, without even a snort, all five soldiers died.Under the action of the muffler, it didn't even cause too violent fluctuations.

Only this time, Lin Shuang's figure also appeared.

"I'll clear the way. If there's anything, I'll notify you in time..." Liuli whispered.Now Liuli still has the ability to be invisible, taking on the role of opening the way.

Slowly moving forward, passing through the door, Liuli glanced around, this place has entered the interior of Impel prison, surrounded by pirates detained in Northern Europe, but this is only one floor, Whitebeard will definitely not be caught imprisoned here.Just at the entrance to the next floor, there were seven more navy soldiers.

Slowly backed out and informed Lin Shuang of the situation inside.After thinking for a while, Lin Shuang pulled off a navy soldier's clothes from the dead navy soldier on the ground, and put it on himself.Immediately nodded to Liuli and walked in.

"Hey, boy, you should be guarding the outside, what are you doing running in?" Seeing Lin Shuang appearing, the seven soldiers inside did not recognize that he was a fake guy.

"It's nothing, there's nothing going on outside..." Lin Shuang groaned, digging out his ears, the spear in his hand spun quickly, and the next moment, seven bullets shot out directly, and the seven navy soldiers in front of him didn't respond at all. Opportunity, directly pierced by bullets, and died.

This immediately attracted the attention of the imprisoned pirates nearby, and they all started to roar wildly, begging Lin Shuang to release them, and even made countless promises.Originally, Lin Shuang didn't care about the voice of this kind of shouting, but suddenly his mind turned, and a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Shuang's mouth. It may not be a bad thing to release these pirates, at least they can give the navy headquarters Cause some trouble, no matter how heinous they were before, but they have been imprisoned here for such a long time, the hatred for the Navy Headquarters in their hearts can be imagined. After they go out, they will definitely not be enemies with themselves, and they will definitely go to the Navy Headquarters Trouble.

"Everyone, wait a minute, come one by one, there are six masters outside, the masters who are besieging the Navy Headquarters, the red dog, the yellow monkey, and the five lieutenant generals have been beheaded, the two of us are in charge to come and rescue the brothers, everyone After going out, I hope to go there as soon as possible to support those masters, the Warring States of Buddha is very strong, and those masters alone may not be able to kill the Warring States of Buddha..." Lin Shuang shouted loudly.

"What, the yellow monkey, the red dog, and the five lieutenant generals were all killed. Could it be that the four emperors came over? Haha, this is all right. I didn't expect that the navy headquarters would end up like this. Little brother, you don't need it. Worry, when we go out, we will never let those bastards of the Navy go..."

"That's right, that's right, the old man has been imprisoned here for so many years, and it's time to repay the suffering he has suffered for so many years..."

The smile on the corner of the mouth widened, the spear in his hand shook, and the bullets shot out immediately. Alice was also summoned, and began to quickly cut off the chains of the cell, even together with the chains of sea stones held by the pirates. They were all cut off one by one, and these powerful pirates who once roamed the sea have been completely released.

In the blink of an eye, the dozens of pirates on the first floor had all been released, and each of them let out a cheerful roar, and their strength was recovering rapidly...

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