Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1106 Showdown on Top

The so-called strongest man in the world of One Piece was finally liberated at this moment. The chains on his body had completely disappeared, and he escaped from the cage like a tiger. The terrifying aura on his body directly shattered the entire cell into pieces, making people feel ashamed. Palpitations of horror and oppression hit his face. %&*";

"Good knife!" Holding Yaohen, a blood-red light quickly spread in the air, like a spirit snake, wrapped around White Beard's body, flickering continuously, causing bursts of blood-red marks.Feeling that powerful force, even White Beard couldn't help showing a hint of admiration on his face, a good knife, a high-quality treasured knife.

"Murderous, even capable of bloodthirsty evolution, a good knife, can make this kind of weapon, boy, you are very good." White Beard praised, can make such a top expert even open his mouth to praise, it can be seen that for that knife The demon sword and the white beard are quite appreciative.

The strongest man returns, although the scars on his body are still seeping with traces of blood, but the moment Whitebeard escaped from the cage, the expressions on the faces of Blackbeard and Magellan were instantly filled with terror. Of course they knew the horror of this man , without the restraint of the chains and the suppression of Hailoushi, the terror of this man will be magnified without limit, and the former hatred will completely erupt. No one can stop Whitebeard's anger, unless it is Karp Or the Warring States of Buddha appeared.

It's just a pity that now Garp doesn't care about the affairs of the Navy Headquarters, and the Warring States of Buddha has also been entangled in riots outside. Now, no one can stop this angry old man.

Although his body was covered with cuts and bruises, the powerful aura was still there. The increasingly hot anger was like a volcanic eruption. The powerful aura made Blackbeard and Magellan keep retreating. %&*"; If it was Blackbeard in the later stage, his strength might really be able to compete with Whitebeard, but now in front of Whitebeard, Blackbeard can also feel that kind of terror. Before, he barely injured Whitebeard seriously by relying on sneak attacks , but now fighting head-on, even if the opponent's body is full of scars, Blackbeard has no chance of winning. This guy's strength is really too strong, so powerful that it is outrageous. It was difficult to breathe.

Involuntarily, under the suppression of White Beard's perverted breath, the two of them became afraid, frightened, and their bodies leaned together involuntarily. They were once cold rivals, but now they were forced to move closer together because This guy's strength is really too strong, so strong that these top experts feel terrifying, and it is difficult to resist that abnormal power.

"Blackbeard, you killed Sarge before, and you violated the Whitebeard Pirates' strict prohibition on attacking your companions. According to the rules of the Whitebeard Pirates, now, kill you..." Whitebeard said coldly, with a domineering look. His domineering spirit had been activated, and the golden light quickly spread over his body. Under that terrifying power, the two top masters, Blackbeard and Magellan, retreated again and again.Under the terrifying domineering aura of White Beard, even a master of this level would find it unbearable.

"Empty Shock!" Both hands were raised slowly, large swirls of cyclones gathered on the hands, the ability of the shaking fruit has begun to accumulate, the most perverted power has begun to prepare, the surrounding air began to tremble violently, Lin Shuang, Liu Li , and the battle pets around them retreated to a safe place one by one. In the battle of this top master, they did not dare to be too presumptuous. If the energy affects themselves, it is estimated that the body will be torn into pieces in an instant Fragments, that kind of power is too perverted, so perverted that it is hard to resist.

The demon knife slashed down suddenly, and the terrifying power instantly spread around. The cyclone tore through the front, and the whole space fell into a violent tremor. Unreal twisted feeling, chilling.


In front of that kind of power, Blackbeard's face changed drastically, he didn't dare to neglect, he waved his hands, and the ability of the dark fruit was activated quickly, and began to devour the violent energy around him. It was also directly swallowed, otherwise, Magellan might even suffer irreparable damage under this move.

"Hurry up, use poison..." Barely devouring the energy of the air shock, a trace of ferocious red blood immediately oozes from the corner of Blackbeard's mouth. Amidst the roar, Magellan next to him also immediately started to act, taking advantage of the moment the air shock was just swallowed Look, the poisonous dragon activated again, and the three poisonous dragons quickly flashed in mid-air, turning into phantoms, and devoured them directly in front of them.

Naginata, Whirlwind!

Even if the energy of the shaking fruit is suppressed by Blackbeard, Whitebeard's combat power is still terrifying. Whitebeard's power is not only the shaking fruit, but even his own power is extremely terrifying. The whirlwind unfolded in an instant, and with a terrifying wave, the three poisonous dragons were quickly torn into pieces, turned into poisonous mist, and spread slowly around. Kung Fu was torn to shreds.


The melee between the three masters was completely unfolded, with violent roars one after another, each tremor could cause a violent fluctuation, the terrifying breath continued to rotate, and the palpitating horror power was completely pervasive. The three top masters The battle between them is mesmerizing. Under this level of battle, Lin Shuang and Liuli are not qualified to participate at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the three top masters flew up and down, causing violent waves.


With a slash of the knife, Heibeard's body immediately flew upside down, and a deep bloodstain appeared on his chest.

On the other side, the poisonous Magellan took the opportunity to rush up, and the thick fog corroded directly at Whitebeard.However, under a violent rotation of the demon knife, the poisonous mist spread instantly and disappeared without a trace. At the same time, a violent tremor appeared, and Magellan's body immediately flew upside down. It looked extremely miserable.

Horrific attacks, every time there are hundreds of thousands of blood-red numbers, and occasionally a burst of damage exceeds a million, that kind of terrifying power is frightening, it is not the power that players can face at all, even Even Whitebeard, under the siege of two top masters, had countless scars on his body.

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