Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1108 God of War vs. Buddha

"Buddha Kill!"

Under the terrifying attack of the Naginata God of War, even the Warring States of Buddha did not dare to neglect, turned around, and the strongest move finally appeared. %&*"; At this moment, the two top masters finally started to fight frantically. The huge Buddha's palm, the orange-red monster sword, everything exploded in the void in an instant.

What is earth-shattering, what is turmoil in the mountains and rivers, what is crying ghosts?

This is!

This is the real power. In that instant, the destructive force directly shattered the entire island into two halves. The masters below were killed and injured countless times. The tide is constantly washing over the island ahead, and the destructive power spreads completely. Countless lives are turned into pieces in front of the terrifying power, whether it is ordinary navy soldiers or pirates who have just escaped from prison. No matter who it is, in the face of this terrifying power, they are all vulnerable.

The entire naval headquarters was completely shattered. The waves rushed over and directly submerged the entire small island. The terrifying waves kept fluctuating, and the terrifying waves with a height of tens of feet rushed over, causing shocking tremors.

There was an extra crack on the chest of the Warring States of the Buddha, and blood spurted out wildly.As for the white beard on the opposite side, his face was even paler. Under the violent tremor, the injuries he suffered before spread completely, the wounds burst open, and his entire body turned into blood-red marks.

"Everyone, gather, hurry up, get out of here!" In the distance, Lin Shuang, who barely escaped from the sky, quickly roared, damn it, the battle between the [-]-level hero-level bosses is too abnormal, continue to stay here If it goes down, Lin Shuang dares to guarantee that his life will definitely be over. i^

His body stood erect on the ground, motionless, but he was panting violently. The last move almost used up all the strength in White Beard's body. The long time of Lou Shi's sealing effort, coupled with the previous battles with Blackbeard and Magellan, had already made Whitebeard very weak.

"Little friend, return your knife to you, I can't move anymore, I'm here to stop this guy, you guys leave quickly..." A few seconds later, Whitebeard said slowly: "Dear pirate brothers, Hurry up and leave, the power of the Navy Headquarters has not yet officially returned, if you wait until all the masters of the Navy Headquarters appear, you will not be able to leave..."

Whitebeard, even at this time, still thinks about many pirates. To Whitebeard, even if these pirates are not members of his team, they are like his own children.

"Father, you come with us..." At some point, Ace had come to Whitebeard's side, looking at the bruised figure, even with Ace's heart, he couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of his eyes. tear stains.The whole thing can be said to be caused by himself, if he hadn't been arrested by mistake, Dad wouldn't have to endure this kind of suffering.

The expressions of the pirates next to him also changed slightly, and they bowed to the white beard. Each of them showed their special abilities, and quickly left the island of the navy headquarters.

"Don't dawdle, let's go quickly before that guy responds..." Lin Shuang came to White Beard's side, looked at the remaining six companions around him, and couldn't help but feel a little dim. The two brothers, Pope Bingyu, have already hung up.

"I can't go anymore, Bloody, how about the two of us staying here to stop this guy? Take this opportunity to leave here quickly..." Xuanyuan Bitian shook his head, and at this moment, the opposite Buddha Warring States had slowly stood up , the scars on his chest are recovering quickly, his eyes of hatred are staring at these bastards in front of him, if it weren't for these damned guys, his island would not have become what it is now, hatred is breeding in his heart.

At this time, a little girl suddenly appeared behind Buddha Warring States, delicate and exquisite, with the dagger in her hand piercing directly towards Buddha Warring States.


During the dimensional teleportation just now, Little Rascal was not teleported away, but still stayed in place, and now just appeared behind the Buddha Warring States, taking advantage of this opportunity, he immediately launched a sneak attack.

Will this sneak attack really succeed?No one can guarantee that Liuli clenched her fists even more. If this sneak attack fails, then what awaits the little rascal will be death.Although Xiaoniao has not been with her for a long time, she has already developed a deep relationship with Liuli. Seeing Xiaoniao fall into such a dangerous situation, Liuli is also unwilling, but this is the only way, the only way to The method of the Warring States myth of the Buddha on the big platter.

The dagger stabbed straight down, and the target was the slightly bald head of the Warring States of Buddha.

At this moment, Buddha Warring States suddenly stood up, turned around and swept across with his huge hand, and with a bang, the dagger in Little Naughty's hand was directly smashed into the air, and at the same time, his petite body also fell into the palm of Buddha Warring States , under that huge force, is constantly struggling, looking extremely miserable.

However, at this moment, Lin Shuang and Liu Li couldn't help showing a smile on their faces.Little Rascal's attack can only be revealed after real contact.Sure enough, as the little naughty grasped the huge palm of the Buddha Warring States with both hands, a terrifying scene appeared, and the energy quickly scattered around, and was being swallowed by the little naughty crazily.

That terrifying scene even made White Beard's face change color slightly.

Dark fruit?No, it's not a devil fruit. It's a strange power, not the ability of a devil fruit. Moreover, even the dark fruit can't cause this effect. The dark fruit can only nullify the opponent's energy and swallow the opponent's body at the same time. Devil Fruit.But this power is quite different.

Those energies, after being touched by that little girl, disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before. That feeling was quite frightening.That energy was not absorbed by Little Rascal, it was more like purification, after purification, it disappeared directly.

The complexion of the Warring States of Buddha changed even more tragically, and he wanted to let go of his fingers and the girl in his hand, but at this moment, the girl stuck to his hand like a magnet, no matter how hard he tried, There is no way to get rid of this girl.

"Damn it, let me die..." In the angry voice, the Warring States of Buddha's face was full of anger, and he raised his palm high, with a terrifying vigor, and slapped the palm directly on the ground!

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