Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1110 Temptation

With such a serious injury, if you were an ordinary expert, you might not be able to hold on long ago, but White Beard is still holding on, until the last moment, White Beard will never give up. %&*";

The fighting spirit is still preserved!

Under God's grace, the wounds on Whitebeard's body are recovering quickly, but ordinary wounds can heal quickly, but some wounds can't, such as the terrible wound of the broken arm, that kind of wound will never heal again Chance, even the grace of God cannot regenerate Whitebeard's severed arm.

Ace, although Whitebeard has been rescued, but seeing Whitebeard suffer from such an injury, everyone can't help but feel a little gloomy. They still underestimated the strength of the Warring States of Buddha. Warring States will immediately make that guy lose his fighting power.But in the end, he was careless. The Buddha's Warring States may have felt some fear of the little naughty's ability, but this fear was quickly resolved by the Buddha's Warring States, relying on their own wisdom to quickly reverse this unfavorable situation. Even Taking the little rascal as his weapon, he knew that with White Beard's pride, he would never let a little girl lose her life because of him.

The blood loss was quite serious, and Whitebeard had already fallen into a coma, but under the grace of God, the injury is recovering quickly, and the effect is excellent. This move was originally prepared by Alice for Lin Shuang, although there are treatments for other people Ability, but the effect is not that amazing, but at least it can keep Whitebeard's life.

Ten seconds later, the white light gradually dissipated, and Alice withdrew her palm.

"Huh? I'm not dead, I'm still alive?" This was the first sentence White Beard said after waking up. He looked around and found that although his body was covered with blood, he didn't feel any pain. The dark wounds left above have almost recovered, and it seems to have returned to the heyday in a trance, but the left hand is empty and has disappeared without a trace. The broken arm has healed, but I can still feel it faintly. There were bursts of pain. %&*";

"Of course you're not dead. If you're dead, you won't be able to see us..." Lin Shuang said with a smile, "I don't know what your plan is, Captain Whitebeard. After successfully rescuing you, we are going to leave here , if you are willing to join us, you can travel together..."

"I want to find my children... I don't know how those little bastards are doing now..." White Beard sighed softly.

"No one knows this. They have already left before. Under the protection of the red-haired Shanks, there should be no problem. On the contrary, you have escaped from the Navy Headquarters. In addition to these two operations, the Navy Headquarters suffered heavy losses. All the five lieutenant generals died, two of the three generals died, as for the soldiers, there were countless casualties, and countless pirates escaped from Impelton Prison. As for you, you are the strongest one who escaped from the prison, You will definitely be hunted down by the Navy Headquarters. If you join the members of the Pirates now, you may cause some trouble to them. If you follow us, this problem will be missing. We live on land..." Lin Shuang said temptingly.

For some npcs, even if you save their lives, you may not be willing to follow you. You can only move them with emotion and understand them with reason, which may make them change their minds and become their own battle pets.

Just like Whitebeard, he is super strong and fearless. If there is anything that makes Whitebeard worry and fear, it can only be the lives of his pirates.Those subordinates were regarded by White Beard as his own sons, and that was the only concern in White Beard's heart.

White Beard was silent, Lin Shuang's words hit the vital point in White Beard's heart, the lives of those brothers under him were the only fetters in White Beard's heart, he could not care about his own life, but he absolutely couldn't care less about those good friends who followed him through life and death. Brothers, life of good sons.

"The world of One Piece is destined to belong to young people. Ace has already followed us on the road, and you can too... Even if the navy hunt is serious now, but in the past period of time, it is not impossible to continue the dream of One Piece ..." Xuanyuan Bitian next to him added another sentence.

"Forget it, maybe I'm old, but this vast ocean, I will come back one day... This vast ocean is the dream in my heart, no matter what happens, I will not give up the dream in my heart... …Everyone, thank you for this incident. If it weren’t for you, Ace and I might have fallen into hell... If you don’t dislike it, I can follow you and accompany you to another world... "White Beard said in a deep voice.

It's finally done!

As for who can obtain such a super-powerful pet as Whitebeard, it has become another trouble. To be honest, such a powerful pet may even be the only ten-star pet so far, which is definitely pursued by countless players. Even Lin Shuang was a little moved.

But it is really troublesome to choose. Everyone wants it, but they are not too embarrassed. After all, other people have also put in hard work. The beard is his own.

But now, if he doesn't turn Whitebeard into his own battle pet, it seems that there is no way to leave this vast ocean!

In the end, the lottery system can only be adopted, and nothing else matters. It depends on luck. Who can get such a super pet like White Beard depends on their own luck.

Drawing lots is the simplest, most primitive, and fairest way.

Xuanyuan Bitian, Lin Shuang, Xin Yi, Bloody Romance, Liuli, the five masters, because they have already obtained such a super pet as Ace in this event, they automatically quit, and let Whitebeard come out, not to participate compete.Instead of participating in the competition, he acted as a referee desperately.

All the members are all three-rank jobs and can have a third super pet, even Lin Shuang.

In the end, under the envious gazes of everyone, Liuli's face was full of excitement and flushed, and an old man's follower appeared beside him, and the white beard became Liuli's pet in battle.

Although I feel a little regretful in my heart, these are good friends, good brothers, good sisters, no one will be jealous because of this, and send the most sincere blessings.

It can be expected that after Liuli has such a super pet, the top player in the game will have a brand new name!

Note to readers:

--Yeah, rushed out...Brothers and beauties have been waiting for a long time.Sorry.

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