Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1112 Time and Space Disorder

White Beard was taken back by Liuli to the battle pet space. As for Lin Shuang, he took Liuli from Naye. Although it was a little ambiguous, this was the only way. Although Naye's flying speed was fast, it was not as fast as those Fast sailing warship. %&*";

As for the Phoenix Girl and Vita, they performed in the same way. With their amazing weight and bloody romance, the two war pets couldn't fly with all their strength, and they couldn't escape the pursuit of these warships at all.

"Damn it, isn't brother actually going to die here today? Forget it, Gemini, let your war pets put me down, you leave here first, and fight these navies head-on, we have no chance of winning, and now the mission is considered a success, Even if it costs us two lives, it’s still not a loss, and if it’s a big deal, after we go out, give us two more pieces of hero-level equipment.” Touching his mouth, he said desperately.

"Get out..." Lin Shuang curled his lips and scolded: "Are you kidding, what is the price of hero-level equipment, each piece is around a million, how much is your life worth? How much do you want to share two more pieces of hero-level equipment?" Equipment, you have a good plan, but it just can't make you wish..."

"Everyone, don't care about anything, go forward at full speed, Vita, fly at full speed with your life, if you can't support it physically, switch to Alice and Naye to continue, bloody romance, the Phoenix girl behind you is also full of firepower, when you can't support it When staying, exchange other battle pets, and everyone flies at full speed..." Lin Shuang's face was almost ferocious, and Lin Shuang would never do such a thing if he was asked to give up his partner.

A long time ago, Lin Shuang would not abandon Liuli even in the face of the enemy's gunpoint. Now, the same is true, even in the face of an astonishing number of navy, Lin Shuang will not abandon his friends.Life in the game can be restarted unlimitedly, but the relationship between friends is only once.

Friends, can never be replaced!


With a roar, each member quickly started flying at low altitude, every pet was working hard, Lin Shuang was also flying at the fastest speed, every second was a long distance, but relative In comparison, the speed of the warships behind them was obviously more terrifying. Although with the strength of Icarus and Nimf, they could fly fast and get rid of those warships, Xin Yi didn't do that because they were also friends. i^


With a loud roar, the cannons in the distance began to roar, a tall and long cannonball shot over quickly, and immediately exploded on the sea level with a bang, setting off a stormy sea, although the place where the cannonball fell was still behind everyone, But that terrifying impact surged in an instant, and the figures in mid-air suddenly began to flicker rapidly. Under the violent impact, even Lin Shuang could hardly maintain his own figure.

In the monstrous sea, the most taboo is this kind of sudden fluctuation. Any violent tremor may trigger a terrorist attack such as a tsunami. Once a tsunami occurs, even Lin Shuang and the others will almost certainly die.

The pace of those warships chasing and killing was too urgent, the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching, taking advantage of the time when they could not maintain their bodies, the distance between the two sides was once again shortened by hundreds of meters, and the rest of the warships also entered Within the firing range, the shells have already appeared in the barrel, and the terrifying shelling is about to appear.


One sound after another, terrifying roars continued one after another, and each explosion could cause a large wave of terrifying waves. The waves that usually looked beautiful and beautiful turned into extremely terrifying at this moment.Like a giant monster, ready to devour the life in front of it at any time.

"Dimensional teleportation!"

At this moment, without Lin Shuang's order, at some point, Signor actually appeared again, and with a circle of halo rising under his feet, the dimensional teleportation was about to start.

Dimensional teleportation, long-distance teleportation, the consumption of physical strength has almost reached a terrifying level. The previous teleportation has almost exhausted all of Signor's strength, but this time, seeing his master suffer from danger , Signor, disregarding his own safety, once again unfolded the power of dimensional teleportation.

bang bang bang...

At the same time, more than a dozen shells appeared almost simultaneously, drawing dazzling traces in midair.

Under the impact of the terrifying explosion, the aperture under his feet also began to tremble continuously. The power of the dimensional teleportation was also affected by that violent tremor, and there were violent fluctuations. Even Signor could not continue to master the dimensional teleportation power.


White light flickered, and the next moment, a dozen figures disappeared almost simultaneously.

That seems to be a very long time, and the whole space seems to be completely frozen, a rather weird feeling, which has never occurred before.

Dimensional teleportation usually ends in an instant, but this time, it lasted for several seconds. Although it sounds very short, it was almost unimaginable before. Dimensional teleportation will end in an instant. It was over, but this time, it actually lasted for a few seconds.

No one noticed that Signor's face was already pale, and with a wow, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.


With Signo's mouthful of blood spurting out, the entire frozen time seemed to be a piece of glass that had been hit hard and slowly shattered.

Puff puff...

Like dumpling, the figures fell to the ground one by one, half dead, looking extremely miserable.

I don't know how long it has passed, Lin Shuang finally woke up from the faint, opened his dark eyes, looked at everything around him, first startled in his heart, and then ecstatic immediately.

Surrounded by lush greenery, there are forests everywhere. As for the bottom of the body, although it is a little wet, it can clearly feel that it is the ground.Finally, there is no need to drift on the sea, and both feet finally touch the ground. As long as he is on land, Lin Shuang is confident enough to face the situation even if he faces the pursuit of naval soldiers.


What happened just now? It was still a vast ocean, but why did it suddenly come to land? Is this a small island in the ocean, or did you and I have left the instance and returned to China?

Lin Shuang had some doubts, but suddenly remembered, it seemed that when the dimension was transferred just now, there were several system prompts, and he didn't have time to check it out.Quickly opened the log, opened the previous system prompts, and glanced at it for a while, the expression on Lin Shuang's face immediately became extremely strange, isn't it, how could it be like this?

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