Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1118 Japan's Super Guild

Unstoppable, killing people like hemp. i^

The successive district-wide announcements continue to hit the self-esteem of these fragile nations. The players in the Japanese district have hideous faces and gasp in their throats. Every time these district-wide announcements are sounded, the It's a disgrace to the players.

Thousands of people...

In less than an hour, almost every guy was unstoppable and murderous. Nearly 1000 players had already died in the hands of these intruders. One, they can't even beat them. Could it be that the strength of these people is so strong?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, the Yamato nation is the most outstanding nation in the world, and it will never lose to these guys, absolutely not.

Under the trend of national self-esteem, more and more players flocked to this already crowded island, trying to use the weapons in their hands to defend the glory of the nation and kill all these guys. That's their goal.

"Damn, these damn Chinese are too arrogant, Brother Yamamoto, I decided to go to the battlefield myself and use my strength to kill all those guys." Among the few high-level bases in Japan, a The player's face was full of ferocity. Hearing the sound from the system, his 1.5-meter body jumped up and down, his face full of anger.

"Brother Xiaogou, don't be careless. There is an old saying in China that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will win a hundred battles. Only by knowing the opponent's information can we make corresponding countermeasures. %&*";" The player next to him who was three centimeters taller than Xiaogou sneered .

In Japan, there are a lot of players, but the area is so small that it is quite easy for the gang to recruit players. There are two people, one is Yamamoto 56, and the other is Xiaogou.Among them, Yamamoto 56 is currently the president of the Black Mountain Association, the second largest super guild in Japan, and the puppy is the leader of the third largest guild, the Inulang Association.

In fact, if you don't look at the combat effectiveness of the players, if you just compare the number, the super guilds in the Japanese region will beat the Chinese region.The Japanese area is too small, but the number of players is too large, and the population density is more than [-] times that of China, and the same is true in the game.In Japan, any guild can recruit hundreds of thousands of players. If there are no millions of members, it would be embarrassing to go out and say hello to people. It would be a bit embarrassing to say that you are a guild leader. It’s just the quality of these players. It's hard to say...

"I have studied the information of the China region. That is our goal after the 56th level. After the [-]th level, we must invade the China region and reproduce the glory of our Yamato nation. I just didn't expect to be robbed by these people." Yamamoto [-] said slowly: "The six players who invaded Japan this time are all top experts in China. Among them, Wushuang is said to be the number one sniper and has several super pets. Xin Yi is said to be the number one beauty in China. There are also two super pets, damn it, whether it is Takamachi Naha or Icarus, those are things that belong to us Japanese, but they were all snatched away by these damn bastards, and Desperate is also a top master, Has the nine-star battle pet Fire Fist Ace, Xuanyuan Bitian, super master, has the battle pet Little Ozzy, bloody romantic, a sniper whose strength is not weaker than Wushuang, has the nine-star war pet Phoenix Girl, the only weaker Liuli , a top sniper, a mediocre battle pet, not worth mentioning... These people are very difficult to deal with, we must determine a detailed plan..."

"Brother Yamamoto, worry too much, there are only six of them..."

"Baga, although there are only six of them, Wushuang, Xin Yi, and Bloody Romance can all fly in the sky, and they are very difficult to deal with. We must eliminate these three people with our own hands. Others can send their masters to encircle and suppress them. We cannot let them leave Kyushu Island." Yamamoto scolded.

"Then how do we face it? Xin Yi, the number one beauty in China? Hey, I've left that woman to me. I have the chains of royal pets on me, and I have three super pets. I can also fly in the sky. That woman Leave it to me, I must capture that woman alive..." the little dog roared excitedly.

Royal pet chain... When the puppy said this name, Yamamoto 56's eyes showed a hint of greed. It is the number one treasure in Japan, the royal pet chain, a special item that does not occupy the equipment slot, but The effect is absolutely terrifying. It comes with three battle pet spaces, which can accommodate three super powerful pets, and the dog’s royal pet space has already been full. This is not counted as the royal pet chain. You can also plunder other people’s pets for your own use. , it can be said that its value is not weaker than that of epic equipment that has never appeared at all.

Even Yamamoto 56 couldn't help being a little greedy.

"No... Leave that Xinyi to me. I have studied her information. Icarus flies so fast that you can't keep up with it, but I am different. I have a forbidden energy magic crystal on me. Anyone who is in my body I can’t fly in front of me. I’ll deal with Xin Yi, and you’ll kill Wushuang. After killing the two of them, we’ll deal with Bloody Romance. As for the remaining three, we’ll hand them over to my subordinates. When you realize it, kill them all..." Yamamoto 56's face was full of ferocity, and he almost howled out this sentence.

Virgo Palace, the first guild in Japan!It's just such a name, which makes people very suspicious. Are there still virgins in Japan now?

There are still masters in the Japanese area, although there are not many of them, they can be considered masters.The Inulang Club, the Montenegro Club, and the two strongest guilds in Japan have already started to act. A large number of players are marching from Honshu Island to Kyushu Island. It is necessary to wipe out all these invaders on Kyushu Island.

A large number of players are almost shoulder-to-shoulder, and the small island cannot even accommodate such an astonishing number of players.

It's just that this situation is the best for Lin Shuang and the others. More and more players just save themselves the trouble of finding enemies everywhere.

The body stayed in mid-air, and Naye, Vita, were all frantically casting energy spells. The terrifying energy spells kept falling in the sky, causing violent roars immediately. Under the terrifying power, the people on the ground Players suffered heavy casualties.

Alice couldn't stand that kind of desire to kill. Appearing from the battle pet space, the hell salamander was directly summoned, with a huge body, crisscrossing the ground, rampaging, one by one, the players were directly smashed into pieces, or were killed by hell Salamanders devour them alive.

Although there are many players, their strengths are uneven, and they can't cause Lin Shuang any trouble at all. On the contrary, those players continue to contribute experience points to Lin Shuang one after another!

Note to readers:

--Stayed up late yesterday..I made up today's work.It was very hard.Please ask for some tickets.

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