Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1124

In an instant, the situation seemed to be at an extremely dangerous level. The sweet and sweet wind appeared from the hands of the empress, a pink feeling quickly permeated the sky, and the fishy sweet feeling spread wildly around. It was a kind of beauty. The feeling, just that feeling, brought everyone an extremely terrifying depression and murderous intent. |i^

Sweet and sweet wind, any enemy hit will instantly turn into stone.

Who dares to say that he doesn't have the slightest lust, or who dares to say that he doesn't have the slightest lust when facing a woman like the empress who is full of stunning temptations, unless he is not a man.

Lin Shuang is of course a man, and he is quite a normal man. When he sees the three women of the empress, he can't help but look twice. It is precisely because of this that he is more dangerous and wants to avoid it. The petrification of Tiantian Ganfeng is the last way.

At some point, Lin had an extra slit hand knife, Gale Wind hand knife, in his hands.In the strange eyes of the puppy on the opposite side, Gaifeng's hand knife cut through instantly.

With a snort, a long bloodstain immediately appeared on the arm, and the hideous pain stimulated Lin Shuang's brain. At this moment, Tiantian Ganfeng finally roared past Lin Shuang.

There was no movement, Lin Shuang did not turn into a hard stone as imagined, and was not affected by the sweet wind.It seems that the description in the anime is correct, and the same setting is adopted in this game. If you want to avoid the attack of the empress, except for having no lust for the empress at all, there is only one last way left, which is to force yourself to hurt yourself , using severe pain to divert attention, forcibly turning his eyes away from the empress, forcibly emptying his mind, this is the only way. k";

Blood was flowing from the arm, and drops of blood continued to drip down.

Xiaogou was dumbfounded, he never imagined that the man in front of him would actually have the courage to self-mutilate in order to divert his attention.Be darling, that was very painful. I still remember that when I was young, I lost a bet with a friend and wanted to commit suicide by caesarean section. In the end, I only tried a little bit. I just stabbed a knife into my stomach, and I couldn't take it anymore. This man really can Hold it!

"Damn it, Snake Girl, you trash, don't you boast that your skills are natural enemies for men? Why don't you kill this guy, hurry up, kill him, otherwise, I want you to look good... ..." Seeing that Snake Ji failed to kill Lin Shuang with one move, the little dog suddenly became extremely angry, his face was ferocious, and he hissed angrily, his voice was so hoarse that he almost went crazy.

Obviously, from those words, one can see the dissatisfaction in Snake Ji's heart, with a slight grievance on her face, following such a master, it has to be said that it is the tragedy of these war pets, which can be seen from the tone of her usual speech In the heart of Xiaogou, these pets are nothing more than pets, and they need to obey his orders completely, and there must be no pets that resist in the slightest.

Looking down, Xia Na and Miss Lei Ting below, obviously because of this roar, the movements of their hands were a little slower.Maybe the little dog doesn't know yet, it's because of his usual unceremonious orders that the intimacy between himself and his pets has never been increased, and it will even continue to decline. Chong had already rebelled.

However, although there is a chain of royal pets, which allows the puppy to command these pets, no one knows how much combat power it can exert.

At this moment, Lin Shuang finally moved. Before Snake Ji launched her second attack, Lin Shuang finally moved. Her body flickered in mid-air. The afterimage technique was activated, and her body appeared directly in the sky. .With a flick of the spear, seven bullets were thrown down from the air.

Bullets flashed rapidly in midair, drawing graceful traces. The seven-star reincarnation had been fully unfolded, and the bullets left arcs in midair, shooting towards the dog's head below.

Terrifying bullets were scattered around, and the seven bullets danced continuously, as if there were shadows of bullets everywhere, which immediately made the puppy's face change wildly.The puppy's strength is all in the pets. Since having these powerful pets, the puppy has completely forgotten its own strength... No, it is not forgotten, but abandoned. From the perspective of the puppy, with such There are so many powerful battle pets, enough for him to be in the game, and he has completely ignored his own strength.

And in the Japanese area, this is indeed the case. Relying on the super-powerful pets around him, the puppies roam the entire Japanese area. Against any opponent, the puppy has developed an arrogant and arrogant character.

Since when has this guy seen such amazing marksmanship?

The bullet is like a spirit snake, twisting in the sky continuously, it seems that it may penetrate his head at any time, that kind of terrifying feeling immediately makes the puppy's heart beat rapidly, his face is blood red, and his voice is almost hoarse Roared out.

Angola, the battle pet below him, didn't dare to face those sharp bullets, but under the command of his master, he barely spread his wings and completely surrounded the puppies on his body.

Puchi... Puchi...

An ear-piercing sound appeared, and Angola screamed pitifully. The sturdy dragon scales on the body were directly pierced by special armor-piercing bullets, leaving dark holes, and blood continued to spread along the body. Seven wounds, seven streaks of blood The stream looked uncannily miserable.

In the dog's view, Angola is not even a battle pet, it is more like a mount, a shield that can sacrifice its life for itself at any time, and can resist attacks for itself at any time. With Angora, the puppies are almost invincible.

This is the first time Lin Shuang has seen the garbage that does not take the pets to heart and uses the pets to resist the attack. In the China area, the master treats the pets, not to say that they are as close as a partner, at least they are like pets, in every possible way. Beloved, there will never be such a thing as using a battle pet as a shield.

I don't know why, but that kind of feeling made Lin Shuang feel a murderous intent out of thin air. This guy should be killed!

"Snake Girl, attack quickly, and those two trash on the ground, hurry up and kill the enemy in front of you, destroy this guy, you three trash, whoever dares to disobey orders, then wait for the royal pet chain Punish it..." Standing on Angola's back, the little dog jumped up and down and roared, the attack just now made the little dog feel the deathly depression, which is exactly what made the little dog even crazier!

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