Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1131 Kill

Artemis, the permanent tail-tracking air-to-surface missile. |i^With full firepower, it means that Icarus' attack will reach an absolutely terrifying level, and even Nimf can feel a burst of fear.

After taking over his little master from Icarus, Icarus' eyes turned red, and the wings behind his back slowly opened. In the next moment, dozens of flames appeared quickly, all of which were oh forever. Air-to-air missiles with full firepower. With Icarus' current strength, under full firepower, he can launch fifty missiles in an instant. The destructive power is absolutely terrifying.

"Particle interference system... The trajectory of Artemis has changed!" At this moment, Nimf directly activated her strongest power, and the particle interference system was activated directly, and she seemed to have entered a strange world like the Matrix At this moment, the original trajectory of Artemis' movement in the space in the space changed dramatically. Relying on Nimf's operation, the trajectory became more and more strange.

Gradually, the fifty missiles unexpectedly formed an elliptical encirclement. Immediately, all the fifty missiles entered the range of the air-forbidden area. The next moment, the missiles fell directly one by one.


Explosions continued one after another, fifty missiles all exploded on the edge of the restricted air field, the destructive force almost completely destroyed the area within a radius of [-] meters, and the sound of system prompts continued. , at least hundreds of players were directly and completely destroyed by that terrifying force.

Smoke and dust all over the sky floated on the ground, and a destructive atmosphere filled the surroundings.

"The forbidden field has not disappeared, and the owner who has mastered the energy magic crystal has not died..." Nymph frowned, and said in a deep voice, Nymph's hacker interference ability can perfectly grasp any special energy. |i^

"Where is the core area of ​​the forbidden area, that guy must be there..." Xin Yi asked in a low voice, someone dared to ambush him, and those guys would definitely pay a heavy price.

"Azimuth at an angle of 640 degrees to the front left, the detailed distance is [-] meters, and the coordinates..." A series of numbers burst out from the mouth, and the location of the energy magic crystal could not escape Nimfu's radar at all.

The attack begins!

"Shocking thunder and destroying the world!" With a soft shout, the energy ball in his hand flickered quickly, and terrifying lightning bolts jumped continuously in Xin Yi's palm. It completely controls the terrifying thunder and lightning.

A large piece of cold light flickered quickly in the void, crackling, the surrounding air seemed to be completely torn into pieces by the horrifying thunder and lightning, and the desperate power was erupting in the sky.

"Song of the Kingdom of Heaven..." Almost at the same time, Nymph opened his mouth, and countless energy streams spewed out from Nymph's mouth.

Shocking thunder destroys the world, the song of the kingdom of heaven.

That is a pure energy attack, without the slightest entity, and will not be affected by the forbidden air domain at all.

Large areas of lightning filled the void, and countless particles formed a torrent of energy in midair.


With a violent roar, the particle energy waves the song of heaven, coupled with the shocking thunder that destroys the world, a terrifying power explodes almost simultaneously in the center of the air-forbidden domain, although the air-forbidden area can prohibit all tangible objects from flying in the sky, But for lightning, energy particles, which have no form, can't have any effect at all.

With a bang, a ball of dazzling light rolled up on the ground, and a large cloud of smoke and dust flew around. The devastating impact continued to wash away the surrounding area. I don't know how many lives were destroyed in an instant.

Poor guy, originally Yamamoto 56 was going to come to ambush Xin Yi, but who would have thought that he would become the target of Xin Yi's attack. Under the full firepower of Artemis, almost half of the ambushing players nearby were wiped out. The song of the heavenly kingdom and the energy of thunder and extinction directly killed 56 Yamamoto of the Black Mountain Club. Even with the strength of 56 Yamamoto, it was absolutely unable to compete with a nine-star battle pet, coupled with the attack of a super energy controller, it was directly defeated kill.

With a cold snort, after Yamamoto 56 was killed, the forbidden air field also disappeared completely, the missiles continued to bombard, and the few remaining players were quickly wiped out by Xin Yi, and immediately cleaned up the battlefield. Xin Yi is still very interested in the empty energy magic crystal.

On the other side, the fighting was equally fierce.

That was Liuli, the one with the faintest fighting power in the whole team, but relying on the shadow killer's elusive movement skills, if he didn't have a certain perception, he couldn't find Liuli's figure at all. On the contrary, Liuli kept seizing the opportunity. The enemies were eliminated on a large scale, and they were quickly killed one by one.

At the same time, every time an enemy is eliminated, Whitebeard can get quite a lot of experience points. Liuli distributes all the experience points on Whitebeard. This top-level battle pet must be cultivated as soon as possible. The level is too low to be able to exert its own super strength.

Under Liuli's careful training, Whitebeard's level soared rapidly, and within less than Ban Ting's time, he had already reached level 32. As a nine-star battle pet, even if he was only at level 30, he already possessed quite good combat power .

After Whitebeard's level was raised, Liuli no longer had to hide and hide, and officially plunged into the frenzied killing.

Whitebeard lacked weapons, and the steel knife in his hand was just a gold-grade item picked up from the ground, which couldn't hold Whitebeard's perverted power at all.

The power of the Zhenzhen fruit, every time it is activated, immediately destroys a gold-ranked sword, and every time it attacks, a weapon immediately shatters, and at the same time, dozens of players' bodies are directly shattered, super powerful The destructive power is frightening, and it is hard to imagine how terrifying that power is.

Whitebeard's combat power is definitely the top expert at the peak of the current pet. Even if he lacks a handy weapon, his attack power is still abnormal.

Air shock, earthquake, naginata whirlwind... All kinds of tricks are displayed in turn. Even if you encounter a large number of enemies, you don't need to hide. Whitebeard alone is enough to completely wipe out a certain size of enemies.

At the same time, every time a group of enemies were eliminated, Whitebeard's strength would increase to a certain extent and become even more terrifying. Even if he encountered an opponent that was really irresistible, Liuli would still be able to escape safely.The players in the Japanese area hated it so much that so many players came out to encircle and suppress a woman, and the result was heavy casualties, and I felt blush when I said it!

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