Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1138

"Good guy, what kind of plane is Wushuang doing?" In the distance, hidden in Kyushu Island, surrounded by players from the Japanese area, Xuanyuan Bitian, who had little chance to fight back, felt that kind of attack one by one. There were violent tremors from time to time, and the expression on his face became quite strange. k";

What is this kid doing?How long has it been since this guy's level has reached level 58? Isn't this leveling up speed too abnormal?You must know that when the player reaches the later stage, more and more experience points are needed to upgrade. The experience value of level 58 is more than twice that of level 5354. How did this guy get such a terrifying experience value?

It's a pity that those dense forests blocked their sight, making it difficult for them to see the terrifying picture in the sky.

At this moment, Lin Shuang is like a Jedi knight, constantly destroying the enemy's warships in space.

Right now, Xuanyuan Bitian, Liuli, and Bloody Romance have seldom counterattacked. They can only rely on their pets and their own strength to kill a few players who have failed, or pull away the enemies behind them at super fast speed. , and immediately turned around to obliterate the few targets who followed closely behind.

There were more and more enemies, and they couldn't bear it any longer. The two of them, Lu Ming and Xuanyuan Bitian, were almost made into dumplings by the enemies before and chopped into meat sauce.In this kind of battle, armored fighters can be said to be quite disadvantaged.It is easy to fall into the siege of the enemy, and once you are surrounded, it can almost be said that you will die.

As for Liuli and Bloody Romance, they are slightly better than Xuanyuan Bitian and Wanming. The two snipers are fast and rely on long-distance killing to barely kill each opponent. It is possible that from the jungles on both sides, or from the opponents that suddenly appeared in front of you, it can be said that you are tired of dealing with it. It has been almost a whole day since the battle until now, and everyone is extremely exhausted, and they can't even breathe. Some rush. |i^

Damn, the system said it was a week, but according to this situation, let alone a week, even a day is not an easy task. There are too many of these little devils.

With so many enemies, they were not opponents at all. Xuanyuan Bitian and the others had already retreated again and again, and were almost forced to retreat to the edge of Kyushu Island.

Poor, the Japanese area itself doesn’t have much space, Kyushu Island is even more pitiful, and the nearby monsters are quite dense, whether it’s Xuanyuan Bitian or the players who come to hunt them down, while fighting, you must always be on guard against those monsters. The monster's sneak attack is really quite difficult.

That's not counting, because the area is so small that almost all the monsters are concentrated in one area, that is to say, there may only be mobs at level [-] in this area, but if you walk two steps, what you see may be Level [-] monsters, and even more perverted bosses.

The large-scale search and escape touched some taboo existences in Kyushu Island. They were super powerful bosses. After being disturbed by these players, they started to go crazy one by one, with earth-shattering roars one after another. Several heroes The level boss has started mass destruction.

Fifth ship!

With the large flames rising from the sea, Lin Shuang felt a surge of excitement in his heart. The fifth spaceship had been successfully resolved, and the number of spaceships that died in Lin's hands reached five, including two large spaceships, loaded with There were tens of thousands of players, and the three small spaceships were loaded with [-] members. Among the five destroyed spaceships, the number of players on board was nearly [-].

A terrifying number, this is not counted, the wreckage of the spaceship fell on the sea, and under the rough waves, the number of sailing ships that were swallowed was also quite a few.It's just that those players, those heads will not be counted on Lin Shuang's head, which makes Lin Shuang feel a little pity.

I was killing wantonly in the sky, and the number of spaceships that were originally dense in the sky was affected by these, and the number suddenly decreased. Moreover, Xuanyuan Bitian couldn't see these scenes, but they were clearly seen by Xin Yi, who was also flying in the sky.

After seeing Lin Shuang's crazy killing, Xin Yi couldn't help showing a smile on his pretty face. With the rapid flight of Icarus, Xin Yi also joined the spaceship destruction team and became a part of the super demolition team. member.Moreover, Xin Yi's destruction efficiency is stronger than Lin Shuang's. Even if Lin Shuang has four more super pets, he is definitely not as good as Xin Yi.

Nimf's super-strong electronic interference system directly destroyed the electronic navigation, mechanical control and other devices on the spacecraft, and immediately took over the control of the spacecraft. Under Nimf's command, the spaceships rushed directly to the sea. The ground smashed down, and the spaceships fell like raindrops.

"Damn, what's going on, the system actually told us that there is no spaceship?" In addition, on the island of Honshu, Xiaogou and Yamamoto 56 were full of horror. They had just been hung up, and they were naturally unwilling. So immediately gather the elite members of the gang and prepare to go to Kyushu Island to avenge their shame.

However, when they came here, they were told mercilessly that the spaceship was already dead. What's going on?With so many spaceships, how can you say that if there is no one, there will be no more?unscientific...

"I'm sorry, the spacecraft in the aviation center has suffered serious damage. There are a total of 32 large and small spacecraft, all of which have been damaged and cannot fly. Now the aviation system in the entire Japan area has come to a standstill..." The npc sister said with a cold face. Said loudly.

"What? All 32 spaceships were destroyed? Damn, what's going on?"

The faces of the two bosses were almost exactly the same pitch black, as if they couldn't imagine that such a thing would happen, they were all dumbfounded, not knowing what this kind of thing in front of them represented.

"Boss, just got the news that two players in the China area destroyed the spaceship in the air, one is that woman, and the other is actually following...following the battle pet beside President Xiaogou..." At this moment, A subordinate stepped forward and whispered, and gave the puppy a strange look.

Hearing this, the little dog's face suddenly turned purple. Damn it, it's a shame.

"Baga..." With a roar, Yamamoto 56 slapped the puppy on the face with his hands. This damn guy, who has no strength, actually sent his battle pet to the door, and he thought those opponents were difficult to deal with. ?This guy is simply a piece of trash!

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