Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1145 Banshee Battleship

It was like a madman's feeling. Even when facing a powerful enemy that he could not defeat on the surface, Lin Shuang would not feel the slightest fear, but would feel a burst of challenge-like excitement. |i^

"Desperate hunting!"

The single attack's strongest trick was launched in an instant, and a bullet was ejected from the barrel in an instant. Xin Yi and Wushuang next to him all had indifferent faces, and their eyes were fixed on the flying trajectory in midair. , this is a tentative attack, want to see how destructive this move is?Facing such a behemoth, no one dared to relax in the slightest, even Lin Shuang and Xin Yi, the two masters, did not dare to relax in the slightest. The pressure this guy brought to them was too terrifying.


The bullets carried the hope of the two of them, and shot directly from the sky. That fiery red trace looked so inconspicuous, as if it might be completely ignored at any time.

The bullet came in front of the energy shield, and the special armor-piercing projectile gave the bullet super penetrating ability. The bullet penetrated directly into the energy shield, and immediately exploded on the steel body of the Banshee Tactical Transport Ship with a bang.


A number of 13 appeared.

This number made Lin Shuang and Xin Yi frowned involuntarily. After breaking through the energy shield, they could only cause 13 damage in the end. The blood volume, actually only caused such a small amount of damage?

You must know that the equipment on Lin Shuang's body is different from the past. He was armed to the teeth by the kid who is fighting non-stop... His blood volume is approaching 30. Under the burning, if he is a player, he is considered an armored warrior. It can also cause a figure in the early 13s, but right now, it only caused [-] damage. How perverted is the defense of this Banshee tactical transport ship?

Moreover, the energy shield on the surface can also block the attack of the energy controller, and only he can output it. k"; That's not to mention, after this attack, the blood bar of the Banshee tactical transport ship also appeared in front of Lin Shuang and the two of them. Not even a hundredth of a space.

[-] million!

No more, no less, a full [-] million blood volume, damn it, this guy's blood volume is really terrifying, even if he is standing still, if he wants to kill this guy, he still needs a thousand bullets, and all of them are absolute bullets. It takes life hunting to destroy this spaceship, that kind of blood volume is really too scary.

"Nimfu, try hacking to see if you can hack into the interior of this banshee battleship and change its scheduled program..." Xin Yi frowned and gave orders to Nimfu. A special battle pet, a highly targeted battle pet, has extremely weak self-fighting, hand-to-hand combat, and melee combat capabilities. Its flying ability is not as good as Icarus's, and its long-range attack ability is far from comparable, but Nymph is The nemesis of all mechanical life, super powerful hacking technology, can invisibly invade the inside of a mechanical life, change the program in the mechanical life, and finally directly destroy this mechanical life.

This is the ability of Nimf.

But now, even Nimf's ability is completely ineffective. After several attempts, Nimf gave up helplessly: "No, I can't invade the inside of this battleship, and the energy shield outside blocks my attack." Invasion, if the energy shield on the surface can be smashed, there is a way to invade..."

"Where's your forbidden energy magic crystal?"

"No, the forbidden energy magic crystal can only have an effect on physical life, and it can't have any effect on energy or objects surrounded by energy..." Xin Yi shook his head and said, if the forbidden energy magic crystal is useful, he would have already Just kill this guy, don't wait until now.

"Huh, it seems that all the tricks are gone, we can only face it with our own strength, this is a kind of challenge, isn't it?" The excitement in Lin Shuang's eyes became more and more strange, watching the The banshee battleship that was approaching rapidly had raging flames burning in its eyes.

"Be careful..." Xin Yi next to him suddenly exclaimed, and Icarus suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. With a wave of his palm, the absolute defense circle was instantly propped up.


A violent roar appeared immediately, and at the moment when the absolute defense circle was supported, two shells shot over immediately, and the place where Lin Shuang and Xin Yi were standing was immediately surrounded by terrifying flames, and the palpitating and terrifying energy continued around. The spread of terror is spreading crazily.

"Have you killed those two guys?" Looking at the cloud of smoke in the distance, the Japanese players in the Banshee Tactical Transport Ship widened their eyes, trying to see whether the two enemies were dead or alive.

A few seconds later, there was a howl of excitement in the cabin, the smoke and dust finally cleared, and no one could be seen in front of them, haha, those two guys have been wiped out, it's too simple, in the Great Japanese Empire Under the high-tech destruction, no matter how strong a player is, he cannot resist this high-tech destruction. This is the pride of the Emperor.

These despicable humans directly assigned the virtual warships created by the system to Japanese players, and became high-tech created by Japanese players. In this respect, Japan has already faintly opposed Korean players. Signs of approaching!

The interior of the Banshee Tactical Transport Ship was already filled with jubilation. Under the attack of the three anti-aircraft artillery shells just now, these two guys must have turned into ashes. I didn't expect it to be so simple, and they easily eliminated two enemies. Knowing that it is so easy, there is no need for ten warships at all. There are still nine ships waiting to load and transport players on Honshu Island. As long as this one is enough, the enemy can be easily killed without such trouble.

It's just that the jubilant crowd didn't realize that their enemy had already appeared in the sky, teleportation.

Just when Icarus blocked the three shells, with the help of the smoke and dust rising from the explosion, Lin Shuang and Xin Yi had already teleported to the sky above the Banshee Battleship, following the speed of the Banshee Battleship, flying slowly and quickly towards the front, always Without falling any distance, the Banshee Battleship, flanks on both sides, front and rear are full of shooting holes and observation windows, the only blind spot is the sky above, this is the only shortcoming of the Banshee Battleship, if you want to destroy this battleship, Launching a sneak attack from above is the only way!

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