Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1161 The Fear of Battle Pets

The first thousand and 160 chapters of the fear of the pet

Yamata no Orochi, that terrifying figure appeared in front of countless players. Eight ferocious snake heads danced continuously, bringing out bursts of stench, scarlet eyes, eight wriggling snake necks, and that huge body. Every bit of the ferocious scales filled people with horror.

Yamata no Orochi, ten-star war pet, island country, no, the only ten-star war pet in the entire game, what a powerful force that is, with a howl, the terrifying vigor around, immediately let the war pets around countless players The pet is prostrate on the ground, not daring to move. Under this absolute coercion, even the seven or eight-star battle pet can feel the oppressive silence. That kind of terrifying power makes people breathless .

"Second, let's go, Mt. Fuji!" With a gloomy face, Yagi leapt forward, straddling the back of Yamata no Orochi, and the second child also snorted coldly, and stood up. Soaring into the sky, it obviously has no wings, but it has the power to fly freely in the sky.

Aww, there was another howl, and the terrifying breath spread instantly. I don't know how many low-level battle pets were stunned by this terrifying power in an instant. That power is too abnormal, low-level The battle pet didn't have the strength to resist that amazing coercion at all. Watching Yamato no Orochi's body quickly go away, the eyes of the island players in the base were full of envy and greed.


Sister Lei Ting's twin swords sprinkled a large amount of sword light in midair, and with a burst of chirping sound, the tip of the iceberg was shattered alive again, and a large piece of shattered stone floated in the sky. , a shadow fell into Lin Shuang's eyes.

It was a prismatic spar, crystal clear, beautiful and not dazzling.

Forbidden energy magic crystal!Lin Shuang was overjoyed, and flew over immediately, hugging the large piece of magic crystal that was about to fall with both hands in mid-air, the tentacles were icy cold, and at the same time, the heavy pressure made Lin Shuang's body sink slightly. A large piece of energy magic crystal weighs at least tens of kilograms, and its density is too great. This piece of magic crystal is many times larger than the fist-sized magic crystal in Xin Yi's hand.

Forbidden energy magic crystal: a unique mineral in Dongying District, which can form a forbidden area. Within the range affected by the magic crystal, any object cannot fly, and it will bear more than a hundred times the heavy pressure.The coverage area is 300 meters in radius.

The effect of this piece of air-forbidden energy magic crystal is also many times stronger than the one in Xin Yi's hands. The attributes are more perverted, the coverage area is larger, and the pressure it bears is even more amazing. If this kind of thing is used in gang battles , especially in the later stage, it can definitely exert quite astonishing effects. It is estimated that when the kid who keeps fighting sees this kind of thing, he will be so excited from ear to ear?

It's just a pity that this kind of air-forbidden energy magic crystal is not only effective for your enemies, but also for yourself. Otherwise, it would be possible to set up a no-fly zone.

With the first piece, can the second be far behind?

With the stimulation of this piece of magic crystal, Lin Shuang became more excited, dancing, directing his ears and fighting pets, and began to destroy the ground crazily, bombarding one by one with super-powerful energy spells.The halfway up Mount Fuji is already a large mess, with potholes everywhere, and it no longer looks as beautiful as it used to be.

If an islander sees the sacred place in his heart destroyed by this damn invader, he doesn't know how heartbroken it will be.

Angola is the most violent. With its huge body and huge sharp claws, if you swipe at the top of the mountain, a large area inside will instantly collapse.The huge boulders rolled down directly.Gradually, Lin Shuang and the others have already moved towards the top, and at the same time, pieces of forbidden energy magic crystals are constantly getting into Lin Shuang's backpack.

Now that you have encountered this kind of special product, you must not miss it. After the detection of the area halfway up the mountain, you should continue to dig on it, and you will never let go of any profit!

With continuous destruction, there are more and more forbidden energy magic crystals in the backpack.While Lin Shuang was frantically mining the special products of Mount Fuji, the danger was approaching rapidly.


Waves of howls came from Angola's mouth, but this time it sounded like Angola's voice, and there was no usual arrogance anymore. Lin Shuang could even faintly feel a kind of fear from that howl. the taste of.

fear?what happened?Angola is a nine-star war pet, why do you feel fear?The nine-star battle pet can be said to be the life at the top of the battle pet. It is hard to imagine what kind of power it has that would make a nine-star battle pet feel fear.

Could it be that those powerful monsters from Mount Fuji are about to appear?Having been destroying here for so long, Lin Shuang has never seen any powerful heroic bosses in Mt. Fuji. Could it be that the heroic bosses here have all gone out to sleep?

Or is it that my sabotage action awakened these hero bosses from their dreams?What a sin!

But it's not very possible. If the boss really appeared, there would be no movement at all. Apart from the violent destruction, there would be no sound at all, so calm that Lin Shuang couldn't react.This is definitely not an illusion. Animals have the most sensitive senses. Therefore, the only beast-shaped life among so many pets in Angola, its perception is absolutely correct.

Not to mention, after a few seconds, the beautiful faces of the other battle pets, Alice, Nanoha, Vita, Signor, Empress, Lei Ting, and Shana became a little weird, and I felt faintly Feeling a trace of paleness, it is a breath of fear.

What kind of power, exactly what kind of power can make so many nine-star pets feel fear, it is simply unimaginable.

Things seemed to be getting worse. Lin Shuang's face became serious. Although he still doesn't know what it is, but it is absolutely amazing that something can transmit such an amazing coercion, and even make so many war pets feel horrible. Not ordinary life.

hold head high……

In a trance, it seemed that countless voices were mixed together, forming an earth-shattering roar. With that roar, Lin Shuang's body trembled slightly, and the battle pets next to him were even more unbearable, especially Angola, whose thick pair of His long legs almost shriveled to the ground, his body wriggled in place, and there was a whimper like a puppy in his throat!

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