Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 216 One Kill

Under the scope, the crosshairs have already aimed at an eight-star tentacle monster. Compared with the seven-star tentacle monster, the eight-star tentacle monster is more powerful, with more than [-] HP and a larger body. Next to the eight-star tentacle monster , Surrounded by more than a dozen seven-star tentacle monsters, fortunately, there is only one leader-level boss in the wave of monsters, otherwise, there is no need to fight this battle, just surrender. .


clap clap!

Two armor-piercing bullets shot out of the gun almost at the same time, drawing a long and slender trace in mid-air, with stern flames, and the desire in Lin Shuang's heart, the two bullets pierced the void instantly, and appeared in front of the eight-star tentacle monster .

Two puffs, two bullets hit the target directly.

Under the first bullet, a huge gap appeared in one of the tentacles of the eight-star tentacle monster. The second bullet arrived in an instant, and directly exploded in the wound. With a bang, the entire tentacle broke instantly.

With one move, the eight-star tentacle monster screamed crazily, and the remaining seven tentacles danced wildly. At the same time, Lin Shuang also became the target of a total of eighteen tentacle monsters. This attack directly attracted eighteen tentacle monsters. The hatred of the head monsters turned suddenly one by one, fixed their eyes on Lin Shuang, roared angrily, and appeared.

"Be careful!" Lin Shuangmu suddenly yelled strangely, and her body rushed forward in an instant. At the same time, the afterimage technique was activated instantly, and her body disappeared without a trace.

Almost at the same time, behind Lin Shuang, there was a large dense pile of tentacle monsters, and the tentacle monsters were dancing tentacles everywhere in the sky. When the skill of any door was activated, these tentacle monsters all appeared behind Lin Shuang , teeth and claws, hundreds of tentacles, densely packed in the sky, blocking all the light, rolling towards Lin Shuang's original standing position, if Lin Shuang is still in that position, I'm afraid it has turned into a pile of meat now Sauce. .

The afterimage technique was activated, and there was a distance of three meters away from the original place, but this distance was not enough to provide protection for Lin Shuang. Seven hideous tentacles directly passed through the three-meter space, chasing and killing Lin Shuang's back. In the past, it was the attack of the eight-star tentacle monster. Not only was the body bigger, but even the tentacles became taller and sharper.


The energy cannon spins crazily, the powerful energy is controlled in both hands, and your love is coiled up with two legs. The palm of his hand shook suddenly, and a ball of dazzling flames shot out from the barrel in an instant. Suddenly, a large piece of flame was enveloped in front of him. Among the endless flames, there was a weapon that was as thick as an arm and contained extreme power. Powerful energy shells.

Everything was done almost at the same time. Just when the seven tentacles were about to entangle Lin Shuang, the cannonball exploded instantly. A mushroom-shaped dark cloud covered the sky and the sun.


The terrifying flames, like a raging wild beast, directly devoured everything, no life was an exception. The eighteen tentacle monsters were immediately surrounded by flames, and the terrifying damage caused by the explosion caused a sea of ​​flames Among them, a large number of bright red numbers appeared.




Frightening damage appeared. Under the sixth-level power stone, the power of the energy cannon has become even more terrifying. The damage is fully [-]% higher than that of the fourth-level power stone. A large number of one thousand and eight, even the leader-level eight-star tentacle monster was no exception. His body was surrounded by flames, struggling crazily. , delusional to annihilate the flames.

It's just that this kind of flame is not an ordinary flame, it is a pure energy flame, which cannot be extinguished by ordinary power at all.

The flames were blazing, and the eighteen tentacle monsters were all surrounded by the flames, and their blood volume decreased crazily.Some tentacle monsters kept struggling, and their bodies were about to escape from the range of the flames. At this moment, Alice finally moved, and her body instantly appeared in front of the large flames. With an earth-shattering roar, the energy wave of the t-virus burst out instantly. , the endless flames are all deflected.

Although those tentacle monsters were huge in size, they couldn't handle the terrifying power of the energy wave. Their bodies immediately retreated one after another, and they returned to the range of the energy flames. They were constantly being burned by the flames, and their blood volume dropped crazily.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Wushuang's team, successfully killed the [-]th-level elite monster seven-star tentacle monster, gained [-] experience points, half of which belonged to the battle pet, and gained [-] military merit points."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Wushuang's team, successfully killed the [-]th-level elite monster seven-star tentacle monster, gained [-] experience points, half of which belonged to the battle pet, and gained [-] military merit points."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Wushuang's team, successfully killed the [-]th-level elite monster seven-star tentacle monster, gained [-] experience points, half of which belonged to the battle pet, and gained [-] military merit points."


The sound of the system prompts in a series, echoing seventeen times in a row. In the battlefield, there were originally dense tentacled monsters. In the blink of an eye, only one commander was left, and the other tentacle monsters had all been wiped out.Rich experience points, seventeen tentacle monsters, all experience points exceed [-], even if half of them belong to the battle pets, the remaining half is not a small number.At this moment, the speed of experiential growth is even faster than when leveling on the top of the mountain.

[-] points of damage per second, those tentacle monsters couldn't bear such powerful damage at all, and all of them were resolved in three seconds.

Only the eight-star tentacle monster was left, still struggling in the flames, but its health bar, which originally exceeded [-], was now less than half.

For six seconds, the energy flame lasted for six seconds. Under the stimulation of the sixth-level energy stone, the burning time of the energy flame also increased by one second.

In six seconds, it immediately dealt [-] damage, reducing the blood volume of the eighth-level tentacle monster by more than half. It was charred black, and one could even smell the smell of meat clearly. This poor guy was almost cooked.

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