Five footsteps, one of which is very familiar, almost non-existent footsteps, is Alice's footsteps, the other two heavy footsteps are Yinhu and Ugly Bull's footsteps, these two enemies are the closest, It was the easiest to kill these two, but they were also the least threatening. .

The real enemy lies in the back. The sound of the two footsteps is unusually erratic. Before, Lin Shuang could rely on the sound of bullets changing to determine the location of the mouse, but now, he can only rely on the sound of footsteps.

Lin Shuang and your love's body with two legs crossed, are wrapped in bandages, and the blood volume is recovering at twice the speed, but even so, it can only temporarily delay the speed of blood volume decline.Not to mention the two of them, even Yinhu and the others are full of weirdness in their hearts. How is this possible? Even that guy Haizhu, under this kind of frenzied bombardment, is probably finished a long time ago. How could your love be more resistant than Haizhu?

How could they have imagined that Jin Jian's power, 30.00% defense, double health recovery, and the effect of life sharing would greatly improve the survivability of the two of them, and it would be more difficult to kill any of them than to separate them. It was several times more difficult to kill the two of them.


A bullet was ejected from the gun barrel in an instant, almost rubbing against the gap less than ten centimeters between Maotu and Youji, and it passed through in an instant. The heat wave brought about made the two of them tremble , In a little time, the two of them were about to turn into candied haws. This guy's attack was really too perverted.


Another bullet slid past Youji who had just crossed to the side, and a hideous black hole immediately appeared on the wall behind him.

The two consecutive attacks immediately made Youji's footsteps a little messy. Although it only lasted for less than three seconds, these three seconds were enough to decide everything. A gloomy smile appeared on the corner of Lin Shuang's mouth, the muzzle of the gun turned, and with a bang, a hideous blood hole burst open on the chest of Youji in the distance, and his body flew upside down under the violent impact. With a bang, it hit the wall directly, stained with a large amount of blood.

You chicken, die!

This is the sniper's war. When there is a chance, one must kill it with one blow. Even if there is no chance, if you create an opportunity yourself, you must kill the opponent.

After Youji died, the wind energy spell that had blocked Lin Shuang's sight disappeared immediately, and Maotu's figure appeared in front of Lin Shuang.Even if a charming woman appears in front of Lin Shuang, there is no difference at all, because she is an enemy!

As if he knew his end, there was a flash of madness in Maotu's eyes, and the ice crystal snow dance fell from the sky in an instant, directly enveloping Alice and her two legs with your love wrapped up in her arms, and their inflexible bodies suddenly became Slower, and at the same time, the blood volume is also decreasing crazily.

two thousand!

At this moment, with your love and Lin Shuang's blood volume crossed on both legs, only the last two thousand points of blood volume shared, the situation has become extremely critical.


The figure of Mao Tu, like a falling leaf, flew upside down, his eyes still showed a chilling hatred, and he failed to avenge his dead brother, so that even if this woman died, her heart seemed to be stabbed by a needle. Severe pain like piercing.

Immediately, there was darkness in front of my eyes, and the rabbit died!

After losing two powerful attackers, the balance of victory was reversed in an instant, and he tied a bandage on his body casually. Lin Shuang aimed his gun at Yinhu, and the bullets began to roar crazily. Even with Yi Yinhu's powerful strength, he couldn't withstand Barrett's terrifying power. His body retreated one after another under the bombardment of tall bullets, and hideous gaps appeared one after another on his body.

"Tiger Leap!"

Amidst the roar, Yinhu let out a roar, and his backing body suddenly rushed forward, and with a bang, it directly hit the body of your love whose legs were crossed.The laser knife in his hand directly pierced the armor on the body of the love with two legs crossed up, and sank deeply into the shoulders of the love with two legs crossed up, blood shot out immediately.


Terrible damage appeared, the blood volume of your love with two legs crossed plummeted, and the shared blood volume that originally had [-] dropped to less than [-] points in an instant, and the situation became extremely dangerous.

But this is Yinhu's last counterattack. At the same time, this attack also made your love with two legs crossed completely out of the control of the trap, and the body regained its freedom. Enduring the severe pain from the shoulders, the body rolled over, Quickly got up from the ground, avoiding Yinhu's next attack.


Yinhu's body, which was rushing forward, was directly sent flying, and had already lost its last blood volume in mid-air, and the sturdy corpse hit the ground with a bang.


The energy wave of the t-virus spread wildly, the body of the ugly cow was directly knocked out, and the feet flickered quickly, and Alice appeared under the body of the ugly cow in an instant, with two terrifying powers of hurricane and frost attached to the double knives, and the wind and frost injury Take advantage of the trend.


The ugly cow didn't even snort, and an astonishing crack appeared on its neck immediately, and it died immediately!

huh... huh...

Panting violently, although the battle this time was not long, the danger in it was thrilling. Seeing that there were only [-] points of blood left, Lin Shuang smiled wryly in her heart. Fortunately, the two energy controllers killed It's too early, otherwise, maybe the two of us will be finished.

This time, I stepped into the opponent's trap, and the cooperation of the five guys was perfect, with almost no flaws. The power of the twelve zodiac signs is too strong. If it is a team of twelve people, two of them Even with the 30.00% defense bonus and life sharing effect of the Moon Sea Blue Ring, he would definitely die.

This is an extremely strong opponent. This time, Liangzi has been settled. It is estimated that there will be no less troubles in the future.

Looking at each other, seeing each other's embarrassed appearance, the two of them suddenly laughed like crazy.

The palms of your love were crossed between your legs, and even slapped on Lin Shuang's back continuously, venting the depression and excitement in your heart.After this life-and-death confrontation, the distance between the two has become a lot closer invisibly.

"Haha...haha, beauty, have you ever imagined that you would be in such a mess?" Lin Shuangxiao asked out of breath.

"No, never, I never thought that I would be so embarrassed... Haha... Look at you, your hair is covered with gray..."

"You are not the same..."

Both of them seemed to be crazy, it was a kind of madness after complete liberation!

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