Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 246 Naye

"Good guy, I really underestimated you before. I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. You are actually a voyeur?"

The slightly frivolous and disdainful voice of your love with your legs crossed makes Lin Shuang wish to dig a hole in the ground and get in. It's embarrassing. I didn't expect to be caught by this woman after a peep. Lin Shuang really wanted to explain that he was not a voyeur, but now that he was caught with stolen goods, it was almost like being caught in bed. Lin Shuang found that he had no words at all to explain everything in front of him.

It's just that if you cross your legs with your love, the lethality is far more than that. When Lin Shuang was full of shame, that beautiful girl was also blushing. The beautiful girl confirmed her thoughts in her heart, her innocent body had already been seen by this damned wretched pervert.

For a moment, the beautiful girl had murderous thoughts in her heart!

On the magic staff in his hand, the light flickered more and more fiercely, and the terrifying aura had spread wildly around. The amazing power was ready to be released. It was obviously a super powerful trick, and it was about to be displayed in the hands of the beautiful girl.


That was not the sound of a beautiful girl attacking.

In that split second, a violent change suddenly occurred in the sky above the head. A series of ferocious tentacles suddenly emerged from the stone wall of the cave above the head. Ten ferocious tentacles danced crazily. It opened its teeth and danced its claws, directly covering the top of the beautiful girl's head.

Caught off guard, the beautiful girl's complexion suddenly changed. There was a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. The situation suddenly became extremely dangerous.

Subconsciously, Lin Shuang instantly raised the spear in his hand, and with a bang, Barrett trembled violently. A long, long bullet shot out of the gun chamber instantly, and exploded directly on a tentacle with a bang. A hideous mist of blood filled the sky. .

The strong impact made the tentacle monster's body stagnate slowly.

It was this short effort that immediately allowed the beautiful girl to seize the opportunity, her nimble body was like a cunning rabbit, and she fled in an instant. Although she was a little surprised that Lin Shuang, a pervert, would save her, it was obvious that the beautiful girl had a lot of love for her in her heart. Lin Shuang, a pervert, was still not at ease. Although he escaped, he was still far away from Lin Shuang.

It seems that in this beautiful girl's heart, Lin Shuang's seal of being a pervert has been stamped on her, and she probably won't be able to change it in her lifetime.


A small injury appeared, Lin Shuang was startled, what's going on?How could this guy's defense be so terrifying?Even if it is a nine-star tentacle monster, he can cause more than a thousand points of damage in one blow, but on this monster, it can only cause more than 500 damage. Could it be that this guy is the king of tentacle monsters?


A beast-like roar spread out in the cave. The sound was completely different from the hiss of the tentacle monster before, and it was obviously more violent.

The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed. Although it was a little less than the previous collapse on the ground, this small cave obviously couldn't bear that kind of violent force. The stone wall above the entire cave collapsed instantly, and countless broken stones crashed The spring fell from above, and the originally clear spring water became turbid.

A huge figure appeared in front of everyone, the tentacle monster, it was still a tentacle monster, but the octopus-like body exuded endless ferocity, and there were even two blood-red monsters on the huge ball. The pupil, like a ghost, is frightening.

It was no longer possible to stay inside, the beautiful girl had no choice but to run out of the cave, and Lin Shuang, with your love crossed on both legs, squeezed into the narrow passage.

"What kind of monster is this?" Lin Shuang asked subconsciously.

"Ten-star tentacle monster, the number one killer under the king of tentacle monsters, can pass through walls, and can also use powerful skills such as any door, charm smoke, and light of fear. The powerful war machine created by the king of dead tentacle monsters has always been , I have been hunted down by ten-star tentacle monsters, but I didn’t expect to be chased here by him this time...” Now that the two sides are together, the beautiful girl hastily told the news she knew.

Ten-star tentacle monster: lord-level boss (the top life in the tentacle monster lair, a powerful fighting machine made by the king of tentacle monsters.)

Level: 35

hp: 299453/300000

Attack: 874-1257

Skills: Wall Walk, Dimension Door, Charm Smoke, Dread Ray, Deadly Coil

Sure enough, the ten-star tentacle monster, a powerful lord-level boss with a blood volume of 30, is the strongest monster that Lin Shuanghe has faced with your love, and the blood volume of more than 30 is enough Desperate.It is indeed the top fighting machine under the king of tentacle monsters.

The defense is even more terrifying. Barrett's attack can only cause more than 500 points of damage. HP, attack, defense, no matter what, it is enough to make people desperate!

Moreover, this is not the real king of tentacle monsters, it is just a machine made by the king of tentacle monsters, so how powerful is the real king of tentacle monsters?Simply unimaginable!

"Then you... who are you? How did you appear here?" At this moment, the love with your legs crossed suddenly asked.

Lin Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered, this beautiful girl is incompatible with the environment here, how could she appear here and be hunted down by the king of tentacle monsters?The king of tentacle monsters, what strength is that, a character who can kill a Decepticon, how could he come to chase and kill such a girl?Speaking of which, the identity of this girl is mysterious enough.

Hearing this question, a hint of arrogance flashed across the beautiful girl's face, and a cool voice sounded slowly: "I am the combat skill instructor of the Space-Time Administration Armed Forces Aviation Combat Skills Teaching Team, aviation magister—— Wei Naye!"

Nanoha?Space-time administration, aviation magister?


Immediately there was a roar in Lin Shuang's head, and it seemed like thunder was rolling in a trance, and a large number of crows screaming fools flew overhead.Look at your love with two legs crossed, and the expression is not that good, they all look like they have been thundered on the outside and tender on the inside.

Good guy, there was Resident Evil Alice before, which was enough to make Lin Shuang helpless, but I didn't expect that there would be another Nanoha now?

Nanoha?What role is that?That's a well-known character among magical girls!

A super-violent little lolita, although it seems that she is changing from a lolita to a sister Yu, but she is still full of goods. The golden staff in her hand, there is no doubt that it is Nai The super weapon in Ye's hand - the heart of the rising sun!

(A new generation of battle pets is about to appear, a well-known character in magical girls. Magical girl Nanoha... Hehe, friends who don't know can Baidu... Enen, a character that often appears in Japanese H manga, a brother who has not received education Sister, download the fast broadcast by yourself...囧)

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