Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 250 Level 7 Energy Cannon

The face of your love with two legs crossed has also become extremely weird, and even a little scared. Obviously, it is also thinking of some unsuitable images for children. . No way, this game shouldn't be so perverted, right?Didn't I inhale some charming smoke before, it doesn't seem to have that effect?

Although a little dizzy, although some feelings that should not have been born in my heart gradually grew, but I did not completely lose the strength to resist.

Could it be because those tentacle monsters are too low in level?Or is it now in the story mode that the effect of the enchanting smoke has been greatly improved?

"I warn you, it's best not to inhale those charming smoke, otherwise, I won't be able to save you!" Naye warned lightly.Immediately, the Heart of the Rising Sun in his hand was raised high again, his face was full of concentration, and the violent power gathered on the Heart of the Rising Sun again. It was obvious that Naye was already preparing for the next violent attack.

It seems that there is some fear in my heart. After crossing your legs and thinking about it for a while, a real cannon appeared. Although the energy cannon is only a special prop attached to the black iron level suit, or it can be said to be a skill, this ability is extremely powerful , especially with the addition of high-grade energy stones, the power that can be erupted is even stronger and more perverted.

This time, with your legs crossed, your love was even crazier. You took out a level [-] energy stone from your backpack and stuck it directly into the groove. The sound of the energy cannon spinning wildly appeared again. This kind of powerful force, the love with your legs crossed can't even control it, the energy cannon is trembling crazily in the hands of your love with your legs crossed, under the violent rotation, the fiery energy spreads wildly.

That kind of formidable power even made Naye next to him a little moved. The skills in his hands were prepared more and more quickly. Two seconds later, a pale energy shell landed in the void instantly, with a bang, directly It exploded on the body of the ten-star tentacle monster that was still destroying the wall. .

The next moment, the ten-star tentacle monster's body seemed to be completely numb, and its movements became extremely slow.


Naye has another powerful skill. Within three seconds, it can completely restrict the target's actions and cannot make any counterattacks. This skill can completely achieve a foolproof effect on ordinary monsters, but it can be used on ten-star tentacle monsters. , but the effect is greatly reduced.Although the movement of the tentacle monster was greatly restricted, the ten tentacles could still dance slowly.

But this is enough, under the seal, the ten-star tentacle monster can't resist Lin Shuang's sniper attack, let alone the energy cannon of love with two legs crossed!


Level [-] energy cannon!

Two equally powerful skills appeared almost at the same time!

puff puff!

After two strange sounds, there was a violent roar, and the energy cannon exploded on the body of the ten-star tentacle monster. The violent impact spread wildly along the entire passage, and it was too late to even look at myself. As a result of the battle, the figure of Alice, with your love crossed up on both legs, lay down on the ground almost at the same time.

Seeing that Naye was still staring stupidly at the astonishing fire wave that suddenly erupted in front of him, Lin Shuang cursed inwardly, grabbed Naye's arm, and pressed his whole strong body directly, with a bang, The light wings behind Naye shattered instantly, and Lin Shuang's petite body was directly pressed to the ground.

Naye blushed for a while, and was about to push Lin Shuang away.

"Don't move!" At this moment, a deep voice sounded, and immediately the whole head was completely covered, and the next moment, the roar like a stormy sea rose in the ears instantly, even though the body was completely covered by Lin Shuang , but Naye can still feel that violent energy.


The surroundings are constantly fluctuating violently, and the violent energy is spreading wildly around!

A full ten seconds passed, the tsunami-like power finally gradually disappeared, Naye finally felt that he could breathe, a light appeared in front of his eyes, and Lin Shuang's body also crawled off Naye's body Wake up, when Naye straightened his uniform and raised his head, the scene he saw made Naye's eyes widen.

Although the original passage was narrow and dilapidated, at least it still looked like a passage, but now, the original passage has disappeared without a trace, and what remains is only an extremely dilapidated dilapidated cave full of broken walls, almost Everything has completely disappeared, the surrounding walls are full of hideous scratches, and there are scorched marks everywhere, the entire cave has changed greatly, and even the surrounding space seems to have become slightly wider some.

The terrifying energy cannon has such amazing power.

Looking at the ten-star tentacle monster, it became even more sluggish. It was obvious that under the attack of the energy cannon, it suffered extremely serious trauma. Three of the remaining eight tentacles broke directly, and three more cokes appeared on the ground. .As for the blood volume of the tentacle monster, it dropped by about one-fifth in an instant, with a terrifying damage of more than [-] points. Mechanical life has a strong resistance to physical damage, but the energy system, especially the energy of the flame system Magic attacks can cause extremely serious trauma to mechanical life forms.

Coupled with the previously lost blood volume, the ten-star tentacle monster's blood volume has lost nearly [-] points of blood volume, and the long blood bar has dropped by about one-third. The power is really too powerful, but behind this powerful power, the loss is not small. Now the price of a seventh-level power stone is at least [-]. Just this one, it will be gone immediately.


Just when everyone was amazed by everything in front of them, a buzzing sound suddenly appeared, and a large piece of golden light exploded directly from the body of the ten-star tentacle monster, and the terrifying light swept across. Illuminated by light.

Light of Fear!

After suffering heavy damage, the ten-star tentacle monster immediately launched a counterattack, and the light of fear swayed out.

Under the invasion of that kind of fear light, two legs crossed your love, Lin Shuang and Naye's faces changed wildly, full of fear, the body was out of control, and they were dizzy on the ground. Running around, only Alice was affected by the t-virus, and the light of fear was completely ineffective on Alice.

The light of fear makes the enemy fall into a state of fear within six seconds, making them unable to make normal actions within a short period of time!

The powerful skill has already taken effect, and even Naye is caught off guard by the effect of the light of fear, and the situation suddenly becomes extremely strange and dangerous!

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