Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 253 Chapter Points of Life and Death

Following the sound of the system prompt, the ten-star tentacle monster finally declared dead, and the huge experience value was added, and Alice's level was directly raised to level 20.00. In the state of intimacy, Alice can not only get physical It is half of the experience value attribute of the battle pet itself, and it can also get an additional [-]% experience bonus. In this way, the experience value that can be obtained is even more terrifying. .

After the level is raised, a dazzling white light appears on Alice's body. The bright white light is full of holy breath. Evolution, every tenth level, the battle pet will undergo an evolution. This is just the most common evolution. Every battle pet will experience, after evolution, the strength of the battle pet will be partially improved and become stronger.

Now, Alice has started her third evolution, and Alice's level has reached level [-]!

The holy white light enveloped Alice, making this British girl in a blood-red cloak look more like a holy goddess, her face full of compassion.

The light became hotter and hotter, the dazzling light even alarmed the two of you, Nai Ye, who still had two legs crossed over your love. No one paid any attention to the trophies dropped by the ten-star tentacle monster, and turned their attention to Ai Li one by one. Silk, the eyes are full of strangeness, in Naye's eyes, there is even some fear, or it can be said, admiration!

Nanoha, as a powerful npc, naturally knows some things that players don't know. What Alice is doing now is not evolution, but advancement!Although there is only one word difference, the difference is the difference between heaven and earth. Evolution is just to improve the basic attributes, and the strength will not get a special increase. .

However, advanced is different!

Advanced, that is to improve one's own rank, just like the last time Alice took the t-virus, although it was only half a star advanced, but Alice's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, not only comprehending the powerful The skill t virus energy wave, and various basic attributes have also been greatly improved, and its strength is much stronger than that of the seven-star period, that is, the power of advanced stages.

Generally speaking, when advancing, you will only advance when you get special props, and such props need to have a close relationship with the battle pet, such as the previous t-virus.The current Alice doesn't have any props for evolution around her, but Alice brazenly initiates the evolution.

In fact, players don't know that each battle pet has a choice when it reaches level ten, to advance or evolve.Generally speaking, the evolution is 100% successful, but the strength of the battle pet does not increase much, and the advancement is almost 100% failed, unless you have special props, but once the advancement is successful, the strength of the battle pet will undergo earth-shaking changes .

Because of this danger, almost all pets will choose evolution instead of advancement when choosing, the more advanced the pet, the more so, because the more advanced the more so, because advanced pets are advanced The probability of failure is too great, and once it fails, the battle pet will disappear!Players don't know this, but all battle pets know it clearly!

This time, Alice was stimulated by Lin Shuang's injury, so when choosing, she chose advanced.This is an action full of dangers, but Alice has no fear, she wants to seek a more powerful force to protect her life master!

There was even an indifferent smile on her face, looking at the master below who was still in pain, Alice hoped so much that she had the ability to heal that pain and relieve that pain...

The increase in level made Alice's wounds fully healed. On the broken clothes, a large piece of white skin was exposed, and no scars could be seen. Her injuries had recovered, but the master was still immersed in pain. Let yourself share the pain, and Alice will feel much more comfortable!

The light quickly reached a peak and is dissipating quickly... But Alice's strength improvement is far from reaching the advanced standard. Now she is a seven-and-a-half-star battle pet. If she wants to advance, then It is an eight-star battle pet. The more advanced the battle pet, the more difficult it is to advance. Sometimes, things will not change in the slightest according to one's perseverance.

"Hurry up, if you have a power stone on your body, throw it out immediately. She lacks energy, and the step-up will fail. Once the step-up fails, Alice will disappear!" Nanoha beside her said in a deep voice.

This sentence immediately surprised your love with two legs crossed, and even Lin Shuang who was lying on the ground. This is news they never knew. They didn't know at all that evolution would still fail. Want to disappear?

"This is not evolution, this is advancement. If the advancement is successful, Alice will become an eight-star pet. If it fails, Alice will disappear..." Naye said in a deep voice.

Don't dare to be negligent, put your legs crossed and quickly throw out all the energy stones in the backpack, no matter whether it is a first-level energy stone or the most advanced seventh-level energy stone, there is no one left, all of them are thrown away Go out, the energy stones originally reserved, plus the recent harvest, the energy stones on your love with two legs crossed, reached an extremely terrifying amount, the amount of three-level energy stones alone exceeds 1000 yuan, There are also more than 500 yuan for the fourth-level energy stones, more than 100 yuan for the fifth-level energy stones, dozens of sixth-level energy stones, and four left for the seventh-level energy stones!

The value of these energy stones is definitely more than 200 million in total, but your love with two legs crossed does not feel the slightest distress. If it weren't for Alice just now, the love with two legs crossed knows that I will never survive go down.The grace of a drop of water is reciprocated by a spring, let alone the grace of saving a life?

With the collection of more than [-] huge energy stones, the light that was about to dissipate suddenly rose sharply, and the light in an instant made the originally dark cave as bright as day.Originally, the slightly painful expression on Alice's face gradually eased.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Naye was a little confused. She didn't know why Alice made this choice that was likely to lose her life?Could it be that everything is because of that pervert who is still lying on the ground with a panicked face?Naye didn't understand what kind of power could make Alice risk her own life to make such an astonishing choice.

She, don't understand, she, don't understand, only confused!

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