Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 263 Deadly Attack

(Very sorry, brothers and sisters, Xiaoqi apologizes here, because I have to go to the hospital this morning, so I don’t have time to pass on the book, the automatic update I set up yesterday, I didn’t expect it to end like this, and now I finally recovered, I hope you brothers will forgive me...)

Slash inversely!

The ferocious blade tore through again, and with a snort, a ball of dazzling sparks exploded on one of the ten-star tentacle monster's tentacles, like a chainsaw. The sound was extremely harsh and unpleasant. The blade was torn off, and hideous bloodstains exploded on the sturdy tentacles.

That kind of horrific scene made people shudder. Lin Shuang and your love with their legs crossed involuntarily stopped, looking at the astonishing scene in front of them.

A tiny bit, a tiny bit!

The crack became deeper and deeper, and finally with a snort, a tentacle broke off from the sky in an instant, and the tentacle lost its root, and kept beating on the ground.


Lost a tentacle, blood flowed horizontally at the cut, and the severe pain made the ten-star tentacle monster's body twitch into a ball.Alice twisted her body in mid-air, another blade slashed down wildly, and a tentacle that was attacking Alice was instantly sent flying, and a hideous crack almost cut off the tentacle directly.

Looking at each other, you can see the excitement in each other's eyes. Alice's strength is too strong. Although I have known that Alice's strength has been improved, it is extremely powerful, but neither of them have thought that Alice's strength can be so strong. At this level, even the tentacles of the ten-star tentacle monster, which was as solid as a diamond before, can be cut off by Alice with one move.

Both of them have already seen the hope of victory, and this time, they may not need to ask for Naye's help. . Their team may also have enough strength to wipe out the ten-star tentacle monster!

Excited and eager to fight, Lin Shuang directly lifted the huge gun body in his hand, and under the scope, the body of the ten-star tentacle monster was clearly visible.But this time, Lin Shuang's target was not the center of weakness, but the tentacles flying all over the sky.

Clang!The blade slammed on a tentacle that was slashing over. With the power of the ten-star tentacle monster, Alice's body flew back upside down. With a bang, her body landed on the ground and knelt on one knee. Countless men raised their fearful eyes, and the madness in their eyes was frightening.

Alice's strength is far from her own strength, but more from her absolutely resolute character.

With a cry, Alice's body rushed up again, and the Frostwind Soul directly blocked the five tentacles flying all over the sky. With the flickering of the blade, the five tentacles were still unable to complete the deadly entanglement.The other four tentacles are blocked by your love with two legs crossed. Although they cannot last for a long time, they are enough.

Tentacles flickered rapidly under the scope, but Lin Shuang never pulled the trigger. Lin Shuang was looking for the best attack target, and finally a touch of blood red flashed in front of Lin Shuang's eyes. The bullet spewed out instantly.


Amidst the violent roar, a tentacle was raised high like a long whip, and blood spurted from the broken wound. With one blow, one tentacle was directly broken by Barrett's terrifying attack power.Originally, Lin Shuang's attack could not have caused such an astonishing effect, but Alice had already cut a crack in that tentacle, and this crack was enough for Lin Shuang to break it with one shot.

The second tentacle broke!

After losing the two tentacles, the strength of the ten-star tentacle monster suddenly dropped significantly.Moreover, the threat to your love with two legs crossed is reduced a lot. The remaining three tentacles are enough for your love with two legs crossed.

"Energy cannon!" Lin Shuang roared angrily after one shot.

Hearing this sound, the two legs crossed the starlight sword in your beloved hand and immediately brought up a large cloud of thunder and lightning, and a thunderbolt appeared instantly. Under the crackling sound, the body of the ten-star tentacle monster suddenly paused for a short time, that is Taking advantage of this time, put your legs crossed and immediately throw out the energy cannon in the backpack.

Lin Shuang took the energy cannon with both hands, and a six-level energy stone that had just been shot immediately stuck into the groove.


Cross your legs, your love and Alice. Hearing this sound, you immediately pulled up all your strength to push back the tentacles of the ten-star tentacle monster, quickly turned your body around, and flew out.The two of them were less than ten meters away when the ten crazily dancing tentacles, like giant pythons, immediately entangled from behind.


The barrel rotated violently, and with a violent roar, an energy shell was quickly ejected from the barrel, and the next moment, the terrifying flames immediately surrounded the ten-star tentacle monsters, and the huge body could not withstand the bombardment of the energy cannon , the body suddenly backed up one after another.

Under the burning flames, the ten-star tentacle monster roared crazily, and its body struggled crazily in the flames, but it couldn't avoid the severe pain.Although the sixth-level energy cannon is not as powerful as the seventh-level energy cannon, the power it explodes is also unbearable for the ten-star tentacle monster.

Under the violent shock, there was a large cloud of dust on his head.

A full six seconds passed before the three figures climbed up from the ground. Looking at the ten-star tentacle monster in front of them, it was already covered in large areas of scorched black, with cuts and bruises all over its body, and its blood volume was within six seconds. A sharp reduction of [-]!Energy damage is enough to kill ten-star tentacle monsters. If there is another energy controller now, it will be almost a piece of cake to eliminate ten-star tentacle monsters.

But now, the ten-star tentacle monster's situation has become extremely difficult, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and bullets spewing out of the gun chamber in an instant!At this time, the ten-star tentacle monster hadn't reacted at all, and it was a good time to attack.

Each bullet can cause thousands of points of damage, and the blood volume of the ten-star tentacle monster is rapidly decreasing.

With your legs crossed, your love did not participate in the battle, but instead retreated one after another, until it was level with Lin Shuang, and then slowly stopped.

Sure enough, after the ten-star tentacle monster reacted, a large piece of golden light immediately shrouded it. If the two of them hadn't escaped quickly, they might have been shrouded in the light of fear.But now, because of the preparation in advance, leave the range of the light of fear, and avoid the situation like a headless chicken again.

As for Alice, she charged forward against a large golden light. The light of fear has a fatal effect on ordinary players, but to Alice, it is completely ineffective. , With a snort, the third tentacle snapped instantly.

Under the burning of the flames, the ten-star tentacle monster's tentacles were no longer as strong as before, and they snapped off under the sharp blade of the Frostwind Soul.

Slash inversely!

Powerful skills appeared again, and the bright blade formed a blade curtain, covering it.Under the crackling sound, three more tentacles broke directly.

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