Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 287 Escape from birth

There are many battle pets and they are strong, but each of these battle pets is a big player who eats experience. Alice ate half of Lin Shuang's experience points, and now there are three more big players who eat experience. It takes five times as much effort on his own to catch up with the upgrade speed of other players who don't have battle pets. Whenever he thinks of this, Lin Shuang's forehead is immediately filled with black lines. .

***, greed is not enough, now even Lin Shuang feels that he is a little greedy, with such two super powerful battle pets, he is still talking about it, if other people know about it, he will not scold him to death own up.

Any one of these war pets is enough to make people crazy if they are taken out. Only I am still here, babbling, not knowing what is good or bad.

Your love with your legs crossed is full of helplessness, beautiful things have common damage to both men and women, your love with your legs crossed, I want my pet to be as perfect as Naye, but look Look at the ugly king of tentacle monsters beside me, with his legs crossed, your love will be so angry, if it weren't for this guy, who would be so shameless to rely on him, maybe he would also be able to get a magic spell Girl, but now, these beautiful magical girls are all cheaper than that dead pervert.

But forget it, the king of tentacle monsters is an eight-star battle pet after all, and vaguely, the combat power is still higher than Naye, and your love can bear with your legs crossed. If this battle pet is cultivated, The combat power is absolutely powerful, not comparable to that of ordinary battle pets. The hiding and any door skills alone are enough to make the enemy frightened.

It's just that this guy is not loyal enough, and he might betray at any time, which is quite uncomfortable. If the intimacy is lower than [-], he may defect at any time. Now the intimacy is only ten points. It seems that I have to hurry up and think of a way to teach him a lesson. Take a look at the king of tentacle monsters, save this guy who wants to defect at any time. .

Everything is finally over. Naye, Vita, and Signor have become Lin Shuang's battle pet and guardian knight. As for the king of tentacle monsters, he has also become your love's battle pet with his legs crossed. It was a great reunion, an ending that no one could have imagined.

However, the situation still appears to be dangerous.

After losing the support of the tentacle king's countless tentacles, the entire underground palace suddenly fell into violent tremors, and it seemed that it might collapse completely at any time. Violent fluctuations began to appear, and smoke and dust rose everywhere, and ashes disappeared everywhere. Huge clods of soil fell from the sky overhead, as if they wanted to completely destroy everything.

The entire underground palace is about to collapse!

Two legs crossed your love, and Lin Shuang couldn't help showing a trace of fear on his face, damn it, I still don't know how to leave now, if the underground palace really collapses, the two of us will definitely be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks, being caught Buried here alive, although it seems very romantic, but they don't want to die, do they?

At this moment, a ray of light diffused from Lin Shuang's body, and a shrunken version of Nanoha appeared, like an elf, with a pair of translucent light wings flashing behind the body, flickering constantly , the body is only less than one foot long, but you can still see that natural beauty, although the face has shrunk, but the thrilling beauty has never changed in the slightest.

"Hurry up, there is an altar in the deepest part of the Tentacle King's lair. If you can leave here, the underground palace is about to collapse!" Naye said quickly, her body became smaller, and even her voice seemed to become much softer, that tenderness The sound made people's ears go soft.

Lin Shuang, cross your legs and don't dare to neglect your love, quickly took Naye with you, and Alice quickly fled towards the deepest part of the cave.


Huge boulders fell from the sky, and the collapse of the underground palace has already appeared. Huge boulders fell from the sky, and the whole ground trembled violently. Deep pits appeared on the ground, and there was a mess everywhere.

The destructive energy is chilling, with your love and Lin Shuang crossed up on two legs, running away from the boulder that fell from the top of the head, and quickly fled to the rear.

"Be careful!" Mu Ranjian Lin Shuang's heart trembled, subconsciously shouted in his mouth, a pair of sore, numb and tired legs, within a short period of time, he didn't know where he got the strength, his legs suddenly bent up, and fell down. At a moment, the body suddenly sprang out, with both hands directly wrapped around the legs and curled up your love's slender waist, the two of them rolled towards the front like gourds rolling on the ground.


The moment the figures of the two left the spot, a huge boulder the size of a millstone was smashed down, and the place where they were standing just now was already in a mess, and the air waves stirred up a large cloud of smoke and dust.

Looking at that terrifying scene, your legs crossed and your love trembled for a while. In a trance, you could even clearly feel the horrible feeling of the boulder rubbing against your side and falling down just now.

"Let's go!" Seeing your love with two legs crossed up and still stunned in place, Lin Shuang pulled up two legs with your love crossed up and walked towards the front. After all, is it a woman who is facing this kind of situation? When the world is collapsing with destructive energy, after all, it lacks a sense of stability.

A few seconds later, a mysterious magic circle appeared in front of the two of them, and within a fraction of the time, a large-scale collapse appeared in the distance, and the feet of your love, with their legs crossed, finally appeared on the altar. As the bright light flickered for a while, the figures of the two disappeared in the dark underground palace in an instant.

When the two opened their eyes again, they had already appeared at the resurrection point of the 5173 base.

Finally escaped from birth, looking at the surrounding scenes, the two of them actually had a feeling of another day.

Some greedily breathed in the fresh air around, Lin Shuang was even already fascinated.

However, with your legs crossed, your love obviously considered more things, looked at Lin Shuang and said in a deep voice: "Hey, remember our previous agreement, you can't disclose our relationship until I fully agree, you Don't ask me where I am in reality, I will tell you when I think the time is right, must you keep it secret?"

"Don't worry, I know, I will definitely satisfy you in the shortest possible time, and you are destined to be unable to escape in this life!" Lin Shuang said with a smile, with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Damn, I don't have time to mess with you, I have to deal with the gang affairs quickly!" Your love with two legs crossed is already full of anxiety, and the trend of the development of things has completely exceeded the two legs crossed. The anticipation of your love, now I only hope that I can turn the tide and restore my reputation of being charming and confusing.

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