Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 296 What do you have?

"Hey, what are you? Do you know who I am? I am the nephew of the old director of the Golden Lion Group in City H. My father is in the City Hall of H..." Liu Jincan opened his mouth wide and said blah blah blah. Datong, to the effect that my father is some kind of official in the city, my uncle is also the old director of a super awesome company, and my grandfather is also some kind of awesome person. .

A series of titles were reported. This is the common opening line for these playboys to deal with each other and get to know each other. Usually, they first introduce their own family background. If the other party is better, then be honest. If you want to, then you should be a little arrogant, which has almost become a common practice among members of the nobility.

It's just... Lin Shuang digs his ears helplessly, good guy, this guy really remembers such a long conversation, his memory is really good, but what does this have to do with him?

Staring innocently and suspiciously at the person in front of him, Lin Shuang was full of doubts: "Excuse me, what does this have to do with me?"

Puchi... Seeing Liu Jincan's face turn purple, the two [-]s laughed without showing any face, haha, this was a wink for the blind man, who didn't understand the hidden meaning at all.

Perhaps, it's not that Lin Shuang doesn't understand, but he's just too lazy to understand.

Staring at Liu Jincan, who was a little bit annoyed and angry, Lin Shuang suddenly asked softly: "What you said is nothing more than your father, your grandfather, your uncle, your mother...I admit, your family The members are very talented, but what does this have to do with you, what great things have you done?"


This time, not only Liu Jincan, but also Lin Ruonan and Liu Shengnan were stunned. They have seen people bowing their knees and pretending to be disdainful under such circumstances, but this is the first time they have heard this kind of rhetorical question, you What have you done?Yes, what you said is what your elders did, but no matter what your elders are, it is always your elders' business, what does it have to do with you?

It was this sentence that immediately made Liu Shengnan and Lin Ruonan look at Cheng Zi's new boyfriend with admiration, and there was a hint of admiration in their eyes. There is no such kind of groveling, let alone the kind of pretentious elegance and disdain, but there is a kind of aloofness on the body that would rather die than admit defeat.

Liu Jincan was also slightly taken aback, and opened his mouth: "My father, he is..."

"I didn't ask your father, I asked you, what have you done?" Lin Shuang emphasized again.

Liu Jincan's face became more and more red, and he muttered, not knowing what to say. Lin Shuangqing asked a question like a giant hammer, hitting Liu Jincan's chest, yes, I did it myself What?My parents both work in the government, my uncle also owns a big company, and my grandparents are all well-known people in City H, but what do I have?

At this time, Liu Jincan suddenly discovered that the doting eyes that his parents looked at him before actually contained a kind of helpless sadness. When looking at himself, there is also a kind of contempt.

The two completely different eyes circled back and forth in Liu Jincan's heart, and finally caused Liu Jincan's heart to feel like a needle prick. Only now did Liu Jincan realize that apart from the achievements of his so-called relatives, he basically had nothing. If he hadn't been born in a good family Inside, I can't even compare to those at the bottom, who have achieved nothing in their studies and careers.Suddenly Liu Jincan found helplessly that he was a complete loser.

That's right, I am a complete loser. Under the questioning of the person in front of me, I am actually speechless, unable to find any words to refute the other party's question.Could it be that eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and smoking?Haha, that's right, maybe that was what I was best at before.

"Damn it, what kind of a kid are you? How dare you say that to Brother Jin? Damn it, I have to teach you a lesson today." Seeing Liu Jincan slumped, the gangsters behind him seemed to want to show their loyalty , One by one rolled up their sleeves and rushed forward.

Seeing this kind of thing, the two [-]s couldn't help but worry again. This group of people are all members of the school sports team, and they usually don't know anything else, but fighting is definitely a very common thing.Such a frail scholar, how could he be the opponent of this group of people, he would probably be beaten to death.The two Sanba even took out their mobile phones and called the police.

But the two soon discovered that Cheng Zi was smiling and not worried at all.

Yeah, what's there to worry about?Bingcheng knows that Lin Shuang is not a frail scholar, he is the rookie king of a high-level military academy, if it is not because of some things, I am afraid that he has become a new star in the police circle, how can this kind of person not be a few punks opponent?

Seeing the group of people rushing up, Lin Shuang didn't move, but put one hand behind her back to protect the rose in her hand, so as not to be ruined by these guys who spoiled the scenery.

But before Lin Shuang could make a move, a thin figure jumped out suddenly, carrying a baseball bat in his hand. God knows where this guy got it from, isn't it just Xiao Qi.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, shit, I like to teach idiots the most, I hope Gemini won't blame me for stealing his limelight.There are still messy thoughts in his mind, but Xiaoqi is not slow in his actions, even quite vicious. After six years in that key prison, even an honest person will become full of viciousness.

The people who come out of it are far from being comparable to those who hang out in the school. Usually they just bully their classmates because of the large number of people. They even rarely see blood. When have you seen such a person? Someone who doesn't want to die?He came out with a baseball bat on his shoulders. Damn, he didn't want his life, not his life, but his own life.

"Fuck you, you rubbish, you dare to trouble me and brothers, don't you want to live?" Xiao Qi cursed rather arrogantly, that kind of appearance looks like a bastard, but the attack is extremely vicious, The baseball bat slammed down unceremoniously.



The two voices rang out almost at the same time, and the baseball bat immediately had a close contact with a punk.

At that moment, the three of Liu Jincan, Liu Shengnan, and Lin Ruonan trembled involuntarily. The slight clicking sound and the shrill scream could be heard clearly. At that moment, it should...should be painful, right?

The baseball bat was already stained with a puddle of blood, and at the same time, strands of blood seemed to be gurgling down the unlucky guy's head desperately.

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