Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 412 Won't You Change One Move?

On the other hand, Lin Shuang's situation was also quite smooth. Under the sniper guns, the commanders died directly one by one. Lin Shuang's strikes are even more ruthless, and he will never hold back at all. Even if the front guards line up in a neat formation, they can't avoid Lin Shuang's bullets. The narrow distance between the two players has already Enough for Lin Shuang to launch a deadly sneak attack.

This is the scary thing about snipers!

As for those guards, it's not that Lin Shuang can't kill them, but he's too lazy to kill them. These guards have high blood and thick blood, and many of them need two bullets to solve them. Lin Shuang is too lazy to waste his precious bullets.Therefore, the attack was completely aimed at the other players behind who could not block his attack. Every bullet could directly take away a fresh life.

At the same time, Lin Shuang had also entered the opponent's attack range, and the bullets from the sniper rifle exploded directly around him.It's just a pity that these attacks, affected by the wind and yellow sand, couldn't cause the slightest damage to Lin Shuang.

"The master is here, how is the situation over there?" Liuli's voice came from the team chat.

"So-so, killed one hundred and seven... How about you?"

"84! But there are a few masters, it's a little troublesome! The result is almost the same, do you want to withdraw?"

"Okay, wait for me to make a big one at the end!" Lin Shuang smiled, and continued to lie on the ground. In this direction, there is no such powerful sniper, so Lin Shuang's attack has never been With effective interference, the results of the battle are getting bigger and bigger.Even the ambition in Lin Shuang's heart became more and more inflated, and his eyes were fixed on the golden and silver mixed figure in the distance.

Hehe, that's an old friend, and the blood was spattered.Long time no see, this fat face is still annoying. .

"Huh..." There were still three bullets in the magazine, enough to send blood to the west.

"Armor fragmentation! Deadly sniper!"

Under the gloomy voice, a bullet shot out directly, shuttled through the narrow distance between the bodies of several armored soldiers, and quickly appeared in front of Xueshuisanzhang.

At the moment when the bullet was aimed at the body, the blood splashed three feet and keenly sensed the danger, and the body immediately shifted away, but the movement was still too slow, the bullet speed of the Soul Breaker Knight was too terrifying, there was not much chance to dodge , The bullet exploded directly on the blood-spattered shoulder.

With a slap, even the gold-level armor of an armored warrior is unbearable under the effects of armor-piercing bullets, deadly sniper shots, and armor-piercing bullets. With a muffled groan, the body immediately retreated again and again. , a small hole appeared directly, and the surrounding area was still exuding fiery energy. The shoulder was covered with blood, and the bullet directly penetrated the blood-spattered shoulder.


A number of more than 3000 appeared!It is worthy of being an advanced guard. Although the defense is not as good as Qifeng and the old cat, it is also quite good. The Soul Breaker Knight, combined with the armor-piercing bullets and armor-piercing bullets, although there is no critical hit number, it only caused more than 3000 points of damage. It still shows the strength of the defense with blood splashing three feet.

What's even more abnormal is that under this bullet, the amount of blood splashed three feet has only been reduced by about one-third. This guy's blood volume is likely to have exceeded [-], and he is a difficult opponent.

But it may be that he was terrified by Lin Shuang's sneak attack before. This guy actually didn't use his body skills and charged forward. Behind the team, dare not appear at all.Trying to rely on the body of the player in front of him to resist Lin Shuang's fatal attack for himself.

However, how can these scattered players resist Lin Shuang's offensive?

Two bullets left?enough!

With a sneer, under the scope, there was a short interval between the four armored soldiers standing in front of the blood-spattered three feet, and such a short time was enough.Lin Shuang pulled the trigger instantly, and a bullet shot out directly, with a bang, making the situation worse.

The bullet exploded over the shoulder again.


In the same position, the injury this time was obviously more terrifying than the first time. Nearly [-] blood volume was lost, and the blood volume that caused the blood to splatter three feet was completely less than one-third.

Who is this guy?Blood spattered three feet full of fear, the previous scene seemed to appear again, damn it, I have never encountered such a powerful sniper, even my personal bodyguard, compared with this guy, is completely It's a piece of cake.

It's too strong, even if there is only a distance of two centimeters, this guy can accurately grab it, and then there will be an extra scar on his body immediately.

"Hurry up, stop that guy, hurry up!" Under the fear in his heart, blood spattered three feet and hissed.

One by one, the guards are dissatisfied, damn, you are the boss, when you are fighting, you are not commanding the battle, nor are you charging into the battle, but you hide behind me, and you have the nerve to yell?Nima, the face of the gang leader has completely disgraced you.

But after all, the other party is the boss, although he was dissatisfied, but one by one, he still stood in front of the blood spattered three feet, strictly, without the slightest omission, in front of the blood spattered three feet, almost formed a steel barrier, All possible attacks are completely blocked by the players in front.

"Damn, this time, I really want to see, what else can you do?" After adding a steel barrier in front of him, the sense of security was overwhelmed with blood spattering, and he was not without complacency.


At this time, a strange voice suddenly appeared, and the blood spattered three feet for a moment, and he turned around involuntarily to look, and there was a hideous bullet mark in front of him, with a kind of arc, which was flying towards his head. The lasing came over.

"Damn it, it's another move!" Xueshui Sanzhang yelled in his heart.

The next moment, the watermelon burst!

Blood splattered three feet, death!

It's this trick again, arc shooting!

The blood splashed three feet in the past died under this trick, but after such a long time, the strength of both sides has made great progress, but what makes the blood splashed three feet sad and angry is that he was once again here With one move, he died.

The main reason was that Lin Shuang's attack was so sharp that it could penetrate even narrow gaps, causing the blood to splatter three feet, and it was impossible to consider attacks from other directions besides the front.As a result, it was shot again by the arc.

Sad guy.

Although he had already died, his blood-splattered soul seemed to be able to faintly feel a strange pain in his balls!

If you're a fairy, wouldn't you fucking change your tricks?

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